AP: No charges filed in probe of other Jackson doctors

Maybe you're right about trying to find ways to stay away from addictive Substances like benzos but I know that there are facts out there dealing with those other cases and whoever was the one that made MJ think that Diprivan was the only choice to put him to sleep inwhich I feel there should have been something safer other than that to be used for his sleeping problems being that he was about to go on tour and He was happy about it. I can't see why anyone would give him that stuff in the firstplace.
well i guess if u have used something in the past and it worked ok because those around you knew what they were doing why wouldnt u use it again when there was no other option? the question is who put the idea into his head in the first place and who went along with it in the first place because even if its safe its hardly normal to use that stuff. where was the dr saying mj you should get help. go to a clinic let them do tests to see whats going on to the point where u cant sleep. but of course he was Mj and i doubt anyone cared enough to do that ontop of the media B.S that would be created from such a story.

but why you then start going on about painkillers is beyond me
I believe that is correct. The ones who have used the "fall guy" term are the family members: LaToya Jackson, Joe Jackson, and Jermaine Jackson. Karen Faye also said it. I'm not going to provide any opinions here as to their credibility, or NON-credibility.

And right . . . no one has produced "in public" any information to back it up. Whether they will try to do so at the trial, we can't know at this point. That is where any "evidence" will come out, and for any answers to a "fall guy theory," I think we must wait for that. It will either be a part of the trial, or not.

The point remains. There are two possibilities. Law enforcement found no violations on the parts of Michael's doctors, or they didn't try very hard. NO ONE has any way of knowing the answer to this at this time. The last time Michael mentioned being "impaired" (didn't remember signing contracts) was in the deposition of July 25, 2007. That is a fact. And no, he was not addicted to narcotics when he died. That, also, is a fact.



What deposition are you speaking about and I'm sure Michael was referring to a prescription drug problem that he was currently having at the time of the deposition.
I feel there should have been something safer other than that

I remember an actual doctor stating that Lorazepam ALONE "would have put him to sleep right away."

I don't have the name of this doctor though because I didn't save the link of that article...but I remember he said that.
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What deposition are you speaking about and I'm sure Michael was referring to a prescription drug problem that he was currently having at the time of the deposition.
the depo was given for the weisner case and issues he had when weisner was working for him in the early 00's
the depo was given for the weisner case and issues he had when weisner was working for him in the early 00's

That's true! MJ was talking about being probably impaired during the Yr. 2003 when he signed those papers!

Not in 07 (4 Yrs. Later) which was when the deposition took place! Big difference! The 07 deposition is on Youtube, Where MJ says this!
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if the fans keep calling Michael an addict then we are helping dr.death's case.
As Elusive Moonwalker says with friends like this who needs enemies? Do the fans who are saying this not care about MJ's legacy?
I mean really, shouldn't this news about the doctors not being charged a good thing in the sense Michael was not an addict when he died?
if the fans keep calling Michael an addict then we are helping dr.death's case.
As Elusive Moonwalker says with friends like this who needs enemies? Do the fans who are saying this not care about MJ's legacy?
NOTHING will help Murray's case. The fact is Murray was the doctor (not Jackson) and Murray INJECTED Michael with the drugs (a drug that was IMPROPERLY USED outside of a hospital). It does not matter if MJ was an addict or not, Murray did WRONG. Even if Michael asked for the drug, it is up to Murray, as a doctor, to "do no harm" and say NO. It is no excuse.
NOTHING will help Murray's case. The fact is Murray was the doctor (not Jackson) and Murray INJECTED Michael with the drugs (a drug that was IMPROPERLY USED outside of a hospital). It does not matter if MJ was an addict or not, Murray did WRONG. Even if Michael asked for the drug, it is up to Murray, as a doctor, to "do no harm" and say NO. It is no excuse.

I totally agree.. He has no excuse.. what is he going to say? that Michael knew more about propofol than him? that won't fly at all since he's a licensed physician..

It appears he won't be able to use ' the other doctors' defense either since none of them have been charged with anything, not even over-prescribing. Murray had said to police that he wasn't the first doctor to use propofol on Michael, but the question is did he contact those physicians and ask them why did they use such a drug on his patient for sleep?

No he didn't.. the only person he contacted was Adams in Las Vegas to see what Adams did for MJ, but that's it.. Murray is a killer and I hope the fact that no other doctors were charged makes it even easier for a jury to convict him.
I remember an actual doctor stating that Lorazepam ALONE "would have put him to sleep right away."

I don't have the name of this doctor though because I didn't save the link of that article...but I remember he said that.

The doctor would probably sleep on it but we must remember that Michael had problems to sleep for a long long time and he lived a life that would give anyone more sleepingproblems.

There are others too who has big problems to sleep and nothing helps.They have been to doctors, sleep clinics but even the strongest drugs they can get from the doctor doesn´t help.
To sleep is necessary for all of us but I don´t think they´ve done much research for it, they need to know more about how it works and what´s wrong when people can´t sleep.
I remember an actual doctor stating that Lorazepam ALONE "would have put him to sleep right away."

I don't have the name of this doctor though because I didn't save the link of that article...but I remember he said that.

I see what you're saying and thanks for that info but Did Murray think about that ? Did he ever think about giving it to him, No. If he was a real Doctor,he would have known and suggested what would be the best for him,not give him something that would have possibily kill him knowing that He didn't have the equiptment to revive him with.It seems like in someone's eyed everything as hush hush.This shouldn't have been us fans missing him forever,This should have been a rejoice of his triumph comingback after all he's been through.And Now Since The Presidential Election and Michael's Death, it's open season on Well Liked and Loved Popular African Americans who are either in Business,Entertainment or Politics.
They are being targeted to bring them down because they made too much money and they are helping people.I know and we all know that Michael wasn't an addict but he did say that he was addicted to painkillers in that first video stating that he was innocent in 93 and He said that at that time he was being helped. All I could do was pray for him and hope for a solution to that extortion plot. It all balls down to money and I feel people no matter what race or creed should get paid and do what they want with it.They earned it, As long as it doesn't hurt the Economy or National Security,Everyone should be free to do what they want legally. I don't condone Spending Money on Drugs that would only last a few seconds and could kill you.I think they should think of what it would do to them and Their family and friends and fans they left behind before they even do that. I always say "Spend your money on things that would last you more than a month to a lifetime and get High on life and not on Drugs.":yes::punk:
don't get me wrong, what Murray did would not be right if Michael or anyone else he did it to had been an addict. I'm simply saying that Michael's image in this trial is important and this fact will help the defence and the public perception of Michael.
Murray is a killer and I hope the fact that no other doctors were charged makes it even easier for a jury to convict him.[/QUOTE]

the above statement by StaceyMJ was what I was trying to say. With Michael not being an addict to muddy the waters it should be pretty clear to a jury that Murray is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The less there is to confuse them the better.
Guys lets not have any discussion about whether Michael was a drug addict. He wasn't, his autopsy proves that, end of.
sorry Sloride. I was stating that he wasn't one and wasn't trying to offend anyone. apologies.
That's true! MJ was talking about being probably impaired during the Yr. 2003 when he signed those papers!

Not in 07 (4 Yrs. Later) which was when the deposition took place! Big difference! The 07 deposition is on Youtube, Where MJ says this!

This is correct. But still, a whole year later, I keep seeing ppl misuse that footage to say he was talking about 2007. This is what I mean about ppl misrepresenting facts. It just will not stop....one of the reasons I barely post or debate anything online anymore. It's just....I don't know. And watch, months from now, you'll prolly see the same ppl STILL passing that misinformation on EVEN THO they know better.

I don't get it....or maybe I do. Sad either way.:(
This is correct. But still, a whole year later, I keep seeing ppl misuse that footage to say he was talking about 2007. This is what I mean about ppl misrepresenting facts. It just will not stop....one of the reasons I barely post or debate anything online anymore. It's just....I don't know. And watch, months from now, you'll prolly see the same ppl STILL passing that misinformation on EVEN THO they know better.

I don't get it....or maybe I do. Sad either way.:(

Oh I understand the feeling! It's ridiculous that people would misuse that footage when you can clearly hear MJ and the lawyer discussing the year 2003 as the year he was probably impaired! You can hear it so clearly and it's repeated many times as well!

The year 2007 is when the deposition took place about the year 2003! So it's sad and in my opinion purposely misused with those who have their own agenda! Smart people shouldn't fall for this, Unless their deaf!? *Rolls Eyes!*
I just can't believe he has been free for so long so he can pay his bills and his child support and had the nerve to go to His Grave site and tell the press and The Court That he believes that Michael committed suicide himself but if Michael was sent to jail ,He wouldn't be able to work or see his kids and pay his bills. Double standard

ANd go on vacation too?! WTF?
^ and with his preliminary hearing near the corner....he doesn't look worried....

it is a pr move to make the general public think he has nothing to be guilty of.
its just a P.R stunt to look like the doting father.
its just a P.R stunt to look like the doting father.

Yep, and it will all come tumbling down (if folks don't already know) when the prosecution starts talking about how Murray had to be DRAGGED into court to pay child support. And when they start talking about all of the children he has that he didn't support financially, while continuing to create a baby with his Las Vegas stripper girlfriend.

Regular folks, who make up the jury of Murray's peers, ain't gonna take lightly to the fact that this "so-called" doctor couldn't be bothered to financially support the children he had, yet continued to make MORE children.

In my opinion, there is NO defense for not supporting your children, it doesn't matter WHO you are, rich or poor. That right there is going to shoot a HUGE hole in Murray's credibility.
thats what they were looking for at the begining when they thought it was just a typical drug OD. then it changed when the info about murray and the autopsy showed it wasnt about that
Guess there jusn't wasn't any proof of any type of perscribing to an addict.

Yeah, they'll say anything in order to get a Judge to sign off on a search warrant. Even if they "know" that some of the information within said search warrant is not true and nothing more than a guess, an innuendo, or hear-say.

It happens all the time.
Yeah, they'll say anything in order to get a Judge to sign off on a search warrant. Even if they "know" that some of the information within said search warrant is not true and nothing more than a guess, an innuendo, or hear-say.

It happens all the time.

Have to disagree with you there. To get a search warrant you have to have reasonable cause to get it. You just can't say oh I think this happened or that happened you can't say I have a theory. You need to show a judge something someone said or something you found to get a warrant. I think the cops really thought they would find something there thanks to talking to some in Michael's family
Have to disagree with you there. To get a search warrant you have to have reasonable cause to get it. You just can't say oh I think this happened or that happened you can't say I have a theory. You need to show a judge something someone said or something you found to get a warrant. I think the cops really thought they would find something there thanks to talking to some in Michael's family

yep! wasn't it Michael's sisters that claimed they found 'tar heroine' in the house?
yep! wasn't it Michael's sisters that claimed they found 'tar heroine' in the house?
Yeah Latoya had found something that looked like it and reported it to the authorities but i think it ended up being some form of marijuana.
Yeah Latoya had found something that looked like it and reported it to the authorities but i think it ended up being some form of marijuana.

That was really old marijuana that was at the house before Michael moved in as it was so old and matted.
Have to disagree with you there. To get a search warrant you have to have reasonable cause to get it. You just can't say oh I think this happened or that happened you can't say I have a theory. You need to show a judge something someone said or something you found to get a warrant. I think the cops really thought they would find something there thanks to talking to some in Michael's family

A lot of the evidence they used to prosecute Michael and search Michael's Neverland was later proven in court to be unfounded and even made more credible then is actually was _ such as stating some books they found were child ponagraphy when it actually was proven later in court that they were not- A lot of speculation and biased reports are used to get warrants _ it is later decided in court what is true or relevant.

When the trial comes we will hear what is fact and what is specualtion in the Murray case _ also the media puts a spin on it Just as they did with Michael so its hard to know fact from fiction untill we see the evidence presented and then cross examined in court.

A lot of false and misleading info was stated in Michael's trial and the truth didnt come out untill cross examination of those witnesses _ we have to hear BOTH side to come to a decision as does the Jury who will decide the outcome based on ALL the evidence provided.
Those were granted based on what Gavin and his family said. No cop lied to get those however the family lied to the cops. To get a warrant an officer needs to write a sworn affidavit. Which you say to a judge I found this or I was told this by that person has reasons to be granted a warrant. If you lie your evidence and your case along with any other case that officer worked on can be thrown out. Lets face it the cops thought Michael was an addict based on what they were told and the only people they would get that from is his family