Attendees @ MJs Funeral [ALL THREADS MERGED] - Keep all related Here

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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I was surprised Diana Ross didn't turn up. It's so odd that Michael mentioned her in his will and yet she didn't turn up... she must be quite distraught. It would have been nice to have seen her there though.

She was there honey, it's been confirmed... she just wasn't photographed.
aplogies if this has been discussed somewhere already, unfortunately i don't get the chance to read everything here...someday's i can read more than others but i have a demanding little one and family members studying so my online time is limited. so i hope you all understand if i'm note quite up with every thread and post.....

but my comment is this. I haven't heard anyone mention that Grace was at the funeral which to me adds weight to the rumours that she had a falling out with the family (i never saw her at the memorial but think i read somewhere that she was in fact there). Now of course not everyone could attend, maybe she couldn't make it, maybe she wasn't invited. But we hear so many rumours and i for one can't tell fact from fiction.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Britney Spears and Debbie Row are the only respectful women in Michael's life they praised him more than anyone but sadly they did not attened....all the rest except liz Taylor wanted some publicity.

when i saw Quincy i felt sick to my stomach ..his iced face showed no feelings...he is the perfect hater.

I disagree 100%. Quincy said he would never go to ANYONE'S funeral ever again because he just couldn't handle any more pain. That 'icy' face you saw was a face in deep, horrible sadness and pain. I can't believe you can't see that. When I saw the Q, I cried and cried. I could feel his pain. Don't you know he felt that Michael was a son, and that never changed. Michael loved him from the deepest part of his soul.

Q is by NO MEANS a hater. He was part of the magic that made Michael Jackson the fantastic human dancing machine who sang the blues away. You need to be kind to those who always have and always will love Michael. I think you have misread his look. It took a HUGE amount of courage for him to attend. I praise him for doing so. If Michael weren't so important, he would not have gone. I personally have not seen a more frozen face, not because he was icy, but because the pain was so great that he just couldn't handle it. If you ask me, he looked like a broken spirit in a human body. Sorry, but as a fan from the late 70s, I can say with all honesty that this was not his intent. He showed up because he respected Michael more than we will ever know. He spent the best years of Michael's life with him and they created the magic, the biggest selling album.

I love Michael and without his talent I'd be lost, but Off the Wall, Thriller, and Bad were a threesome: Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, and Bruce Swedien. This is a indesputable fact. Q had every right to be there and even though he said he wouldn't be, he forced himself to be there for his dear friend. I'm in tears writing this just to think that anyone would feel he wasn't deserving of attendance. I can hear Michael in heaven saying "that's just ignorant". Michael Jackson loved Quincy Jones and vice a versa. I've never seen such a broken man in my life. I hope he makes it through. Between him and Liz Taylor, I don't know who will last longer. Michael Jackson has had more of an effect that you or I will ever know.

Rest in peace, our angel Michael Joseph Jackson. You will be forever loved and never forgotten. Thank you for the magic and the thrills. You changed EVERYTHING for the entire planet. Now we just need to wake up and LISTEN!
Miko :better:

I know that Miko and Dave Dave attended the funeral also. I saw Karen Faye there aswell.

One person I'm upset with is Deepak Chropa. The night Michael died, he was on Larry King, and he looked like he didn't give a crap that his friend of 30 years was dead. Miko was sitting right next to him, it it looked like he couldn't believe the crap that was coming out of Deepak's mouth. And then, instead of going to Michael's funeral, he decided he wanted his face on Larry King instead. He just doesn't sound like a true friend. I'm sad that Michael had to deal with people like that. He didn't even care.

Sorry about the rant guys, but I'm disappointed in Deepak. It's all about the 15 minutes of fame for him.

I didn't want to go there, but in all honesty, I was shocked at how few of Micahel's 'friends' were there. I guess he was speaking the truth when he said that Hollywood abandoned him. Thank GOD for Dame Elizabeth. I imagine she and his family were all that kept him going. To know that Tohme Tohme kept Michael separated from his loved ones makes me dislike him as much as anyone else. I feel that everyone has played a part in this. It makes me terribly angry and very sad.
aplogies if this has been discussed somewhere already, unfortunately i don't get the chance to read everything here...someday's i can read more than others but i have a demanding little one and family members studying so my online time is limited. so i hope you all understand if i'm note quite up with every thread and post.....

but my comment is this. I haven't heard anyone mention that Grace was at the funeral which to me adds weight to the rumours that she had a falling out with the family (i never saw her at the memorial but think i read somewhere that she was in fact there). Now of course not everyone could attend, maybe she couldn't make it, maybe she wasn't invited. But we hear so many rumours and i for one can't tell fact from fiction.

please, anybody??
I didn't want to go there, but in all honesty, I was shocked at how few of Micahel's 'friends' were there. I guess he was speaking the truth when he said that Hollywood abandoned him. .

um... you do know that private invitations were sent out right?....It's not like anyone who wanted to could show up, unless they were invited by the family.
please, anybody??

I am pretty positive Grace was NOT there. She kept Michael isolated from his friends and family towards the end of his life and was very controlling. I remember hearing that when he passed the family decided they didn't want her around the children and she no longer has a presence in their lives.. I'm pretty sure she was not invited to the funeral.

As for Deepak and his son, I believe they were friends with Michael at one point, but for whatever reason, lost touch with him.. I want to say this was after the trial when Mike pretty much disappeared or perhaps during or right before the trail when he was dealing with so much. I think that although they were friends and might have shared a deep connection at one time (Deepak was supposed to have been a spiritual guide and mentor.. Dancing the Dream was dedicated to him) I think that with many ppl in Michael's life he cut people off for whatever reason. According to Deepak Michael found out Deepak could write prescriptions and asked him to give Michael one and Deepak refused. ALLEGEDLY. This might have been the cause for the split. Deepak also acknowledged that while he was friends with Michael, he was not friends with the family. Which is understandable. I have a friend I've known for more than 10 years, we talk all the time and have been on trips together and the whole deal and I've never met her mother... we're thick as thieves tho... so when Deepak said this I wasn't phased. Sometimes it's like that.
Pastor Andrae Crouch at Michael Jackson's funeral

Hi guys.

I'm kinda new here and haven't posted that much. I don't know if this has already been posted (I looked around and couldn't find it) and I don't know if this should be merged (spelling?) into another thread. If it should I hope someone can help me with that.

I just would like to share what Pastor Anndrae Crouch wrote (or what his administrator Dave write for him) on his facebook fan page about the funeral.

"Pastor Andrae' and Pastor Sandra attended Michael Jackson's funeral for family and close friends on September 4, 2009. Pastor Andrae' was honored that "My Tribute" was one of the songs played in the service."

"Andrae' has now told Clifton Davis (when he saw him at MJ's family funeral on Sept. 4) that he is "confident that Michael Jackson knew the Lord." This was reported by Clifton on TBN's "Praise The Lord" on 9/8/09, Tuesday night to the world. (Dave)"

I thought that some of you might want to know more about what was sang at the funueral, if you didn't already know.

Thanks for leting me be a part of MJJ community. I will do my very best to keep Michael's music alive and to spread the knowledge of this great person to everyone that I know.
Re: Pastor Andrae Crouch at Michael Jackson's funeral

Thanks for posting. Luv his choir, the song they sung at the public memorial had me tearing up, that song is a staple at a funeral well I know in the black community.. I oftern find myself watching that part of the service over and over again even though I know I am going to covered in tears by the time they sing the first note..
Re: Pastor Andrae Crouch at Michael Jackson's funeral

I'm glad André Crouch and his sister were invited to the funeral. He is the pastor who wrote after Michael's death that they visited Michael three weeks before his death and they talked to him about Jesus and they sang and prayed together with him and Michael was very curious he asked a lot of questions. :)
Re: Pastor Andrae Crouch at Michael Jackson's funeral

Clifton Davis wrote a few of the Jackson 5 songs. He used to be an actor back in the 1970s & 80s.
Re: Pastor Andrae Crouch at Michael Jackson's funeral

"Andrae' has now told Clifton Davis (when he saw him at MJ's family funeral on Sept. 4) that he is "confident that Michael Jackson knew the Lord." This was reported by Clifton on TBN's "Praise The Lord" on 9/8/09, Tuesday night to the world. (Dave)"...

:yes: I believed that to be true years ago, but it's nice to hear it coming from André Crouch.
Re: Pastor Andrae Crouch at Michael Jackson's funeral

:yes: I believed that to be true years ago, but it's nice to hear it coming from André Crouch.

yea I know... gives me some comfort. I know it really doesn't matter and that we all believe different things and that's great. But as a christian I just can't help to feel happy about this news, specially when it came from someone we know spent time with Michael just before he passed away.
Re: Pastor Andrae Crouch at Michael Jackson's funeral

Hi guys.

I'm kinda new here and haven't posted that much. I don't know if this has already been posted (I looked around and couldn't find it) and I don't know if this should be merged (spelling?) into another thread. If it should I hope someone can help me with that.

I just would like to share what Pastor Anndrae Crouch wrote (or what his administrator Dave write for him) on his facebook fan page about the funeral.

"Pastor Andrae' and Pastor Sandra attended Michael Jackson's funeral for family and close friends on September 4, 2009. Pastor Andrae' was honored that "My Tribute" was one of the songs played in the service."

"Andrae' has now told Clifton Davis (when he saw him at MJ's family funeral on Sept. 4) that he is "confident that Michael Jackson knew the Lord." This was reported by Clifton on TBN's "Praise The Lord" on 9/8/09, Tuesday night to the world. (Dave)"

I thought that some of you might want to know more about what was sang at the funueral, if you didn't already know.

Thanks for leting me be a part of MJJ community. I will do my very best to keep Michael's music alive and to spread the knowledge of this great person to everyone that I know.

Thanks for sharing this, mens a lot.
What do you mean, he now knows MJ knew the lord?

Everyone knows MJ believed in God and Jesus his whole life. He's practically mentioned God in almost every interview he did.

I don't know exactley what he ment but I'm gussing that all these rumors that the media made up about Michael and him converting to every religionbb known to man kind put questions marks in peoples head about his faith... so I guess (and it is just a geuss) Mr Crouch is just saying that as far as he knows, and he did see him just weeks before he pased away, Michael knew the Lord in the way you say it. God, Jesus and the Bible.
I don't know exactley what he ment but I'm gussing that all these rumors that the media made up about Michael and him converting to every religionbb known to man kind put questions marks in peoples head about his faith... so I guess (and it is just a geuss) Mr Crouch is just saying that as far as he knows, and he did see him just weeks before he pased away, Michael knew the Lord in the way you say it. God, Jesus and the Bible.
Yeah I think so too. I always saw Michael as a Christian but someone who was open minded and respectful toward every other faith
I don't know exactley what he ment but I'm gussing that all these rumors that the media made up about Michael and him converting to every religionbb known to man kind put questions marks in peoples head about his faith... so I guess (and it is just a geuss) Mr Crouch is just saying that as far as he knows, and he did see him just weeks before he pased away, Michael knew the Lord in the way you say it. God, Jesus and the Bible.

yea, this is what I'm thinking too. There been so many rumors about Michael's religion and it's always the freaking media who have started them and spread them. As always, they ignore what Michael said or did, because that would prove that all the stories they made up were lies. Just hate the media for all the lies they made up about him =(

Like I said, I think that's why Mr Crouch said it too, to do his part and spread the truth about Michael, to stop all these lies thar are out there. I also know that Karen Faye got a question on her facebook about Michael's religion, think someone asked her if the rumor that he converted to Islam was true. She did spend time with him until the very end and she said that it wasn't true, that Jermaine is the brother that converted. That as far as she knows Michael was a (and a word that I don't remember but I think it is some speciall type or something like that) Christian.

I'm just glad that Michael was so close to the Coruch siblings and that they had such a good relationship. It makes me feel warm inside that he just weeks before his death saw them, prayed to Jesus with them, sang Gospel music and wanted them (of all spirtual people in the world) to make his music more spirtual. =)
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Anybody have any thoughts or opinion's on this.

I've always believed he was telling us the truth. I was surprised to see him on Larry King Live before the Burial. He said Michael invited him in 2007 to come down to Florida and see him and he came. They talked about how Michael felt hollywood had abandoned him. He appeared on LKL with another gentleman, I think he is Tito's manager, cant remember the name. Larry asked him about a book. The man admitted he would be writting a book about Michael.

For those who were attacking Leonard Rowe, does the fact that he was an invited guest at our MIchael's burial, change your perception of him in anyway?

Its perfectly fine if your answer is "no".

Not really. Leonard Rowe was a close business associate and friend of Joe Jackson's for over 30 years. So he's known the family for quite some time. However, Leonard Rowe has also been sued by other artists in the industry for poor concert promotion and misrepresentations. You can look that up on the net. Regardless of how this case turns out, I do believe that Joe Jackson and Leonard Rowe were trying to muscle in on Michael's business dealings regarding the London '02 concerts. Keep in mind that Joe and Leonard and Brian Oxman are ALL trying to get money from Michael's estate. It's not just a loss of a relative or friend, it is and always has been about money...sadly.

There are also some other people at the funeral service that were questionable as well. Some of these weren't close friends of Michael, but of his father Joseph and other family members.
Michael's Faith

True. Michael studied many religions and drew from all of them. He was a well studied man. His brother Jermaine has been a Muslim for nearly 20 years now. He wanted Michael to convert over to Islam. However, unlike what was reported, Michael remained a Christian. But I think he was more a spiritualist. I don't think he belonged to anyone Christian denomination. But I did read somewhere that his kids were Baptized as Catholic in 2003. Not sure if it's true, but it could be factual. The main thing is that they were always raised wonderful and God-loving environment.