Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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Wait 'til you're over 35. It's just all downhill from there on out (if you consider going "who the hell is that and what kind of stupid-looking outfit is she wearing???!" to be downhill, lolol)



Aaw, I wished that Mary would perform "Stronger" - that is one of my favourites right now :(
Lady gaga loves to act all weird and disgusting to be outSTANDing.
Lady Gaga ROCKED she's so freaking talented. They say she's the "new" Madonna but she is BY FAR more talented then Madonna IMHO.

Didn't Cindy laupher "Girls just want to have fun" came out dressed all crazy before Madonna? But, Madonna became more popular so people credit her? I'm 26yrs old i remember Cindy then Madonna, em I wrong?
Are they not going to mention Michael at all? Do they not show people who passed away this year like at other shows? The musicians and singers? He won many AMA's in his career.
I know. It surprised me there's not a mention by winners or whomever. Really. Doesn't have to be a long speech, but at least a mention, like "And guys, I wouldn't be here today if it weren't Michael Jackson. Love you, Mike!" you know... something like that.

bluetopez: yeah, I think more Cyndi than Madonna, yeah. As far as crazy clothes go...

Who's Gloriana? If I spelled that right. HAHAH, he just said himself... "who the heck is Gloriana", :lmao:!
'jermajesty was named after Jerry M. Ajesty, inventor of 'Baby Hair in a Can' >>>> LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL LITERALLY!!!'

OMG!! :lol: Poor guy... It's Jermaine's fault for naming him like that...
Just watching all these people perform is making me feel weirdly sad, because after watching so many performances of Michael singing live, everyone else just seems...unfortunate and boring.

I mean, not that I could do it any better, but Fergie? Not impressed. Rhianna? Sorry, no.
Carrie Underwood? Yawn.

I guess it just takes a lot to impress me after Michael left his mark. :no:

He didn't need autotune, didn't need the network to bleep out his curses every 30 seconds. I don't know...maybe I'm being unreasonable.
I Know what you mean...Just Boring...but there were some good ones though.
'jermajesty was named after Jerry M. Ajesty, inventor of 'Baby Hair in a Can' >>>> LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL LITERALLY!!!'


I know hes mjs nephew and we shouldnt be making fun of him
I thought Lady Gaga or at least Keri Hilson would get that, but who the fuck is Gloriana? And what is this 80s country music.
yes, Emerald. =D (Something's wrong that I have no idea who the current artists are on here, I'm pulling for MJ, and the most exciting non-MJ thing I've seen tonight has been the Beatles singing on a commercial, LoL. Born in the wrong generation...=P)
Wait 'til you're over 35. It's just all downhill from there on out (if you consider going "who the hell is that and what kind of stupid-looking outfit is she wearing???!" to be downhill, lolol)

Tell me about. I'm 46, I lost interest in these music awards shows years ago. I only watch the highlights (or what I consider to be the highlights). It's the first sign you are getting old. That and realizing for the first time that all the Miss America contestants are younger than you (well, that's what happened to me).
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Lady gaga loves to act all weird and disgusting to be outSTANDing.

I have to say as odd as she is...she does have a good voice...I think she is jsut different and that is what makes her stand out.
yes, Emerald. =D (Something's wrong that I have no idea who the current artists are on here, I'm pulling for MJ, and the most exciting non-MJ thing I've seen tonight has been the Beatles singing on a commercial, LoL. Born in the wrong generation...=P)

Tell me about it, apart from Michael my fave artists are Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen, haha!
Tell me about. I'm 46, I lost interest in these music awards shows years ago. I only watch the highlights (or what I consider to be the highlights). It's the first sign you are getting old. That and realizing for the first time that all the Miss America contestants are older than you (well, that's what happened to me).

I am 42...Michael is the only reason I am watching this too......
I've decided all Americans are country music fans, its their closet music and they all have a country record.
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