All Custody and Estate discussion

Some guy with a hat and jumper on who is a fan took to the microphones after and said 'anymore questions' and said about he got his jumper from the GAP and his goldfish is stil alive LOL

He had a #1 fam hat on

Lool wtf?! :huh: :lol:
You know what...LMP didn't come into full control of her estate until she was 30. Her mother ran it until that time. I wonder if Michael put such a clause in his trust regarding his children? I mean P, P and B could come into their estate when they reach 18 and get their own lawyers OR it may be set up to where they don't come into full control until they are 30 as well. We just don't know. But whenever it is, I am sure they will have to right to get their own attornies when that time comes. I am sure Michael doesn't want lawyers calling the shots for his kids for the rest of their lives.

And to those who say Ms Katherine doesn't have the knowledge to run such a big estate. What do you think she has Londell for? If Ms Katherine was awarded a executorship in the estate, she would rely on a lawyer to advise her. It is not necessary for her to have the knowledge. I am sure Priscilla Presley had lots of lawyers and accoutants and tax experts advising her. And when Michael's children grow up, they will have the same thing...lots of lawyers.
Sometimes you have to think hmmm when things run so smoothly, and watch people carefully.....

My suspicious mind sees it now.....someone from the other side is gonna leak contract info to a "source", pieces of it will be made public and they are gonna try to discredit Mrs. Jackson and her legal team by saying it came from their side now that they have a copy. :ermm: Please God, no one better show or tell Mr. Jackson nothing with the way he talks. -_-
Sometimes you have to think hmmm when things run so smoothly, and watch people carefully.....

My suspicious mind sees it now.....someone from the other side is gonna leak contract info to a "source", pieces of it will be made public and they are gonna try to discredit Mrs. Jackson and her legal team by saying it came from their side now that they have a copy. :ermm: Please God, no one better show or tell Mr. Jackson nothing with the way he talks. -_-

Hmm that is a concern of mine too
i'm watching the stream and it's blowing my mind that tmz is a "news" source now lol

I don't wanna believe it either! But since they were the first ones to break the news about MJ I'm considering changing my mind.. I don't want to though. I just don't know if I can wrap my mind around that...
I don't wanna believe it either! But since they were the first ones to break the news about MJ I'm considering changing my mind.. I don't want to though. I just don't know if I can wrap my mind around that...

The way I see it is all the media is as corrupt as TMZ. So I'll watch everything with a pinch of salt and not rule out TMZ altogether.
Somehow, I have a feeling that Kleine is only trying to divert attention away from the investigation with all his commotion.
Re: TMZ Streaming Live from MJ Custody and Estate Hearing

See this is the reason why I don't take anything that the news reports as FACT. Days after Michael died all of these news programs had all these experts coming on and telling everyone that Debbie Rowe will have more rights because she is the biological mother when it came to custody of the 2 kids. They were saying that in California the biological parent most of the time gets custody. Now with the judge granting full custody to Katherine, all of these news programs are now saying that 'THIS WAS EXPECTED". And the man that spoke on behalf of Debbie Rowe is spinning this as Rowe being a upstanding person and taking the high road in this matter.
ok lemme lay it out! lol cuz a lot of people haven't been on or weren't on towards teh end of last wk

katherine and debbie have been meeting since after the memorial to discuss what to do. debbie NEVER had any intention of taking the kids. she could've if she wanted to. she wanted to respect mj's wishes.

SO they worked it around to where she could still be in their lives but again, honour mj's wishes and have them stay w/ her.

so yes, and even londell said it, both parties worked great together and acted in THE BEST INTEREST OF THE KIDS.

so sad that after his death the ONE person everyone thought would muck this up and go for the throat was debbie rowe. everyone ELSE and they mama went on tv slandering mj, calling him an addict etc....and the ONE person who DID NOT do that was ....debbie rowe

so yea, both parties worked great and im glad it was settled and i know the media was pissed no custody fight occured

remember, a wk after his death and when deb still 'didn't make a move' the media then said she along w/ mj weren't the parents of the kids adn that the state could take them....THEY WANTED TO CREATE THE SENSATIONALISM and rowe and jackson knew this and had the peace of mind to step back and do this for the kids

so kudos to both sides :clapping:
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Who were the other family members there with Katherine?
I thnk that's what Pamarella was saying that the media sensationalized a lot of stuff. Y do u defend Debbie so muc though? R u guys friends or somethng? Regardless, it makes no difference to me. She has proven herself in various situations as to the type of person she is and I don't trust her. But I am grateful that she has the presence of mind to go for the children now in the immediate after math of MJ's passing. I pray that she remains prudent for the rest of the kiddies life and don't rock the boat.
Just finished reading the thread. . . first of all, SOOOO HAPPY that it is now finalized that Mrs. Jackson is the permenant guardian of the 3 kids.

Kind of iffy on the AEG contract thing. It will suck is Mrs. Jackson and Londell find something suspicious in that contract and can't talk about it.

Arnold Klein is a d*ckhead! He's a piece of work. Also, if you guys take a look at pictures of Randy as a child, Prince has a resemblance to Randy, IMO. Michael's the father of all three children.
I thnk that's what Pamarella was saying that the media sensationalized a lot of stuff. Y do u defend Debbie so muc though? R u guys friends or somethng? Regardless, it makes no difference to me. She has proven herself in various situations as to the type of person she is and I don't trust her. But I am grateful that she has the presence of mind to go for the children now in the immediate after math of MJ's passing. I pray that she remains prudent for the rest of the kiddies life and don't rock the boat.
cuz people can't make up they damn mind!

everytime u think she's gonna do something stupid, she does theopposite. ever think she LIED to sbda to get on the stand and help tank their case even further? cuz she could've lied and got the kids then and hefty support. fans got this dr vs. lmp thing had his kids and was married to him twice as long as the other but got half themoney the other did.....yet no anger there. no reason. one bashed him in teh media for 10 damn yrs and fans still wanted them to get back together. it is bizzare

i mentioned this before...when they (mj and deb)were spotted and her identity revealed, fans were mad cuz they wanted him to be w/ lmp

when they got married cuz she was preg, fansloved her

they loved her when she got preg w/ paris too. it was great. awww such a loving couple

got mad when they divorced

got happy when shelet him keep thekids

got happy when she did take II

got mad when she wanted to see them

were pissed/scared when she was gonna testify

got happy cuz she toldthe truth

got mad cuz she wanted mj to ask her if he couldtake thekids out the country to LIVE.

got mad when the kids went ot la to see her

i mean...and i'll tell u THERE WERE 10+ page threads on each line i it's a bit much

so much damnback and forth. at least everyone is consistent on everyone else in his l ife

it's a collective fact shmuley, uri, and dieter suck and so do a few others. but omg this back and forth is makingme get whiplash.

im saying, everytime she could pull the rug out from under him and totally screw him over, that's what the media predicts, and she does just the opposite yet she's still hated. wtf?

it's like, all the fans making a thread and saying the sky is green when's obvious that it's not b ut i guess faux news had a report that the sky will be green so we'll all go w/that.

so mind confucking. lol


that man is so phucked up it's not even funny.IF he had any claim at all, he would've said so. he didn't sohe was kicked out of the damn hearing. it's pathetic that he would try to do this NOW.

knowing damn well he'sbeing looked at by investigators. such a lack of tact. wtf was his motive? y would he do that and cause the family stress and waste his damnmoney?

he needs to get a damn crim defense attorney and stop playingaround in family's pathetic and eerie and a bit frightening.

that's the one to watch out for. the ones u don't expect b /c all along, the ones we did expect to do far, havent
Just finished reading the thread. . . first of all, SOOOO HAPPY that it is now finalized that Mrs. Jackson is the permenant guardian of the 3 kids.

Kind of iffy on the AEG contract thing. It will suck is Mrs. Jackson and Londell find something suspicious in that contract and can't talk about it.

Arnold Klein is a d*ckhead! He's a piece of work. Also, if you guys take a look at pictures of Randy as a child, Prince has a resemblance to Randy, IMO. Michael's the father of all three children.

If I'm not mistaken, if they do find something not to their liking they can talk about it in a secure setting or even take it to court, just NOT to the media outlets and stuff like that just to be randomly talking about it. Signing a confidentiality agreement doesn't mean you can't contest it if something is wrong, just means you won't have loose lips and things are kept in house. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong lawyers/legal aids of the board.
u are correct serenity. if something is amiss, they can talk about IN COURT only but they can stil lbring it up and it most likely won't be a closed hearing

i think aeg freaked so they went and tried to settle w/ mj's estate etc....hoping it would minimize anything mcmillian is gonna do. londell ain't gonna for that ish. he gonna get theirmoney PLUS bust this deal right open
Randy and Rebbie

i heard la toya also.

watching bbc news right now and they said prince and paris expressed in writing who they wanted to live with, the judge didn't disclose what they had said but i'd assume they preferred to stay within the jackson family.

glad katherine got custody, the kids seem comfortable where they are even if my only indicator comes from pap photos.
i heard la toya also.

watching bbc news right now and they said prince and paris expressed in writing who they wanted to live with, the judge didn't disclose what they had said but i'd assume they preferred to stay within the jackson family.

glad katherine got custody, the kids seem comfortable where they are even if my only indicator comes from pap photos.

Yes, I read it too.

"Judge Mitchell Beckloff has named Katherine Jackson the guardian of Michael's three young children, it was decided today. Biological mother Debbie Rowe will maintain visitation rights, and consent forms signed by both Paris and Prince Michael, indicating that they want to stay with Katherine, were presented at the hearing this morning."
Mrs.Jackson's lawyers are on LKL.. They asked about Dr.Klein's lawyer coming in out of nowhere and trying to make an objection about Joe.. They looked like they wanted to say something like "That mofo had no right to come in there, Dr.Klein is a nutcase".. lol

I like Diane Goodman, she doesn't talk around the law, she answers the questions straight forward, and if she doesn't know the answer to something she doesn't come up with some retarded answer.

A caller just asked about Blanket, and Ms. Goodman just said that it is up to Blanket and Mrs.Jackson if he is to be around Debbie Rowe, especially since she has no claim to him..
You know, I am watching Londell and the kid's lawyer on LKL and I tend to agree with him about Ms. Katherine. Since the third executor backed out, why can't she be the third executor? She is his mother. Londell says Michael trusted his mother over anyone else and that his wishes in 02 or different from his wishes in 06, 07 and 08. He says they will prove that Michael was already entrusting his mother to a lot of his estate dealings. So I would not be surprised if she does get that third seat. If she does, it is obvious that Londell will be representing her interest. That is all she needs...a voice at the table.

No outside people handle Elvis' estate. No outside people handled John Lennon's estate. Why can't Michael's mom had a say in his estate? I think it would be a good thing.

I just pray that Ms Katherine doesn't die before Prince reaches the age of 18.
The lawyers made sure to state that no money was involve and that the money Debbie is receiving now has to do with the agreement her and MJ made during their divorce proceedings. LK is a jackass at times.. ughhhhhhhhhhh...

He asked if Dr.Klein would be allowed to see the kids, the lawyers said that is now up to Mrs. Jackson..

Dr.Klein just wants to feel important that is why he gave that half ass answer when King asked if he was the father.. Now he had the nerve to have his lawyer show up in court.. I hope Mrs.Jackson bans him from seeing those children.
You know, I am watching Londell and the kid's lawyer on LKL and I tend to agree with him about Ms. Katherine. Since the third executor backed out, why can't she be the third executor? She is his mother. Londell says Michael trusted his mother over anyone else and that his wishes in 02 or different from his wishes in 06, 07 and 08. He says they will prove that Michael was already entrusting his mother to a lot of his estate dealings. So I would not be surprised if she does get that third seat. If she does, it is obvious that Londell will be representing her interest. That is all she needs...a voice at the table.

No outside people handle Elvis' estate. No outside people handled John Lennon's estate. Why can't Michael's mom had a say in his estate? I think it would be a good thing.

I just pray that Ms Katherine doesn't die before Prince reaches the age of 18.

Preach ATLF,:clapping::clapping:
MJ's estate should have a Jackson on the board. Just ease Mrs. Jackson right on in, and keep it moving. I mean it's not like she would have total control..
Lawyers make things harder than they have to be