Attendees @ MJs Funeral [ALL THREADS MERGED] - Keep all related Here

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Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

somebody said last night reflecting on Mike he loved to dress up,forgot who said it now.then a few minutes later it showed that man again from the memorial on the 2nd row,but he looked heavier than the last time who is it?
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

A Big, Fat NO!

Like others have said here, Leonard Rowe is part of that whole AllGood Entertainment thing. It's easy to say a person told you "this, that, and the other thing," when that person is no longer here to confirm the stories that Mr. Rowe is now telling. I bet if he were on AEG's payroll (which I believe was ONE of his problems), he would be singing another story right about now. I don't trust the guy!

He's a friend of Joe Jackson, so I was not surprised to see him there.

Thank you for answering the question and Staying on Topic.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

sony boss from uk? sir howard stringer was there?

No I think his name was Morris or something...the blonde guy who was also with MJ at "Wetten, dass" in 1999 talking about MJ&Friends.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Doesn't he still owe hundreds of thousands of dollars to Neyo and R. Kelly for unauthorized side deals he made while running their tour?

Yes he does. And if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Rowe owes R. Kelly something like one million+ dollars. I'm sure that's one of the reasons he was pushing so hard for that AllGood Entertainment deal to move forward.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Anybody have any thoughts or opinion's on this.

I've always believed he was telling us the truth. I was surprised to see him on Larry King Live before the Burial. He said Michael invited him in 2007 to come down to Florida and see him and he came. They talked about how Michael felt hollywood had abandoned him. He appeared on LKL with another gentleman, I think he is Tito's manager, cant remember the name. Larry asked him about a book. The man admitted he would be writting a book about Michael.

For those who were attacking Leonard Rowe, does the fact that he was an invited guest at our MIchael's burial, change your perception of him in anyway?

Its perfectly fine if your answer is "no".

I actually never attacked Rowe & I would agree he was telling the truth as far as he knew. Being an invited guest to the funeral gives him more credibility as that means the family trusts him, not that he is just Joe's friend. Also Joe is mostly loyal to his family, not a friend. I thought it was interesting that he talked about how Michael felt that Hollywood abandoned him which they did. I think MJ had alot of movie ideas even before the 93 scandal which never materialised for him too. I read an article about that a long time ago. The interview Joe did with Rowe probably would have been better PR wise with a lawyer with Joe & not Rowe or at least having both in the same location as having them separate I think was hard - also Larry King's tone was less sympathetic than he usually is, which was surprising imo. I did just read the transcript of this recent interview. I do believe Rowe over Dileo.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

hes a felon aswell tmk. ppl are just wanting to suddenly support rowe cause it goes with their murder conspiracy
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

anyone got a pic of the guy.
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

They just showed that part of the funeral on TV guide network and they have Randy Taraborrelli and he said it was Michaels uncle. SO I'm assuming it's Joe's brother, they looked a whole lot alike.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

I actually never attacked Rowe & I would agree he was telling the truth as far as he knew. Being an invited guest to the funeral gives him more credibility as that means the family trusts him, not that he is just Joe's friend. Also Joe is mostly loyal to his family, not a friend. I thought it was interesting that he talked about how Michael felt that Hollywood abandoned him which they did. I think MJ had alot of movie ideas even before the 93 scandal which never materialised for him too. I read an article about that a long time ago. The interview Joe did with Rowe probably would have been better PR wise with a lawyer with Joe & not Rowe or at least having both in the same location as having them separate I think was hard - also Larry King's tone was less sympathetic than he usually is, which was surprising imo. I did just read the transcript of this recent interview. I do believe Rowe over Dileo.

Finally! Someone who see what I saw and got it!

There is a much bigger picture here that is getting missed.

Everything you said, I agree 100%!!!!!!!!!
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

No I think his name was Morris or something...the blonde guy who was also with MJ at "Wetten, dass" in 1999 talking about MJ&Friends.

Jonathan Morris guy's full name, but he wasn't the UK boss of Sony. He was Michael's UK Sony publisits and work with Michael from around 1976-77 until sometime in the early 2000's. He seemed quite a good friend of Michael's and was often with Michael whenever he came the the UK and Europe.

The UK Sony boss who Michael mainly worked with was a man called Paul Russell.
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

if your talking about the guy on the right in that family photograph with the baseball cap and walking stick sat at the front thats one of joes brothers
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

morrish i think it was. he knew mj for donkeys years. seemed pretty close. he went out to dinner with mj with his daughter during the WMA trip. saw him talking on the news minutes after it happened on the 25th
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

That would be interesting if Michael Moore was there. I always thought he should make
a documentary of the accusations about MJ, he is good at exposing things. I am surprised at who people know.
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

hhmm...Was i surprised to see Rowe at the burial...IMHO.....yes..there were a few people there that I was surprised to see.....Like Mr AEG himself.....Kenny Ortega....and that is all I an say on this subject..its all just to muh for me right now
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

A cynical take on Marcia Clark's appearance: as you all know, Johnnie Cochran represented Michael in 1993-4, during the Jordy Chandler affair. Marcia and Johnnie were fierce rivals in the infamous OJ Simpson trial in 94-95 which Johnnie won. Marcia may have been there to gloat. Johnnie and Michael have passed and OJ is in jail.
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

its the guy that the hoax thing was about. joe's brother? but the guy is white isn't he? some are sayin its barry gibb. someone posted this sayin he looks like this guy, Bruce Swedien - i think he does too kinda. There was another guy, a black guy with a walking stick who walked infront of all the seats and was hugging everyone, its not that guy the op is talking about i don't think.

if your talking about the guy on the right in that family photograph with the baseball cap and walking stick sat at the front thats one of joes brothers
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I was most surprised and shocked that Diana Ross was not at it or the memorial service. Especially since MJ's was leaving his kids to her if Katherine was unable to.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I asked this in another thread, but could someone explain why Corey Feldman shouldn't have been there?

Last I heard, he was a close friend of Michaels?
Re: Leonard Rowe, Invited Guest at Burial.

Corey Feldman, Brian Oxman, Leonard Rowe.... None of these people had any right to be at the funeral IMHO.

With regards to Leonard Rowe, remember that he has been friends and a business partner with Joe Jackson since the 1970s. However, he was hardly close to Michael Jackson over the years and only expressed opportunistic views right alongside AllGood Entertainment after Michael Jackson announced the O2 gigs. Leonard Rowe quietly put out a fabricated press release on his Web site shortly before this happened insisting he was Michael Jackson's spokesperson when it was quite clear he was not.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Britney Spears and Debbie Row are the only respectful women in Michael's life they praised him more than anyone but sadly they did not attened....all the rest except liz Taylor wanted some publicity.

when i saw Quincy i felt sick to my stomach ..his iced face showed no feelings...he is the perfect hater.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

I asked this in another thread, but could someone explain why Corey Feldman shouldn't have been there?

Last I heard, he was a close friend of Michaels?

I know Corey fell out with MJ after 9/11 happened, which was after 30th anniversary show. Corey complaint he was left to find his own way out of New York or something. Don't think anyone really knows for sure what happened.

It would seem they both got over it and healed the friendship. Also Corey took to the stand for MJ in trial.
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

The old man look like he's Michael's uncle.
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

^^Nah, its def Joe's brother. he was there with his wife. I couldn't pinpoint who he was til I saw his wife(lol) but its him.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Wayne was there, cool. I loved how Michael used to say his name "Wayy-ne", at least in all the footage I've seen he always seemed to be calling him from a distance(even if Wayne was like right in front of him,lol)
Re: Who was the older man with a white beard at the funeral

no not Joes brother who greeted the rest of the Jacksons but the man who was sat akwardly on the second row alone when there was a screen cap of him,it looked like the man from the memorial but looked heavier and bigger,its not barry gibb.
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Was Teddy Riley there?
Re: Odd Attendies @ MJs Funeral

Frank Dileo.... was NOT there - yet he goes on about caring for Michael and being friends... hmm that man is full of ish I think...