Anything about DEBBIE ROWE keep it in here

Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

I am slightly disappointed with The Jackson Family for letting Paris speak at the memorial. They should have protected her from the media - now she is all over the media. They should know better - they are in the business so long.

Anyone else feel the same way?

I kinda got the impression that Paris's speech was not planned at all. I have read articles that stated that even the Jackson family and the event organisers were stunned that Paris chose to say something. Personally I think it was her doing and since she was already on the stage, they could not have stopped her without creating a potentially embarrassing situation.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

I'm not trying to be mean but that's uncalled for. Did you ever think that the Jackson's are grieving an including Paris. Did you ever think that Maybe Paris wanted to say her final words to her father there. Its not right to be criticizing the Jackson's like this when they've lost MJ.

I agree, and I think possibly in the long run, it would have been more detrimental to her if they had tried to stop her, because if this is the way she wanted to grieve, then maybe it's better that she be allowed to grieve the way SHE wants to grieve.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

i hope michael's wish's are respect. and the children grow up in a loving family
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

i hope no one feels put out of these children's lives.

i hope they can all come together and do right by them. i love katherine, she's not a young woman. she's mentally tough but she'll need a lot of help

and if deb's actions as of late are any indication on how bitchy and fighty she really is at the moment, then she can protect those kids just as well as they grandmama

look, they live an hr from each other. what's the damn problem? the kids money is in a trust. katie is the one w/ the money in all of this. what money can be acquired if u get the kids? unless they plan on going down to the ssi office. their money is on lockdown.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

Kenny Ortega was interviewed by CNN outside the Staples Centre after the Memorial and he said that The Jackson Family coming to the stage wasn't even in plans and he himself was surprised seeing them do this.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

i hope michael's wish's are respect. and the children grow up in a loving family

The guardianship hearing for Michael Jackson's three children has been delayed for a week, in order to give Katherine Jackson and Debbie Rowe time to reach an agreement, reports The Associated Press. Katherine Jackson will remain the temporary guardian of Prince, Paris and Blanket, and court records show that the judge granted the delay on Friday afternoon. This is the second time the hearing has been pushed back - earlier this week it was moved from July 6 to July 13, and it will now take place on July 20 at 8:30am.
It appears as though the two sides are trying to broker an out-of-court settlement, and Jackson family attorney L. Londell McMillan released the following statement:

  • "We are pleased that the child custody hearing has been continued over until July 20th to further our progress and allow us to privately and amicably resolve this most important matter in a dignified manner for the benefit of the children first and all involved."
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

My biggest concern with Debbie is her proximity to Schffel.

These guys will try to exploit those kids for their gain.

They will try to line themsleves to be advisors, friends, managers and lawyers for those kids when they come of age so as to tap into teh kid's vast welath.

I know Blanket is secure because they can't get their paws on him, but i worry about the other two.

I hope Katherine's team brings up Schaffel's case of stealing from Michael and take steps to ensure that he never has any contact with the kids whatsoever.

Debbie is not interested in protecting those kids, she is only interested in money, being pushed along by the likes of Schaffel who want to exploit these kids. Jacksons need to really protect these kids and Janet needs to educate them about scam out there.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

Yeh i dont trust them too at all

That's why I hope they go to Kat. I don't trust them either! Is it true Debbie is worried that the kids may be around Joe a lot? Well look who she is around, yeah Schaffel!
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

and if deb's actions as of late are any indication on how bitchy and fighty she really is at the moment, then she can protect those kids just as well as they grandmama

Being bitchy and fighty is not a good thing. It shows a lack of discipline.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

That's why I hope they go to Kat. I don't trust them either! Is it true Debbie is worried that the kids may be around Joe a lot? Well look who she is around, yeah Schaffel!

Yeh lol ..schffel isnt the most trustful guy in the world!
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

My biggest concern with Debbie is her proximity to Schffel.

I hope Katherine's team brings up Schaffel's case of stealing from Michael and take steps to ensure that he never has any contact with the kids whatsoever.

Schaffel and Dr. Klein.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

Ok, I have NOT read this thread completely but I have a few things to say...

1.) I AM SICK AND TIRED of all this BS going around about 'Who is Michael Jackson's childrens daddy?' 'Who fathered Michael Jackson's children?' UMMM...I don't know...this is just a shot in the dart, but Michael Jackson? I want to know why is it so flippin' hard to believe that he fathered these kids? Take one look at Prince or Blanket and I dare you to tell me they don't have Michael's eyes. At the memorial service when Prince was on stage, there was an angle he was shown at where my breath was taken away because he looked so much like Michael. Biracial children come out in all different colors and from birth through adolescence they continuously change which you can see is the case with his kids. And the idea that Debbie is not the biological parent of the two eldest, take one look at Paris and you can clearly see that she has a LOT of Debbie in her, my mother has been like 'THANK GOD she has Jackson in her too.' LOL! My mother cannot stand Debbie Rowe. This has just been making me so mad, it NEEDS TO END! I understand completely that biology does not a father or mother make, it doesn't really matter, BUT I will not stand for something that isn't true to be spread like it has been as if it were FACT! Just because those children don't look "how biracial children are suppose to look" doesn't mean jack crap! I HAD NO IDEA THAT ALL BIRACIAL CHILDREN LOOKED ONE CERTAIN WAY! NO IDEA! THAT'S BEEN NEWS TO ME! **rolls eyes** The only reason the media can get away with this is because it involves Michael Jackson and the more outrageous the story, the more people will be willing to believe it. But try and say that he and a lady hooked up and out popped two babies...Oh that's OBVIOUSLY B.S. **rolls eyes** Screw the media! THE MEDIA NEEDS TO LEAVE THOSE CHILDREN ALONE! And they need to FINALLY LEAVE MICHAEL JACKSON ALONE!

2.) JUST BECAUSE YOU GIVE BIRTH TO A CHILD DOES NOT MAKE YOU A MOTHER! Did Debbie give Michael two of his three beautiful children? Yes. However, she did it FOR MICHAEL('S CASH), in her own words, they were "Michael's Children" and she didn't want them. But she was the one who brought it up to Michael and Michael was apparently 'WTF?'. This came from Debbie's own mouth! She KNEW EXACTLY what she was doing. Trying to connect herself for life with Michael('s Cash). My mother said, "No wonder Michael used an anonymous surrogate with Blanket, because after the crap he dealt with with Debbie Rowe, I would have done the same thing!" It's the truth. She did it for the cash PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Also, my mother made the point of saying that Michael Jackson was kind to everyone, so for him to specifically name her in his will stating she gets nothing says that something BIG MUST HAVE happened in order to cause him to add that in his will. THAT SAYS A LOT!

3.) Which brings me to why she may or may not be fighting for custody. I bet she was decided on going for custody, why would she have given an interview indicating this to be the case if it was anything but the case? But then her attorny was probably talking to her and telling her she has a slim chance in hell at getting those children, ESPECIALLY after watching how they acted at the memorial. NO JUDGE IN HIS OR HER RIGHT MIND would give THAT WOMAN Prince and Paris. No judge would seperate the three for the "sake" of the biological mother who in her own words said she didn't want them to start with. She had them for Michael('s Cash), NOT HERSELF. And it's obvious who the children want to be with.

4.) And yeah, it'd be "Brilliant" for Debbie to pursue custody. Hmmm, they only just lost the ONLY PARENT THEY'VE EVER KNOWN AND LOVED, now let's just put them through an emotionally trying and upsetting custody battle and possibly rip them from the only family they have ever known and with whom they feel comfortable with and let's place them in a virtual stranger's home with a bunch of dogs and horses...YEAH! That makes PERFECT SENSE! **rolls eyes**

5.) And ANYONE WITH HALF A FUNCTIONING BRAIN CELL can see that the only reason she wants to have custody is because she was cut out of the will (why she would expect to receive anything more from Michael is beyond me) and because she knows those children have A BIG ASS TRUST/INHERITANCE lined up for them. This whole time she's only ever given a damn about the cash. I still haven't gotten over her "Entertainment Tonight" interview from 2004 or 2005 and it showed her getting a face lift and various other surgeries and it showed how emotionally distraught she was and how much she still wasn't over Michael. The woman was obsessed with Michael and wanted to get as close to him as she could and she knew the one way she could do that, while getting some cold hard cash out of it as well.

This is the same woman who along with appearing on ET and crying about Michael and insinuating how much she still loved him also had lunch or dinner at the Ivy with Mark Schaffel, who Michael cut ties with because of his "Gay porn" connections and Mark had not told Michael about this little tid bit, and one does not go to the Ivy unless one wants to be seen. Debbie KNEW this, she's not a stupid woman. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT WHO'S BEEN IN THE PUBLIC EYE! She did it because she wanted Michael to see it!! I guess to "send him a message". **rolls eyes**

I FEEL ZERO sympathy for this woman and her "plight", and she stands a cold chance in hell at getting those kids. And it's a pretty low blow for her and/or her "associates" to EVEN BRING UP "issues" with Joseph Jackson being around those kids. Where was this "concern" while Michael was still here? If it was ever an issue why only bring it up NOW? It's all about one thing, and it's what anyone with open eyes can see what this thing is REALLY ALL ABOUT!

One word: MONEY!

Screw the media! And screw Debbie Rowe!


I've said my bit...Peace Out!
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Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

Ok, I have NOT read this thread completely but I have a few things to say...

1.) I AM SICK AND TIRED of all this BS going around about 'Who is Michael Jackson's childrens daddy?' 'Who fathered Michael Jackson's children?' UMMM...I don't know...this is just a shot in the dart, but Michael Jackson? I want to know why is it so flippin' hard to believe that he fathered these kids? Take one look at Prince or Blanket and I dare you to tell me they don't have Michael's eyes. At the memorial service when Prince was on stage, there was an angle he was shown at where my breath was taken away because he looked so much like Michael. Biracial children come out in all different colors and from birth through adolescence they continuously change which you can see is the case with his kids. And the idea that Debbie is not the biological parent of the two eldest, take one look at Paris and you can clearly see that she has a LOT of Debbie in her, my mother has been like 'THANK GOD she has Jackson in her too.' LOL! My mother cannot stand Debbie Rowe. This has just been making me so mad, it NEEDS TO END! I understand completely that biology does not a father or mother make, it doesn't really matter, BUT I will not stand for something that isn't true to be spread like it has been as if it were FACT! Just because those children don't look "how biracial children are suppose to look" doesn't mean jack crap! I HAD NO IDEA THAT ALL BIRACIAL CHILDREN LOOKED ONE CERTAIN WAY! NO IDEA! THAT'S BEEN NEWS TO ME! **rolls eyes** The only reason the media can get away with this is because it involves Michael Jackson and the more outrageous the story, the more people will be willing to believe it. But try and say that he and a lady hooked up and out popped two babies...Oh that's OBVIOUSLY B.S. **rolls eyes** Screw the media! THE MEDIA NEEDS TO LEAVE THOSE CHILDREN ALONE! And they need to FINALLY LEAVE MICHAEL JACKSON ALONE!

2.) JUST BECAUSE YOU GIVE BIRTH TO A CHILD DOES NOT MAKE YOU A MOTHER! Did Debbie give Michael two of his three beautiful children? Yes. However, she did it FOR MICHAEL('S CASH), in her own words, they were "Michael's Children" and she didn't want them. But she was the one who brought it up to Michael and Michael was apparently 'WTF?'. This came from Debbie's own mouth! She KNEW EXACTLY what she was doing. Trying to connect herself for life with Michael('s Cash). My mother said, "No wonder Michael used an anonymous surrogate with Blanket, because after the crap he dealt with with Debbie Rowe, I would have done the same thing!" It's the truth. She did it for the cash PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Also, my mother made the point of saying that Michael Jackson was kind to everyone, so for him to specifically name her in his will stating she gets nothing says that something BIG MUST HAVE happened in order to cause him to add that in his will. THAT SAYS A LOT!

3.) Which brings me to why she may or may not be fighting for custody. I bet she was decided on going for custody, why would she have given an interview indicating this to be the case if it was anything but the case? But then her attorny was probably talking to her and telling her she has a slim chance in hell at getting those children, ESPECIALLY after watching how they acted at the memorial. NO JUDGE IN HIS OR HER RIGHT MIND would give THAT WOMAN Prince and Paris. No judge would seperate the three for the "sake" of the biological mother who in her own words said she didn't want them to start with. She had them for Michael('s Cash), NOT HERSELF. And it's obvious who the children want to be with.

4.) And yeah, it'd be "Brilliant" for Debbie to pursue custody. Hmmm, they only just lost the ONLY PARENT THEY'VE EVER KNOWN AND LOVED, now let's just put them through an emotionally trying and upsetting custody battle and possibly rip them from the only family they have ever known and with whom they feel comfortable with and let's place them in a virtual stranger's home with a bunch of dogs and horses...YEAH! That makes PERFECT SENSE! **rolls eyes**

5.) And ANYONE WITH HALF A FUNCTIONING BRAIN CELL can see that the only reason she wants to have custody is because she was cut out of the will (why she would expect to receive anything more from Michael is beyond me) and because she knows those children have A BIG ASS TRUST/INHERITANCE lined up for them. This whole time she's only ever given a damn about the cash. I still haven't gotten over her "Entertainment Tonight" interview from 2004 or 2005 and it showed her getting a face lift and various other surgeries and it showed how emotionally distraught she was and how much she still wasn't over Michael. The woman was obsessed with Michael and wanted to get as close to him as she could and she knew the one way she could do that, while getting some cold hard cash out of it as well.

This is the same woman who along with appearing on ET and crying about Michael and insinuating how much she still loved him also had lunch or dinner at the Ivy with Mark Schaffel, who Michael cut ties with because of his "Gay porn" connections and Mark had not told Michael about this little tid bit, and one does not go to the Ivy unless one wants to be seen. Debbie KNEW this, she's not a stupid woman. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT WHO'S BEEN IN THE PUBLIC EYE! She did it because she wanted Michael to see it!! I guess to "send him a message". **rolls eyes**

I FEEL ZERO sympathy for this woman and her "plight", and she stands a cold chance in hell at getting those kids. And it's a pretty low blow for her and/or her "associates" to EVEN BRING UP "issues" with Joseph Jackson being around those kids. Where was this "concern" while Michael was still here? If it was ever an issue why only bring it up NOW? It's all about one thing, and it's what anyone with open eyes can see what this thing is REALLY ALL ABOUT!

One word: MONEY!

Screw the media! And screw Debbie Rowe!


I've said my bit...Peace Out!

AGREE! right on.

IMO, It always seemed like Debbie was just in it for MONEY $$$$$$$! And it is probably true, that's why the Kids should stay with kat.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

She does not deserve those kids. Did you all see her on TV in an old interview? She said she did not leave her kids, and how they were with their dad?? How could she not wanna see those beautiful kids??

Also, her most recent public tyraid caught by TMZ?? Saying don't F with me. Haha! I don't think any judge in his/her right mind, would ever give her custody.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

Debbie won't get those kids. The Jackson family will raise them and no con artist will be able to line their pockets with their inheritance. Michael made sure of that. He loved those kids with all his heart.

Keep in mind, most of Michael's specific wishes are in the trust. So I am sure he went through great lengths to protect those kids.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

my heart goes out to michael's children and his family. i hope the children are loved and michael's wish's are respected. they will have enough in life to deal with with out going to court. i pray that michael's wish's are respected . that they stay together as a family unit the way michael wanted it with his family. the jackson family is a lovinh family. people can say what they want but look at generation after generation of family . they are loving responsible and caring. i pray michael is at peace and God is embracing him . i know he is watching over his children next to God
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

i hope no one feels put out of these children's lives.

i hope they can all come together and do right by them. i love katherine, she's not a young woman. she's mentally tough but she'll need a lot of help
katherine has her own family to help her. jermaine has stated this.
and if deb's actions as of late are any indication on how bitchy and fighty she really is at the moment, then she can protect those kids just as well as they grandmama
deb's actions don't look good at all as of late. MJ never resorted to violence. he was trying to bring his kids up well mannered. if deb goe's to court they might question her on that incident.
look, they live an hr from each other. what's the damn problem? the kids money is in a trust. katie is the one w/ the money in all of this. what money can be acquired if u get the kids? unless they plan on going down to the ssi office. their money is on lockdown.
Here's the problem. deb hasn't been in there lives much. the kids don't acknowledge her as a parent at all. The jacksons have been close to the kids more then deb has.

Deb would be ok in my book if she hadn't pulled several stunts. like being wishy washy. she give's the kids to MJ then turns around and say i made a mistake. You can't treat your kids like a product. also several years ago she went to court to get her kids. She settled out of court instead of fighting it out. Deb got visitation rights and more money. that doesn't look good at all.
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Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

I wish the Jacksons stick to the visitation rights that Debbie got.

I know they won't offer her any money but the parental terms agreed that gave her visitation rights should be upheld. At most, they can just add on one more visitation day and insist that any more would disrupt the younger one and make him feel excluded.

What is important is that Debbie's involvment is not detrimental to the younger one by taking the two away from him repeatedly and making it seem that they have a separate life to his, when they have lived just as one unit.

Also, visitation rights ensure that no money is involved.

The cancellation of Debbie's relinquishing of parental rights was also dubious. That judge just wanted to return Debbie's parental rights.

It was again the likes of Schaffel that helped her drive that, which is why i feel if anyone could reach the Jacksons, they need to force that into any agreement that this guy gets totally locked out because he's BAD NEWS.

That neither now nor in the future, he should not have ANYTHING at all to do with the Jacksons kids in any way shape or form.

Once he gets totally locked out, you will see that he will lose his interest of being close to Debbie as the money access prospects would have been cut off.

I don't mind if Debbie brings up Joe, because Michael's lawyers can argue successfully that Joe is the paternal grandfather and only restriction on him can be not to involve the kids in ay of his deals.

But the best thing to come out of this is to shut off for good slimy characters like Schaffel and as someone said, Dr Klein.

Anyway, i have some confidence in Londell to pull off a good deal, that is if one is reached.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

if this woman gets children i'll die!
it was the last thing michael wanted!
please don't do it!
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

Ok, I have NOT read this thread completely but I have a few things to say...

1.) I AM SICK AND TIRED of all this BS going around about 'Who is Michael Jackson's childrens daddy?' 'Who fathered Michael Jackson's children?' UMMM...I don't know...this is just a shot in the dart, but Michael Jackson? I want to know why is it so flippin' hard to believe that he fathered these kids? Take one look at Prince or Blanket and I dare you to tell me they don't have Michael's eyes. At the memorial service when Prince was on stage, there was an angle he was shown at where my breath was taken away because he looked so much like Michael. Biracial children come out in all different colors and from birth through adolescence they continuously change which you can see is the case with his kids. And the idea that Debbie is not the biological parent of the two eldest, take one look at Paris and you can clearly see that she has a LOT of Debbie in her, my mother has been like 'THANK GOD she has Jackson in her too.' LOL! My mother cannot stand Debbie Rowe. This has just been making me so mad, it NEEDS TO END! I understand completely that biology does not a father or mother make, it doesn't really matter, BUT I will not stand for something that isn't true to be spread like it has been as if it were FACT! Just because those children don't look "how biracial children are suppose to look" doesn't mean jack crap! I HAD NO IDEA THAT ALL BIRACIAL CHILDREN LOOKED ONE CERTAIN WAY! NO IDEA! THAT'S BEEN NEWS TO ME! **rolls eyes** The only reason the media can get away with this is because it involves Michael Jackson and the more outrageous the story, the more people will be willing to believe it. But try and say that he and a lady hooked up and out popped two babies...Oh that's OBVIOUSLY B.S. **rolls eyes** Screw the media! THE MEDIA NEEDS TO LEAVE THOSE CHILDREN ALONE! And they need to FINALLY LEAVE MICHAEL JACKSON ALONE!

2.) JUST BECAUSE YOU GIVE BIRTH TO A CHILD DOES NOT MAKE YOU A MOTHER! Did Debbie give Michael two of his three beautiful children? Yes. However, she did it FOR MICHAEL('S CASH), in her own words, they were "Michael's Children" and she didn't want them. But she was the one who brought it up to Michael and Michael was apparently 'WTF?'. This came from Debbie's own mouth! She KNEW EXACTLY what she was doing. Trying to connect herself for life with Michael('s Cash). My mother said, "No wonder Michael used an anonymous surrogate with Blanket, because after the crap he dealt with with Debbie Rowe, I would have done the same thing!" It's the truth. She did it for the cash PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Also, my mother made the point of saying that Michael Jackson was kind to everyone, so for him to specifically name her in his will stating she gets nothing says that something BIG MUST HAVE happened in order to cause him to add that in his will. THAT SAYS A LOT!

3.) Which brings me to why she may or may not be fighting for custody. I bet she was decided on going for custody, why would she have given an interview indicating this to be the case if it was anything but the case? But then her attorny was probably talking to her and telling her she has a slim chance in hell at getting those children, ESPECIALLY after watching how they acted at the memorial. NO JUDGE IN HIS OR HER RIGHT MIND would give THAT WOMAN Prince and Paris. No judge would seperate the three for the "sake" of the biological mother who in her own words said she didn't want them to start with. She had them for Michael('s Cash), NOT HERSELF. And it's obvious who the children want to be with.

4.) And yeah, it'd be "Brilliant" for Debbie to pursue custody. Hmmm, they only just lost the ONLY PARENT THEY'VE EVER KNOWN AND LOVED, now let's just put them through an emotionally trying and upsetting custody battle and possibly rip them from the only family they have ever known and with whom they feel comfortable with and let's place them in a virtual stranger's home with a bunch of dogs and horses...YEAH! That makes PERFECT SENSE! **rolls eyes**

5.) And ANYONE WITH HALF A FUNCTIONING BRAIN CELL can see that the only reason she wants to have custody is because she was cut out of the will (why she would expect to receive anything more from Michael is beyond me) and because she knows those children have A BIG ASS TRUST/INHERITANCE lined up for them. This whole time she's only ever given a damn about the cash. I still haven't gotten over her "Entertainment Tonight" interview from 2004 or 2005 and it showed her getting a face lift and various other surgeries and it showed how emotionally distraught she was and how much she still wasn't over Michael. The woman was obsessed with Michael and wanted to get as close to him as she could and she knew the one way she could do that, while getting some cold hard cash out of it as well.

This is the same woman who along with appearing on ET and crying about Michael and insinuating how much she still loved him also had lunch or dinner at the Ivy with Mark Schaffel, who Michael cut ties with because of his "Gay porn" connections and Mark had not told Michael about this little tid bit, and one does not go to the Ivy unless one wants to be seen. Debbie KNEW this, she's not a stupid woman. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT WHO'S BEEN IN THE PUBLIC EYE! She did it because she wanted Michael to see it!! I guess to "send him a message". **rolls eyes**

I FEEL ZERO sympathy for this woman and her "plight", and she stands a cold chance in hell at getting those kids. And it's a pretty low blow for her and/or her "associates" to EVEN BRING UP "issues" with Joseph Jackson being around those kids. Where was this "concern" while Michael was still here? If it was ever an issue why only bring it up NOW? It's all about one thing, and it's what anyone with open eyes can see what this thing is REALLY ALL ABOUT!

One word: MONEY!

Screw the media! And screw Debbie Rowe!


I've said my bit...Peace Out!

:shakehands :yes:
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

Being bitchy and fighty is not a good thing. It shows a lack of discipline.
no it shows she stands for no bullshit

rsw22 the state will try to keep the ch ildren together so there's a good chance if she tried to get the two oldest, she'd get the youngestas well

as we can see above, they're working on an AGREEMENT. just like she had with MICHAEL. to SEE the kids not to TAKE them. b/c all joe's ass has been say ing in the news has been a taunt to her.

she had those kids, anyone ever give birth in here? it took me two months to recover. and i hate tabloids but ok magazine shows she was in their life. note how they tried to say she never saw them and once pics started to come out, they had to modify their stories.

she can continue to be aunt debbie.

as for schaffel...mj had him in his life, let him go, and brought him back.

im more worried about klien and the things he did to mj than schaffel and rowe at this point.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

katherine has her own family to help her. jermaine has stated this.deb's actions don't look good at all as of late. MJ never resorted to violence. he was trying to bring his kids up well mannered. if deb goe's to court they might question her on that incident.Here's the problem. deb hasn't been in there lives much. the kids don't acknowledge her as a parent at all. The jacksons have been close to the kids more then deb has.

Deb would be ok in my book if she hadn't pulled several stunts. like being wishy washy. she give's the kids to MJ then turns around and say i made a mistake. You can't treat your kids like a product. also several years ago she went to court to get her kids. She settled out of court instead of fighting it out. Deb got visitation rights and more money. that doesn't look good at all.

well the no violence thing would conflict w/ joseph being in proximity to those kids. sorry but um....honestly? mj wouldn't want that

wishy washy? i see a woman who was told she'd see her kids if she did an interview w/ take II. she did and then mj was arrested. she was then led on and told she'd see them by geragos but then once mez came on, she was shut out and for good reason.

i had a feeling they knew she would tell the truth. if they gave her alimony and visitation, she'd have a reason to change her story on the stand. she was not given anything therefore had no reason to 'tell the truth' when she was testifying 'for' the state. so they had nothing to throw in her face.

and ti was shown that that was the only reason she was kept away b/c the kids were flown from bahrain to see her after the trial was over.

she got 'money' u say but many say she terminated her rights. those files aren't public b/c it's family court. also, what does it say about a man who doesn't want his ex wife aroun dhis kids? they were his kids to do waht he wanted w/ and it seems he didn't want to answer to anyone. if that was the case all along he should've had surrogates, not marry a woman and have two creates complications that don't need to be there.

just let her see them. palmdale ain't too far away. this is her way of showing sh can up and take them if they d on'tlet her see them. and she may have a way to get the baby tehy'd better play nice and play house until these kids are 18 so it don't get messy.

cant theyjust friggin pretend? bite they damn tongues and let her see them?
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

well the no violence thing would conflict w/ joseph being in proximity to those kids. sorry but um....honestly? mj wouldn't want that
obviously mj trusted katherine and joseph other wise he wouldn't have left his kids in the will to katherine.

wishy washy? i see a woman who was told she'd see her kids if she did an interview w/ take II. she did and then mj was arrested. she was then led on and told she'd see them by geragos but then once mez came on, she was shut out and for good reason. i had a feeling they knew she would tell the truth. if they gave her alimony and visitation, she'd have a reason to change her story on the stand. she was not given anything therefore had no reason to 'tell the truth' when she was testifying 'for' the state. so they had nothing to throw in her face.

and ti was shown that that was the only reason she was kept away b/c the kids were flown from bahrain to see her after the trial was over.

she got 'money' u say but many say she terminated her rights. those files aren't public b/c it's family court. also, what does it say about a man who doesn't want his ex wife aroun dhis kids? they were his kids to do waht he wanted w/ and it seems he didn't want to answer to anyone. if that was the case all along he should've had surrogates, not marry a woman and have two creates complications that don't need to be there.

just let her see them. palmdale ain't too far away. this is her way of showing sh can up and take them if they d on'tlet her see them. and she may have a way to get the baby tehy'd better play nice and play house until these kids are 18 so it don't get messy.

cant theyjust friggin pretend? bite they damn tongues and let her see them?
in an interview she says there mj's kids that she don't let the kids call her mother. then she leaves MJ because she couldn't handle his lifestyle the media was to much for her.that's not mj's fault she should of known that mj is a pop star. its not his fault she's not seeing the kids much. Its not mj fault tom sneddon drove him to move to bahrain. as for the money this is all i know that deb said she was in trouble that she needed the money for her ranch and her lawyers. I don't mind Deb getting rights to see her kids as long as she don't go against mj's will. I hope there is a settlement between the 2 partys.

As for recent comments made by Deb: She's going after the kids because MJ didn't live up to his end. That wasn't a right comment to make. that was wrong.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

I just wanted to add something. Please don't take my post personal. I'm not trying to be mean. There is a topic Pissed ... yall pissing me off that made me aware of this. all of us fans are hurting right now because we love MJ. his death really sent shock waves to the world. this is the aftermath of MJ's death. MJ was my idol and to some of you.

You all are friends in my book because we are MJ's Army.:punk:
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Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

couldn't no one handle his damn lifestyle. the fans were a mess, the media was a mess. everything was a mess and it was hard. lmp couldn't even take it and she grew up in it. this proves he was the biggest star EVER.

she also said a did a lot of things that were lies and she proved that by testifying FOR him. said what she had to say to get on that stand and tanked the state's case.

i take what she says w/ a grain of salt. she's very emotional.

and note: michael left the kids to KATHERINE not to joseph. the only reason y he's named in this is b/c they're still legally married but they haven't l,ived together in years

and i love ur last post. despite our difference in op. we all gotta stick together to keep this man's legacy alive
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

couldn't no one handle his damn lifestyle. the fans were a mess, the media was a mess. everything was a mess and it was hard. lmp couldn't even take it and she grew up in it. this proves he was the biggest star EVER.

she also said a did a lot of things that were lies and she proved that by testifying FOR him. said what she had to say to get on that stand and tanked the state's case.

i take what she says w/ a grain of salt. she's very emotional.

and note: michael left the kids to KATHERINE not to joseph. the only reason y he's named in this is b/c they're still legally married but they haven't l,ived together in years

and i love ur last post. despite our difference in op. we all gotta stick together to keep this man's legacy alive
Here here friend :cheers:
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

This is so wrong. I don't trust Debbie Rowe, she probably called them.

A source tells ET that Child Protective Services visited the Jackson family home in L.A. yesterday.

Child Protective Services was there to check on Michael Jackson's three young children, Michael "Prince," Paris-Michael and Prince "Blanket."
It was a routine visit, being that it is the policy of the agency to check on children who have lost a parent in an accidental, mysterious or suspicious death. No one was called to the home, the source tells us; it was a routine visit under the circumstances.

A guardianship hearing concerning Michael's three children has been postponed until Monday, July 20.
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

I've held back for a long time, people, but now I am forced to address something in this thread that has been BOTHERING ME FOR A LONG TIME!

Could someone please change the thread title to correct the spelling of her last name. :)

Sorry guys, it's just getting to me every time i scroll through the forum. :)
