AP: No charges filed in probe of other Jackson doctors

Arnie Klein is a scumbag either way! All that talk he was doing after MJ passing to save his a$$ showed his true colors! He was no friend! He can go straight to hell! I hope he chokes on that green jacket!
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The following is a prescription for murder:
Murray gave Michael Valium which is normal - it didn't work, so he gave him 2mg of Lorazepam (which is the amount given to anxious or insomniac patients) its side effect is respiratory depression if given in high doses.

He then gives him Midazolom 2mg (that’s 4 mg now) but that’s not a big problem because it’s short acting.

What’s a problem and strange is that he gave him another 2mg of Lorazepam. That’s 4mg, that’s a lot for one person in three hours.

Lorazepam in that amount causes 'Sleep Apnea'. Sleep apnea causes deprivation of quality sleep.

What made him go in respiratory failure is the combination in great amounts of the Propofol and Lorazepam
whoa at the news about Klein! Is he really that good that the government is ready to close an eye on his work ethics? wow, I have no words.
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All you have to do is offer your expertise. This makes me wonder why did he call TMZ and tell them this? Could it be he was trying to deflect attention away from something? I think if he gets into trouble they will drop him faster then a bad cold
whoa at the news about Klein! Is he really that good that the government is ready to close an eye on his work athics? wow, I have no words.

Did they bother to investigate him.? How clueless can this department be.? Our tax dollars at work. Damn scary.!!!!
I just wonder how, if that Klein guy was also a "friend" to MJ and being he a doctor, he didn't notice something was wrong. Yes, I know about the autopsy reports. Yes, I know 7 docs are now "free" of any question, but I still don't understand why Michael was given all he was given that night, at his very own bed. Was that the first and only time? And if so... why would anyone accept those many medicines being given at home? I have no clue about medicine, but common sense tells me it is simply wrong to receive all those medicines/drugs at a time. As far as I understand Michael was not forced to receive those things and certainly he was far from being an ignorant.

So, please excuse my ignorance in this (I openly admit that), but... how? why? Why on earth anyone would allow a guy to give you all those things during a few hours? Michael himself had admitted years before he had issues with these things, so why on earth that CM would give him all those many things again? And why would MJ accept those?

I just don't understand a thing. Please don't take offense, I don't mean any wrong or bad against any of you, and of course nothing against Michael. It's just I can't understand the simple fact of why Michael would accept being given all those things. I just can't understand it.

and still, all this makes that CM more and more accountable for his wrongdoings.


1.Michael trusted his doctor
2.The drugs were strong and even if Michael didn´t fall asleep he was probably affected by them and I don´t think his mind was clear when he was given more drugs.It´s possible he didn´t remember all those drugs Murray gave him.
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"No no, my health is perfect actually, I’m a great believer in holistic natural foods and eating and herbs and things, you know, God’s medicine, instead of Western chemicals." - Michael Jackson (March, 2005)
I think this may actually be the key to convicting murray though. This places the responsibility squarely at his feet. This is saying that even if Michael had several doctors, they were not able to make a link to a long line of people working together to keep him addicted. Whatever Brian Oxman says, this outcome to me says that he was NOT an addict who was receiving off the chart supplies from several locations and therefore MURRAY WAS THE MAN WHO IS RESPONSIBLE.
I think this may actually be the key to convicting murray though. This places the responsibility squarely at his feet. This is saying that even if Michael had several doctors, they were not able to make a link to a long line of people working together to keep him addicted. Whatever Brian Oxman says, this outcome to me says that he was NOT an addict who was receiving off the chart supplies from several locations and therefore MURRAY WAS THE MAN WHO IS RESPONSIBLE.

totally agree. I was just saying the same thing to my mum yesterday. Murray isn't the fall guy- he is the guy, hence only him being charged.
As far as Klein working with the FDA, I'm sorry but the man is such a liar, I would need CONFIRMATION from the FDA before I believe anything he has to say.

Aside from the fact, before the FDA appointed anyone, they would surely do a background check. Now I'm no expert, but what do you think would come up if the FDA did a background check on one "Doctor" Arnold Klein.

For all we know, he could have written a letter to the FDA with some suggestions and now he thinks he's a part of their team. LOL!

Bottomline, the guy is a repeat offender when it comes to lying. I, for one, don't believe a word he says!
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Friends, thanks for your comments on my questions yesterday, regarding why on earth would MJ allow anyone to give him all those medicines. I agree with your points: for any given reason, he trusted that CM and that man was suppossed to know what he was doing. After all, he was to be paid BIG money to work for Michael and somebody recomended this guy for being a good doctor, not for being a killer, imo.

As JMie said, we are tought to trust doctors since our early childhood for they just "can't" do wrong against us, but they are there to save us. Your comments have also brought to my mind the few time I was a few days from undergoing an operation because I was diagnosed of having "a tumor", when it finally turned out to be but a little bump which faded away with just a few pills in one week. Such are greedy doctors... :no:
Klein tells us, "It's most important that someone takes responsibility for what's happening in medicine ...
and what's happening?
doctors abusing patients?
lol... the nerve of this guy :doh:

... we're the best country in the world, we should be able to deliver the best medical care in the world and have the best possible drugs at the lowest possible prices."
USA is great, and so is Mexico, India or Paraguay, each country in their own way.
such a comment.... well... it's Klein...
As far as Klein working with the FDA, I'm sorry but the man is such a liar, I would need CONFIRMATION from the FDA before I believe anything he has to say.

Aside from the fact, before the FDA appointed anyone, they would surely do a background check. Now I'm no expert, but what do you think would come up if the FDA did a background check on one "Doctor" Arnold Klein.

For all we know, he could have written a letter to the FDA with some suggestions and now he thinks he's a part of their team. LOL!

Bottomline, the guy is a repeat offender when it comes to lying. I, for one, don't believe a word he says!

yes, indeed, let's better wait and see.
besides, I didn't know those TMZ guys were any interested at all in public health issues. how good on them... :smilerolleyes:
Dropping the investigations of other doctors could mean one of two things. It could mean that they found nothing, and that is the end of it. Or, it could point to Murray being the only one brought to trial, regardless of who else may, or may not have been, involved. Various people have stated that "Murray is the fall-guy." If so, for whom is he "falling?" And why? We simply don't have enough information to know if this is the case, or if it is not. And now, it looks like we won't.

This is what we KNOW. We know that in a deposition (online, audio and text) that Michael stated that he had issues with prescription medication as recently as July 25, 2007. Quotes from the deposition are given. (where he said he could have been "impaired" when signing certain contracts. HIS own words.) We know that Michael had issues with pain, and sometimes needed medication for it. That is very different from being a "junkie" or recreational drug-user. It's a quality-of-life issue.

We KNOW that Michael was clean of narcotics when he died. We have various opinions, but we do not really know his medical history before that.
Various people have stated that "Murray is the fall-guy." If so, for whom is he "falling?" And why? We simply don't have enough information to know if this is the case, or if it is not. And now, it looks like we won't.
Unless I missed something, as I recall the ONLY folks calling Murray the "fall guy" are certain members of the Jackson family.

To date, I don't believe anybody else has used those words.

Which leads me to believe that is a theory which is held by "some" family members, but they have yet to provide any type of information to back-up their claim of Murray being the fall guy. I simply believe that 1) there is no evidence to prove the "fall guy" theory, or we would have heard about it already; and 2) the "fall guy" theory is being used for something else, which has nothing to do with Murray's upcoming trial.
Unless I missed something, as I recall the ONLY folks calling Murray the "fall guy" are certain members of the Jackson family.

To date, I don't believe anybody else has used those words.

Which leads me to believe that is a theory which is held by "some" family members, but they have yet to provide any type of information to back-up their claim of Murray being the fall guy. I simply believe that 1) there is no evidence to prove the "fall guy" theory, or we would have heard about it already; and 2) the "fall guy" theory is being used for something else, which has nothing to do with Murray's upcoming trial.

I believe that is correct. The ones who have used the "fall guy" term are the family members: LaToya Jackson, Joe Jackson, and Jermaine Jackson. Karen Faye also said it. I'm not going to provide any opinions here as to their credibility, or NON-credibility.

And right . . . no one has produced "in public" any information to back it up. Whether they will try to do so at the trial, we can't know at this point. That is where any "evidence" will come out, and for any answers to a "fall guy theory," I think we must wait for that. It will either be a part of the trial, or not.

The point remains. There are two possibilities. Law enforcement found no violations on the parts of Michael's doctors, or they didn't try very hard. NO ONE has any way of knowing the answer to this at this time. The last time Michael mentioned being "impaired" (didn't remember signing contracts) was in the deposition of July 25, 2007. That is a fact. And no, he was not addicted to narcotics when he died. That, also, is a fact.


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Victoria, I recall in the interview when Michael was talking about signing documents in error because of use of medication he was talking about in 2003 even though the interview was taking place in 2007. Is this the one that you are refering to? I only saw the clip so I may have missed when he talked about 2007.
This is the one I am familiar with:

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If this is true, it must have been someone else drugging him up. And who would take advantage of him like that??

This sounds like someone taking advantage of him, like at his holmbly hills home when Thome came over during the middle of the night and made him sign some papers outside in the dark.
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Dropping the investigations of other doctors could mean one of two things. It could mean that they found nothing, and that is the end of it. Or, it could point to Murray being the only one brought to trial, regardless of who else may, or may not have been, involved.

I believe it was already determined that Murray is the only one to be charged with manslaughter and brought to trial. Even if those doctors were over prescribing or giving medications that they weren't supposed to, at the time of MJ's death and the cause of his death was solely dependent on the drugs given by Murray.

This was a totally seperate investigation (by Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement) to bring charges (not murder or manslaughter) against those doctors and/or discipline/ suspend/revoke their medical licences if they had shady prescription practices.

The point remains. There are two possibilities. Law enforcement found no violations on the parts of Michael's doctors, or they didn't try very hard. NO ONE has any way of knowing the answer to this at this time.

True we can't know how much effort they put into it but to me they seem to be very determined in regards to this issues as they also investigate Anna Nicole's doctors and recently there was talks about a possible investigation to Lindsay Lohan's doctors.
I can only hope that this means they are focussing on Murray now, instead of it being a sign of things to come.
I take alot of painkillers and other meds which can really make you feel out of it . When you feel like this either because of meds or a medical condition, or both in Michael's and my case it could lead to people taking advantage of you while you are ill.
I think maybe the point is they are only charging Murray because what he gave our beloved Michael killed him. None of the other meds he was prescribed or took before this killed him. They police can only go on Michael's recent med history which only points to one man being culpable. I believe many, many people took advantage of Michael throughout his life and they used whatever they could to manipulate him. These things that were used against him could be money, people and medication. People could have manipulated Michael very easily when his health was not good. that is why what Dr.Murray did to our beloved was the greatest betrayal of all. It was the worst and the last of many wrongs against MJ.
Michael was very focused and happy during This is it!so why you believe this stories when we all can believe what we so with our own eyes?MICHAEL WAS NOT AN ADDICT!
Michael was very focused and happy during This is it!so why you believe this stories when we all can believe what we so with our own eyes?MICHAEL WAS NOT AN ADDICT!

You're right- Michael when he passed was not an addict. He was addicted to painkillers by his own admission many years ago and the media hold it against him. We are merely debating the case.
An Outrage. I'm fumming. These Doctors Knew that he was addicted to painkillers.He admitted to that fact and he was asking for help. Where were their ethics. NOBODY says NO to a WHOLE LOT OF CASH but doesn't care to think about how it would hurt his loveones,especially his children. Murray was the last one there with him without the proper equiptment to bring him back alive just incase. He was there along with the Cook,His Kids and The Guy who was on the phone that day.The Law is Consentrating on Murray more than These Doctors.I think The Cops should follow what's going on with The Anna Nicole Case or what Happened to Elvis' Doctors for refferences.(My Spelling stinks LOL but you get my Drift.)
An Outrage. I'm fumming. These Doctors Knew that he was addicted to painkillers.He admitted to that fact and he was asking for help. Where were their ethics. NOBODY says NO to a WHOLE LOT OF CASH but doesn't care to think about how it would hurt his loveones,especially his children.
what does what mj was addicted to 5-10-15 years ago have to do with what murray did?.theres no evidence what so ever that he was addicted to anything b4 june 25th.so why u make a comment re those drs i dont know. . why are some fans so obsessed about calling mj a druggie and a dr shopper. deary me. with fans like that who need enemies.what happened to elvis etc has nothing to do with mj. so why some are trying to lump it altogether i dont know

these drs and dentist were being investigated for contributing as at the begining the police thought it was just another typcial OD. . they did not contribute so no charges. there is not even evidence of over prescribing. and the meds found in mjs house show that there was no dr shopping or addiction. thefact he was using diprivan showed that he was probably trying to stay away from addictive substances like the benzos
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what does what mj was addicted to 5-10-15 years ago have to do with what murray did?.theres no evidence what so ever that he was addicted to anything b4 june 25th.so why u make a comment re those drs i dont know. . why are some fans so obsessed about calling mj a druggie and a dr shopper. deary me. with fans like that who need enemies.what happened to elvis etc has nothing to do with mj. so why some are trying to lump it altogether i dont know

these drs and dentist were being investigated for contributing as at the begining the police thought it was just another typcial OD. . they did not contribute so no charges. there is not even evidence of over prescribing. and the meds found in mjs house show that there was no dr shopping or addiction. the fact he was using diprivan showed that he was probably trying to stay away from addictive substances like the benzos

Maybe you're right about trying to find ways to stay away from addictive Substances like benzos but I know that there are facts out there dealing with those other cases and whoever was the one that made MJ think that Diprivan was the only choice to put him to sleep inwhich I feel there should have been something safer other than that to be used for his sleeping problems being that he was about to go on tour and He was happy about it. I can't see why anyone would give him that stuff in the firstplace. Yes Murray is to blame,I just can't believe he has been free for so long so he can pay his bills and his child support and had the nerve to go to His Grave site and tell the press and The Court That he believes that Michael committed suicide himself but if Michael was sent to jail ,He wouldn't be able to work or see his kids and pay his bills. Double standard. Conspiracy.....:agree: