All TMZ stories about Possible Defense Strategies and News

Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

The only thing good about all of these defense strategy stories from TMZ is that it gives the prosecution something to work with. I hope they continue to give up all of the defense's strategy no matter how ludicrous it may sound to us. Getting the jump up will be important. If the prosec will not take anything lightly even if they do not spend an extreme amount of time in researching them, it will work out better for them.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

yeah malniks! there quite afew from that trip available.mj was planning to use footage of it in the home movies but it got pulled. we saw a small clip in an advert but not in the actual show.that girl is malniks daughter
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

This story is totally laughable and completely fabricated by non other than tada!!! TMZ!!! They are not, I repeat not credible!!! If this story were true, and I wish it were because it shows how absolutely desperate his defense is and how incompentent they are. They would not have a chance in heaven to win with this ridiculous defense. The judge would laugh them out the door!! Totally, completely, bogus!!!!
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

The only thing good about all of these defense strategy stories from TMZ is that it gives the prosecution something to work with. I hope they continue to give up all of the defense's strategy no matter how ludicrous it may sound to us. Getting the jump up will be important. If the prosec will not take anything lightly even if they do not spend an extreme amount of time in researching them, it will work out better for them.

And that is another thing I was thinking about. You never give your competition your strategy- never!!! So this just tells me this is just TMZ making this whole thing up. I'm sure their site is getting hits like crazy - isn't that what they want?
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

TMZ and Harvey Levin laughed all the way to the bank after Michael passed, Michael's passing was/is their biggest story, it can be seen even now 10 months after his passing.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

I think your strategy should be kept quiet, but not knowing exactly who the mole is, it makes it hard to say if the story is completely ridiculous. I just think the pros. should not underestimate the story. it wouls be sad if the defense actually did mention this or mentioned about the coke and the pro could not refute this because they ethought they were foolish stories and so were not prepared. Even if they do not spend a bunch of time looking up info to refute this, they should aty least give it a look. When they open up their case, they should speak about how the coroner's report says it was very unlikely for MJ to do this to himself. they need to explain clearly up front that someone else had to have done this to MJ. Explain it clearly and thoroughly. Then when the defense tries to pull stuff like this out of their butt, the jury will not believe it.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Thanks so much guys! Thanks DI, EM and Twinklee!
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Seriously MJ drank Coca was at Neverland, there are photos of him with Coca Cola cans, Coca Cola bottles, Coca Cola cups.. oh no, is it a crime?

Michael must not have been in Karen's 'presence' here..

SO WHAT. That didn't kill him.

Am I in some parallel universe where its illegal to drink Cola?!!!! And where it excuses all the BS murray did? w..t..f

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Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

I'm so sad right now....depressed. I feel this ache for Michael. I feel like justice *might* not be served because if it was going to be served, they would have taken Murray's lisence away by now. This is going to get ugly...I'm sure Michael's kids might have to tesify to what they saw...autopsy pictures will be shown in the courtroom (they do that in court) and lies with be created which the media will turn into facts.

Very depressing. My heart goes out to Katherine and Michael's kids. I heard she was crying at the hearing. No mother should have to bury her child. It's just not natural. :(
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

What Murray should have done is refer Michael to a sleep specialist if he was having all these problems with insomnia. He should have refused to give him Propofol or to treat him (because he was treating him incorrectly for sleep disorders). He should have refused to bring that stuff into Michael's house. I don't care how "demanding" Michael may have been about it (and I can't picture MJ being all that "demanding"). Any good doctor with scruples and ethics would have done that. But this guy has none. And that Coke addiction defense is so stupid.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Seriously MJ drank Coca was at Neverland, there are photos of him with Coca Cola cans, Coca Cola bottles, Coca Cola cups.. oh no, is it a crime?

Michael must not have been in Karen's 'presence' here..

SO WHAT. That didn't kill him.

Am I in some parallel universe where its illegal to drink Cola?!!!! And where it excuses all the BS murray did? w..t..f


Karen always likes to portray this whole 'MJ and I were best buddies' but all she did was apply his makeup and didn't even do a good job at it either. What the hell would she know?

I always saw pictures of him with Coke. I heard he hated Pepsi for the obvious reasons.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Karen always likes to portray this whole 'MJ and I were best buddies' but all she did was apply his makeup and didn't even do a good job at it either. What the hell would she know?

I always saw pictures of him with Coke. I heard he hated Pepsi for the obvious reasons.

I agree..:clapping::clapping:
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

I'm so sad right now....depressed. I feel this ache for Michael. I feel like justice *might* not be served because if it was going to be served, they would have taken Murray's lisence away by now. This is going to get ugly...I'm sure Michael's kids might have to tesify to what they saw...autopsy pictures will be shown in the courtroom (they do that in court) and lies with be created which the media will turn into facts.

Very depressing. My heart goes out to Katherine and Michael's kids. I heard she was crying at the hearing. No mother should have to bury her child. It's just not natural. :(

Aww. I feel the same. can't believe we're going through another trial and cannot imagine the pain Katherine must be feeling. :(

Side question: is there any way somebody could give brief summary of each day's events at the end of each day? It's hard catching up after coming home from work sometimes.

L.O.V.E. to you all!
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

Side question: is there any way somebody could give brief summary of each day's events at the end of each day? It's hard catching up after coming home from work sometimes.

L.O.V.E. to you all!

I second that. For important dates and stuff like this, it would be absolutely amazing. I'm in school 7 days a week, sometimes 14 hours a day. If I could be on my computer, keeping up minute-to-minute, I so would. =P
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

I really hope that we do not start to spend too much time with the crap that TMZ posts. We will find ourselves alternatively laughing hysterically and swearing profusely.

TMZ is a scourge. Their NEGATIVE agenda towards Michael is obvious. If we keep posting their stuff here we are validating their work AND creating unnecessary stress for ourselves.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

I did a timeline/ summary thread for you. see here
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

I know that Michael didn't inject himself.
What I don't know is if it really was Murray who gave the lethal injection? He may have been set up as the fall guy to get him to go along.
The true murders could have gotten him to go along by saying they could get him off on manslaughter charges for a price or they would let him go down with the full murder charge, which is exactly what has happened so far. There are so many people involved in the cover up it is just crazy! Judges being bought off. The LAPD leaving the crime scene open for two day in order to let the murders clean up. There is so much more to this story than what is being reported it makes my hair stand on end!
Joe Jackson is right, Dr. Murray knows thing but he would end up dead if told any of it. I am sure he knows that.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

This story is totally laughable and completely fabricated by non other than tada!!! TMZ!!! They are not, I repeat not credible!!! If this story were true, and I wish it were because it shows how absolutely desperate his defense is and how incompentent they are. They would not have a chance in heaven to win with this ridiculous defense. The judge would laugh them out the door!! Totally, completely, bogus!!!!

I know, when I first read it I couldn't believe anyone can come up with this idea! It basically mean Michael commited suicide! haha!

I guess the suggestion about Michael begging and forcing Dr Murray for Propofol isn't enought so they finally came up with thise new theory after..ahem...9 months! Or is TMZ making up stories again? Sigh!!!! So angry! Wish I could do something!
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

i believe the defence will use this argument. they have no other and they have been giving tmz info over the last few weeks with all the leaks. the defence are obviously using them as a mouth peice
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

MJ fans are doing an amazing job with their facts and arguments. The fans would make the best lawyers for Michael, no doubt!
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

As much as we'd like too sadly TMZ has become the main source of information about the case so we need to keep it seperate.

Well, ONCE AGAIN another story fabricated by TMZ.

Please Mods, move the TMZ rubbish out of the "Seeking the truth" section.

Or at least put "from TMZ" in the thread title so I can avoid clicking on it and get aggravated for nothing.


Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial


From what I'm seeing in their faces, does not appear that they are discussing a legal strategy. It seems to be a casual meeting and Murray wanted to be seen. Murray is not worried.

Maybe they were discussing strategy there and this is when they had the brain wave to use Coca Cola as a defense!
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself-UPDATE-Chernoff denies story

So, I was just walking down the street and I saw one page of a paper (yesterday's AM New York) crumpled on the ground, it said (in big bold letters) "DID MJ KILL SELF?"...I picked it up and threw it in the trash. I was so angry and hurt.
Re: Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself

Exactly. Does that sound like a drug addict to you?

totally agree- I keep telling people this- we must try and stop this 'addict' story that is banded about. It's b.s. Like everything else in Michael's life everything is twisted, even in his death.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Maybe they were discussing strategy there and this is when they had the brain wave to use Coca Cola as a defense!
Welll.... to me, that was a joke. Discussing legal strategy walking in the street? lol! :scratch: No!!!! :doh: I hope you do not believe it, they were talking about everything except about legal strategy can be sure.

The story of Coca-Cola is 100% bullshit. :yes:
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Welll.... to me, that was a joke. Discussing legal strategy walking in the street? lol! :scratch: No!!!! :doh: I hope you do not believe it, they were talking about everything except about legal strategy can be sure.

The story of Coca-Cola is 100% bullshit. :yes:

I was joking, sorrrrrry if I confused you :heart: