
laters apples....leaving for a few hours, talk soon...shamz, siggy can be delivered to inbox, i want to see before these whores of Gibraltar get to

scoot scoot scoot on up out of here
Can i at least keep the tounge that i licked with??? *feels like i am pushing my luck* :cheeky:

ugh. fine -_- just stay away from my man and we can be great friends :D

laters apples....leaving for a few hours, talk soon...shamz, siggy can be delivered to inbox, i want to see before these whores of Gibraltar get to

scoot scoot scoot on up out of here


See ya! :huggy:
More Random Pressie's For BES:






....I really should get started on your VF siggy :mellow:

ummm :mello: BES is gonna probably kill me, but the red (my fav colour) along with the first two pictures draw me to this siggy, so I'm gonna use it. I won't lick, touch, drool or caress. :fear:
It's actually really interesting when you understand text JAG, but there's so much there besides content that goes in the context that it's difficult to get a good translation of it too. It's all Eastern Europe in mid 90ties and its specifics.
Don't feel bad! It's a small book as Callie said, and besides there might be something else later on I don't know :) It's two of us working on it and buying it for you anyway so it goes for two mags! :huggy:

*Sorry for longer off top you all can skip if you want*
Michael said he loved Poland and when you look at the attitudes people express towards him (even in that book) you find that in general he was given more space here. There's that Polish idea of treating every big star coming from the West (at least then) with utmost respect as if they were super-humans. But that respect means space, politeness, hospitality... He liked it. We didn't have many tabloids back in those times. His name wasn't tarnished in Poland after 1993. We were just damn happy to have him there and seriously appreciating the time and attention he has given to Poland. I think he was relaxed and it shows on those pics. He was shopping for an European house for himself, it speaks for itself (looking at damn castles from medieval ages he's too damn much! :hysterical:)
*End of longer off top you can all sigh with relief :p*

CALLA hit me up with info which pages you do translate, I'll do the rest.
It's worth it :D We'll probably end up like sending that book to more people anyways!

ohhh that sounds awesome! that was before the wall came down wasnt it? i had heard about him shoppping for a castle there.. so Mike :lol: i want a castle! i have so many that i have cottected.. i wonder if i can make one out of what i have sitting on my shelves! :lmao: thanks to you both for translating it :group:

no u not invisible hun, just me being thick haha :lol: so please slowly put away the blade kaithanx *hides*

So I missed it again last night, stupid goddamn work :p ....can you imagine? "um hi boss, no I can't come in tonight because I need to play the grab a siggy game" he would be like :wtf: you must be :crazy: woman and then he'd get me carted off to the funny farm :stretcher: :lmao:

and I just went patiently through almost 22 pages....noticed that eo was still available :D :D

*is dead* awww maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn :cry: :p

ok...I'm gonna try tonight...... :lol:

i have a dagerous siggy. but it looks like you might want a bad era or earlier.. let me know :jump:

you betta hush yo mouth 'fo BES does some srs ass wooping :smack:

she said i coulllllllllllllllllldd.. i hope she doesnt do no ass wooping on me :weeping:

Well, it's about that time for me to go to work. -_- The joys of the public library!
If one more old person...
a) Complains that the books are out of order
b) Insists to DEATH that the 25 cent fine on their card is a complete fabrication and they ALWAYS turn everything in on time
c) Or asks me why the copy machine fucked up their pot roast recipe , YOU PRESSED THE BUTTON LADY, NOT MY PROBLEM
...I seriously am going to snap. :mellow:

I should go around the neighborhood and slash the tires on every beige car I see so they can't come in.

I need a new job, I have been there going on 4 YEARS. :cry: It's my worst nightmare that I will never leave but no one else is hiring these days. It's a really easy job but damn, I need to be around the living for a change.


See you lovely ladies later. At least I know Mikka will be waiting for me when I get home. ^_^

OH MY FUCKING god, i can relate

sounds as bad as when i worked at the wellness center on campus at my'd THINK that people might be a lil smarter at a college campus'd THINK wrong....omfg

*sign posted: yoga cancelled today*
-"so there yoga today?" while staring at the sign....yes bitch, i just put that up so that i could divert people to my desk to ask me mentally challenged questions. of course there is yoga, i was playing a prank on you by posting THIS BIG ASS SIGN THAT SAYS NO YOGA

5 seconds until closing: "I really want to join the salsa class for tonite, I want the semester pass" I stare at them and the clock that now says 8'oclock which incidentally is the time that the office closes AND the salsa class has been getting warmed up. "So you want me to make it an emergency to make you a pass, which means i have to wait until you fill out this info, input it in the computer, ring up everything on the register, laminate and cut out a card, all on these dinosaur computers? thats what you want? at exactly my closing time? when i saw you chilling downstairs chatting with the personal trainers and flirting when you could have had your ass up here 20 mins ago?? bwahahahaha, good luck pal, CLOSED

"what does this cycling class consist of" while holding the information the information sheet that you are's CYCLING not rocket science. you get on the bike and cycle at the same pace that the instructor is cycling at :doh:

omg!! that sounds like my job mixed together! i hate, just hate people that come in and ask... hey i know your closed (cause we are but they dont care) but can we please just run real fast to see an apartment! :rant: its like hell no you bastard! then they cant decide if you even want to live here and take anouther 45 minutes sitting there looking at each other like morons.. yea..

then older people that ask a zillion idiot questions.. and ask the same ones over n over... :doh:


Hope you guys had a great weekend :cheeky: someone please inform Adore that I have a jeweled knife to greet her with if I'm not here when she is, she thinks she's slick :ninja:

Serenity!!! :hug: i think adore grabbed RTT for you.. i think :unsure:

Hello to everone else! i slept in way to late this morning! hell its almsot noon :bugeyed
Jageather! woot! Hey girly :huggy:

looks more like adore grabbed RTT and put it in her avatar :lol: :glare:

I still :wub: you Adore, but I'ma cut you if I don't find out the truth :ninja:

oh that was the matching Ava for the siggy that Shammypoo made.. ya cut her! :assassin: er hum. ily adore! :wub:
:O shoulda saved for the siggy game!!

so you like it? :ph34r: wasn't sure about it.... :fear:

:weeping: I know, I know. I've been handing out random pressies all morning and I haven't made one siggy for the siggy game yet :doh: I may leave this one for tom =P and just make about 2 sigs. I'll make some avi's for you too, and I'll write up the rules and PM the appleheads and crap. :cheeky:

1. Victory Tour

3. Remember The Time

4. In The Closet

5. Dangerous


10. 30th Anniversary

11. Jesse Jackson 66th Birthday (Again, WATCH YOSELVES)

12. Crying Whales

13. Bad World Tour Beat It Sprakly

15. 2006 WMA's

oohh for mio?! thanks sham :angel:

*runs and hides them from BES*


Ugh! Hookers, all of you!

"does your milkshake bring all the trannies to the yard?"


But ive only made 3 sigs :D Ill try and make some then ;)

good luck :ph34r: gonna make about 3 of them in a sec. we don't need any more than 13 sigs :fear:
Ugh! Hookers, all of you!

"does your milkshake bring all the trannies to the yard?"


good luck :ph34r: gonna make about 3 of them in a sec. we don't need any more than 13 sigs :fear:

omg i was eating :puke:

and you didnt say those where for BES.. just figured they was up for grabs.. and i figured i needed some leverage to get to see CT mikka again... good ole blackmail :naughty:
Omfg Shammy, ILY
Sick fuck


Oh and Serenity, Baby Daddy ain't good enough to steal or are you just not wanting my wrath??

she did steal baby daddy.....:mello:

omg i was eating :puke:

and you didnt say those where for BES.. just figured they was up for grabs.. and i figured i needed some leverage to get to see CT mikka again... good ole blackmail :naughty:

I quoted her for a reason hoe :glare: