All TMZ stories about Possible Defense Strategies and News

Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Michael liked how Propofol felt being put into an IV? Propofol burns going in it hurts that is why a person is sedated when it is given good lord Harvey
yeah u would think they would do their research. they like the feeling of waking up so re inject. problem form murray mj was using it to sleep not to wake up every 5 minutes which is what addicts to it do.and the police couldnt even find enough dip to last a few days let alone months. why didnt murray show them all the payments he made for buying the diprivan for this addict.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Joe Jackson 'Horrified' at Dr. Murray Defense
Posted Apr 4th 2010 2:55PM by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's father says he is "horrified" by the prospect Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team will argue that Michael Jackson accidentally killed himself by pumping a lethal dose of Propofol into his body.

TMZ broke the story that the defense believes Jackson woke up shortly before noon on the day he died, when Dr. Conrad Murray stepped out of the room, and injected enough Propofol in himself to almost immediately stop his heart.

Joe Jackson tells TMZ, "I don't believe it. It's not true. Why would he [Dr. Murray] hide all the bottles if such a story were true?"

Joe Jackson added, "The Coroner's report shows the story is not true," adding, "This really upsets me to hear this."

Joe Jackson plans to file a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Murray. While Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, says, "His [Dr. Murray's] story is medically inconsistent with the autopsy findings, he says before knowing for sure, "I would need to see the photographs of the scene in order to assess his story."

Read more:
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

First, let me say how distressed I am at how TMZ appears to be have become mainstream and credible.

Secondly, if the first story is true, I can only laugh at Murray and his lawyer. Well, laugh AFTER I let loose a stream of expletives.

Thirdl,- assuming the second story is true - it is ironic that Mr Jackson and his lawyer seem able to refer to the autopsy report findings when it suits their purposes and ignore it with impunity when it does not.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

This sounds desperate, all the evidence points to it being rather difficult for Michael to administer, due to the circumstances. All evidence points to things being hidden, and Murray keeps changing his storyline, also, it's funny how we heard nothing of this until Janet shows up on Oprah. If this man gets away with this, then there's a serious flaw in the way this country is ran.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Joe Jackson plans to file a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Murray. While Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, says, "His [Dr. Murray's] story is medically inconsistent with the autopsy findings, he says before knowing for sure, "I would need to see the photographs of the scene in order to assess his story."

I didn't know Oxman was an expert Crime Scene Investigator as well. :doh:

(Sorry I couldn't stop myself from commenting to Oxman but I really tried)
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Who knows what shit they will try to mess the whole situation with!
He is the doctor and he is obliged to care for the patient in the room.
Excuses are not worth.
I don't think this version will stand up in court, because how can people believe any hypothesis which states that for those 2 minutes, he suddenly wakes up and takes the deadly dose ?... yeah?no! .. just how convenient!
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Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I am more then sure this is not his defense. This totally contradicts what he told the cops. This sounds like one lawyer talking to tmz without the other lawyer knowing. I am no medical expert but I have learned alot about Propofol. And for what they are saying happened and what we know about Propofol it his impossible
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Murray is just trying to cover his own sorry ass, There will be more. Murray will try to add more sh*t to this bogus story of his, The TRUTH will be revealed.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I am more then sure this is not his defense. This totally contradicts what he told the cops. This sounds like one lawyer talking to tmz without the other lawyer knowing. I am no medical expert but I have learned alot about Propofol. And for what they are saying happened and what we know about Propofol it his impossible

theres loads of contridictions in the story. frankly nothing would surprise me. he changed the times about going to the toliet and talking to his GF On the phone. and with this story hes changed the time of when he gave mj the benzos below from kop boards explains it better than me

He is saying the Propofol along with the other stuff he gave him put him out. Like saying the propofol caused the benzos to work

oh sure , unless he change his original story and admit he gave all of these drugs immediatly before he gave propofol , no expert is going to testify to that .

No expert is going to say lorazepam did not work at 5 am , but five hours later it worked because he was given 25 mg of propofol . Let's only hope we don't have jurors as smart as Janet Jackson , else he will get cleared .
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

They should re read the autopsy report because it says "INJECTION BY ANOTHER"
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

You tell em' Joe!!!

Joe Jackson tells TMZ, "I don't believe it. It's not true. Why would he [Dr. Murray] hide all the bottles if such a story were true?"

Joe Jackson added, "The Coroner's report shows the story is not true," adding, "This really upsets me to hear this."

Thirdl,- assuming the second story is true - it is ironic that Mr Jackson and his lawyer seem able to refer to the autopsy report findings when it suits their purposes and ignore it with impunity when it does not.

When did they ignore the autopsy report?
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I didn't know Oxman was an expert Crime Scene Investigator as well. :doh:

(Sorry I couldn't stop myself from commenting to Oxman but I really tried)

Im sure Oxman doesnt mean study the pic himself but for his team/side to study the pics. Oxman had specialists study the Will (for forgery) and the ambulance pic. I dont remember Oxman claiming to be an expert. I doubt we will see CSI: Oxman ;)
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I am more then sure this is not his defense. This totally contradicts what he told the cops. This sounds like one lawyer talking to tmz without the other lawyer knowing. I am no medical expert but I have learned alot about Propofol. And for what they are saying happened and what we know about Propofol it his impossible

I wouldnt be so sure. This guy is clearly an idiot going by his action on June 25 and he has already changed his story about 5 times.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

You tell em' Joe!!!

Joe Jackson tells TMZ, "I don't believe it. It's not true. Why would he [Dr. Murray] hide all the bottles if such a story were true?"

Joe Jackson added, "The Coroner's report shows the story is not true," adding, "This really upsets me to hear this."

When did they ignore the autopsy report?
oxman keeps calling mj a druggie said he had peumonia bronchitas etc
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself


So I see.

Has he read the autopsy??

Is Joe calling Michael an addict too?
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself


So I see.

Has he read the autopsy??

Is Joe calling Michael an addict too?

well when your lawyer who speaks on your behalf and represents you publicly does....when you go around telling you staged interventions,it doesn't leave much space for interpretations...
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

well when your lawyer who speaks on your behalf and represents you publicly does....when you go around telling you staged interventions,it doesn't leave much space for interpretations...

Yes, an incompetent lawyer who speaks on Joe's behalf.

That's why I asked if Joe called his son an addict too.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I have never heard Joe call Michael a drug addict.

The only drugs that were found in MJs body was the drugs that Murray put in MJs system.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Like always Oxman is talking out of his @ss
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

"I would need to see the photographs of the scene in order to assess his story."

I hope he won't get the photographs. The next day it will be in every tabloid.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

I hope he won't get the photographs. The next day it will be in every tabloid.

That scares me too. If someone ever gets hold of those pictures it'll be in the papers the next day. And that scares the hell out of me.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Yes, an incompetent lawyer who speaks on Joe's behalf.

That's why I asked if Joe called his son an addict too.

Incompetent that's for sure.
So what is Joe's position?
Is he a fool for letting oxman screw up non stop or does he agree with him?
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Guys I know its easy to veer off topic here but can we not bring our feelings on Oxman into this. I can't stand the guy either but this is about Murray's 'defense', not how much we hate Brian Oxman.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Clutching at straws is what it is. They will get torn a new one if they try this defense in court.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

:doh: :doh: :doh:

First. Michael had no reason to kill himself and if to do so, he would have done in 2005. He did not. He would never do that.

Second, addicted to propofol? Ridiculous. I do not believe it.

Stories, stories and more stories.... :smilerolleyes:

What is truth in all this? :scratch:And everybody goes around in circles. Obviously, this is bullshit.

This is the work of the press to form the big circus: this is all just to put fuel on the fire for the day April 5, nothing more. And it seems they succeeded. :doh:
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

he has shown NO remorse whatsoever and now he has the courage to say these outragegous things.

i am so fed up with this.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Murray is absolutely out of his mind....If he thinks that people are gonna believe a story like that..BLAH....It was impossible for Michael to kill himself ....besides Michael loved life to much he has 3 children who were his angels. Murray better cut the shit because NOONE is being fooled by his lies.
Murray’s rep attacks Jackson suicide defense

LOS ANGELES - Dr. Conrad Murray’s team is attacking a new report that claims to know his defense strategy in the coming Michael Jackson homicide case. “We do not know what sources to which TMZ is referring,” a Murray rep told Access Hollywood in a statement on Sunday. “We only know it didn’t come from [attorney] Ed [Chernoff] who has the final word.”
The rep added that they “will not be trying the case in the press,” and were waiting to see how the prosecution intended to approach the case.'&PG=NBCSML&AP=1089','300','250');

“In any case, it is premature to discuss defense strategy,” the rep said. “Dr. Murray’s defense will depend on the People’s theory of prosecution, which has not yet been made available to the defense team.”
Earlier on Sunday, TMZ reported that the defense team would claim that it was the King of Pop who injected himself with a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol — not Murray.
The doctor, who served as a personal physician to Jackson during the icon’s final weeks, is due in court on Monday.