All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray

I hope they succeed also,maybe nevada and texas will follow california's lead. Murray doesn't deserve to be a doctor, he disregarded his oath to do no harm. We can't have people abusing their powers like this.
Really!? He tries to delay again!?

Michael Jackson Doc: Where are the Docs?

Originally posted 13 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

0409_conrad_murray_ex.jpgSources tell TMZ Dr. Conrad Murray will ask the judge in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case to delay the preliminary hearing, because prosecutors still have not anted up all the investigative files.

L.A. County District Attorney spokesperson Sandi Gibbons tells TMZ ... her office has turned over approximately 3,100 pages of discovery, including all of the expert medical reports.

Gibbons says, "Everything we have to date, they have." Gibbons says discovery is an "ongoing process," and as material comes in it's forwarded to the defense. Gibbons added the defense would be getting more discovery on Monday.

Gibbons would not say if her office has received the entire LAPD investigative file -- but our sources say the D.A. got it last December.

Dr. Murray's people tell us they still have not received the full LAPD file and everything else that's available. In fact, they think it's "suspicious" that they were initially told there were "hundreds of thousands" of pages of discovery -- something the D.A.'s office says was an error. Murray's team says there is no way they can be ready for a preliminary hearing when they don't know the facts.

Murray's prelim is supposed to start on June 14 ... and Murray will be in court.
unbelievable how fast time flies... it's this monday already.......

I am not surprised that the defense wants to delay. it's the usual practice. but I believe in justice no matter what.
Murray's prelim is supposed to start on June 14 ... and Murray will be in court.
according ot the majority of reports and the judges own words its a prelim setting hearing on june 14th and not the actual prelim.i guess they are mixing it so when the prelim date is set on monday they will act like murray got a delay

the artlce is full of contridictions it states the defence has everything the D.A has then in the next breath are complaining they dont have everything.
Dr. Murray's Nevada Medical License Restricted

TMZ has learned the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners has just restricted Dr. Conrad Murray's medical license, in the wake of the Michael Jackson manslaughter case.

Dr. Murray and the board stipulated that Dr. Murray cannot prescribe or administer any anesthetic agent normally administered by an anesthesiologist ... and that includes Propofol.

Dr. Murray can continue to prescribe pain and anti-anxiety meds.

The restriction is similar to the one set by a California judge.
Dr. Murray's Nevada Medical License Restricted

TMZ has learned the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners has just restricted Dr. Conrad Murray's medical license, in the wake of the Michael Jackson manslaughter case.

Dr. Murray and the board stipulated that Dr. Murray cannot prescribe or administer any anesthetic agent normally administered by an anesthesiologist ... and that includes Propofol.

Dr. Murray can continue to prescribe pain and anti-anxiety meds.

The restriction is similar to the one set by a California judge.

well thats one small step
Re: Dr. Murray's Nevada Medical License Restricted

Conrad Murray -- Hands Off My MD License!

Originally posted 46 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray
is pissed that the California Attorney General is trying to take a second bite out of the apple medical license.

Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, filed legal docs today opposing the A.G.'s renewed attempt to suspend the doc's medical privileges while he awaits trial for the death of Michael Jackson.

A judge has already turned thumbs down to the request, but now the case is before a new judge and the A.G. has renewed the motion.

L.A. County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor will set a trial date during a hearing on Monday ... and he'll probably hear arguments on Murray's license
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Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p18 Nevada license restricted

Dr. Conrad Murray: The Strip Club Story is BS

Originally posted 29 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
A rep for Dr. Conrad Murray's defense team tells TMZ Joe Jackson's lawyer is flat-out wrong when he claims Dr. Murray was drinking at a strip club hours before Michael Jackson died.


TMZ broke the story ... Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, has served Murray with legal papers as a prelude to a wrongful death lawsuit. In those papers, Oxman claims Dr. Murray was at Sam's Hofbrau -- a strip club -- on June 25, 2009, prior to treating Jackson.

The rep for the defense team tells TMZ Dr. Murray was not at a strip club when Oxman claims, nor was he there the night before. As the rep put it, "In the weeks before Michael died, Murray barely had time to take a shower."

The rep also says Oxman got it wrong when he claimed Dr. Murray was drinking, because "He does not drink."

As for whether Murray has ever frequented the club, the rep did not know one way or the other. But one of the waitresses at the club tells TMZ Dr. Murray was at the club sometime in June of last year. A stripper who works at the club tells TMZ she vividly remembers the night before Michael died because she's a big MJ fan, and says, "It was dead that night. Dr. Murray definitely was not there."

The club's owner tells TMZ ... at least twice in the last 6 months, a private investigator came to the club and asked various employees a bunch of questions about Murray and if they remembered seeing him at the club.

Interesting note -- we're told Quentin Tarantino liked Sam's Hofbrau so much, he used it in the movie, "Jackie Brown."
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p18 Nevada license restricted

Geraldine Hughes have been telling fans on her facebook about Murray going to a strip-joint since FEBRUARY!

This is from Geraldine Hughes official facebook in february.

"Conrad Murder put MJ under propofol and then left the premises to meet with a call girl. When he returned, MJ was already dead. Everything he did afterwards was to cover his tracks. He said he found MJ not breathing at 10:50. His girlfriend said she was on the phone with him at 12:05 and at 12:13 he dropped the phone and began CPR on MJ. Why did he instruct his employees to take boxes out of storage at 9:00 a.m.?"

Geraldine Hughes
Conrad Murray was known for paying as much as $3,500 for call girls. He seeded seven women which produced six children. He left the premises AFTER putting Michael Jackson on propofol to meet with a call girl. He didn't have to go far because Michael's house is near the Sunset Strip (which is where a lot of call girls go). It is my belief that ... when he returned, he found Michael Jackson already dead. Nothing else makes sense. Not his timelines, nor covering up his tracks, nor lying, nor trying to have items removed from storage. The paramedic said that he felt Michael was dead for at least 1-3 hours. They suggested taking Mj to the coroner's but Conrad insisted they take him to the hospital.
Yesterday at 5:20pm

Geraldine Hughes
I have credible inside sources. I wouldn't say it if it couldn't be backed up.
Yesterday at 5:22pm

Geraldine Hughes
We're all hoping that they have this info and it will be confirmed during the trial. If not, then it will either be titled "conspiracy" or "failure to prosecute" and you can take your pick which one it is.
6 hours ago

And here is Geraldine outside the court for Murrays arraignment, claiming the same thing. She starts to talk around 2:00 mark.
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p18 Nevada license restricted

e're all hoping that they have this info a
well presuming she has been to the police and told them!.its easy enough to prove.

tbh i think shes an attention seaker. if this were true it would have leaked long ago.not just some random info
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p18 Nevada license restricted

I think there should be some federal investigation and get the FBI to look in on Murray's "Secret money man" who gave him money to pay his bill so he can keep his license.
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Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p18 Nevada license restricted

he used a bails bond man. presume u mean his bail? u only have to pay 10% in cash
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p18 Nevada license restricted

what the hell are joe and brian up to with all this...joe believes it was first degree, yet, if murray was drunk then it would seem more like an accident. i would say more but i can't right now.

Stripper Claims She was at MJ's House with Murray
Originally posted Jun 29th 2010 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned ... Joe Jackson's lawyer will interview a stripper who not only claims Dr. Conrad Murray was at a strip club hours before Michael Jackson died, but that she was at Michael Jackson's house after being invited by the doctor.

The stripper -- who claims she was working at Sam's Hof Brau on June 24, 2009 -- claims Dr. Murray was at the club drinking just before midnight.

Now we've learned Brian Oxman, who is repping Joe in his wrongful death lawsuit, has spoken with the stripper's "rep" who has scheduled a meeting. Among the topics -- the stripper claims weeks before Jackson died, Dr. Murray invited her to Jackson's home in Holmby Hills. She claims she went late one night -- after the club closed -- and Jackson was there, however he was in a deep sleep.

In Oxman's letter of intent to sue Dr. Murray, he accused the doc of drinking at Sam's Hof Brau before treating MJ.

Dr. Murray's reps have strongly denied he was at the club on June 24. And, they say, Murray doesn't drink.
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Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p18 Nevada license restricted

Stripper Claims She was at MJ's House with Murray
Originally posted Jun 29th 2010 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned ... Joe Jackson's lawyer will interview a stripper who not only claims Dr. Conrad Murray was at a strip club hours before Michael Jackson died, but that she was at Michael Jackson's house after being invited by the doctor.

The stripper -- who claims she was working at Sam's Hof Brau on June 24, 2009 -- claims Dr. Murray was at the club drinking just before midnight.

Now we've learned Brian Oxman, who is repping Joe in his wrongful death lawsuit, has spoken with the stripper's "rep" who has scheduled a meeting. Among the topics -- the stripper claims weeks before Jackson died, Dr. Murray invited her to Jackson's home in Holmby Hills. She claims she went late one night -- after the club closed -- and Jackson was there, however he was in a deep sleep.

In Oxman's letter of intent to sue Dr. Murray, he accused the doc of drinking at Sam's Hof Brau before treating MJ.

Dr. Murray's reps have strongly denied he was at the club on June 24. And, they say, Murray doesn't drink

Joe and Oxman.... :doh: Here we go. :bugeyed

I do not know why, but I feel that this story of a stripper is not true.
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p18 Nevada license restricted

what the hell are joe and brian up to with all this...joe believes it was first degree, yet, if murray was drunk then it would seem more like an accident. i would say more but i can't right now.

Stripper Claims She was at MJ's House with Murray
Originally posted Jun 29th 2010 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned ... Joe Jackson's lawyer will interview a stripper who not only claims Dr. Conrad Murray was at a strip club hours before Michael Jackson died, but that she was at Michael Jackson's house after being invited by the doctor.

The stripper -- who claims she was working at Sam's Hof Brau on June 24, 2009 -- claims Dr. Murray was at the club drinking just before midnight.

Now we've learned Brian Oxman, who is repping Joe in his wrongful death lawsuit, has spoken with the stripper's "rep" who has scheduled a meeting. Among the topics -- the stripper claims weeks before Jackson died, Dr. Murray invited her to Jackson's home in Holmby Hills. She claims she went late one night -- after the club closed -- and Jackson was there, however he was in a deep sleep.

In Oxman's letter of intent to sue Dr. Murray, he accused the doc of drinking at Sam's Hof Brau before treating MJ.

Dr. Murray's reps have strongly denied he was at the club on June 24. And, they say, Murray doesn't drink.

:doh: deary me. oxmans found any ole media whore to go with his story.
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p19 Stripper comes forward

I'm interested in what the stripper will say, and how Murray will respond.
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p19 Stripper comes forward

yeah me too.but knowing oxman hes prob just paid her to say this. be easy enough to prove if she were in mjs house. and tbh that aint really believable. theres always the previous tmz article about the stripper that was working there in the 24th saying he wasnt there. if oxman is fecking about its not gonna help the criminal case
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p19 Stripper comes forward

Don't know if that story is true (Joe .. Oxman .. TMZ .. :-/ )
but if he really was drunk wouldn't that make the charge bigger instead of smaller?
I mean you can't exactly call it an accident & use it as an EXCUSE to explain coming DRUNK to your patient that you hook up to Propofol without proper monitoring equipment illegally outside of the hospital! it's gross negligence..
idk :unsure:
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p19 Stripper comes forward

Michael's house had security detail so Alvarez, Amir (and the other bodyguards) will know whether Murray brought a woman with him or not.

however this story seems so made up to me. I guess we'll wait and see.
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p19 Stripper comes forward

A stripper at the house that nobody saw?! o_O

If it were that easy to get in then I bet more than a stripper would had been in the house at any given time, like fans for example!

And instead of talking to Oxman she should talk to the police duh!

Geraldine Hughes is using this TMZ story as proof of what she said about a stripper months ago on her face book page now!
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p19 Stripper comes forward

Michael's house had security detail so Alvarez, Amir (and the other bodyguards) will know whether Murray brought a woman with him or not.

however this story seems so made up to me. I guess we'll wait and see.

But were they there during the night?

I dont know where I read it or heard it but Alberto said on June 25th, he was about to start the day and going through securitydetails etc in a security-trailer/hub outside the property when he got a call from Amir so he ran into the house..
I think this is from Alvarez report to the police that was leaked? Havnt Dileo also talked about how he called MJs assistant Amir to see what was going on and Amir told him that he was on his way to the house as they were speaking? So, Amir wasnt even there at that time?

It sounded as they were not there during the night and their shift started in the morning.. or in this case in the afternoon

I find it howver very odd that no security at all were present 24/7 at the house.. so surely, if Amir or Alvarez wasnt present that night.. someone had to be, maybe Faheem.. or the bodyguards (that I didnt recognize at all) that ABC 20/20 showed in their specials..
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Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p19 Stripper comes forward

I doubt this story is true also.

And how does she know Michael was in a "deep sleep"??? They are obviously telling her to say that. Michael could have just been sleeping. Why would he bring the stripper upstairs to where Michael's bedroom was? Oh yeah, well if Michael was in a "deep sleep" then he couldn't wake up.

This is so false. I think it's as true as that story of Michael kissing that woman in the backseat, having no idea she was a prostitute.

I swear, if her "deep sleep" isn't believed, I wouldn't be surprised if she starts saying they broke a vase or something in his room, and he still didn't wake up.
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p19 Stripper comes forward

I find it howver very odd that no security at all were present 24/7 at the house..

I believe Michael was very concerned for his safety. Surely had bodyguards during the night outside the house. No security in house at night, would be a very big risk. And there are other employees of the house. If the stripper was in the house, no other employee in the house saw? Very Strange.
Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p19 Stripper comes forward

"In the weeks before Michael died, Murray barely had time to take a shower."

okay, joe is saying that murray left michael's house to go to the strip club. he was taking showers while he was supposed to be monitoring Michael??? wtf? Wasn't he supposed to be monitoring Michael ALL night? a shower would definately be more time than 2 minutes for a bathroom break.
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Re: All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray: Update p19 Stripper comes forward

its a figure of speech