All TMZ stories about Possible Defense Strategies and News

Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

This is so incredibly sad. I just keep thinking how on earth did we get here. :(
This is probably just TMZ clutching at anything to build the 'hype', probably ain't even true.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

grasping at straws yet again. so whats his excuse for having no equipment.everyone forgotten about that? diversion tactic
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Sounds more like TMZ trying to gain web traffic, but if this is true, than this defense strategy is so ludicrous.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

No jury will buy that, many people have said that Michael was excited for this tour and that it was his dream that he perform for his children so why would he kill himself when he was days away from fulfilling that dream? Go to hell Murray!
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

It doesn't matter if he was demanding, Murray and all the other Drs took an oath to say NO!
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

is this story true or false? who knows, who cares..

will the defense drag Michael's past, personality, life style etc etc into their defense strategy? sure they will.

will this be an emotional journey for us all? of course..

so it begins..
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

It says something like :
" Michael suddenly WOKE UP after 9 hours trying to get some sleep...etc."
So, he wasn"t sleeping but he woke up !!?
I mean, really this is absolutely the craziest story I have ever seen. It really seems like a circus and I am speechless.
BTW, when is the hearing starting ? In European time....anybody knows ?
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Ivy is right, and to add this is nothing new for us, we went through this barely 5 years ago although we had our beloved Michael with us then, but this time we are on our own, I'm telling u guys we have to fight fight fight for him. Nobody will fight for him everyone is pushing their own agenda. We have to fight. We have to be his voice. Michael we will fight for you, even though you can't do it yourself anymore :(
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Posted Apr 5th 2010 12:25AM by TMZ Staff

It sounds crazy, but Michael Jackson's Coca-Cola addiction may become a building block in Dr. Conrad Murray's legal strategy.

TMZ broke the story that Dr. Murray's defense will be that Michael Jackson caused his own death by pumping a lethal dose of Propofol into his own body during the time the doctor was out of the room.

Sources familiar with the defense strategy tell us one of the missions is to show that Michael Jackson was a demanding celebrity who wanted what he wanted when he wanted it, even if it posed a danger to himself.

One of the ways the defense will prove its point is with the famous soft drink. Jackson consumed massive quantities of Coca-Cola, knowing full well it was laden with caffeine and would make it next to impossible to fall asleep.

Our sources say the defense has numerous examples of situations where Jackson hyped himself up with caffeine from soda and then used drugs -- including Propofol -- as the ultimate sleeping solution.

The upshot -- Jackson was a guy who wanted instant gratification ... so the notion that he would wake up when Dr. Murray was out of the room, become frustrated and self-medicate with Propofol is consistent with his personality.

Even if that was the Case the doc should'nt have gave it to him period.

And I thought It was inpossible to do that after being put under.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

However, I will stick by an autopsy report that ruled Michael died specifically due to Conrad's Murray's actions. Murray lied to the paramedics since he never told anyone he had given MJ Propofol. He put everything in a bag and put the bag in a closet. Why would an innocent doctor hide medication or try to cover up the crime scene? Even if that was not the case why the hell did that so called doctor even have Propofol outside a hospital? It’s impossible to take it by yourself you will be knocked out after a few seconds. That’s just ridiculous BS. I really don’t know why this doctor is acting like nothing ever happened? It’s almost like he knows that the worst ting will be that he will lose his license and he doesn’t care. Well someone probably paid him enough.
I’m still wondering why it took so long time to actually go back and check everything? They didn’t even act as if it could be a crime scene. Someone could have put everything there with MJs fingerprint on all the stuff. The first cops went in and out so fast during the first day and they didn’t even check anything WHY? The whole thing is just a mess. It’s almost like a game with high profile players trying to cover up since they just played the world. Where are Michaels so called celebrity friends??? If they don’t show up now when they are needed, it’s best for them that we don’t see them at a tribute show in the future. How can some call themselves friends? It’s so unfair some give nothing back, even if Michael has given them all his life.
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Did Michael even drink coke?
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

That's what I'm wondering, I thought he did'nt drink any kind of soda. I thought he hated it.

He did drink soda, he was drinking Fanta when he was in the UK, but he hated the taste of Pepsi. The defense are throwing anything in. They're desperate and that is what desperate people do.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

He did drink soda, he was drinking Fanta when he was in the UK, but he hated the taste of Pepsi. The defense are throwing anything in. They're desperate and that is what desperate people do.

Thanks for the answer. :) and I don't blame him about Pepsi, never liked it either. And I agree, they seem to be picking at straws here.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

I heard that something came out a few months ago in the autopsy report where they said that there was no way that Michael could have increased the Propofol drip on his own. This is like the fifth or sixth time they've changed the story. Once again, it appears that they're playing games with everybody. And personally, I'm sick of it.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

Joe Jackson tells TMZ, "I don't believe it. It's not true. Why would he [Dr. Murray] hide all the bottles if such a story were true?"

Joe Jackson added, "The Coroner's report shows the story is not true," adding, "This really upsets me to hear this."


Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Here we go.. -_-

after reading all these recent TMZ stories I am beginning to wonder what if it's a defense strategy to distract the public with this nonsense and then come up with something entirely different during the trial.

or they are just plain stupid.

yep... and yep.

and I think TMZ want to tell their own story if you know what I mean.

Did Michael even drink coke?

yep.. theres a funny thing about him not liking pepsi (who he was the face for) but actually liking their big rival coca cola.. we were actually talking about this not long ago here, and someone posted a picture of him with coca cola.

But SO what, this is just plain STUPID, I feel like I am wasting minutes of my life commenting on it.

Seems Murray and his lawyer like it too.. maybe they need some propofol..? and all the rest of the bs Murray did tht day. Jeeeez. He sponsored by coca cola or something?.. maybe they'll make him their 'face'.

Conrad Murray -- Big Man, Big Problems

Posted Apr 5th 2010 6:00AM by TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray walked around Venice Beach yesterday with his lawyer, Ed Chernoff, possibly plotting their upcoming legal strategy.

Read more:
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Well, thanks for answering my question anyway, Rockin. It would have been funny if Michael didn't drink Coke. It would how even more how much they are clutching at straws.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

wth come on, thats ridiculous!!!!
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Karen Faye has asnwered this question on her Twitter page:

"Michael never drank a Coca Cola in my presence."

This is a pic of MJ on a plane with a Coke can:
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Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

DI, the picture didn't post. Can you repost. Also, do you know when the picture is from? (I'm saying this without seeing it)
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

DI, the picture didn't post. Can you repost. Also, do you know when the picture is from? (I'm saying this without seeing it)

Reposted the pic and sorry I dont know the year.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

the pic is from when mj went to mexico with the malnicks in either 2002 or early 2003
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

the pic is from when mj went to mexico with the malnicks in either 2002 or early 2003

Thanx EM. Makes sense now why we have this pic.......Malniks!:smilerolleyes::smilerolleyes:
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I have never heard Joe call Michael a drug addict.

The only one who is calling Michael an addict is Janet. arghhhhhhh! I have tons of expletives for that woman, but I will refrain for now

The only drugs that were found in MJs body was the drugs that Murray put in MJs system.

Exactly. Does that sound like a drug addict to you?