Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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if Taylor beats our MJ, I'm going to go rage.
everyone seems to adopt that triangular shoulder pads that Michael wore :no: he's such a fashion icon
Chris made a monster out of Rihanna!...that sh*t was fierce...u go girl! My fave performance so far, black eyes peas is second! :D
Awww... You're so lucky to have lived in that period...
Thnx, you guys, regarding my AMAs '84 recall... :mello: I'm thankful for the 25 years. :angel: (And of course back in those days the AMAs were on in January, not November ... weird how they changed it so drastically... but that's anohter topic, lol)
So MJ wins and Jermaine introduces HIS kids? one of which is trying to start a Modeling career??? FIGUERS!
RIDICULOUS!!! someone say tpo janet to accet the next award, if Michael wins another, i mean wtf is wrong with jermaine??? i hate thast "man", he's a loser, making look Michael bad always... I HATE THAT WHORE
Aw, please please please let it be Michael. I think Taylor is the only other contender and she has the rest of her life to win these. =( Just let Michael have this one, one last time. :sad: Besides, it's not like he doesn't deserve it. What other artist has been at the forefront of America this year?! Michael is the artist of the year.
everyone seems to adopt that triangular shoulder pads that Michael wore :no: he's such a fashion icon
LOL, I noticed that. Isn't Janet wearing something along those lines too in her new Make Me vid?
I hope Janet accepts the next one.
Why do people keep hoping Janet accept awards for Michael, Or Janet pays tribute (in HER performance) for Michael...Janet aint worried about anybody BUT Janet. She has a career she's trying to REVIVE...she's not thinking about Mike like that...sorry to say.
I hope this thread doesn't turn into HATE thread again towards the family :no:
Re the Jermaine thing, maybe he was just showing that the whole fam is supporting and loving their brother/uncle/son/dad.
I hope he didn't mean it in a publicity-seeking way.

The Jack5ons advertisement.
still can't believe Jermaine stood up there and introduced his kids... like seriously who cares?? and I always cringe when I hear the name Jermajesty... ughhhh
Chris made a monster out of Rihanna!...that sh*t was fierce...u go girl! My fave performance so far, black eyes pea is second! :D
all Chris did was hold Rihanna back. Without that extra abusive baggage on her shoulders, she's going on all out pulling all stops.
Who is this :no:...I'm 22 and I don't know who these people are, its always been about Michael, no one compares!!
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