Attendees @ MJs Funeral [ALL THREADS MERGED] - Keep all related Here

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Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

After watching LKL, I could tell Leonard Rowe is honest.

They talked about how Michael felt hollywood had abandoned him.
so sad :cry: it's not surprising to me though. it's hollywood the show biz! When you're hot, everyone would cringe on to you like they are your best friend. when you're in a bad situation, they distance themselves from you.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

I am so sick of people talking about what michael said and did not say.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I was wondering what Tatiana was doing there also, because it was supposed to be for family and "close friends" only...But then I saw Tatiana arrived with Majestic, and I saw other people have their "signifcant other" who had nothing to do with MJ there I figured Tatiana got to go through Majestic. As a "tag along" or escort. She seemed really sad though. Like she was about to cry the whole time. :(

Didn't really understand what Corey Feldham was doing there....Or Randy Phillips or that Sony boss from the UK. I was expecting to see Omer Bhatti, the Cascio family, the two "kids" (now young adults) from Germany, etc. there...I didn't like seeing Randy Phillips there. But what I DID like was to see Wayne Nagin there!! I always thought he was the best and nicest bodyguard and took such a good care of Michael. I'm pretty sure this would not have happened if Wayne would have still been MJ's bodyguard. :no:

I was glad to see Wayne there as well.
There were some people who were there that was um:ermm:
like Marcia Clark, Barry Bonds, Lisa Raye, Tatiana, Corey Feldman??
But in all fairness all of MJ's friends especially later in life weren't necessarily friends of the family
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

if its the guy im thinking of (dont want to watch any footage) its one of joes brothers. his wife michelle testifyed at the trial
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

For those who were attacking Leonard Rowe, does the fact that he was an invited guest at our MIchael's burial, change your perception of him in anyway?

no.. does feldman been there change you opinion on him. rowe is just one of the many crooks thats joes has gotten himself involved with. hope they sleep well knowing the hassle they were giving mj in his last months certainly helped with mikes insomnia i dont think.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Didn't really understand what Corey Feldham was doing there....Or Randy Phillips or that Sony boss from the UK. I was expecting to see Omer Bhatti, the Cascio family, the two "kids" (now young adults) from Germany, etc. there...I didn't like seeing Randy Phillips there. But what I DID like was to see Wayne Nagin there!! I always thought he was the best and nicest bodyguard and took such a good care of Michael. I'm pretty sure this would not have happened if Wayne would have still been MJ's bodyguard. :no:

sony boss from uk? sir howard stringer was there?
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

I'm far more surprised Corey Feldman was at Michael's burial than Leonard Rowe
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Why was Marcia Clarke at Michael's burial. Wasn't she quite negative about Michael's innocence on some shows about the false child abuse allegations ? ...... I hope she wasn't.

I don't get why Corey Feldman was their, backed stabbed Michael in the media then in an interview with Martin Basir in 2003, he alleged Michael showed him some inappropriate photos in a book when he was kid. Now he's come across all sad over Michael's death, more like a feeling guilty then anything else.

Taitana was their I think because Michael's parents liked her. From what I've read she the seems like a hanger on to famous people.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

i thought i saw marcia clark! thats the weirdest one.

Tatiana knew Majestic so im not surprised, tatiana met up with Joe again, i believe last year at some fan event in vegas, and i think she was signing autographs there. and she talked to joe on the phone as well. so to me it wasn't that surprising she was there with that connection. i mean joe was her manager at one point back then.
i wonder if she got to finally talk to michael again atleast on the phone, i doubt it, it would seem interesting how she would only get close to michael -by the family - only at his funeral. i know she always wanted to talk to michael again about her firing. so thats weird she only got close by going to his funeral if thats what happened.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

he was at the memorial. i guess the family are clueless to his rantings and think its till the 80's when feldman actually knew mj
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

:agree:For those of you who are speculating about Tatiana and Mike, Michael dated her briefly after the video was finished and Joe broke them up because he thought it would hurt Mike's career if his fans thought he had a girlfriend. I think they were getting too serious and Joe didn't like it and saw her as a threat somehow. As for Corey Feldman, he may have called the family and asked to go to the funeral or probably begged. He was with them after the 9-11 disaster and they gave him a ride back to California from New York so I guess they may have had some bonding there in spite of his actions against Mike afterward. Perhaps they forgave him and he apologized. We just don't know all the facts. Michael may have had some other personal relationships we had no clue about but his mother did which is why you see some people there that we may find as "odd" or "strange". After Michael died, I must say I learned more about who he really was than I did in the 39 years I studied him before. Mike was very good at keeping his private life just that, private.:yes:
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

no.. does feldman been there change you opinion on him. rowe is just one of the many crooks thats joes has gotten himself involved with. hope they sleep well knowing the hassle they were giving mj in his last months certainly helped with mikes insomnia i dont think.

Your question implies you know how I felt about feldman. For your information elusive moonwalker, I have NEVER personally attacked Corey Feldman, and do not understand your question nor its tone.

I have no feelings at all about Corey being there and my question was not about him.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

it was a general statement/question just like yours.feldman is the same as as rowe. probably worse yet he was there. so the same question is asked
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

:agree:For those of you who are speculating about Tatiana and Mike, Michael dated her briefly after the video was finished and Joe broke them up because he thought it would hurt Mike's career if his fans thought he had a girlfriend. I think they were getting too serious and Joe didn't like it and saw her as a threat somehow. We just don't know all the facts.

Not trying to be rude and I know you said we don't know all the facts, but how do you know this?

As for Corey Feldman, he may have called the family and asked to go to the funeral or probably begged. He was with them after the 9-11 disaster and they gave him a ride back to California from New York so I guess they may have had some bonding there in spite of his actions against Mike afterward. Perhaps they forgave him and he apologized.

Interesting. I didn't know that. Somebody was saying on one of the threads (the TMZ one I think) that Corey said that he and MJ had reconciled (sp?) in his blog.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Does anyone know why Marcia Clark was their, isn't that a bit like inviting Diane Diamond ?
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

tell that to r.kelly neyo and others.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

All I'm going to say is I'm glad Oprah and Mark Lester weren't invited.

Something can't happen :wild:
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Somebody was saying on one of the threads (the TMZ one I think) that Corey said that he and MJ had reconciled (sp?) in his blog.

I would like to think so !

All I'm going to say is I'm glad Oprah and Mark Lester weren't invited.

Something can't happen :wild:

That truely would be bad as both of them stabbed Michael in the back and showed no loyalty. Mark is worst because he used Michael's daughter Paris for self-publicity.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Tatiana knew Majestic so im not surprised,
bet he did. in more ways than one i bet considering his track record
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

If Rowe is a friend of Joe's, then that explains his presence.

Like it or not, Joe has a LOT of 'pull' with the rest of the family (rightly or wrongly).

Can someone explain to me why members here are so 'grrr' when it comes to Corey Feldman, though?

I must have missed something.

Thanks in advance.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Leonard is Joe's pal. It doesn't surprise me he was invited, but I don't think it's because he had some great unspoken bond with MJ.

In my opinion, Rowe was harassing Michael with Joe in the last few months of his life. They wanted a piece of the pie. Rowe's a charlatan who brought the Allgood lawsuit, and was just another shark. Thats the story I'm buying at the moment.

But no, Him being at the memorial doesn't change anything. He was there as a friend of Joe. he was no friend of Michael.

Thats what I think.

Yep. I believe fo' sho' Leonard is friendly with Joe, to what extent, I don't know.

I think using the word "Harrass" or "Harrassing" is pretty strong to use without evidence backing it up. Just saying and not arguing.......

Thanks for your repsonse.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

rowe is just one of the many crooks thats joes has gotten himself involved with.

Doesn't he still owe R.Kelly millions of dollars and Neyo hundreds of thousands of dollars for unauthorized side deals he made while running their tour? Nah. He can't be trusted any more than anybody else.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Phillips looked a little pensive in that one shot where he was taking a seat,for good reason...
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

A Big, Fat NO!

Like others have said here, Leonard Rowe is part of that whole AllGood Entertainment thing. It's easy to say a person told you "this, that, and the other thing," when that person is no longer here to confirm the stories that Mr. Rowe is now telling. I bet if he were on AEG's payroll (which I believe was ONE of his problems), he would be singing another story right about now. I don't trust the guy!

He's a friend of Joe Jackson, so I was not surprised to see him there.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Whisper, I read about that somewhere online a few months ago.

Not sure but I thought I remember hearing something about a settlement? with one of those case. Dont quote me though.....