AP: No charges filed in probe of other Jackson doctors

I just wonder how, if that Klein guy was also a "friend" to MJ and being he a doctor, he didn't notice something was wrong. Yes, I know about the autopsy reports. Yes, I know 7 docs are now "free" of any question, but I still don't understand why Michael was given all he was given that night, at his very own bed. Was that the first and only time?
those drugs are given b4 diprivan nothing strange. the problem was the amounts and then giving loz after diprivan if ppl are reading the report right. which is done for no other reason than to kill someone. klien wasnt a friend. this is a man that was giving mj demoral weeks after he came out of rehab. doctors are only intrested in money. when u have health service that is based on money these drs become gready

o, please excuse my ignorance in this (I openly admit that), but... how? why? Why on earth anyone would allow a guy to give you all those things during a few hours? Michael himself had admitted years before he had issues with these things, so why on earth that CM would give him all those many things again? And why would MJ accept those?
he had issues with painkillers not these things. u hire a dr and expert to treat you and help you get sleep. u put yourself in their hands as they are experts. you dont know what amounts should be given when. you are no expert. the dr is.........
So, please excuse my ignorance in this (I openly admit that), but... how? why? Why on earth anyone would allow a guy to give you all those things during a few hours? Michael himself had admitted years before he had issues with these things, so why on earth that CM would give him all those many things again? And why would MJ accept those?

I'm not gonna act like I know, because I don't, I wasn't there.

I can just speak generally using myself as an example.

I'm guessing that Michael "allowed this guy" to give him all those things because he trusted him and he was a doctor, the same way I trust my doctor when he said that I had high-blood pressure and would need to take medication to control it. Now I never had to take medication for anything, aside from a cold or the flu, but I trusted him and just did what he said.

"Doctor's - We Put Them On A Pedestal," maybe sometimes we shouldn't. "Some" of them are greedy and underhanded, same as some criminals. We all grew up to think that they had our best interest at heart. Our parents taught us that. Now in 2010, we know that is not always the case.
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i am so upset about this,i heard it on sky news uk,these docters should be held accountable for something,i do not believe michael was abusing drugs,i have had a huge row with my parents about it,through some unkind comments my father made,

this is good news.
I just wonder how, if that Klein guy was also a "friend" to MJ and being he a doctor, he didn't notice something was wrong. Yes, I know about the autopsy reports. Yes, I know 7 docs are now "free" of any question, but I still don't understand why Michael was given all he was given that night, at his very own bed. Was that the first and only time? And if so... why would anyone accept those many medicines being given at home? I have no clue about medicine, but common sense tells me it is simply wrong to receive all those medicines/drugs at a time. As far as I understand Michael was not forced to receive those things and certainly he was far from being an ignorant.

So, please excuse my ignorance in this (I openly admit that), but... how? why? Why on earth anyone would allow a guy to give you all those things during a few hours? Michael himself had admitted years before he had issues with these things, so why on earth that CM would give him all those many things again? And why would MJ accept those?

I just don't understand a thing. Please don't take offense, I don't mean any wrong or bad against any of you, and of course nothing against Michael. It's just I can't understand the simple fact of why Michael would accept being given all those things. I just can't understand it.

and still, all this makes that CM more and more accountable for his wrongdoings.


Michael trusted this doctor. That's why he accepted this medicine. I think this doctor was recommended to him by someone he trusted so he thought Murray was a capable doctor and he trusted him.

There are people who second guess all the prescriptions they get from doctors, they read reviews about the meds on the internet before taking them etc. I can say for myself that I am not one of these people. When I go to see a doctor I always do what they tell me to do and take all the meds they prescribe. I always trust doctors, because I think of them as healers. After what happened to Michael, I am not like that anymore. Now I second guess everything, all the meds and all their medical advice. But before that I kind of thought a doctor could do no wrong, that nothing bad would ever happen to me at the hands of a doctor. How foolish of me to think that. I realise that now.

Perhaps Michael was like that as well. His doctor told him that it was safe and he was desperate to get some sleep and he trusted his doctor. :(
CherubimII, no offense, but seriously, I don't think anybody on this board is interested in seeing Murray the murderer on vacation with his baby-mama.

I'm not a Mod, but I really wish you would remove that post. I find it very offensive!
CherubimII, no offense, but seriously, I don't think anybody on this board is interested in seeing Murray the murderer on vacation with his baby-mama.

I'm not a Mod, but I really wish you would remove that post. I find it very offensive!
Done. Please accept my apology.
Thanks guys, I've deleted the post. I know its upsetting but we need to keep on topic. I just want justice so badly, in one way it proves that Michael wasn't drug shopping but why do I feel like no one apart from his fans and his kids are the only ones that want justice here. Michael deserves better from the systems that let him down so badly.
^^ people don't treat him as a human being. they treat him as entertainment, an object that could be laughed at and then cast aside and forgotten. I really hate that. people have these assumptions about him and don't make even a tiny effort to see the truth.

even fans have assumptions about him. a couple of weeks ago I had a huge fight with a fellow fan, who is a very good friend of mine and we were supposed to go to a This Is It concert together.. she kept saying that her life experience was telling her that Michael could be a drug addict and that if he were she would love him anyway. We argued about this for several days and then just dropped the subject because we were on a verge of stopping talking to each other compelety and we didn't want that after a decade of friendship.

I just don't understand why people assume things in advance without any evidence. Why can't people think that he wasn't an addict until there's some proof that he actually was. Why do they think negatively? Why don't they believe in him? It really frustrates me.

Sorry for the rant.
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JMie, I understand your frustration. After all these years of being a fan, I have learned to base my opinion on primary SOURCE material - documents filed in court, official transcripts, words I have actually heard come of his mouth, etc.

Too many times fans have got all caught up and emotional and hysterical about something, only to have to calm down when the truth is revealed. It is a vicious cycle that some of us are on.
Michael Jackson's Doctors Avoid Charges for His Death

Michael Jackson's Doctors Avoid Charges for His Death

Investigators find insufficient evidence against physicians and a nurse who prescribed drugs to King of Pop; Conrad Murray will face trial in the fall

The California Attorney General's office has announced that it won't seek charges against seven doctors and one nurse who were under investigation following Michael Jackson's death for prescribing drugs to the King of Pop. A spokeswoman for Attorney General Jerry Brown said that the investigators did not find sufficient evidence, CNN reports. However, one unspecified doctor who knowingly provided drugs to Jackson under one of the star's aliases could be disciplined by the California medical board. While the Attorney General's office declined to name the physicians in their probe, it's believed that Jackson's dermatologist Arnold Klein, whose practice was searched in the days following Jackson's death, and the singer's nurse Cherilyn Lee, who was subpoenaed by authorities, were among those investigated.
Look back at Michael Jackson's life in photos.
Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician, remains the lone suspect in Jackson's death. As Rolling Stone previously reported, Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter; Jackon's death was ruled a homicide due to acute Propofol intoxication. An additional autopsy report found a large amount of the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam in Jackson's system, which "would have accentuated the respiratory and cardiovascular depression from propofol," causing Jackson to go into cardiac arrest. Murray pleaded not guilty in court to the charges.
Last month, Murray's lawyer Ed Chernoff mapped out the doctor's defense strategy, claiming that either a third party or Jackson himself administered the fatal dose of Propofol, a powerful sedative usually limited to surgical operations and hospital use, when Murray left the room for two minutes on the night of June 25th, 2009. While an aesthesia expert told the coroner that it would be "difficult" for Jackson to self-administer the Propofol, Murray's legal team argues that it is possible. Due to his role in Jackson's death, the California Attorney General has twice attempted to have the state's medical board revoke Murray's license to practice in California, but the judge overseeing Murray's case has rejected the Attorney General's bid. Murray's trial is expected to begin in the fall.

here is link:http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/17386/186649

Re: Michael Jackson's Doctors Avoid Charges for His Death

Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician, remains the lone suspect in Jackson's death. As Rolling Stone previously reported, Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter; Jackon's death was ruled a homicide due to acute Propofol intoxication. An additional autopsy report found a large amount of the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam in Jackson's system, which "would have accentuated the respiratory and cardiovascular depression from propofol," causing Jackson to go into cardiac arrest. Murray pleaded not guilty in court to the charges.

That person with medical knowledge I spoke to was right. That's exactly what I posted earlier in this thread. His exact words were

Murray gave Michael Valium which is normal - it didn't work, so he gave him 2mg of Lorazepam (which is the amount given to anxious or insomniac patients) its side effect is respiratory depression if given in high doses.

He then gives him Midazolom 2mg (that’s 4 mg now) but that’s not a big problem because it’s short acting.

What’s a problem and strange is that he gave him another 2mg of Lorazepam. That’s 4mg, that’s a lot for one person in three hours.

Lorazepam in that amount causes 'Sleep Apnea'. Sleep apnea causes deprivation of quality sleep.

What made him go in respiratory failure is the combination in great amounts of the Propofol and Lorazepam
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These whole legal proceding are just crazy, beyond crazyness its way past one year since Michael has passed away and still nothing, ziltch instead C Murray is sunning it on holiday, what a bloody joke!
Its beyond one if you ask me!
MJ Doc Arnie Klein -- I'll Save Your Face!

44 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's former dermatologist -- and longtime friend -- Dr. Arnie Klein will now have a say about what YOU can put in your face ... TMZ has learned he's been appointed to the Food and Drug Administration ... an arm of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


Klein -- who's been practicing medicine for 35 years and is considered a leader in the field of dermatology -- will offer his expertise in the field of injectables.

Klein tells us he'll primarily be dealing with trials for certain injectable products -- to determine how they should be used. He will also participate in toxicity testing.

Klein tells us, "It's most important that someone takes responsibility for what's happening in medicine ... we're the best country in the world, we should be able to deliver the best medical care in the world and have the best possible drugs at the lowest possible prices."

Murray wasn't the only one who was involved in MJ death I just can't take it anymore I refuse to even speak on this anymore just too painful celebs just die off at the hands of the killers and no justice can be done
"I am very disappointed," said attorney Brian Oxman, who represents Michael Jackson's father Joe Jackson in a wrongful death lawsuit against Murray. "The misuse of medications by Michael Jackson in the last years of his life was excessive and to fail to bring that to the public eye is ignoring reality."

It is ticking me off so badly at Brian Oxman's continued insistence to paint Michael Jackson as some out of control drug addict! :evil: why is the Jackson Family allowing this? oh wait, some of them do believe this, I almost forgot....:doh: :smilerolleyes:

Media spread false stories that MJ was drug shopping every Doctor in CA & elswhere.
Michael wasnt & thats why they these Dr's are not being charged _ MJ was not a drug addict

Try tellin' that to Brian Oxman and some members of the Jackson Family!

Anyway, going by this report, I think this is a good thing, as Dr. Murray's defence does'nt have a leg to stand on by pointing fingers at the other doctors, this action just eliminated that......its just him and him alone.
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This report, in my mind, puts the blame on Murrey alone, and there is clearly no evidence that Michael was asking or taking too many unnecessary medications. We know he had an addiction to painkillers, and I don't doubt that he relapsed from time to time, he must have had to take a lot for the back problem and that could have triggered off an addiction episode, but in his final years he looks healthy and happy when we saw him, and Oxman can just be quiet, nobody who matters is listening to him.
I do believe that MJ kids of course want justice for MJ and fans too!

But....Some fans are still calling him a drug addict and was doctor shopping! Maybe not on this board! But else where I still see it! Even after this news they still continue!

So Freaking annoying!
I do believe that MJ kids of course want justice for MJ and fans too!

But....Some fans are still calling him a drug addict and was doctor shopping! Maybe not on this board! But else where I still see it! Even after this news they still continue!

So Freaking annoying!

Those 'fans' need to get their heads checked!:smilerolleyes:
MJ Doc Arnie Klein -- I'll Save Your Face!

44 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's former dermatologist -- and longtime friend -- Dr. Arnie Klein will now have a say about what YOU can put in your face ... TMZ has learned he's been appointed to the Food and Drug Administration ... an arm of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Click the image to open in full size.

Klein -- who's been practicing medicine for 35 years and is considered a leader in the field of dermatology -- will offer his expertise in the field of injectables.

Klein tells us he'll primarily be dealing with trials for certain injectable products -- to determine how they should be used. He will also participate in toxicity testing.

Klein tells us, "It's most important that someone takes responsibility for what's happening in medicine ... we're the best country in the world, we should be able to deliver the best medical care in the world and have the best possible drugs at the lowest possible prices."

Huh? What's next, Dr. Murray will be appointed U.S. Surgeon General?
I do believe that MJ kids of course want justice for MJ and fans too!

I heard that Paris especially wants to know what happened to her father. She asks people what happened but they tell her they don't know. :(
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I think Arnold Klein is an evil man and he did contribute to Michael's death a lot. But I always knew it would be close to impossible to prove it, so I'm not surprised. But nobody escapes the punishment they deserve. If not in this world, then in the next.....

And I don't think Murray was the first and only to use things like Propofol on Michael, I really don't.

Totally agree......
This report, in my mind, puts the blame on Murrey alone, and there is clearly no evidence that Michael was asking or taking too many unnecessary medications. We know he had an addiction to painkillers, and I don't doubt that he relapsed from time to time, he must have had to take a lot for the back problem and that could have triggered off an addiction episode, but in his final years he looks healthy and happy when we saw him, and Oxman can just be quiet, nobody who matters is listening to him.

I agree with you. And, the autopsy report confirmed that Michael was not a drug addict--his toxicology report, liver samples, etc. were inconsistent with someone who had addictions to drugs.
This report, in my mind, puts the blame on Murrey alone, and there is clearly no evidence that Michael was asking or taking too many unnecessary medications. We know he had an addiction to painkillers, and I don't doubt that he relapsed from time to time, he must have had to take a lot for the back problem and that could have triggered off an addiction episode, but in his final years he looks healthy and happy when we saw him, and Oxman can just be quiet, nobody who matters is listening to him.

Thank you for saying this! This is exactly what I think.

I do believe that MJ kids of course want justice for MJ and fans too!

But....Some fans are still calling him a drug addict and was doctor shopping! Maybe not on this board! But else where I still see it! Even after this news they still continue!

So Freaking annoying!

Agreed. I see it too on a few smaller MJ sites I'm a part of and it drives me crazy. I'll ask them "can you provide a factual source for this information?" and they never can. They complain about people wrongly and blindly believing the media regarding the molestation allegations, and yet they do the exact same regarding his medication use at the time of his death.