Attendees @ MJs Funeral [ALL THREADS MERGED] - Keep all related Here

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Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

That would be interesting if Michael Moore was there. I always thought he should make
a documentary of the accusations about MJ, he is good at exposing things. I am surprised at who people know.

I would love for him to do a doc on Michael telling the truth and expose the lies the kids and families told and the media... that guy takes such risks taking on the government, pharmaceutical companies... why not cover MJ and release the truth on how badly Michael was treated.
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

EDIT: Uhm posted in the wrong thread
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Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I'm really surprised that Diana Ross didn't come
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

hhmm...Was i surprised to see Rowe at the burial...IMHO.....yes..there were a few people there that I was surprised to see.....Like Mr AEG himself.....Kenny Ortega....and that is all I an say on this subject..its all just to muh for me right now

I understand your feelings.

I respect your post and Thank You for it.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I'm really surprised that Diana Ross didn't come

I saw a report this morning saying she was there, she showed up with the family and was able to keep a low profile like Lisa. They were talking about how they found it surprising that Diana showed up with the family but not Elizabeth Taylor.
I made a list of celebrities and people of interest that I saw during the live feed and who were reported to be there by CNN and TVGN as I was watching last night.

Liz Taylor
Macaulay Culkin (w/Mila Kunis)
Chris Tucker
Teddy Riley
Kenny Ortega
Randy Phillips
Leonard Rowe
Al Sharpton
Berry Gordy
Suzanne de Passe
Thomas Mesereau
Barry Gibb
Gladys Knight
Lisa Raye
Tatiana Thumbtzen
Rodney Jerkins
Brian Oxman
Barry Bonds
Clifton Davis
Lisa Marie Presley
Miko Brando
Corey Feldman
Diana Ross??? (TV Guide network said that she rode to the funeral w/ the Jackson family. But no confirmation that she was there yet.)
Quincy Jones
Stevie Wonder
Larry King

I THOUGHT that was Marcia Clark, but didn't think it was her because she had no connection to Michael. But she was sitting next to Michael's legal team of T-Mez and Susan Yu. Maybe one of their guests?!?!

I am just happy that Liz, Macaulay, Lisa Marie and Quincy were there to pay their respects and final goodbyes to Michael. Those were very important people in Michael's life.

I was also taken aback by Randy Phillips being there.
if mark lester had kept his trap shut, he would've probably be seeing the kids right now, haha too bad on him. im glad he showed his true colors before michaels funeral
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I know Corey fell out with MJ after 9/11 happened, which was after 30th anniversary show. Corey complaint he was left to find his own way out of New York or something. Don't think anyone really knows for sure what happened.

It would seem they both got over it and healed the friendship. Also Corey took to the stand for MJ in trial.

Thank-you for answering my question.

So it appears that there was no basis for Corey NOT attending the funeral, if him and Michael had mended bridges as such.
I'm glad some of these people showed up like Liz, Mac and Diana. Me and some friends have been discussing this alot. I'm not going to lie to anyone i was very upset with them out of ALL. Had Michael Jackson been close to me only death could have kept me from it. I've only been to Mj concerts and other things over the years and i was crying cause i couldn't get a ticket to the memmorial because of greedy non fans.
I read on a blog that Lisa Raye was a dancer in the Remember the Time video so that's why she was there possibly
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Thank-you for answering my question.

So it appears that there was no basis for Corey NOT attending the funeral, if him and Michael had mended bridges as such.

Feldman gave an interview to Bashit during the trial and said some sh!tty things about Michael "I started looking at each piece of information, and with that came this sickening realization that there have been many occurrences in my life and in my relationship to Michael that have created a question of doubt." This child -- if he's telling the truth -- and the other children like him -- if they're telling the truth -- they're small voices, they're weak voices,"
oh yeah, really great friend

Frank Dileo.... was NOT there - yet he goes on about caring for Michael and being friends... hmm that man is full of ish I think...

maybe he wasn't invited
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Anybody have any thoughts or opinion's on this.

I've always believed he was telling us the truth. I was surprised to see him on Larry King Live before the Burial. He said Michael invited him in 2007 to come down to Florida and see him and he came. They talked about how Michael felt hollywood had abandoned him. He appeared on LKL with another gentleman, I think he is Tito's manager, cant remember the name. Larry asked him about a book. The man admitted he would be writting a book about Michael.

For those who were attacking Leonard Rowe, does the fact that he was an invited guest at our MIchael's burial, change your perception of him in anyway?

Its perfectly fine if your answer is "no".

I dont know what I feel or think to be honest, only because like you I was also shocked to see Phillips from AEG there. Since you had to show an invitation to get in, Im thinking he must have had a personal invite, so then seeing Rowe there too, I just got all confused and just decided at that point to turn my brain off and take a breath and ponder about it later. I havent turned my brain back on yet, so Im still on pause. I know that doesnt answer your question, but its all I got at the moment.
Thanks Choo Choo, your answer was fine.

Thanks to the fans that cleared up the Corey Feldman matter. Maybe now it will be understood more clearly for some.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Anybody have any thoughts or opinion's on this.

I've always believed he was telling us the truth. I was surprised to see him on Larry King Live before the Burial. He said Michael invited him in 2007 to come down to Florida and see him and he came. They talked about how Michael felt hollywood had abandoned him. He appeared on LKL with another gentleman, I think he is Tito's manager, cant remember the name. Larry asked him about a book. The man admitted he would be writting a book about Michael.

For those who were attacking Leonard Rowe, does the fact that he was an invited guest at our MIchael's burial, change your perception of him in anyway?

Its perfectly fine if your answer is "no".

No because Michael didn't invite him it seems more like Jermaine invited him. Also I am curious as to why the family would invite people who really wasn't with Michael through his most darkest days. I can understand Al and Chris being there but some of the rest nope.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

:agree:For those of you who are speculating about Tatiana and Mike, Michael dated her briefly after the video was finished and Joe broke them up because he thought it would hurt Mike's career if his fans thought he had a girlfriend. I think they were getting too serious and Joe didn't like it and saw her as a threat somehow.

I thought it was Frank that put his foot down and if that were the case why didn't mike at least talk to her when she came to his trailer? I think it is more to the story then we know but I know when Mike was through with you he was through with you LOL.
Yes, she was the pretty braided dancer that they kept doing close ups.

Oh I didn't know Lisa Raye was a dancer. I believe the girl you are speaking about is a dancer as she was a dancer in Janet Jackson's video That's the way love goes. I believe Lisa maybe a friend of the family but Michael did not know her.
Kenny Ortega looked quite tearful. He sat next to Randy Phillips.

May I ask why everyone is taken aback by Randy Phillips being there? I thought himself and Michael were friends since the eighties?

What about Lionel Richie does anyone know if he was there?

It looked to be a beautiful ceremony. The piano music as the guests arrived really got the waterworks going here :(
Originally Posted by Moddie777
Anybody have any thoughts or opinion's on this.

I've always believed he was telling us the truth. I was surprised to see him on Larry King Live before the Burial. He said Michael invited him in 2007 to come down to Florida and see him and he came. They talked about how Michael felt hollywood had abandoned him. He appeared on LKL with another gentleman, I think he is Tito's manager, cant remember the name. Larry asked him about a book. The man admitted he would be writting a book about Michael.

For those who were attacking Leonard Rowe, does the fact that he was an invited guest at our MIchael's burial, change your perception of him in anyway?

Its perfectly fine if your answer is "no".

His name is Steve Manning he was talking about MJ in latest Ebony magazine for this month.
I kinda think UK Mirror isn't legit at all they spreading false stuff

1. The kids will leave note inside the casket.
2. Michael will wear long loc wig.
3. Deborah Rowe will attend to Michael's funeral.
4. Michael will have opening casket.
Leonard Rowe is not a celebrity....I cant get my head around of him going there...despite all that happened...
RIP Mike, finally
Miko Brando's blog on LKL preceding last night's funeral:

LKL WEB EXCLUSIVE: Miko Brando on Michael’s Funeral
Posted: 04:39 PM ET

Tonight my friend is laid to rest. For a lot of people this will bring closure, but not me. This is just another step. Michael is still a huge part of my life and I think of him every day. I don’t believe closure will come for me until the day I pass away.

To be honest, I’m not moving on and I don’t think I’m really progressing from Michael’s loss. I’m trying to take it one day at a time, but the thought of his death still leaves me numb.

Staying busy has been very helpful for me, but in a way it’s also keeping his death fresh in my mind. I’ve been working with the executors of his estate to preserve Michael’s assets for his children. This has been draining both emotionally and physically, but it’s also something I’m happy to do.

Keeping busy has also meant I haven’t been following the daily media drumbeat that’s followed Michael’s death. I don’t really watch the news or read the papers, but I know a lot has happened in the last few weeks. Reports have come out, rumors abound, and prosecutors are busy. I’m content to let the courts do their work, the lawyers do theirs, and let that side of things take care of itself, because none of it will bring back my friend.

Tonight will be very emotional for everybody, including me. In a way I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of old friends, and Michael’s family. Forest Lawn is a beautiful place, and I think a good resting place for Michael. I’m glad the family chose it. It’s a place where I can go see him, and be with him. It will be a special place.