Anything about DEBBIE ROWE keep it in here

Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

And remember, Debbie came to Michael with the idea that "YOU NEED TO BE FATHER". He took her up on it and now she is doing this. Stupid. SHe wanted money from the start.
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

I have two children. Both boys. In fact one was born in Oct of 2002.
I could never *give* them away. I don't care if it's to their father.
I would gladly have married Michael and had a family. However, if it ended in divorce, it woulda gotten a hot mess if he went for sole custody. Shared sure. I would have to be in my children's life. Some how, some way.
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

I was giving her the benefit of the doubt that she might have had the kids best interest at heart. If she ends up "settling" again... wow.

I don't know all the facts, so I won't rush judgement.
The press is going mad. This morning it was reported that Kathryn and the deserter had struck a 5m deal to not have custody but have visitation rights and this evening, they say that was rubbish and no deal has been made.

Its so frustrating not knowning whats going on.

The 3 kids wont be split up. I think the worse thing is, is that they keep harping on that Blanket is from a surrogate mother and donor sperm. I mean, Im glad he's too young to understand what that means.
Rowe's Lawyer -- Debbie Doesn't Want MJ's Money
Posted Jul 14th 2009 3:00PM by TMZ Staff

Debbie Rowe's lawyer just fired off a letter to the New York Post ... demanding a retraction of its story that Rowe has accepted $4 million to walk away from Michael Jackson's two eldest kids.

The letter -- written by Rowe's lawyer Eric George -- says "Among the several contenders for overzealous and inaccurate sensationalism, the New York Post has now seized top honors."

George says "Ms. Rowe has not accepted -- and will not accept -- any additional financial consideration beyond the spousal support she and Michael Jackson personally agreed to several years ago." This is a very significant statement and we've confirmed it with another Jackson source.
George says "Ms. Rowe has not accepted -- and will not accept -- any additional financial consideration beyond the spousal support she and Michael Jackson personally agreed to several years ago." This is a very significant statement and we've confirmed it with another Jackson source.
So this is about making sure that she still gets it after his death?
Hold on, Debbie still gets spousal support even after MJ's death????
So this is about making sure that she still gets it after his death?

It would depend what the contract they both signed says. I know in the UK, some contracts state that they are void upon death or that the contractual relationship moved to the executor of ones estate or it moves onto say, a guarantor.

They haven't once mentioned the terms of the contract.

It might just simply say that upon MJ's death, the contract is void but then im sure MJ or his lawyer would have anticipated this and detailed the contract relationship.
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe

Never Wanted Custody

July 14th, 2009 / Author: Chris Morran
A friend of Michael Jackson’s babymama Debbie Rowe has come forward with revealing e-mails that make it clear that Rowe has no interest in actually getting custody of the two children she had with the King of Pop.
In an interview to air tonight on Extra Debbie Rowe’s friend and confidant, Rebecca White, reveals details from e-mails from Rowe sent days after Michael’s tragic death.
From the start, Rowe made it clear that she did not want custody of the kids. In an email dated July 2, 2009, she writes:
“I’m not going after custody. These kids are not mine. They were never mine. They were always Michael’s. I was Michael’s best friend.”
But then, three days later on July 5, Rowe writes to White:
“My lawyer is telling me I have to take some responsibility about the welfare of the children. Do I want the kids? Hell no. Does it look good for me to ask for them? Absolutely. I don’t want to look like the woman who gave away her kids and just forgot about them. Would Michael want Joe to have them? I think it would be the last thing that he would ever have wanted.”
And one bit of information White shares would all-but confirm the report from this morning that Debbie had reached a settlement with the Jacksons.

White tells Extra: “In one text message [Debbie] had just said, ‘Just wait until the 14th. Everything will be done after the 14th’…There’s definitely going to be a secret deal. There’s definitely going to be a settlement that’s going to come out of this.”
Tune into Extra tonight to see the entire interview!
Some "friend" this Rebecca White is sharing something that was told to her in confidence (allegedly) with the press. :smilerolleyes:

I really wish people would pay attention when Deborah Jean Rowe speaks. She has always maintained that she had the children for Michael Jackson. She has never stated that she wishes to be a mother. Her position may have wavered for a fraction of a picosecond, but it hasn't changed.

THE WOMAN IS NOT MATERNAL. She has no attachment to the children she bore and she does not want them. I don't know why its so difficult for members of the press (and even some fans) to get that through their heads. Not every woman wants to be a mother.

That being said, the arrangement of Michael Joseph Jackson (God bless his ever-loving soul) and Debbie Rowe regarding this marriage of theirs and the eventual children from their union has got to be the most botched up deal ever. It seems to me that Debbie has these attorneys who come in and advise her to act as if she wants custody of the children. When she does, voila! There is some out of court settlement and she goes about her merry way. Did that not happen during/after the trial? Now that Michael is no longer here, we see this tactic again. BUT maybe I've got it all wrong. :mello:

As for her attorney putting out that statement saying that Debbie hasn't taken $4 mil in agreement to keep out of her....I mean, Michael's children's lives, what exactly did they mean regarding spousal support? She receives that even after he's deceased? :blink:
Debbie will get the kids and their money. The Family will get very little from MJ's estate. Branca's papers are forgeries. This has all been planned folks. This is why he was killed.

You will see
You will see.
Debbie will get the kids and their money. The Family will get very little from MJ's estate. Branca's papers are forgeries. This has all been planned folks. This is why he was killed.

You will see
You will see.

Debbie won't get the children, she clearly doesn't want them and Michael's will states his Mother or Diana Ross is to have custody of them. They will not be split from Blanket either, no judge in their right mind would separate the children. Michael wasn't killed, he was abusing drugs
Debbie won't get the children, she clearly doesn't want them and Michael's will states his Mother or Diana Ross is to have custody of them. They will not be split from Blanket either, no judge in their right mind would separate the children. Michael wasn't killed, he was abusing drugs

Dream a little dream for me.


"After all of the battles are over; After all of the fighting is done..."
Yellow Dancer 1985

Ms Rowe will have all the eggs in her basket.
Dream a little dream for me.


"After all of the battles are over; After all of the fighting is done..."
Yellow Dancer 1985

Ms Rowe will have all the eggs in her basket.

Debbie signed up for surrogacy like her and Michael agreed when they married, they didn't marry for love they married purely for her to have his children. She was paid spousal support like Michael wanted to. The end. She doesn't want her children or a pay off
Debbie will get the kids and their money. The Family will get very little from MJ's estate. Branca's papers are forgeries. This has all been planned folks. This is why he was killed.

You will see
You will see.

What the hell is this bullshit? smh
What the hell is this bullshit? smh

This is what is going to happen. This is my prediction so to speak. (I hope I am wrong) but my sources tell me different.

In time we will know won't we.

Will you remember this conversation after custody is determined?

I will.:yes:
HemlockDevi, I don't doubt your sincerity, and I have a lot of respect for all of Michael's fans, but do you honestly think that the children's best interests will be totally disregarded in favor of accomodating rowe's own selfish needs and wishes? Think about it for a second.
This is what is going to happen. This is my prediction so to speak. (I hope I am wrong) but my sources tell me different.

In time we will know won't we.

Will you remember this conversation after custody is determined?

I will.:yes:

Yes because no judge would give a woman children she doesn't want regardless if she is biologically hers when their father - their soul parent specifically stated who he wanted to care for them after he died. Do you really think a judge would split up a 7 year old child from their brother and sister? Please
wow so everyone can quote a post but no one can quote the post that has the comment from her lawyer.

it was said, and allegedly, that the rest of the family was backing katie and deb's 'secret' meeting to keep joe away from the kids. that's all she may be worried about now.

last i heard, u don't need to marry a surrogate and there's no stigma of anything if ur not married cuz u wouldn't be in a relationship based from romance.

she could fight, get the kids and even petition for blanket. since he's so young and courts don't like to split kids up, she could very well end up w/ him

and that same 'friend' who released an 'email' of deb's....right didn't she just confirm that deb was taking money? and then deb's lawyer refuted that?

i'll wait till this blows over, i have every hope in thinking the good in people and i don't think she'll pull this shit now. a lot of mj's "FRIENDS" have slandered him in the press, called him a junkie and otherwise, and have done nothing to help better his image and she's the lone ranger everyone THOUGHT would besmirch him yet hasn't.

so y don't we wait for FACTUAL news?

remember the article they drug back up saying she wasn't the mother and mj wasn't the father? it was a false article from 05 but they still ran w/ it and very few printed her again, denial to this story, just like she denied it four yrs ago.

the media WANTS a custody battle. this may just be a way for the mother of the two oldest and the grandmother to ensure a way for the grandfather to NOT be in their lives. sounds good to me, especially w/ his comments and actions as of late
Is it true that Debbie agreed on a $4 mill settlement and Katherine gets to raise the children? My mom was flipping channels and says she saw that on Nancy Grace.
it's true and that's y i was hella cringing each time they brought up deb and the family saying she had nothing to do w/ anything. i was like 'don't piss her off. she went off on her own lawyer on the stand!'

keep her placated and make her feel like she has a 'choice' in what's going on but don't push her away cuz she could make a big drastic move.

so i hope what I heard is true and there just finding a way around th efact that joe and katie are still married and that joe can't be near them or try to raise them. cuz damn...mj would nt want that
Who says MJ never wanted Joe near them? Those are his grandkids! I think alot of us have overacted where Joe is concerned. But this is has been the story for the past 2 or 3 weeks. Hmmmm..

Oh MJ.....
I don't think any judge would give her full custody. Visitation rights, yes... full custody, hell no.

She can run her mouth off as much as she wants, her lawyers can run their mouths off as much as they want... but at the end of the day, Prince and Paris are old enough to choose where they want to live.

They seem like smart, well-spoken children and the judge would have to be crazy to not listen to them.
Re: DEBBIE ROW "i want custody"

This is what the media wants. It has never cared for children, just to exploit them for drama, the way Bashir did.

They want to see a fight pitched between Jackson's. They don't want them to be at peace.

I also see another racial divide creeping up that Michael tried to heal with his music. The media is trying to stir up by saying they are not Michael's kids because of their color.

Now, they are in an African American family and the underlying theme will be that white-looking kids should not be raised there but with a white mother.

This is really dangerous and fans should look out for it. Perhaps that is why some people here are expressing happiness.

You have two guardians of the kids who are African American who will be pitched in a custody battle against a white mother with kids the media depicts as white and not Michaels.
This cannot be good.

It will be appealed and may drag on for 2 years if not more, which will add to Katherine's grief and may cause her death from stress and grief. Rather than find happiness with grandchildren, she will be stressed at having lost Michael and the daily prospect of losing custody of her son's kids.

The Jacksons need to talk about this publicly and tell Debbie straight not to add grief to their mother and try to kill her just because she is not in Michael's will.

They need to fight, not for the kids but for their mother's welfare.

No, I don't see it happening this way due Debbie as the mother and Michael as the father which it stats clearly on their birth certificate. Besides, their cousins are mixed too... no issue there.