Anything about DEBBIE ROWE keep it in here

Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

she didn't call them. they've been hinting they would go to speak w/ the kids for some time now. considering the drugs found in their father's home, they had to make sure the kids were ok. it's routine.

the hearing's been delayed so deb and katie can work out an agreement, hopefully on custody and maybe the role joe will play in their day to day lives, if any. that's all
Re: Anything about DEBBIE ROW keep it in here

I've held back for a long time, people, but now I am forced to address something in this thread that has been BOTHERING ME FOR A LONG TIME!

Could someone please change the thread title to correct the spelling of her last name. :)

Sorry guys, it's just getting to me every time i scroll through the forum. :)

What is interesting is that even after her testimony at the trial, nothing much from what we know seemed to change between her and Michael.

And the bottom line is that he was the parent actually doing the raising of the children. His voice in their caretaking in the event of his being unable to should far outweigh hers. There was no way that he could have made her stay away from her children if she truly had wanted to have a more active role. The same rights that people are saying she has now as the biological mother are the rights she had when Michael was alive. She could have sued for joint custody when Michael was alive and not back out of her attempts. The woman is no wallflower. She made the choice not to be involved more closely in these children's lives. Mothering is not something you just pick up doing and it's not something that you think about whether you want to do or not when you have children in this world. You do it.

And what's with Schaffel being her spokesperson. If she wants to be the mother at least do the talking for herself.
ok so if ur married to a high star celeb and don't have the way to fight? we're seeing bits and pieces. would mj ever admit that he tried to keep her away? if she was nothing more than a glorified surrogate then u don't marry her. something smells fishy and it ain't red lobster. tehre's more than lies beneath
New MTV article from 2008 on Debbie Rowe:

Jul 13 2009 7:09 AM EDT
Exclusive: Debbie Rowe Talks Fame, Regrets Before Michael Jackson's Death
MTV News sent a writer to the home of the late singer's ex-wife in 2008.

By James Montgomery, with reporting by Rebecca White

All Debbie Rowe wants to do is tend to her horses. That much was clear when MTV News sent writer Rebecca White to Rowe's Palmdale, California, ranch, where she has lived since 2005.

Out in the dusty California hills, Rowe — who unwillingly became tabloid fodder in 1996 when she wed Michael Jackson and bore his first two children in subsequent years — plays Noah to a veritable ark of animals, among them 10 dogs and 32 horses. She's always taken solace in animals, and after selling the Beverly Hills mansion she received after her 1999 divorce from Jackson, she moved out to Palmdale to focus exclusively on raising and breeding horses. She is rarely seen and hardly heard from. She has almost entirely disappeared.

Because that's exactly what she wanted to do.

So in 2008, White was faced with the unenviable task of making Rowe talk about her past — a past she had already moved on from and one she very much wanted everyone else to forget. Needless to say, it was an interesting chat.

"I came out here to get away from everything and do the horses. The past is the past. I just let it go," Rowe told White. "If you regret anything in your life, then you haven't learned any lessons. Not that I had to learn any lessons from anything, but no, there isn't anything that I would do differently. Maybe a couple of horses I would have bought when I had the chance, but no."

White then asked Rowe if she would talk about the first time she met Michael Jackson or her first impression of the King of Pop.

"I don't want to [talk about that]," Rowe said. "I had his poster on my walls as a child, [but] we're not going there, Rebecca. Move on, honey."

Rowe did say that she had seen Jackson in concerts "lots of times" and that, while they were married, she accompanied him on tour. But it was a world that she didn't feel comfortable in, one filled with big crowds and bright lights and one she had no interest in inhabiting.

"It was amazing, [but] could I do it? No," she said. "I think it depends if you choose it or not. If you choose it, it's not [overwhelming], because it comes with the territory. From the outside looking in, it's overwhelming, and you wonder how people can deal with it, but it's nothing I want to do."

Rowe was a bit more forthcoming about her childhood, her teenage years living in California's San Fernando Valley and the time in her life when she was just — as she put it — "Debbie Rowe, Dr. Klein's nurse." You know, basically everything before she met and married Michael Jackson.

"My dad was in the service, so we lived in Alaska and Nebraska and Riverside [California] and Los Angeles, and then I moved to the Valley when I was 18, but I wasn't a Valley girl," she laughed. "[My family] moved every two and a half years, because my dad was in the Air Force. [I had] an older sister, a younger brother and an older half-sister that I didn't know I had until I was 12 or 13."

After that, she went to work for the aforementioned Dr. Klein — who just so happens to be Arnold Klein, the dermatologist Jackson began visiting in the mid-1980s (and the man some are claiming is the biological father of Prince and Paris Jackson, the children Rowe gave birth to while married to the singer). She said she still keeps in touch with Klein, whom she described as being "sharp as a tack."

"I was his nurse for 20-some-odd years. I still talk to him," Rowe said. "He's still [in business], still sharp as a tack. He's amazing. You're nobody unless you're a patient with him. I've always felt that way with him, and I've always told him that. I said, 'Unless someone has a file in your office ... they haven't gotten there yet.' "

In addition to Klein, Rowe said she remains close to her father — who has since remarried and lives in the Basque area of France — and her sister, who lives in Prescott, Arizona. Her mother lives in Los Angeles, but the two "don't have a relationship." Aside from her family, she said she gets few visitors to Palmdale, and she is mostly left alone by the locals. And really, she's fine with that. She's done with fame.

"It's intimidating. ... It's scary if it's something you didn't bargain for and something you don't want. I don't understand people who want that kind of attention," Rowe said. "You have to be thick-skinned ... which is why I'm scared, actually. I'm harder on myself than anyone else is. ... I'm not afraid of disappointing anybody else; just myself."
Jackson's Mother and Ex-Wife Plot Secret Custody Deal

Michael Jackson's mother and ex-wife are working out a deal behind closed doors that would allow them to avoid a custody battle and guarantee that the pop star's father could never get custody of the singer's three children.
Debbie Rowe vs. Katherine Jackson
Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine, and his ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, left, are reportedly in talks to make a deal on custody of the singer's three children.
(Getty Images)
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Sources told ABC that Debbie Rowe, the former Mrs. Jackson and mother of his two oldest children, is willing to forego a fight for the children if their grandmother, Katherine Jackson, allows her more time to visit with the kids, and guarantees that their grandfather, Joe Jackson, whom Michael accused of abuse, could never be named a guardian.

A custody hearing scheduled for today has been postponed until July 20.

"We are pleased that the child custody hearing has been continued over until July 20 to further our progress and allow us to privately and amicably resolve this most important matter in a dignified manner for the benefit of the children first and all involved," Katherine Jackson's lawyer, L. Londell McMillan, said in a statement to The Associated Press.

In his last will, written in 2002 and filed in court the week after his June 25 death, Michael Jackson left custody of his three children, aged 7, 11 and 12, to their grandmother, 79.

In the immediate aftermath of Jackson's death, a probate court awarded temporary custody of the children to Katherine Jackson, but speculation -- fueled by Rowe's own comments -- suggested that Rowe might push to get custody of the kids.

Rowe, who, for a decade has been absent from the lives of the children she carried, told a Los Angeles television station four days after Jackson died that she wanted custody, saying: "I want my children."

Her lawyer Eric George tried to temper those comments, maintaining for weeks that "Debbie has not reached a final decision on the pending custody proceeding."

Another source close to Rowe previously told that Rowe was considering seeking custody because she believed Katherine Jackson was too old to care for the children and because she did not want them near Joe Jackson. "There is concern about Joe Jackson being around the kids," the source said.

There is also speculation that any deal Rowe and Katherine Jackson work out could potentially come with money for Rowe.

Court records indicate that Rowe has been compensated in the past for relinquishing guardianship.

Transcripts of a 2005 custody hearing, obtained by the Web site TMZ, spell out what has long been assumed: Rowe received a hefty settlement to stay out of the children's lives when the couple divorced in 1999.
Re: Jackson's Mother and Ex-Wife Plot Secret Custody Deal

As usual any deal with Debbie involves money. Nothing to do with Joe Jackson at all
Re: Jackson's Mother and Ex-Wife Plot Secret Custody Deal

Why didn't you post this in the Debbie Rowe thread?
All I know is that she needs to dooo one!
Re: Jackson's Mother and Ex-Wife Plot Secret Custody Deal

"Court records indicate that Rowe has been compensated in the past for relinquishing guardianship.

Transcripts of a 2005 custody hearing, obtained by the Web site TMZ, spell out what has long been assumed: Rowe received a hefty settlement to stay out of the children's lives when the couple divorced in 1999.

In the 2005 hearing, Jackson's lawyer Thomas Hall told Judge Stephen Lachs that Rowe received up to $5 million up front, a mansion and an additional $900,000 for several years.

'Mr. Jackson was under an agreement with petitioner [Rowe] here, which he was to pay her -- did pay her about $4 [million] or $5 million up front, gave her a mansion in Beverly Hills, and then was to pay $900,000 a year for a number of years if she abided by agreement terms,' Hall told the court."

I wonder how much money Debbie Rowe is demanding this time.
Re: Jackson's Mother and Ex-Wife Plot Secret Custody Deal

"Court records indicate that Rowe has been compensated in the past for relinquishing guardianship.

Transcripts of a 2005 custody hearing, obtained by the Web site TMZ, spell out what has long been assumed: Rowe received a hefty settlement to stay out of the children's lives when the couple divorced in 1999.

In the 2005 hearing, Jackson's lawyer Thomas Hall told Judge Stephen Lachs that Rowe received up to $5 million up front, a mansion and an additional $900,000 for several years.

'Mr. Jackson was under an agreement with petitioner [Rowe] here, which he was to pay her -- did pay her about $4 [million] or $5 million up front, gave her a mansion in Beverly Hills, and then was to pay $900,000 a year for a number of years if she abided by agreement terms,' Hall told the court."

I wonder how much money Debbie Rowe is demanding this time.

EXACTLY what i was thinking!!
Re: Jackson's Mother and Ex-Wife Plot Secret Custody Deal

"Court records indicate that Rowe has been compensated in the past for relinquishing guardianship.

Transcripts of a 2005 custody hearing, obtained by the Web site TMZ, spell out what has long been assumed: Rowe received a hefty settlement to stay out of the children's lives when the couple divorced in 1999.

In the 2005 hearing, Jackson's lawyer Thomas Hall told Judge Stephen Lachs that Rowe received up to $5 million up front, a mansion and an additional $900,000 for several years.

'Mr. Jackson was under an agreement with petitioner [Rowe] here, which he was to pay her -- did pay her about $4 [million] or $5 million up front, gave her a mansion in Beverly Hills, and then was to pay $900,000 a year for a number of years if she abided by agreement terms,' Hall told the court."

I wonder how much money Debbie Rowe is demanding this time.

Why did MJ do that? His kids have grown up without the shadow of a mother in their lives due to this.

What was wrong if she stayed in contact with them?
Re: Jackson's Mother and Ex-Wife Plot Secret Custody Deal

Michael never stopped her from seeing those kids, she choose not to. And I don't believe she is a money hungry person, if that was the case she could of recieved allot more money if she wanted too.
Re: Jackson's Mother and Ex-Wife Plot Secret Custody Deal

just my opinion ... kind of got the feeling that Debbie loved Michael more than anything. she had them for him mostly. Also it would serve to keep him close to her in a way. Or possibly, solidify some sort of contact with him forever.

If she really ever wanted sole custody of them, there was/is nothing stopping her from fighting for them to be with her. Her love of and for Michael was the only thing in the way... just an opinion.
Re: Jackson's Mother and Ex-Wife Plot Secret Custody Deal

just my opinion ... kind of got the feeling that Debbie loved Michael more than anything. she had them for him mostly. Also it would serve to keep him close to her in a way. Or possibly, solidify some sort of contact with him forever.

If she really ever wanted sole custody of them, there was/is nothing stopping her from fighting for them to be with her. Her love of and for Michael was the only thing in the way... just an opinion.

Don't forget, she introduced herself as Debbie Rowe JACKSON during the trial. Hmmmmm...
IMO, Debbie only gave Michael those kids so that she could be forever linked to him. She wanted Michael.....and his money.
Re: Jackson's Mother and Ex-Wife Plot Secret Custody Deal

Why did MJ do that? His kids have grown up without the shadow of a mother in their lives due to this.

What was wrong if she stayed in contact with them?

Is it healthy to invite someone into their lives who was not really wanting to be a part of their lives. It might hurt more if they became attached to her and she just wanted to be at home with her horses instead...

He was committed to the children, she was not.
Apparently something is being worked out where Debbie sees the kids sometimes but they don't call her Mom and Katherine gets custody!
E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe

Never Wanted Custody

July 14th, 2009 / Author: Chris Morran
A friend of Michael Jackson’s babymama Debbie Rowe has come forward with revealing e-mails that make it clear that Rowe has no interest in actually getting custody of the two children she had with the King of Pop.
In an interview to air tonight on Extra Debbie Rowe’s friend and confidant, Rebecca White, reveals details from e-mails from Rowe sent days after Michael’s tragic death.
From the start, Rowe made it clear that she did not want custody of the kids. In an email dated July 2, 2009, she writes:
“I’m not going after custody. These kids are not mine. They were never mine. They were always Michael’s. I was Michael’s best friend.”
But then, three days later on July 5, Rowe writes to White:
“My lawyer is telling me I have to take some responsibility about the welfare of the children. Do I want the kids? Hell no. Does it look good for me to ask for them? Absolutely. I don’t want to look like the woman who gave away her kids and just forgot about them. Would Michael want Joe to have them? I think it would be the last thing that he would ever have wanted.”
And one bit of information White shares would all-but confirm the report from this morning that Debbie had reached a settlement with the Jacksons.

White tells Extra: “In one text message [Debbie] had just said, ‘Just wait until the 14th. Everything will be done after the 14th’…There’s definitely going to be a secret deal. There’s definitely going to be a settlement that’s going to come out of this.”
Tune into Extra tonight to see the entire interview!
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

she is such a shit person. how can you just give your kids away like that.
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

she is such a shit person. how can you just give your kids away like that.

Michael wouldnt have kids otherwise, so its thanks to her he got to experience being a dad the way he wanted
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

I head Ms. Jackson will give her 4 million to settle. I hope that is a lie. No one should be going through this with children. SOmetimes I wish Michael would have never had children in this way but what is done is done. There are women out here would have loved to have children for Michael for FREE, let alone this with Michael accepting children from this chic.
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

no i understand that but i just don't agree with her accepting money rather than her kids.
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

Michael wouldnt have kids otherwise, so its thanks to her he got to experience being a dad the way he wanted
I think he would still been a dad. the time he took with her, Michael could have taken it up with someone else who really loved him and really wanted to give him his children.
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

I think he would still been a dad. the time he took with her, Michael could have taken it up with someone else who really loved him and really wanted to give him his children.
Terrell, I agree with you. :agree:
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

"Do I want the kids? Hell no".

OMG, it sounds like she dosen't even love them.. =/
Re: E-mails Reveal Debbie Rowe Never Wanted Custody

Like Latoya said, SHE WANTS MORE MONEY.