
Hey mama! :)


:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

even though it's an afternoon here, YOU JUST MADE MY DAY HB!!!

Seizures!!! And in the interview Arsenio was bigging him up like "oh Marlon you dance so well" and then I saw this performance and was like BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAhAHAHAAA!!! :lmao:
*Orie, BES, HB,and Limon talking about MJ while in the record store*
O: I would've loved to have braided his Afro, and then got a "lil gel" from him just to help my hair stay down. He looks like he has EXTRA-Strength gel.
B: Damn do u know what I wouldve done to MJ had he let me go backstage with him on the BAD tour... I think I would've drain him of all body fluids, but first we would've done some role playing, I would've been DD...
H: I still don't get the whole Brooke Shields thing, I mean she wasn't puttin' out... My perfect bf would never have to beg, hell if his nuts itched I would beat him to the punch and scratched for him.
L: Well since he wants to be a SC, I would bring some handcuffs, no way I am letting him get away.. He can beat up my "lil Annie" all he wants... I just want to hear him talk to it and say "Annie are you OK"..
MJ :*in disguise* wow I wonder what this guy would say if he heard you all talk like that?
O: Hell I would be a little shame but it wouldn't stop me from dropping to my knees and ask to test out his "lil moonwalker" see if they still got the same rhythm.
B: I would be all over him like those vinyl pants in CT
H: I would snatch him up and run
L: I would get naked and do him right in the store..
MJ: Oh ok, well good luck with that.. *turns to walk away and his mustache falls off* :bugeyed OH SHIT
Orie, BES,HB, and Limon all tackle each other to get to him... Limon bites the security guards, Bes takes out her razor, HB and Orie continue to rip off MJ's clothes. Then out of no where JAG tries to steal his gel, and Orie comes over to hit JAG with a Paul Anka greatest hits collection that's in the $.99 bin.. MYAS/Adore/Sham/Herstory come thru the door and Limon charges at them, Adore gets away but 8701 springs up from behind the counter and pounces on Adore, begins to pull her hair.. Bnd/Hachi come from the back of the store eating a Kielbasa sandwich, but then sees the real Kielbasa and dives on top of MJ.. HB/Orie along with Clara have attacked Bnd/Hachi. Calla has Sham in a headlock but then Serenity walk in from the local bar, she was gonna jump in but she has to finish her drink first. LYM then tries to hijack MJ's SUV so that she can have it ready for when she get him out of the store. Bruce/Tom come in cuz they thought Janet was on her way, but then went across the street to Hooters to look at T&A. Jag farts and about kills MYAS, but we all know MYAS get the bubble guts real easy, so she ate some cheese and let Jag have it right back.. That put jag out of commission, but not for long... Bes calls the cops to try to have everyone but her and MJ put in jail.. MWB has now arrived and jumps on top of the pile and then tries to squeeze herself down to the bottom of the pile.. The whole time MJ is screaming. Now after 5hrs of fighting. Serenity finally sobered up just a little and began pulling ppl off of MJ... 8701/Clara are sucking his toes, Jag is pinching his ass, MWB/Herstory are massaging his thighs, MYAS/Sham are playing with his meatballs, Orie is collecting "GEL", HB is checking his tonsils, Adore/LYM are on his nipples screaming "Tune in to Tokyo", BES is doing something with his fingers but we won't even talk about that, Limon is all in his ear asking if she can wear his SC outfit to bed. Calla putting his clothes in her purse, Bnd is trying to figure out how she is going to elude the cops cuz she already got a restraining order put on her from when she jump the fence at NL. Haci is wondering if she had enuf time to go to her car, get her gun, take us all out, grab MJ and drive away b4 the cops come...

(blank spaces are in white so highlight to see)

omfg DEAD orie.. just dead!! :hysterical:

I see I see
I'm putting your names on the list:

1 ME :)lmao:)
2 Danielle with a snow super soaker gun
3 HB at some stage in time next year maybe, yeah, yeah promises :p
4 HERSTORY with a luggage full of sexy goodness...
5 STANIE with a lot of scenarios in her head & kielbasa in her mouth..

Anyone else up for Appleheading in Krakow?


you forgot me. *sniff* :boohoo:

AND that is something that applies to last night:



its called play fighting girl.. no one is ever serious.. at least noone but Myas :lmao:

ya know just like when BES is trying to sneak off with perbf..

Adore ILY!!! :wub:

:bounce I am so excited!!!!!!

:boohooThats all i have to say on that!!!!

On another note certain people might not care if this thread gets closed I do!!! So can we calm it????!!!!

Orie cracking story as always!!! :clapping::clapping:

Hi Apples!

again.. not sure if you meant the playing aroudn last night.. but its funny.. others do that same thing and no one ever gets called out for it.. maybe its something else you talkinga bout. you know i love ya girl.. but i always try to drool all over everyones man, from perfbr to baby daddy,, .. but that wont get this closed down.. know if you meant soemthing else.. i'll just move right along :lol:
omfg DEAD orie.. just dead!! :hysterical:

you forgot me. *sniff* :boohoo:

its called play fighting girl.. no one is ever serious.. at least noone but Myas :lmao:

ya know just like when BES is trying to sneak off with perbf..

again.. not sure if you meant the playing aroudn last night.. but its funny.. others do that same thing and no one ever gets called out for it.. maybe its something else you talkinga bout. you know i love ya girl.. but i always try to drool all over everyones man, from perfbr to baby daddy,, .. but that wont get this closed down.. know if you meant soemthing else.. i'll just move right along :lol:

Firstly Hi JAG!!!! :D:D:D

Secondly i know its playing but sometimes things go way to far and maybe people dont know when to stop! I am not calling anyone out but there are times when i dont even wanna come in this thread because off some of the things that are said!!! I know we all mess around and have a laugh, but things are sometimes not funny!! Thats just how i see it! :cheeky:
Alright I'm out.

Orie I would rep you till the cows come home but imma gonna have to whore myself out again :ninja:

The rest of you play nicely.

Bye :waving:
Firstly Hi JAG!!!! :D:D:D

Secondly i know its playing but sometimes things go way to far and maybe people dont know when to stop! I am not calling anyone out but there are times when i dont even wanna come in this thread because off some of the things that are said!!! I know we all mess around and have a laugh, but things are sometimes not funny!! Thats just how i see it! :cheeky:

i get you :hug: i really do. sorry if i have ever gone to far guys. you know i never have meant anything if i have ever said anything that has gone to far. i'll just admire from now on and keep my comments to myself. :)
JAG you silly :D:D:D I didn't forget anyone I am just waiting for people to sign up, I won't force you on that list :lmao:

Plus... we KNOW it's just fun when it's just fun and NOT SERIOUS. Notice how we play along? :giggle: when it's JUST FUN.
I didn't post that pic just like that :D I felt an urgent need to do that this morning! :D:D:D
Welcome Ellie :hi:

1 ME :p
2 Danielle with a snow super soaker gun
3 HB at some stage in time next year maybe, yeah, yeah promises :p
4 HERSTORY with a luggage full of sexy goodness...
5 STANIE with a lot of scenarios in her head & kielbasa in her mouth..
6 Bnd with a lot of sea food for all of us!
7 JAG that worries too much :rofl:
i get you :hug: i really do. sorry if i have ever gone to far guys. you know i never have meant anything if i have ever said anything that has gone to far. i'll just admire from now on and keep my comments to myself. :)

HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE!!!!! Girl you comment away!!!!! You have never gone to far, dont you dare just admire!!!! Okay lets test this no commenting......


JAG you silly :D:D:D I didn't forget anyone I am just waiting for people to sign up, I won't force you on that list :lmao:

Plus... we KNOW it's just fun when it's just fun and NOT SERIOUS. Notice how we play along? :giggle: when it's JUST FUN.
I didn't post that pic just like that :D I felt an urgent need to do that this morning! :D:D:D

noooo i said after the snow pics i wanted to join in the fun!!!!! i love the snowww and yes i worry to much! :lmao: you guys see i got man in the mirror as my song.. go read what it says about me :lol:
Ha ha no commenting my bottom ha ha ha ha ha! I got ya right where i wanted ya!!!

:nana: i'll comment on my man all dayyy long

anyways.. you guys go see what songs you are :)

is this not me..:lmao:

You Are "Man in the Mirror"

You are sensitive and thoughtful. You're the type of person who's always trying to better him or herself.
You believe that we change the world one person at a time. If you are the best you can be, the world is a little better for it.

You reflect often on your actions and how you treat other people. Being kind to others is what makes you feel good.
You're not perfect, and you tend to be hard on yourself because of it. You tend to feel guilty about every little thing you do wrong.

morning Tom tom.!
omfg, orie i love you so much!!! :lmao: that music store scene was EPIC, EPIC, EPIC :lol:

hey to all you whores in here, how u doing? i see you lims, jag, tom, danielle
:nana: i'll comment on my man all dayyy long

anyways.. you guys go see what songs you are :)

is this not me..:lmao:

You Are "Man in the Mirror"

You are sensitive and thoughtful. You're the type of person who's always trying to better him or herself.
You believe that we change the world one person at a time. If you are the best you can be, the world is a little better for it.

You reflect often on your actions and how you treat other people. Being kind to others is what makes you feel good.
You're not perfect, and you tend to be hard on yourself because of it. You tend to feel guilty about every little thing you do wrong.

morning Tom tom.!

Yes JAG that does sound like you ha ha!! But i would say you were perfect :wub:!! Where is the link to this ha ha i wanna do it!!! :clapping:
LMAO in that song little quizzzz I got Beat It. Pleeeaasssee just look at this:

You Are "Beat It"

You are tough and street smart. You won't let anyone try to push you around, and you're prepared to defend what's yours.
You've worked hard for what you have, and you have no tolerance for those who are jealous of your success.

You are fearless... you've had to be in order to survive in life. You understand power well.
While you try to do the right thing in life, you know the world doesn't work that way. It's all about who has the most strength.


:rofl: "You've worked hard for what you have = you proved to BES that you love Smooth Criminal to death and beyond" :rofl:
omfg, orie i love you so much!!! :lmao: that music store scene was EPIC, EPIC, EPIC :lol:

hey to all you whores in here, how u doing? i see you lims, jag, tom, danielle

HEYYYY BES!!! :cheers:

Yes JAG that does sound like you ha ha!! But i would say you were perfect :wub:!! Where is the link to this ha ha i wanna do it!!! :clapping:

awwwee no im not but that was sweet :huggy:

I see you BES too.


*running away with Badass for a change?* ...

nah, just joking :angel:

that's alright ya skank :p me and this guy were together while you were sleep

he was showing me this awesome trick where i'd sit on the edge of the bed and he could still be standing and do a smooth ass lean and (inaudible) my (muffled) in order to make me (inaudible) all while in a really weird position which heightened the :censored: :shifty:

something about he wanted to perfect the move before he went to you or something? i had told him practice makes perfect, so we practiced practiced practiced! just for you :trytobeangel
LMAO in that song little quizzzz I got Beat It. Pleeeaasssee just look at this:

You Are "Beat It"

You are tough and street smart. You won't let anyone try to push you around, and you're prepared to defend what's yours.
You've worked hard for what you have, and you have no tolerance for those who are jealous of your success.

You are fearless... you've had to be in order to survive in life. You understand power well.
While you try to do the right thing in life, you know the world doesn't work that way. It's all about who has the most strength.


:rofl: "You've worked hard for what you have = you proved to BES that you love Smooth Criminal to death and beyond" :rofl:

smooothh criminal .. no wonder you love him soo much!!! :cheeky:
LMAO in that song little quizzzz I got Beat It. Pleeeaasssee just look at this:

You Are "Beat It"

You are tough and street smart. You won't let anyone try to push you around, and you're prepared to defend what's yours.
You've worked hard for what you have, and you have no tolerance for those who are jealous of your success.

You are fearless... you've had to be in order to survive in life. You understand power well.
While you try to do the right thing in life, you know the world doesn't work that way. It's all about who has the most strength.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha YOU GANGSTA YOU!!!!!

We know you have a caring side!!! :better: You been like a rock to me this few months!!!
that's alright ya skank :p me and this guy were together while you were sleep

he was showing me this awesome trick where i'd sit on the edge of the bed and he could still be standing and do a smooth ass lean and (inaudible) my (muffled) in order to make me (inaudible) all while in a really weird position which heightened the :censored: :trytobeangel

something about he wanted to perfect the move before he went to you or something? i had told him practice makes perfect, so we practiced practiced practiced! just for you :shifty:

IF I BELIEVED ONE WORD YOU SAY I'D SAY: fear for your life!!!

But as I know not to believe you, I will just put on IGNORE LIGHTS

on your post and continue to be MY DAMN SMOOTH SLEEKY SELF.

*he slept WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *