AP: No charges filed in probe of other Jackson doctors

the whole thing is clouded. nobody is giving a definitive thing here. even the coroner report doesn't define for sure, what was the 'straw the broke the camel's back.' but the misuse of propofol is clearly not disputed. misuse of other drugs is not at issue.

Who do we believe if not the coroner? The coroner said micahel died from propofol along with benzos. The straw that broke the camel's back means that propofol along with the other things in his system that murray gave him was just too much for his body. His breathing was supressed which caused a cardiac arrest.
Just shows that Michael was not doctor shopping was not an addict in denial and was like his autopsy said taken care of himself. And this also takes a defence away from Murray. And I hope certain members of Michael's family pay attention to this. And shut the @#$% up Oxbrain

you are so right!
it seams to me that OXMAN is working for Murray! SHUT UP , YOU ONLY SAY LIES!
I don't know how to react to this news..
I want Michael to win and I hope its soon.
The media lies that MJ was getting pills from every freaking DR in CA and beyond. No doubt the media will sweep this news under the rug.
BRIAN OXMAN relentlessly pushing the JACKSONS agenda that MJ was a massive abuser of drugs.
Brian Oxman an whoever he represents directly and indirectly r scumbags what freaking bast+rd

it seams to me that OXMAN is working for Murray! SHUT UP , YOU ONLY SAY LIES!
is employed by them Jacksons
^^ Actually, I think he's only working for Joe.

If it's true what I read, a while ago, Randy asked Oxman not to speak. But till this day, he's still speaking.

anyone knows his email so I can tell him to be quiet? but then, like he'll listen....
Just shows that Michael was not doctor shopping was not an addict in denial and was like his autopsy said taken care of himself. And this also takes a defence away from Murray. And I hope certain members of Michael's family pay attention to this. And shut the @#$% up Oxbrain

Someone needs to tell joe that oxman is NO GOOD!
Didn't Janet in her latest interview with oprah talk about supposed drug abuse? That they tried to intervent, but he didn't listen, bla-bla? What was that?
"I am very disappointed," said attorney Brian Oxman, who represents Michael Jackson's father Joe Jackson in a wrongful death lawsuit against Murray. "The misuse of medications by Michael Jackson in the last years of his life was excessive and to fail to bring that to the public eye is ignoring reality."

The only thing Oxman is disappointed about is the fact that the conclusion of this probe will not help bolster any of the "various" cases he has out there. Too Bad, So Sad, Oxman!

This is also a slap in the face to the folks pushing the "drug addict in deinal" theory. I mean, where was the big fat drug addict getting his so-called drugs? Hollywood & Vine! (This is me ROLLING MY EYES!)

Ain't it funny how "some" folks couldn't wait until ALL of the facts were in, before they opened up their big fat mouths! (This is me LAUGHING at all of those fools!)
Didn't Janet in her latest interview with oprah talk about supposed drug abuse? That they tried to intervent, but he didn't listen, bla-bla? What was that?
I believe her exact words were: DRUG ADDICT IN DENIAL!

Right along with Rowe, Oxman and "some" others.

Who's in DENIAL now, I wonder?
The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson's death
was from an overdose of propofol, a powerful anesthesia used to put surgical patients to sleep.

A consultant's report included in the autopsy said the level of lorazepam, a powerful anti-anxiety agent found in Jackson's body "would have accentuated the respiratory and cardiovascular depression from propofol."

Murder, she wrote.
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I believe her exact words were: DRUG ADDICT IN DENIAL!

Right along with Rowe, Oxman and "some" others.

Who's in DENIAL now, I wonder?

yup but she didn't remember that dates when they went for intervention.
oxman can go to hell ,i feel like breaking his jaw or something :ninja:
this just proves what I believed all along. Michael was no addict despite scumbags like Oxman protesting otherwise.
Any one knows a family whose mission statement is to make certain every one in the world is aware that their son/brother was an out of control drug addict.??? Is this how you protect MJ'S legacy.?

That clown OXMAN is doing his client's bidding. Don't want to hear OXMAN is just JOE'S lawyer. If the JACKSONS were not in total agreement with OXMAN'S actions, no way would he be a fixture at MJ'S memorial, burial and every significant MJ event.

Evidently getting control of MJ'S assets is more important than protecting his legacy.
Any one knows a family whose mission statement is to make certain every one in the world is aware that their son/brother was an out of control drug addict.??? Is this how you protect MJ'S legacy.?

That clown OXMAN is doing his client's bidding. Don't want to hear OXMAN is just JOE'S lawyer. If the JACKSONS were not in total agreement with OXMAN'S actions, no way would he be a fixture at MJ'S memorial, burial and every significant MJ event.

Evidently getting control of MJ'S assets is more important than protecting his legacy.

yup u got that right.
Any one knows a family whose mission statement is to make certain every one in the world is aware that their son/brother was an out of control drug addict.??? Is this how you protect MJ'S legacy.?

That clown OXMAN is doing his client's bidding. Don't want to hear OXMAN is just JOE'S lawyer. If the JACKSONS were not in total agreement with OXMAN'S actions, no way would he be a fixture at MJ'S memorial, burial and every significant MJ event.

Evidently getting control of MJ'S assets is more important than protecting his legacy.
Yep, that's their "mission statement," because somewhere down the line they would "most likely" like to say Michael was drugged up when he signed his Last Will & Testament and therefore it's invalid.

And you're also correct, in my opinion, because behind closed doors Oxman is speaking for more than just Joe Jackson.

A few weeks back, Leonard Rowe gave an interview, trying to promote his new book, and he said that he had a meeting at JANET'S CRIB, with Randy, Janet, and Oxman. And of course the topic of discussion was regarding the so-called "fake" will.

No offense, but I truly believe that the fact that only Ms. Katherine is named in MJ's will has caused "some" family members to lose their ever loving minds and any common sense they may have had regarding this situation. It's really sad when you think about how badly they want Michael to be an out of his mind drug addict so that "some" of them can benefit financially. It breaks my heart!
I totally agree.. what kind of family uses that as their mission statement? they don't care about MJ or his legacy in my opinion
Any one knows a family whose mission statement is to make certain every one in the world is aware that their son/brother was an out of control drug addict.??? Is this how you protect MJ'S legacy.?

That clown OXMAN is doing his client's bidding. Don't want to hear OXMAN is just JOE'S lawyer. If the JACKSONS were not in total agreement with OXMAN'S actions, no way would he be a fixture at MJ'S memorial, burial and every significant MJ event.

Evidently getting control of MJ'S assets is more important than protecting his legacy.

Yep, that's their "mission statement," because somewhere down the line they would "most likely" like to say Michael was drugged up when he signed his Last Will & Testament and therefore it's invalid.

And you're also correct, in my opinion, because behind closed doors Oxman is speaking for more than just Joe Jackson.

A few weeks back, Leonard Rowe gave an interview, trying to promote his new book, and he said that he had a meeting at JANET'S CRIB, with Randy, Janet, and Oxman. And of course the topic of discussion was regarding the so-called "fake" will.

No offense, but I truly believe that the fact that only Ms. Katherine is named in MJ's will has caused "some" family members to lose their ever loving minds and any common sense they may have had regarding this situation. It's really sad when you think about how badly they want Michael to be an out of his mind drug addict so that "some" of them can benefit financially. It breaks my heart!

I totally agree.. what kind of family uses that as their mission statement? they don't care about MJ or his legacy in my opinion
amen. props for u having the courage to speak up and call it what it is.
the will threw off a whole bunch of them, they know what time it is.
and frankly i doubt they would have behaved any differently if they would have gotten something.. greed is a very ugly thing
of course Michael was not a drug addict...its about time it came out. I did see this story running on CNN on the ticker tape at the bottom of the screen..but....I haven't heard the story being discussed by the reporter at all. WHY can they NOT give Michael what is owed to him. ..This is huge news for this case..why it is NOT being discussed on every news channel is beyond me. Maybe now Oxman and certain members of the Jackson family will STFU!!
Sadly I think Michael's death is merely being used for political tactics and justice is not what is on the mind of the people that are meant to be enforcing it. The state is broke, the AG is fighting to keep his post, and justice is not being done here. Michael doesn't deserve this at all :( Its us that have to keep fighting and we won't stop until justice is done.
i am so upset about this,i heard it on sky news uk,these docters should be held accountable for something,i do not believe michael was abusing drugs,i have had a huge row with my parents about it,through some unkind comments my father made,
I honestly wish Oxman would just do a run and jump
I'm sick of seeing and hearing his name everywhere, the man cannot be trusted as far as i'm concerned, Although I suppose its up to Joe or the rest of the Jacksons if they want him to come and bring Michaels Legacy down!
Because when the press start with the 'Michael was a drug addict' stories again they wont be able to say 'stop' because their Lawyer has been sprouting out shit that backs the press' shit thats been around and denied for years !
I just wonder how, if that Klein guy was also a "friend" to MJ and being he a doctor, he didn't notice something was wrong. Yes, I know about the autopsy reports. Yes, I know 7 docs are now "free" of any question, but I still don't understand why Michael was given all he was given that night, at his very own bed. Was that the first and only time? And if so... why would anyone accept those many medicines being given at home? I have no clue about medicine, but common sense tells me it is simply wrong to receive all those medicines/drugs at a time. As far as I understand Michael was not forced to receive those things and certainly he was far from being an ignorant.

So, please excuse my ignorance in this (I openly admit that), but... how? why? Why on earth anyone would allow a guy to give you all those things during a few hours? Michael himself had admitted years before he had issues with these things, so why on earth that CM would give him all those many things again? And why would MJ accept those?

I just don't understand a thing. Please don't take offense, I don't mean any wrong or bad against any of you, and of course nothing against Michael. It's just I can't understand the simple fact of why Michael would accept being given all those things. I just can't understand it.

and still, all this makes that CM more and more accountable for his wrongdoings.

good news. more vindication for mj no matter how much the haters and those who use mj for their own ends feel. oxman pushes the druggie angle cause hes suing for wrongful death for joe. in order to get money they ar going with the druggie story. they dont care if they sell mj out aslong as it gets them a pay day.

presume thats klien re the alias. although mj used lots of them as every star does inorder to protect them from the press.aslong as the file inside has his real name on it theres nothing ilelgal about it. wonder if this is any different. klien deserves to go down anyway for a being such as asshole. he deserves all he gets