All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray

Re: Dr. Murray: Why Apologize? I Did Nothing Wrong

I don't get this. People send their condolences to family members all of the time. You do it not because you had a part in their dying, but because you are sorry that a family member is no longer there.

If Murray can take his butt to MJ's crypt to get photographed showing remorse, then he can at least apologize to the family. He doesn't have to say, "I'm sorry for killing him." Which would be not smart since he is charged. But he could at least say, "I'm sorry for your lost. I'm sorry you no longer have your son or your father. I'm truly sorry."

Now we might think it is a load of hogwash. But at least he could say it. To act as if that life had no meaning to you is deplorable. Or that his life had no meaning to his family is deplorable as well.

I'm angry at this.
Re: Dr. Murray: Why Apologize? I Did Nothing Wrong

I think there has to be far more to this than what we know or think we know already. I just can't stop thinking of the way Murray's lawyer keeps repeating over and over that Murray didn't give anything that 'should' have killed Michael. I'm really starting to think he is going to claim that somebody else came in and administered more propofol than he did or something like that. I just don't know what to think anymore. so many lies.

Yes, this is far more to all of this. And I think that snake, we all know who he is, needs to come out from hiding and let the spotlights shine on him.

And that 'I never gave Michael anything that should have killed him' excuse shouldn't even be an excuse. Because OBVIOUSLY what you gave Michael, KILLED HIM. Gosh, I hope that escuse is thrown out the windown in court, and they ask Murray to come up with a better one.

And I hope Murray DOES start speaking up.

If you just killed a man, how could you not be in bits? I don't get the mindframe of this dude. Seriously effed up and scary that someone could be like him.

And out of all the people, Michael! I think it's because he didn't do it. It was someone else, and Murray is the scapegoat. But hey, if Murray is the scapegoat, then he bettter take those murder charges!! Because that's what happened.
Re: Dr. Murray: Why Apologize? I Did Nothing Wrong

Sometimes I wonder if the gravity of what Murray did is too much for his mind to process.

Aside from not wanting to admit wrongdoing in this case, I also feel that Murray just cannot let himself REALLY acknowledge what he did. He goes through the motions but I feel that if he was to face the truth, he might go mad.
Re: Dr. Murray: Why Apologize? I Did Nothing Wrong

Sometimes I wonder if the gravity of what Murray did is too much for his mind to process.

Aside from not wanting to admit wrongdoing in this case, I also feel that Murray just cannot let himself REALLY acknowledge what he did. He goes through the motions but I feel that if he was to face the truth, he might go mad.

I don't think so. Obviously, he never cared for Michael Jackson to begin with. "He" gave Michael lethal amounts of propfol mixed with other drugs even though he's a doctor.

He should've realized the gravity of what he was doing when he was putting Michael "to sleep".

The only person who would give that amount of propofol to someone with all those other substances is someone who is NOT a doctor.

And there's still that Thome Thome guy who has completely disapperared and threatened Michael and his family with death and destruction just days before Michael's death. He has something to do with all this.
Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Posted Apr 1st 2010 2:32PM by TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer filed legal papers today pleading with the judge in his criminal case not to yank his medical license, because he needs it to pay for his defense.

Murray's lawyers are responding to the State Attorney General's motion, asking the judge to suspend his medical license as a condition to bail.

Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, says his client was in financial hot water before Michael Jackson's death and is now, "without fear of overstatement, hanging on by a thread."

Murray believes if the judge suspends his license, Texas and Nevada will follow suit and the doctor won't be able to make the money required to mount a defense. Although we're told Chernoff won't be making money, Murray is still responsible for expert witness fees and other trial-related expenses.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Murray had legal problems WAYYY before he killed Michael...they are trying to use this as he wont be able to pay for a proper defense...BLAHHH....Atleast Murray is still here breathing...Michael is not.:( ..I say forget him...TAKE HIS LICENSE!!!!! Murray gets NO sympathy from me.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Who the f*** cares. You killed a man Murray. Now deal with this.
Jackson Doctor Fights to Keep Medical License

Jackson Doctor Fights to Keep Medical License

By LINDA DEUTSCH (AP) – 2 hours ago

LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson's doctor is "hanging on by a thread" and must be allowed to continue practicing medicine in order to pay for his defense on a manslaughter charge in the pop star's death, the physician's lawyers said in court papers filed Thursday.

Responding to a bid by the California attorney general to suspend Dr. Conrad Murray's medical license pending trial, attorneys Ed Chernoff and Joseph Low said the effect would be devastating to the doctor who already faces a slew of financial problems.

"He is, without fear of overstatement, hanging on by a thread," the attorneys wrote. "His ability to pay for his own defense depends almost entirely on his ability to continue to treat patients."
Murray, who was working as Jackson's personal physician, is charged with involuntary manslaughter in the singer's death from the anesthetic propofol and other drugs. He has pleaded not guilty.
He is scheduled for a court appearance Monday at which a judge may be assigned to his case and a preliminary hearing date selected.

The attorney general's office said a representative of the Medical Board of California will appear to challenge Murray's license. Murray has already been told not to use anesthetics.
Murray's lawyers said there is no need to revoke his California license since he does not practice in the state and cautioned that a suspension would have a "domino effect" leading to his inability to practice at his clinics in Nevada and Texas.

"If Dr. Murray is unable to practice medicine in Texas, and especially Nevada, he will likely be faced with the inability to adequately defend himself of the charges facing him in the Superior Court of California," his lawyers wrote. "The case with which he is charged will require intensive attorney work and fees. In light of the fact that much of his defense will be scientifically based and involves the death of an internationally famous decedent, expenses for his defense will be considerable."
The attorneys also argued that the state is unfairly trying to curtail Murray's right to a full hearing by the medical board.

They said a suspension would affect his ability to pay child support and to pay his employees and would negatively impact the patients he is treating in Nevada and Texas. The attorney general's office said Murray exercised "poor professional judgment" in Jackson's treatment and "ultimately took the life of his patient."

"Defendant's behavior shows an utter disregard for the care and well-being of the persons entrusted to his care. His conduct is unprofessional and reckless," the motion to revoke his license said. "This is conduct from which the public should be protected."
Re: Jackson Doctor Fights to Keep Medical License


(cross posted from maxjax)

If murray didn't kill the man he was working for he would have had no defense lawyers or anything like it..

I know Michael has part of the blame here but Murray being a "Doctor" should have stuck to the Code and told his patient NO and tried to keep him safe by giving him something he couldn't die on. he should have been giving Michael something that would... oh i dont know... help him instead of kill him.

it pisses me off that this man thinks hes somebody now. he thinks he can play on the fans emotions and put out a pity letter and try to get people to feel sorry for him. No i dont feel sorry for him i want the worst for this man who calls him self a doctor. Hes not a doctor hes a murderer.

IDC of you agree or disagree with this post its my opinion and i have a right to it.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

He should of thought of this before he proved to be reckless and stupid.
Re: Jackson Doctor Fights to Keep Medical License

This posted in the case forum so I am going to move this.

Re: Jackson Doctor Fights to Keep Medical License

This is already being discussed in the case forum. Thankyou.

EDIT: Haha ginvid! :p
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Cry me a river. Just when I thought Murray couldn't disgust me any more...

Being a doctor and treating patients is a privilege and one that has to be removed from Murray. He took an oath to do no harm then trampled all over it on June 25. I can't believe the gall of Chernoff to put out this kind of rot when his client deprived 3 children of the only parent they ever knew through sheer negligence. Murray's financial situation is not even remotely relevant to his fitness to practice. He is a useless doctor and needs to be kicked out of the profession in no uncertain terms. Geez... he infuriates me.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Cry me a river. Just when I thought Murray couldn't disgust me any more...

Being a doctor and treating patients is a privilege and one that has to be removed from Murray. He took an oath to do no harm then trampled all over it on June 25. I can't believe the gall of Chernoff to put out this kind of rot when his client deprived 3 children of the only parent they ever knew through sheer negligence. Murray's financial situation is not even remotely relevant to his fitness to practice. He is a useless doctor and needs to be kicked out of the profession in no uncertain terms. Geez... he infuriates me.
"His ability to pay for his own defense depends almost entirely on his ability to continue to treat patients."

Yeah, that's Chernoff 1st interest, not the financial support for M. kids how he wants us to believe.
Poor doctor-, poor children-, he did nothing wrong-strategy makes me so angry.

I hope and pray, the judge has the courage to withdraw his license!
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

That's right. And Thome Thome is the puppet master.

Finally, Murray tells a truth.

But seriously, I wonder if this could be some code to the public to say someone really does have a hold on him.


if he's trying to communicate with the other people/or a specific person, telling them he's hanging on. He's still in there. But he may need more help.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Did he care when he had Michael hanging on by a thread for his precious life almost one year ago? Nope, he only cared about himself. No sympathy from me.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Murray wants to continue to endanger the lives of other patients to defend against one he has already killed?

I guess he should go and sell his cars and houses 1st......but he'll be alright because someone or some company higher is paying his bills ;)
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

He can live on the street and feed from a garbage can for all I care.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

hanging by a thread sounds good to me murray
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Murray, I hope they throw your arse in black hole and throw away the key. You won't need a licence to practice nor will you be able to pay child support. You lousy piece of sh!*:dropdead:
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

his license should be suspended until he is found guilty which I believe he will be, He should have thought about he license before he decided to be so reckless with michael's life.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

my heart bleeds....NOT!
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

Well I sure hope the medical board come along and cut that thread, and fast!
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'

The man should be hanging from a rope these are recent pics of him



I know it wasn't God who made this man :mat: