
MMMMMMmm... That is a smexy thought.

I showed this video to Bes and we were CRACKING up at Marlons "dance moves".

Bless his soul,I love him but seeing this tells me all I need to know about WHY that album went nowhere. The singing is pretty bad, but the dancing looks like he's having seizures on stage. The crowd is going WILD and I was laughing so hard I was in TEARS... :lol:

HB I am ghooosssssssssstttttttttttttt :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:


I'm gonna make some gifs of this! It's too good not to! :lmao: I will use them always :hysterical:

The interview from that show is really sweet tho..he has almost the same soft voice as Michael and some of his mannerisms as well. Really cute too!! RRRROOOAAARRRR!! :wink:

'to watch you perform, is... unbelievable'
You started it in here so why not finish it in here??
I got tired of the *no newbies* bullshit.
Do you understand that can lock a thread and get you banned from MJJC?
That is something mods do not play with.
Sugarbunny was so hurt she called a mod in here, yet no one got that but me.
Do you all even give a shit about *outsiders* feelings?
I might rag you all and fight, but it is all with love. If one of you PMed me to back off cause I hurt you, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Heather, Ashley, Sham, Bes, Hb, Hachi seem to get that.
I took down everything from yesterday.
I won't play this little clique game.
*Orie, BES, HB,and Limon talking about MJ while in the record store*
O: I would've loved to have braided his Afro, and then got a "lil gel" from him just to help my hair stay down. He looks like he has EXTRA-Strength gel.
B: Damn do u know what I wouldve done to MJ had he let me go backstage with him on the BAD tour... I think I would've drain him of all body fluids, but first we would've done some role playing, I would've been DD...
H: I still don't get the whole Brooke Shields thing, I mean she wasn't puttin' out... My perfect bf would never have to beg, hell if his nuts itched I would beat him to the punch and scratched for him.
L: Well since he wants to be a SC, I would bring some handcuffs, no way I am letting him get away.. He can beat up my "lil Annie" all he wants... I just want to hear him talk to it and say "Annie are you OK"..
MJ :*in disguise* wow I wonder what this guy would say if he heard you all talk like that?
O: Hell I would be a little shame but it wouldn't stop me from dropping to my knees and ask to test out his "lil moonwalker" see if they still got the same rhythm.
B: I would be all over him like those vinyl pants in CT
H: I would snatch him up and run
L: I would get naked and do him right in the store..
MJ: Oh ok, well good luck with that.. *turns to walk away and his mustache falls off* :bugeyed OH SHIT
Orie, BES,HB, and Limon all tackle each other to get to him... Limon bites the security guards, Bes takes out her razor, HB and Orie continue to rip off MJ's clothes. Then out of no where JAG tries to steal his gel, and Orie comes over to hit JAG with a Paul Anka greatest hits collection that's in the $.99 bin.. MYAS/Adore/Sham/Herstory come thru the door and Limon charges at them, Adore gets away but 8701 springs up from behind the counter and pounces on Adore, begins to pull her hair.. Bnd/Hachi come from the back of the store eating a Kielbasa sandwich, but then sees the real Kielbasa and dives on top of MJ.. HB/Orie along with Clara have attacked Bnd/Hachi. Calla has Sham in a headlock but then Serenity walk in from the local bar, she was gonna jump in but she has to finish her drink first. LYM then tries to hijack MJ's SUV so that she can have it ready for when she get him out of the store. Bruce/Tom come in cuz they thought Janet was on her way, but then went across the street to Hooters to look at T&A. Jag farts and about kills MYAS, but we all know MYAS get the bubble guts real easy, so she ate some cheese and let Jag have it right back.. That put jag out of commission, but not for long... Bes calls the cops to try to have everyone but her and MJ put in jail.. MWB has now arrived and jumps on top of the pile and then tries to squeeze herself down to the bottom of the pile.. The whole time MJ is screaming. Now after 5hrs of fighting. Serenity finally sobered up just a little and began pulling ppl off of MJ... 8701/Clara are sucking his toes, Jag is pinching his ass, MWB/Herstory are massaging his thighs, MYAS/Sham are playing with his meatballs, Orie is collecting "GEL", HB is checking his tonsils, Adore/LYM are on his nipples screaming "Tune in to Tokyo", BES is doing something with his fingers but we won't even talk about that, Limon is all in his ear asking if she can wear his SC outfit to bed. Calla putting his clothes in her purse, Bnd is trying to figure out how she is going to elude the cops cuz she already got a restraining order put on her from when she jump the fence at NL. Haci is wondering if she had enuf time to go to her car, get her gun, take us all out, grab MJ and drive away b4 the cops come...

(blank spaces are in white so highlight to see)


Orie!!! You rock! hahahaha
You started it in here so why not finish it in here??
I got tired of the *no newbies* bullshit.
Do you understand that can lock a thread and get you banned from MJJC?
That is something mods do not play with.
Sugarbunny was so hurt she called a mod in here, yet no one got that but me.
Do you all even give a shit about *outsiders* feelings?
I might rag you all and fight, but it is all with love. If one of you PMed me to back off cause I hurt you, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Heather, Ashley, Sham, Bes, Hb, Hachi seem to get that.
I took down everything from yesterday.
I won't play this little clique game.

I really wouldnt want something like what happened a few days ago to happen again, even if I wasnt involved :(

Cant we drop it and move on? :no:
You started it in here so why not finish it in here??
I got tired of the *no newbies* bullshit.
Do you understand that can lock a thread and get you banned from MJJC?
That is something mods do not play with.
Sugarbunny was so hurt she called a mod in here, yet no one got that but me.
Do you all even give a shit about *outsiders* feelings?
I might rag you all and fight, but it is all with love. If one of you PMed me to back off cause I hurt you, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Heather, Ashley, Sham, Bes, Hb, Hachi seem to get that.
I took down everything from yesterday.
I won't play this little clique game.

I wonder if I should reply to this in here, cause honestly I don't want to bring down this thread and have other people reading all those discussions...

First of all, I do not say NO NEWBIES. Show me where I said this, go on. I say newbies are welcome, but I don't know if you noticed that we get spammers. Spammers come here because we are all walking out there advertising this place. If someone comes here and gets immediately caught up by the atmosphere, well, I think they more than belong here and I do welcome them here with :)
And btw, MYAS, don't tell me "you can get banned". If I'll do, I will deal with it.

Secondly, I won't even discuss the situation with sugarbunny here. I see you do not have the same recollection of it as I do, and I see no point repeating it. Besides we don't need another clean up in here and another argument about it.

Thirdly, I am happy that you think everyone else gets it. How about letting people speak for themselves?

And finally, honestly, many, many things (pics) you post are nasty and they spoil my mood when I come here.
I think a lot of THAT STUFF can get the thread closed. That is what I really think. So here it goes.

Can we like MOVE ON AND TAKE IT TO PM in case you want to discuss this with me further?
Cause having this kinds of discussions on in here isn't exactly making it better for the thread.
Last edited:
HB I am ghooosssssssssstttttttttttttt :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:


I'm gonna make some gifs of this! It's too good not to! :lmao: I will use them always :hysterical:

'to watch you perform, is... unbelievable'
You Are "Man in the Mirror"

You are sensitive and thoughtful. You're the type of person who's always trying to better him or herself.
You believe that we change the world one person at a time. If you are the best you can be, the world is a little better for it.

You reflect often on your actions and how you treat other people. Being kind to others is what makes you feel good.
You're not perfect, and you tend to be hard on yourself because of it. You tend to feel guilty about every little thing you do wrong.

You Are "Black or White"
You are a compassionate and caring. You see the world as an unfair place, and you'd like to fix as many of those injustices as possible.
While you can't change the world, you do your best to treat people fairly and equally no matter what.

You're the first one you know to gather signatures for a good cause. You can't understand why how so many people can be so complacent.
You love unconditionally and freely. You consider other people to be your brothers and sisters.




Helloooo :waving:



we will be playing with this stud tonite:

lately, my comp's been screwing up and sometimes it only loads half an image then stops - look where it stopped


:weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping:
Well you started it in here.
I'm done. Fuck this thread. If you wanna talk, you'll know where to find me.
Bye Heather, Ash,Tom, Serenity,Sham, Adore, Clara, Bes, Hb, Orie, Hachi, Herstory, and anyone else I left out.

This so is not worth my time. I have better things to do.
I really wouldnt want something like what happened a few days ago to happen again, even if I wasnt involved :(

Cant we drop it and move on? :no:

I am even affraid to ask but...what happend??? sorry I am very nosy..:ph34r:

You Are "Black or White"
You are a compassionate and caring. You see the world as an unfair place, and you'd like to fix as many of those injustices as possible.
While you can't change the world, you do your best to treat people fairly and equally no matter what.

You're the first one you know to gather signatures for a good cause. You can't understand why how so many people can be so complacent.
You love unconditionally and freely. You consider other people to be your brothers and sisters.


Well you started it in here.
I'm done. Fuck this thread. If you wanna talk, you'll know where to find me.
Bye Heather, Ash,Tom, Serenity,Sham, Adore, Clara, Bes, Hb, Orie, Hachi, Herstory, and anyone else I left out.

This so is not worth my time. I have better things to do.

It doesnt matter who started it but i think its only a mild problem and we should let it go!

Ahh don't do that Trista!! :no: Im sure you two can correct your differences maybe privately but this thread should be a place for fun and relaxation and everyones welcome! We should start a new leaf from here with no arguments and a friendly atmosphere! You know you are a key member myas, you know what we were like when you came back from mod queue! :angel:
lately, my comp's been screwing up and sometimes it only loads half an image then stops - look where it stopped


:weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping:

damn...well u know, michael liked being a tease ;) he got you fiending, lmao...just show enough, not too much! that michael :giggle:

Well you started it in here.
I'm done. Fuck this thread. If you wanna talk, you'll know where to find me.
Bye Heather, Ash,Tom, Serenity,Sham, Adore, Clara, Bes, Hb, Orie, Hachi, Herstory, and anyone else I left out.

This so is not worth my time. I have better things to do.

myas, none of us are newbie bashers, its the newbies who come in spamming the thread or talking about "i don't know what this thread is about and can't be bothered to read, but let me put some bs that has nothing to do with nothing in here or spam my new video" that gets on my nerves. with sugarhunnybunny or whatever her name is, she even was trying to put shit from karen's fb in here when i know for a fact they said don't post shit from karen's facebook on mjjc and i missed it if they changed their stance on that, but i know at one point they said none of that, so her coming talking about "i want to hide this in here" rubbed me the WRONG way

80% of the people posting these days are newbies to the thread in that they weren't here the first week when everything was established and i don't go hard at ANY of them, just when you come with some ole bullshit like ole girl or when you try to rant and rave about the thread being boring or lame or whatever without contributing, acting like we are circus clowns to perform, THATS when i spoke the fuck up because thats what i do. out of all the people who post here or lurk, i've only had 2 situations of telling people off or being a "bitch" a 2000+ page thread....and they deserved it. so no, no newbie bashing, but when that newbie can't be arsed to read ANYTHING and has some bs to say, then yeah, expect the wrath
HB I am ghooosssssssssstttttttttttttt :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:


I'm gonna make some gifs of this! It's too good not to! :lmao: I will use them always :hysterical:

'to watch you perform, is... unbelievable'
damn...well u know, michael liked being a tease ;) he got you fiending, lmao...just show enough, not too much! that michael :giggle:

myas, none of us are newbie bashers, its the newbies who come in spamming the thread or talking about "i don't know what this thread is about and can't be bothered to read, but let me put some bs that has nothing to do with nothing in here or spam my new video" that gets on my nerves. with sugarhunnybunny or whatever her name is, she even was trying to put shit from karen's fb in here when i know for a fact they said don't post shit from karen's facebook on mjjc and i missed it if they changed their stance on that, but i know at one point they said none of that, so her coming talking about "i want to hide this in here" rubbed me the WRONG way

80% of the people posting these days are newbies to the thread in that they weren't here the first week when everything was established and i don't go hard at ANY of them, just when you come with some ole bullshit like ole girl or when you try to rant and rave about the thread being boring or lame or whatever without contributing, acting like we are circus clowns to perform, THATS when i spoke the fuck up because thats what i do. out of all the people who post here or lurk, i've only had 2 situations of telling people off or being a "bitch" a 2000+ page thread....and they deserved it. so no, no newbie bashing, but when that newbie can't be arsed to read ANYTHING and has some bs to say, then yeah, expect the wrath

Yes yes yes! I think the next time we have a SugarBunny situation we should just ignore them, or direct them to the first page. To be honest, if I had come into the thread at this point I probably wouldnt read the first post! I know it sounds bad but its true so newbies should be the same. Some just dont have the time or understanding to know about this thread. But then we have those who post knowing its (probably) the most replied to thread so it is a solution to their problems! Yes its annoying but we shouldnt let it get between 2 great members of the Appleheads :better:
Yes yes yes! I think the next time we have a SugarBunny situation we should just ignore them, or direct them to the first page. To be honest, if I had come into the thread at this point I probably wouldnt read the first post! I know it sounds bad but its true so newbies should be the same. Some just dont have the time or understanding to know about this thread. But then we have those who post knowing its (probably) the most replied to thread so it is a solution to their problems! Yes its annoying but we shouldnt let it get between 2 great members of the Appleheads :better:

Second that :hug: :angel::cheers:
Ah and just btw, people are welcome to NOT AGREE with me, send me pm, threaten my life, cry, think I exaggerate, kick me, have different opinion, think that I am full of myself ;). That's life, we differ. Just in pm PLEEASSSSE :)
Now I am really gone before they lock the door to the building I am working in.
Came home from school solely to eat left over spaghetti. Awesome decision, it was so much better than spending $7 on a sandwich.

There are worker dudes here putting in new windows...and they have to do one that's over my bed...kind of creeping me out. I hope I'm gone before they start working on that one, I don't need someone looking at me like "CRAZY BITCH GOT GOLDEN CROTCH ALL OVER HER WALLS."

*Orie, BES, HB,and Limon talking about MJ while in the record store*
O: I would've loved to have braided his Afro, and then got a "lil gel" from him just to help my hair stay down. He looks like he has EXTRA-Strength gel.
B: Damn do u know what I wouldve done to MJ had he let me go backstage with him on the BAD tour... I think I would've drain him of all body fluids, but first we would've done some role playing, I would've been DD...
H: I still don't get the whole Brooke Shields thing, I mean she wasn't puttin' out... My perfect bf would never have to beg, hell if his nuts itched I would beat him to the punch and scratched for him.
L: Well since he wants to be a SC, I would bring some handcuffs, no way I am letting him get away.. He can beat up my "lil Annie" all he wants... I just want to hear him talk to it and say "Annie are you OK"..
MJ :*in disguise* wow I wonder what this guy would say if he heard you all talk like that?
O: Hell I would be a little shame but it wouldn't stop me from dropping to my knees and ask to test out his "lil moonwalker" see if they still got the same rhythm.
B: I would be all over him like those vinyl pants in CT
H: I would snatch him up and run
L: I would get naked and do him right in the store..
MJ: Oh ok, well good luck with that.. *turns to walk away and his mustache falls off* :bugeyed OH SHIT
Orie, BES,HB, and Limon all tackle each other to get to him... Limon bites the security guards, Bes takes out her razor, HB and Orie continue to rip off MJ's clothes. Then out of no where JAG tries to steal his gel, and Orie comes over to hit JAG with a Paul Anka greatest hits collection that's in the $.99 bin.. MYAS/Adore/Sham/Herstory come thru the door and Limon charges at them, Adore gets away but 8701 springs up from behind the counter and pounces on Adore, begins to pull her hair.. Bnd/Hachi come from the back of the store eating a Kielbasa sandwich, but then sees the real Kielbasa and dives on top of MJ.. HB/Orie along with Clara have attacked Bnd/Hachi. Calla has Sham in a headlock but then Serenity walk in from the local bar, she was gonna jump in but she has to finish her drink first. LYM then tries to hijack MJ's SUV so that she can have it ready for when she get him out of the store. Bruce/Tom come in cuz they thought Janet was on her way, but then went across the street to Hooters to look at T&A. Jag farts and about kills MYAS, but we all know MYAS get the bubble guts real easy, so she ate some cheese and let Jag have it right back.. That put jag out of commission, but not for long... Bes calls the cops to try to have everyone but her and MJ put in jail.. MWB has now arrived and jumps on top of the pile and then tries to squeeze herself down to the bottom of the pile.. The whole time MJ is screaming. Now after 5hrs of fighting. Serenity finally sobered up just a little and began pulling ppl off of MJ... 8701/Clara are sucking his toes, Jag is pinching his ass, MWB/Herstory are massaging his thighs, MYAS/Sham are playing with his meatballs, Orie is collecting "GEL", HB is checking his tonsils, Adore/LYM are on his nipples screaming "Tune in to Tokyo", BES is doing something with his fingers but we won't even talk about that, Limon is all in his ear asking if she can wear his SC outfit to bed. Calla putting his clothes in her purse, Bnd is trying to figure out how she is going to elude the cops cuz she already got a restraining order put on her from when she jump the fence at NL. Haci is wondering if she had enuf time to go to her car, get her gun, take us all out, grab MJ and drive away b4 the cops come...

(blank spaces are in white so highlight to see)

You and those damn kielbasa! :lmao:


Whoa! Lucky sistah! Where's Mike's hand?? :shifty:
HAY NOW! :girl_flirt:
She's straight up smackin' that.

I see I see
I'm putting your names on the list:

1 ME :)lmao:)
2 Danielle with a snow super soaker gun
3 HB at some stage in time next year maybe, yeah, yeah promises :p
4 HERSTORY with a luggage full of sexy goodness...
5 STANIE with a lot of scenarios in her head & kielbasa in her mouth..

Anyone else up for Appleheading in Krakow?

:lol: YAAAAY! I really hope I can go. Gonna have to curb my spending if I'm going to save anything for new eyewerks every week. :cry: We shall see...

*sings* SHAFT! :bowchickabowchickabowbow:

He's a bad mutha-SHUT YO MOUTH!

Hey everybody!!!

You Are "Thriller"
You are flamboyant and energetic. You love to be a little dramatic... you think it's fun to act out.
You are a natural actor and storyteller. You can't help but ham it up for people, and you love to work a room.
You love to feel every emotion, and you especially like to feel a little scared.
Halloween is your favorite day of the year. When else do you get to dress up and act as wildly as you want... and get scared?

I love this hahaha!
How is everybody?? :cheers:


I got this too! :girl_dance:


Well you started it in here.
I'm done. Fuck this thread. If you wanna talk, you'll know where to find me.
Bye Heather, Ash,Tom, Serenity,Sham, Adore, Clara, Bes, Hb, Orie, Hachi, Herstory, and anyone else I left out.

This so is not worth my time. I have better things to do.
? I really have no idea what's going on.
Hello HHTs! I am so glad Jag, Bes, Limon, 8701, and others like the "Record Store" Um Bes we just won't talk about what u were doing w/Mike's Bnd needs to see about that restrain order put out against her....Just got my book about MJ... Will be scanning the pics soon! The pics are EPIC cuz they are all during my era... Many are from the Triumph Tour...
evening appleheads nice -
haha mmmm go nicely with my dinner haha

Jackie xx

Jackie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIRL!!!!!!!

Came home from school solely to eat left over spaghetti. Awesome decision, it was so much better than spending $7 on a sandwich.

There are worker dudes here putting in new windows...and they have to do one that's over my bed...kind of creeping me out. I hope I'm gone before they start working on that one, I don't need someone looking at me like "CRAZY BITCH GOT GOLDEN CROTCH ALL OVER HER WALLS."

I got this too! :girl_dance:


? I really have no idea what's going on.

No one can blame you for having goldgoodnes all over!!!!!!!!:wild::clapping:


Is only wrong if you dont!!!!

Jackie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIRL!!!!!!!

No one can blame you for having goldgoodnes all over!!!!!!!!:wild::clapping:


Is only wrong if you dont!!!!


heya i miss u tooo!!!! but we r both here nows, so lets enjoy it!!
