Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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Can't wait for Nine I love Daniel Day Lewis!!! But Michael please win everything lol!!!
Did you guys just hear a little bit of the Thriller beat with Timbaland's performance?! Oh yah, he did sample Thriller!

Dunno I put it on mute :fear: Looks like everyone else heard it
Thumbs down to the Thriller rip too. I really didn't want Michael mixed with Timbaland...

the thriller laugh is not in the orginal song, god, you complain if michael isnt mentioned, then when someone pays a little tribute, you give it the thumbs down
Every other word is bleeped out, so how can you even hear any of it? Which might be a good thing, but it's a little annoying. They should have just not let them perform since the whole song is full of cussing. That would have saved them some time and effort.

I agree. I wont lie, I like some of 50 cent and Eminem's songs, but this was not a good song to sing on a network like ABC. Too much censoring. Em & 50 should have changed the words or sang a song with less cursing in it.
I don't get it. They have less than half an hour to go and there are still 3 catagories MJ is nominated in. We definitely know that Entertainer of the Year will be announced, but what about the other two?
Sometimes I feel like I'm an alien from another planet when I listen to these "hip" artists... I really on a planet where this is popular? See ya! *moonwalks into space with Michael*

Well put. I agree! I'm only 26... shouldn't I still be hip? Guess not! People half my age dictate pop culture! :p
well done Timbaland the only one really giving a bow to the great Michael Jackson, God bless him

One of the Black Eyed Peas member had on a white glitter glove when they performed.

Did anyone see the guy in the audience with a MJ-like white jacket on?
Thumbs down to the Thriller rip too. I really didn't want Michael mixed with Timbaland...


I can't stand when these new age artists sample other music from previous artists from years ago. Nobody can have a bit of originality anymore. I know some people see it as a "tribute" or "respect" but it just bothers me. ha.
Is this show going to run really long? It seems like there are a million performances and a billion commercials! :p
how are they going to fit the rest of the awards and adam lambert and all their commercials in :doh:
Sometimes I feel like I'm an alien from another planet when I listen to these "hip" artists... I really on a planet where this is popular? See ya! *moonwalks into space with Michael*

Girl, I'm 21 and I feel the same way. :no:
I mean, whatever floats your boat right? But I just don't get the music industry today.

I stick with my independent artists and my albums from decades past!
Well I just now tuned in to this show about 10 minutes ago because I forgot it was coming on today and as usual the show sucks... 50 cent and EM whatever mess that was sucked... you couldnt even understand a word they were saying because most of the words were bleeped out. Damn just looking at all the performance thus far its sad because you can really see how bad music really is and performers. There will never be another like Michael Jackson, never. Music just sucks now... How many awards have Michael won thus far? He should win them all

I can't stand when these new age artists sample other music from previous artists from years ago. Nobody can have a bit of originality anymore.

Aww, he was paying tribute!!!
I'm not a fan but I'll give him that much! He's a fan of Michael's, just like we are!!!
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