All TMZ stories about Possible Defense Strategies and News

Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I want Murray to disappear from the face of the Earth.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

The coroner in the autopsy said that self-adminstering was 'highly unlikely.'


The manner of death is homicide, based on the following:

1. Circumstances indicate that propofol and the benzodiazepines were administered by another.

2. The propofol was administered in a non-hospital setting without any appropriate medical indication.

3. The standard of care for administering propofol was not met (see anesthesiology consultation). Recommended equipment for patient monitoring, precision dosing, and resuscitation was not present.

4. The circumstances do not support self-administration of propofol.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Unbelievable, how can he say something like that!
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

*sigh* Yet another attempt to portray Michael as a drug addict. I wretched when I read this post I was that disgusted! This really is desperate stuff by the defence and one thst has far too many inaccuracies to hold a water tight defence.

Grrrrrrrrr!! Aaaarrrrggghhhh!!!!!

Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

when u have people running around screaming Michael was an addict despite knowing little of how he died or how he lived his final years it doesn't help matters, it was clear from the beginning that Murray would try and spin and blame Michael. Sad to see that other folks are giving Murray his defense. Murray and his lawyers must be huge fans of of a certain someone by now and judging by the lack of success recently the only fans the someone has left. Lord have mercy and punish Murray. I want Murray to have the most cruel ending in history of mankind. I hate this man. If I wasn't a law abiding citizen I'd make sure he had this ending right now
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Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

it looks like Murray's defense watched TV on Friday.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

The evidence is so piling up against them. They have no case.
Re: Michael Jackson Bodyguard Fired

IF any of would know what the real deal was none of you would turn this thread into the conspiracy section. Whatever - the truth will come out sooner or later,
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

LOL! Michael killed himself?! What a crock of f*cking bullsh*t! Someone's desperately trying to save his own sorry ass.

Jesus Christ, this gets more and more ridiculous each passing day...
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Who's in charge of Michael's defense?
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Oh my goodness.. seriously, that is their case? ... WTF!? :bugeyed
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

The State of California.... The DA office

That's who it is??? :shock2:

We have the DA with all his skills and all the evidence going up agaist Murray and his "michael killed himself" story?

And the best that could be charged is IM?? I KNEW something was wrong when the chief resigned right in the middle.

I think the DA needs to be investigated too!
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Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

This is beyond stupid. Number one there would be no way Michael would have been able to give himself an overdose of Propofol number one it acts to fast as soon has that stuff touched his vein he would have passed out. He would have been there all day shooting himself up with Propofol passing out and waking up passing out and waking up. Two he would not have laid back down he would have been slumped over on the bed or on the floor because like I said the Propofol acts way to fast to say he give himself a shot of that stuff and laid back down is just to stupid for words, Number three what does an addict need? A constant supply of the drugs they are addicted too. Michael could not go to a doctor and get him to write him out a prescription to Propofol. So that would me someone with a DEA card an access to Propofol would have to give it to him. And if you want to say he was addicted to it how do you explain the fact that no one noticed. That is kind of a hard drug to be addicted to and not be noticed because Propofol addicts stick themselves with the stuff at least 100 times and no one noticed Michael falling to sleep and waking up falling to sleep and waken up? And Michael's body would have been covered with track marks. Nurse Lee, the guy he was training with none of the this is it dancers saw track marks on Michael's arms. So as much as I would love for this to me Murray's defence I doubt if this is it
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

That is kind of a hard drug to be addicted to and not be noticed because Propofol addicts stick themselves with the stuff at least 100 times and no one noticed Michael falling to sleep and waking up falling to sleep and waken up? And Michael's body would have been covered with track marks. Nurse Lee, the guy he was training with none of the this is it dancers saw track marks on Michael's arms. So as much as I would love for this to me Murray's defence I doubt if this is it

Joe also said he asked Prince if he ever saw his mother with his shirt off. And prince said "lots of times." And Joe asked him if he ever noticed any needle marks. And prince said he never noticed any, "only one or two on his father's arm and that's it."
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Sickening. Really really really sickening. Why the hell would he have tried to inject himself rather than calling for Murray (the doctor he was paying $150,000!) to do it? Michael was not an idiot! Ridiculous and sickening.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

This is from the autopsy report. Someone kindlyy found the passage for me:

Could the decedent have given propofol to himself?

It is unknown where the propofol physically came from. It would have been difficult for the patient to administer the drugs (others besides propofol were administered) to himself, given the configuration of the IV setup. The IV catheter was in the left leg. The injection pon of the IV tubing was 13.5 cm from the lip in the catheter. He would have had to bend his knee sharply or sit up to reach the in-jection port and push the syringe barrel, an awkward situation, especially if sleep was the goal. If only bolus injections via a syringe were used, sleep would not have been maintained, due to the short action of propofol. Someone with medical knowledge or experience would have started the IV. Anyone could have drawn up and administered the medications after the IV was started
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Total B.S.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Murray is a lying bastard! The coroner says otherwise Dr. death!
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

At around noon, Dr. Murray left the room for approximately two minutes to go to the bathroom.
this would be funny if it wasnt so serious. so yet again hes changed his story first he went to the toliet at around 11am and now this aswell as going to the toliet while hes sat on the phone. guess he went hands free. and from the autopsy report mj couldnt self inject because of where the iv was.

this coward needs to hold his hands up and just admit he fecked up
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Remember, law enforcement believes Dr. Murray hid bottles of Propofol before paramedics arrived. The defense will argue ... if Dr. Murray was really hiding Propofol, he would have removed the empty bottle under the nightstand that caused Jackson's death.
so what was he doing with it then? collecting it to take it to the hosptial but accidently forgot to tell the medics and the docs what he had given mj and his it in another room.not removing all the bottles shows how thick he is. nothing more
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

can we keep the conspriacy stuff in the conspriacy forum.this is for discussing articles and the actual case/charges
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

MJ killed himself but we can't prove it.
This is irrational and unrealistic as saying aliens did administer propofol to Michael just in virtue of the fact that we cannot exclude the existence of other forms of life.

Funny how this info leaked right after the "MJ was a drug addict in denial not shocked he didn't actually die sooner" crap....well done!
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

so i guess murray is gonna say mj injected the loz aswell seeing as there was far more in his system than murray claimed he gave him.whats his excuse for that. anyway tbh its not surprising we knew he was gonna use this.all it confirms is that he has no defence at all
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

MJ killed himself but we can't prove it.
This is irrational and unrealistic as saying aliens did administer propofol to Michael just in virtue of the fact that we cannot exclude the existence of other forms of life.

Funny how this info leaked right after the "MJ was a drug addict in denial not shocked he didn't actually die sooner" crap....well done!

its he same argument sneddon used. in we knew he abused loads of kids we just cant find any victims.

dito above well done janet mike would be so proud of you
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray's legal defense is that Michael Jackson gave himself the fatal dose of Propofol.

Multiple sources familiar with the strategy tell TMZ the defense argument goes like this:

- At around 10:50 AM, Dr. Murray gave Jackson 25 mg of Propofol from a 20 ml bottle -- that's only about 1/8 of the bottle. How much was left in the bottle and would the left over amount fit into a syringe?

- The dose Dr. Murray administered would keep someone asleep for only 5 to 10 minutes, But the Propofol, along with the Ativan and Versed that was already in MJ's system, had a synergistic effect that put Jackson to sleep for a longer period of time. For an hour? and then wake up and be coherent enough to self inject in under two minutes?

- For the next hour, Dr. Murray stayed in the room and was on the phone for much of the time. Dr. Murray didn't leave the room to make the calls because MJ liked activity in the room, regularly sleeping with the lights on and cartoons blaring on the TV. Didn’t Murray’s affidavit state that he left approximately 10 mins after giving 25mg of Propofol? I sure hope that conversation was taped. Also, wouldn’t a good doctor turn off the lights and cartoons and try to be as quiet as possible so as to enhance the chances of the patient staying asleep?

- At around noon, Dr. Murray left the room for approximately two minutes to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, the defense believes Jackson suddenly awakened and was frustrated he had spent nearly 9 hours trying in vain to sleep. The defense theory -- Jackson took the 20 ml bottle of Propofol and self-injected the remaining contents through the IV, causing a massive overdose that stopped his heart. Would the remaining Propofol fit in a syringe?

- Dr. Murray walked back in the room and saw Jackson with his eyes open and pupils dilated. Dr. Murray dropped the phone (he was speaking with his girlfriend) and began administering CPR. Where was this bathroom exactly. Murray did his business then had time to dial his girlfriend and start a conversation on the way back to the bedroom? All within 2 minutes?

The defense will argue Michael Jackson was a long-time Propofol addict -- something TMZ first reported shortly after the singer's death. As one source said, Jackson liked the sensation of Propofol being administered by IV, adding, "Michael liked to push it." So we have a Dr. giving a patient the very drug that the Dr. knows the patient is addicted to. And the Dr. isn’t a rehab specialist. Isn’t that in itself criminal?

L.A. County Coroner's investigators took a picture in the room, showing an empty Propofol bottle on the floor, underneath the nightstand by Jackson's bed. The defense will argue Jackson grabbed the bottle from the nightstand, injected himself and then dropped the bottle.

Remember, law enforcement believes Dr. Murray hid bottles of Propofol before paramedics arrived. The defense will argue ... if Dr. Murray was really hiding Propofol, he would have removed the empty bottle under the nightstand that caused Jackson's death. Well, one has to see something in order to remove it. The bottle was under a nightstand and out of sight.

And none of this explains why there was no monitoring equipment in the room. This ‘defense” is really all too convenient. Murray just happens to leave the room at the same time the effects of the drugs wears off enough for MJ to wake up. The doctor just happened to leave the Propofol bottle and a syringe close enough for MJ to reach. (Was the syringe pre-loaded too?) Then the Dr. just happens to call his gf on the way back from the restroom in time to see MJ with “eyes open and dilated pupils”. Then the doctor conveniently forgets to tell paramedics about all the drugs he gave, including the one the Dr knew MJ was “addicted” to. Then there’s the whole comedy of errors in calling for assistance from both staff and paramedics.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

And if that crazy story was true then Michael should have been bought back because no one dies of respiratory depression in two minutes. And the Propofol stopped his breathing not his heart. Remember that is what Propofol does it stops you from breathing. And lets look at another stupid part of this story. Michael liked how Propofol felt being put into an IV? Propofol burns going in it hurts that is why a person is sedated when it is given good lord Harvey
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Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I posted a similar article like 1 month after his death but not one wanted to see it. Sad.

Murray knows its his only way out of the prison..