All TMZ stories about Possible Defense Strategies and News

Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I think anything coming from TMZ should go directly to the tabloid section so we don't waste our time commenting on rubbish. :timer:
Re: Murray’s rep attacks Jackson suicide defense

Buckle up, it's going to be a rough ride. News reports with no factual backing, minced and spliced bits of info pieced together by the talking heads, etc.

Except for actual documents of the proceedings, the only "respected" news reporter (if there is such a thing) that I may tend to listen to is Linda Deutsch (sp) and her reports.

Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Posted Apr 5th 2010 12:25AM by TMZ Staff

It sounds crazy, but Michael Jackson's Coca-Cola addiction may become a building block in Dr. Conrad Murray's legal strategy.

TMZ broke the story that Dr. Murray's defense will be that Michael Jackson caused his own death by pumping a lethal dose of Propofol into his own body during the time the doctor was out of the room.

Sources familiar with the defense strategy tell us one of the missions is to show that Michael Jackson was a demanding celebrity who wanted what he wanted when he wanted it, even if it posed a danger to himself.

One of the ways the defense will prove its point is with the famous soft drink. Jackson consumed massive quantities of Coca-Cola, knowing full well it was laden with caffeine and would make it next to impossible to fall asleep.

Our sources say the defense has numerous examples of situations where Jackson hyped himself up with caffeine from soda and then used drugs -- including Propofol -- as the ultimate sleeping solution.

The upshot -- Jackson was a guy who wanted instant gratification ... so the notion that he would wake up when Dr. Murray was out of the room, become frustrated and self-medicate with Propofol is consistent with his personality.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

after reading all these recent TMZ stories I am beginning to wonder what if it's a defense strategy to distract the public with this nonsense and then come up with something entirely different during the trial.

or they are just plain stupid.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Judge: "Mr Chernoff, your defense?"
Chernoff: "Uhhh, Coca Cola killed Michael Jackson your Honour." lol
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

This is ridiculous.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

It's funny how MJ his entire live was branded as "freak" for some of the most mundane things that we all might be "guilty" off. What on earth? Oh God, maybe he drank some Coke, maybe he even smoked once or twice in his life, God beware, he could have been human like the rest of us.

Coke consumption as instant gratification. Damn, I love to drink Fresca. And if I have cold Fresca in the fridge, I might even drink 3 a day. Bummer, what does this mean for my character????? That I like to drink Fresca??:tease::tease::tease:

It is so sad to come up with these BS stories that aren't stories. I guess ANY angle will be used to show the supposed "junkie aspect". Call me junkie, I love Fresca!! I also "demand" iced coffee, usually at the window of my local Java chain. Does this make me a demanding personality??

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Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

somebody cut the fucking thread already. Im tired of the crap this man keeps dishing out. He gave michael lethal drugs because of his need for money. And now he needs more to defend killing a man. This man needs to be BROKE and pay for his actions.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

how stupid is this

i mean if michael was a demanding personality on cola
then sorry everyone but im a demanding personality to
all the kettles out there all over the world id like to thank you for my
addiction to tea :ranting:
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

after reading all these recent TMZ stories I am beginning to wonder what if it's a defense strategy to distract the public with this nonsense and then come up with something entirely different during the trial.

or they are just plain stupid.

i agree with what you say here..the first part. :yes: ,but yeah,they are just plain stupid,as well imo.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Hm, I wonder if TMZ went through the trial records and is just warming up old stuff from yesterday. Watch out, "choice of alcoholic beverages and adult magazines" are next.

Or, maybe the legal secretary in Ed Chernoff's Office had her window open and started laughing so loudly when she typed up the plan's for Murray's defense- that TMZ couldn't miss it her loud laughter.

Or the TMZ stuff just smoked one too many jamaican cigarettes and came up with this nonsense all by themselves. You never know!
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

this is plain stupid.
I can't believe the defence being so stupid,but i can totally see tmz inventing crap to create fact the "MJ killed himself" post has like 500 comments....
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Well I love coca cola and I'm danger to myself?This is so pathetic and stupid.What to expect next?I knew they will twist everything.This trial is not about the justice for MJ, it is about MONEY and making news from the name Michael Jackson.But I can't take another 2004-5 episode.I can't take this.Everyday we'll read stupid rumours and "shocks" about his private life and medical history... every detail will be studied from the media and they will try to interprete it like something wacky and feed the drug addict picture.The family is only helping them with this lawyer... He said live on TV that this trial" is about taking advantage of a drug addict "and the brothers and Joe stand there and agreed.I'm sick to my stomach.This is so wrong...
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Whatever. Coke nor any other caffine didn't kill michael. The defense sounds desperate, why don't they admit murray used bad judgement and killed michael. Let him take his punishment like a man.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

This is just starting - just a snippet of the total, ludicrus BS that we have to come.

Sick of it already tbh.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :angry:
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I think anything coming from TMZ should go directly to the tabloid section so we don't waste our time commenting on rubbish. :timer:

As much as we'd like too sadly TMZ has become the main source of information about the case so we need to keep it seperate.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

speaking of TMZ, are they going to do a live feed from the court today?
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

I think many of us should not be here then- Coca Cola is dangerous didn't you know?!
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

:lol: :lol:

They have no case!!

How about saving the entire world come time and just change to story to confess and plead "Guilty"?
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

I love to drink cola at night... god I'm so demanding... :p
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

On a serious note, it doesn't matter how demanding or "addicted" Michael was. His job, as a doctor, is not to give in and not to put patients in danger. That's the oath. That's the contract.

He's gonna go to jail.

The end.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial


Coke Is It
This Is It ???????????? lol
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Although I'd hate for any of MJ's children to testify, I hope Prince does, behind closed doors, to put an end to the madness and total crappy lies the media and Murray's desperate defense is putting out there. Murray's ass is fried and he knows it, no matter what they try to think of the evidence is strong and damning and any sane jury will see that and lay the guilty verdict on Murray.

Demanding coca cola and instant gratification, pffff, crazy fools, the lot of them!
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

One - That is stupid.

Two - How is it that Michael hid this Coca-Cola addiction :)smilerolleyes:) from us all these years? If you'd asked me, I'd have said it was an orange juice addiction.

Three - I am really not ready to see Michael's character ripped to shreds and lied on. But it's inevitable. That's the only way they can defend themselves since it's painfully clear who the one in the wrong is.

Edit: I'd also like to hear his explanation for the Ephedrine found in Michael's body and how that fits into this story.

Lastly, Murray is over 6'5" and 200+ pounds...Michael (comparitively) was a tiny little guy with a soft spoken voice and a self-composed demeanor. Him demanding anything enough to force Murray to comply is laughable. (Not to mention, outside of Michael's character.)
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Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

It's funny how MJ his entire live was branded as "freak" for some of the most mundane things that we all might be "guilty" off. What on earth? Oh God, maybe he drank some Coke, maybe he even smoked once or twice in his life, God beware, he could have been human like the rest of us. ..... Coke consumption as instant gratification. ....Call me junkie, I love Fresca!! I also "demand" iced coffee, usually at the window of my local Java chain. Does this make me a demanding personality??
I hear ya. I "demand" a near-constant supply of green tea and Pepsi Light ... I mean, I'm a total caffeine addict, I admit. I know how shocking this may sound :rolleyes2: ... and considering this, who would be surprised if I turned up dead from a doctor giving me the wrong dose of meds via an IV... I mean, with all this tea and soda pop in my life??! It's such an obvious case of cause and effect. :rolleyes:

It's so ridiculous. :angry: In the end, a doctor didn't do his freaking job and his patient died because of it. Period. :(