All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray

Murray can do all the freaking stunts he wants, its never going to work. His team are going to milk this for all its worth, putting forth the case of 'he's a good doctor, look he helped this woman on a plane.' So what, he did his job. He still killed a man and he needs to be locked up for it.
so they keep trying to portray a killer as a hero..ok maybe he did save her life..(i dont believe this story though)....its what he did on June 25th 2009 that I care about. He took a life that day...and for that he deserves to be punished.
I believe this "act" runs much more deeper than we think.

This exactly does not disprove involuntary manslaughter on murray's part. But, this scene will contradict that Michael was intentionally murdered, that it was first degree.
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Yeah right, save a fainted woman but killed one.
Is this suppose to cancel out or what....
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:evil:They have intelligence.

Ezekiel 28:3, 12

We have to be smarter than them.

^^ Anyone have that pic of murray in a doctor suit with needle in hand?
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^^Absolutely. So it would be tasteless to show a mock up pic of Murray with a needle right?
The funny thing about this story is that in a situation like this, the airline does'nt release the name of the passenger or doctor, so this was obviously released by the good doc's people for positive publicity!

"He's a good doctor, we've always said he was a good doctor, and that's what good doctors do is save people," Associated Press news agency quoted Miranda Sevcik as saying.

Will this woman just stop! good doctors my ass, was he being a good doctor when he killed Michael?
The funny thing about this story is that in a situation like this, the airline does'nt release the name of the passenger or doctor, so this was obviously released by the good doc's people for positive publicity!

Will this woman just stop! good doctors my ass, was he being a good doctor when he killed Michael?

i'm sorry to tell you yes , he is a very good doctor , they won't hire a bad doctor to kill MJ, he must be good to know how to make it Michael's fault .
Conrad Murray to Visit Michael Jackson

Conrad Murray to Visit Michael Jackson

Originally posted 21 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray will visit Michael Jackson on or around the first anniversary of the singer's death.


Sources connected with the doctor tell us Murray is torn up by Jackson's death and the anniversary is an important milestone.

And we've learned Dr. Murray has visited the Forest Lawn mausoleum where Jackson is entombed a number of times. "He goes there a lot," we're told. Murray avoids attention by going either early in the morning or during off-hours.
Conrad Murray to Visit Michael Jackson
Originally posted May 29th 2010 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray will visit Michael Jackson on or around the first anniversary of the singer's death.

Sources connected with the doctor tell us Murray is torn up by Jackson's death and the anniversary is an important milestone.

And we've learned Dr. Murray has visited the Forest Lawn mausoleum where Jackson is entombed a number of times. "He goes there a lot," we're told. Murray avoids attention by going either early in the morning or during off-hours.
he has got some nerve thinking he should be anywhere near Michael....he only goes there for publicity ......who cares how tough it is for him to take that Michael passed away...he killed him. He should be caring how hard it is for 3 children without a father and a Mother with out a son and US the fans without our Michael...who cares about how he feels he has done enough damage now he has to go back to FL near the anniversary and rub it even more in peoples faces...he batter stay away before someone kills him.
Yeah. I don't think he's apologized yet for what he's done.

and he won't. Don't forget he's on trial. Apologizing will be admittance of guilt and he'll never do it (or his lawyers will never allow it).
His lawyers have probably told him not to apologise, as ivy said apologising is an admittance of his guilt. How can he even have the audacity of turning up, god, can you even imagine him going there and one of the kids spotting him hanging around? That breaks my heart thinking about that.
DURING OFF HOURS?? What does it mean?? Do they let him in after Forest Lawn is closed in the evening?
Conrad Murray to Visit Michael Jackson
Originally posted May 29th 2010 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray will visit Michael Jackson on or around the first anniversary of the singer's death.

Sources connected with the doctor tell us Murray is torn up by Jackson's death and the anniversary is an important milestone.

And we've learned Dr. Murray has visited the Forest Lawn mausoleum where Jackson is entombed a number of times. "He goes there a lot," we're told. Murray avoids attention by going either early in the morning or during off-hours.

I do not really believe it. I believe this story is created by TMZ to divert people's attention. Funny that they never say the names of their sources. The whole world knows the face of the Murray, it would be impossible to go FL (no matter what the time) and not be seen by anyone. Murray went to FL and all saw, had pictures and videos and now TMZ says he was several times in FL? No picture and no video.... :doh: Ok TMZ.... -_-

Next..... :coffee:
That man has NO right being ANYWHERE near Michael. He's the reason why Michael is at FL in the first place! "Torn up by his death?" Oh please..
Good, I hope they succeed.

Dr. Murray Targeted By California Medical Board

The California Medical Board wants a judge to order Dr. Conrad Murray to stop practicing medicine ASAP -- in order to "protect California's citizens."

While Murray is already prohibited from administering "deep anesthetics" -- including propofol -- the Board has filed documents last week in L.A. County Superior Court, claiming those restrictions are "insufficient under the circumstances of this defendant's behavior."

In the docs, the Board states, "It is not just his 'prescribing' practices that are in question, but his fundamental judgment and skill as a physician."

The Board is requesting an order that Murray, "cease and desist from the practice of medicine" until his criminal trial regarding MJ's death reaches a conclusion.