Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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still can't believe Jermaine stood up there and introduced his kids... like seriously who cares?? and I always cringe when I hear the name Jermajesty... ughhhh

lol it's pretty self-indulgent on Jermaine's part to call his son that! :lol:
Who is this :no:...I'm 22 and I don't know who these people are, its always been about Michael, no one compares!!

Carrie Underwood. American Idol winner. She's pretty successful, have you really not heard of her or are you being sarcastic? :rofl:
Jermajesty is trending on twitter

MTE! :lol:
Just watching all these people perform is making me feel weirdly sad, because after watching so many performances of Michael singing live, everyone else just seems...unfortunate and boring.

I mean, not that I could do it any better, but Fergie? Not impressed. Rhianna? Sorry, no.
Carrie Underwood? Yawn.

I guess it just takes a lot to impress me after Michael left his mark. :no:

He didn't need autotune, didn't need the network to bleep out his curses every 30 seconds. I don't know...maybe I'm being unreasonable.
I don't know who this country singer is either.

It wasn't bad. Anything with a little skin is good in my books.
Whoa two performances back to back :eek:
I know who carrie underwood is...altough when i first heard bout her i thought she was australian...*walks away from the thread*.. :blush:
Thnx, you guys, regarding my AMAs '84 recall... :mello: I'm thankful for the 25 years. :angel: (And of course back in those days the AMAs were on in January, not November ... weird how they changed it so drastically... but that's anohter topic, lol)

I'm thankful for the 25 years, too. I remember the 1984 AMAs like yesterday.

I keep looking in tonight's audience hoping and wishing our Michael was there. :angel:
everyone seems to adopt that triangular shoulder pads that Michael wore :no: he's such a fashion icon

I think the same. Plus look at the light technology Rihanna had integrated into her costume. Gaga's performance is on now and she's using light technology too! Mike had light technology integrated into his costumes for TII.
Who is this :no:...I'm 22 and I don't know who these people are, its always been about Michael, no one compares!!

Thats too funny. I am 51 and I sit here saying "Who the heck are these newbies???" LOL
Some of the outfits I am seeing are making me cringe lol. It's distracting me from what they are singing.
lady gaga's annoying ahhhh what happened to REAL music? ... oh wait mj died thats why all we hear is crap now
I think the same. Plus look at the light technology Rihanna had integrated into her costume. Gaga's performance is on now and she's using light technology too! Mike had light technology integrated into his costumes for TII.

Michael has been doing that since the Bad Tour.....

He's always been light years ahead of everyone...
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