All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray

Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

^^^.It makes me sick to see these pictures of Murray jogging on the beach..Blah..
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

his license should be suspended until he is found guilty

It should have been done on June 25 and not now.

The man should be hanging from a rope these are recent pics of him



I know it wasn't God who made this man :mat:

Murray you're soooooooo worried about your situation.... I'm seeing. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

This criminal is jogging at a nice sunny beautiful beach, while our sweet angel, Michael is in the ground!!

And how recent are these pics? Today? Yesterday? Last week?

He's sure worried after his ACCIDENT of killing Michael. But looks like it wasn't an accident, since he doesn't, and has never, seemed worried or that much affected about what he's done.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Im going to get my scissors so I can cut that thread.................

Ive said since the last court appearance that Murray should have had his license suspended pending trial and I was jumped all over.

Lets hope the Judge doesnt make stupid comments again like:

  • You cant go around sedating people. [But he can go back to his practice?]
  • So you want me to decide? [Is that his job?]
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

those photos of Murray make me want to throw up. I don't want to see that face ever again. I want him to disappear forever.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

This criminal is jogging at a nice sunny beautiful beach, while our sweet angel, Michael is in the ground!!

And how recent are these pics? Today? Yesterday? Last week?

He's sure worried after his ACCIDENT of killing Michael. But looks like it wasn't an accident, since he doesn't, and has never, seemed worried or that much affected about what he's done.
the pics are from April 2, 2010 Here is the link
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

^^Those pics look too pro to be paps. Its a bit like before the last court hearing where Murray was at MJ burial site. Grrrrr
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

^^Those pics look too pro to be paps. Its a bit like before the last court hearing where Murray was at MJ burial site. Grrrrr
True, looks as if he is posing for the cameras looking directly into the camera like he did when he went to Forrest Lawn.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Just let go off the thread Murray.

If he ended by being so tortured by this that the angels cried for him, I still wouldn't feel a pinch of mercy.

Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

I say make Murray find another job to pay his babymama(s) The man has killed another human being through his recklessness, greed and outright stupidity. He should not be free to maniplulate the legal aspect of his case by staging publicity stunts (example: Having crocodile tear-laden photo shoots at Michael's burial place) and the usual revolving door of constantly changing stories about what happened to Michael) But since somehow he's not in jail, I think they should revoke his license and then make him get a job as the next Bozo the clown since he wants to use the public arena for his pity party circus.
Re: Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial

Conrad Murray -- Big Man, Big Problems

Posted Apr 5th 2010 6:00AM by TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray walked around Venice Beach yesterday with his lawyer, Ed Chernoff, possibly plotting their upcoming legal strategy.

Read more:

From what I'm seeing in their faces, does not appear that they are discussing a legal strategy. It seems to be a casual meeting and Murray wanted to be seen. Murray is not worried.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

So, Murray’s lawyers think it is OK to endanger peoples lives with a dangerous doctor so said doctor can pay his legal defense?
There is so much wrong with that I can't even believe it was brought up in court! Take his dam license away already!
Re: All TMZ Stories Related to the Case

Conrad Murray -- I Will Never Cop a Plea
Posted Apr 6th 2010 3:00AM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray has made it clear -- he will not take a plea bargain in the death of Michael Jackson.

Sources say Dr. Murray is adamant ... he did nothing wrong and will not plead to manslaughter or any lesser offense.

TMZ first broke the story of Dr. Murray's defense ... that Michael Jackson accidentally killed himself by self-injecting a fatal dose of Propofol into his bloodstream.

Dr. Murray, we're told, is "completely confident" that he will be found not guilty. He is less confident that the medical boards in Texas, Nevada and California will reach a similar result.

Dr. Murray is extremely relieved Judge Michael Pastor did not yank his California medical license yesterday. Nevertheless, he realizes it's all but inevitable all three medical boards will go after his license.

Read more:
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

It should have been done on June 25 and not now.
Why not now? it's not too late. On june 25 murray wasn't a suspect, he hadn't confessed to giving michael propofol. He is now charged with killing someone and is a cardiologist who admitted to giving anesthesia at a patients house without the proper equipment. He is also an exposed liar and his incompetence isn't needed in the medical field, who knows what eles he'd do for money.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Why not now? it's not too late. On june 25 murray wasn't a suspect, he hadn't confessed to giving michael propofol.

No? 9 months is not long? :scratch:Well, for me it is.

No matter what he said/confessed after June 25. The question/fact is: Suspect he is since June 25. It's simple. lol! Until we know where he was the only person who was in the room with Michael and was his personal physician and was administering propofol for Michael, then there is no doubt who he is the prime suspect. The whole thing is wrong since June 25. :doh:

Well, it's my opinion.
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What next from TMZ, Breaking News: Conrad Murray goes to the bathroom.

TMZ creates many stories (100% bullshit), for example, Michael to have injected himself into propofol. This story was created by TMZ. -_- :doh: Defense/accusation never going to be telling the press their legal strategies. -_- TMZ will also create many stories and believe them who wants to. -_- The work of TMZ is put fuel on the fire, play with people's minds and other things too.... :smilerolleyes: :ph34r:
tbh i think thats going to be exactly the defences case. and they have been leaking things to tmz. way to many leaks over the last couple of weeks
tbh i think thats going to be exactly the defences case. and they have been leaking things to tmz. way to many leaks over the last couple of weeks
Wow, you believe it yourself? :doh:

Chernoff must be in constant contact with Harvey to pass all the informations and legal strategies. lol! TMZ must be updated every day. lol! :doh: :doh: :doh:

TMZ has a very fertile imagination and great ability to invent stories. Fact. :bugeyed

Yep, I do not believe in something so ridiculous. :sleep:
^^ Harvey said in an live chat, he had spoken with one of M. lawyers per telephone.

btw. i guess, they use the tabloid press as a part of their strategie for defending M.: they will be shown how the public treats their statements.

We must be prepared for all species of BS that will be released in the future.

Attorneys have normally no moral sense in the defense of their criminal clients, that's their source of income. Moral sense has no place here, otherwise they had no job.

Please do not forget this and keep calm, take a deep breath and don't let your blood begin to boil for nothing.
Someone's leaking something to TMZ but what business do TMZ have commenting on the medical side of things. They don't have medical degrees so how the hell can they decipher a coroner's report. Anyone that has medical knowledge will tell you that no one can wake up from anesthesia. numerous sedatives, then suddenly get a syringe, fill it, sit up, bend your leg, and push it in under two minutes.
^^ Harvey said in an live chat, he had spoken with one of M. lawyers per telephone.

btw. i guess, they use the tabloid press as a part of their strategie for defending M.: they will be shown how the public treats their statements.

We must be prepared for all species of BS that will be released in the future.

Attorneys have normally no moral sense in the defense of their criminal clients, that's their source of income. Moral sense has no place here, otherwise they had no job.

Please do not forget this and keep calm, take a deep breath and don't let your blood begin to boil for nothing.
TMZ.... Harvey.... :smilerolleyes: no comments.... lol! Well, I'll wait to see the next chapters. :ph34r:

And.... I am 100% calm. :D :yes:
Hi hun :)

Yepp, I'll wait to see the next chapters too .. it will happen sooner or later *sigh*

Nowadays the entire media world is a dirty buisness without any scruples, conscience, moral certainty and decency.
It reflects our society, the world in which we all live. *horrible*
Sometimes I wish I could live in an imagination ..

My comment after the first sentence was not only meant for you :cheeky:
.. for all of us, me included *g*

But it's nice that you're sooooo calm :ph34r:
I'm too .. I'm tired :D
otherwise am I a very temperamental person

Conrad Murray Agrees to Propofol Ban

Posted Apr 9th 2010 3:15PM by TMZ Staff
The Texas Medical Board has officially prohibited Dr. Conrad Murray from administering Propofol or other heavy sedatives, TMZ has learned.

TMZ broke the story that Dr. Murray agreed to the restriction, which mirrors one of the conditions to Dr. Murray's bail in connection with the death of Michael Jackson.

Aside from administering Propofol, Dr. Murray is banned from administering other heavy sedative medications and can't put patients under. He is still able to prescribe other medications, including pain meds, anti-anxiety medication or local or topical anesthetics.

According to a rep for the Texas Medical Board, the license restrictions will remain in effect until the criminal case is resolved and "the Board has adequate evidence to show that Dr. Murray is competent to safely practice medicine."

He was already ordered by Judge Shwartz not to administer propofol.
tbh i think thats going to be exactly the defences case. and they have been leaking things to tmz. way to many leaks over the last couple of weeks

I agree.

Will the defense say Michael injected himself or that's just a scenario that TMZ created? - Who knows.

Will the defense use "blame the victim" defense? You bet !

He was already ordered by Judge Shwartz not to administer propofol.

that order was only for California, now Texas is banning him to use propofol as well.

America consists of 50 states with their own legislation, laws, licences, medical boards etc. Each state has to do their own determination, banning etc.
that order was only for California, now Texas is banning him to use propofol as well.

I didnt hear Judge Shwartz specify where he isnt allowed to administer Propofol. He told him he wasnt allowed to go around sedating people. Wouldnt that be implied to anywhere in the US being that the Judge knew that Murray also worked in more than one location? Why would only Californian people be guarded from Murray? This makes no sense.

But then again not stripping him of his license pending trial doesnt make sense either.

I found this:
Conrad Murray "was placed on restrictions/limitations on his medical practice as follows: restricted from using any anesthetic agent, specifically propofol, nor prescribe it, and not administer any other heavy sedative medications that should generally be administered by any anesthesiologist and may not sedate people personally," the board said in a statement. "This order is to cover the state of California, Texas, Nevada, Hawaii and anywhere else Dr. Murray may be currently licensed in the United States."
I didnt hear Judge Shwartz specify where he isnt allowed to administer Propofol. He told him he wasnt allowed to go around sedating people. Wouldnt that be implied to anywhere in the US being that the Judge knew that Murray also worked in more than one location? Why would only Californian people be guarded from Murray? This makes no sense.

Like I said in America every state has their own legal systems, rules etc. And this is not a federal case/ judge so the decision will not automatically apply to every state.

But that doesn't mean that only Californian people will be guarded. other states can start their own processes and come to same conclusion or decide to uphold (apply) the California's decision as well.

And I think that's what's happening now. Judge Shwartz decided not to allow Murray to administer sedatives, California Medical Board applied this decision to his medical licence. Now probably Texas Medical board did the same thing and decided to uphold/ apply Judge's decision in Texas (and that's what TMZ is reporting).

Remember how they reported that Murray was afraid if California revoked his medical licence , the other states will follow. This is exactly what is happening now. California limited his use of sedatives and now Texas is officially making the same limitation.
Conrad Murray "was placed on restrictions/limitations on his medical practice as follows: restricted from using any anesthetic agent, specifically propofol, nor prescribe it, and not administer any other heavy sedative medications that should generally be administered by any anesthesiologist and may not sedate people personally," the board said in a statement. "This order is to cover the state of California, Texas, Nevada, Hawaii and anywhere else Dr. Murray may be currently licensed in the United States."