All Custody and Estate discussion

Well i know my opinion is in the minority but I feel if he had wanted his mother there he would have put her there. I think it is very clear that all michael wanted her to be was a beneficiary. As for the one of the trustees resigning michael makes it very clear in the will that as executors leave or die they do not need to be replaced. So he covered that as well. I mean the judge already gave Katherine the right to have all papers and decisions forwarded to her attorney and if she does not like something they do she can go to court and challenge it. Also, I think Katherine would try and sell the beatles to get money now for her other children because Branca has said they will not be sold and I read that wall street firms have approached the jacksons about selling them. I just feel that some other people are behind this situation with Katherine.
So what!!! klein says he is the father??
im confused!!
You know, I am watching Londell and the kid's lawyer on LKL and I tend to agree with him about Ms. Katherine. Since the third executor backed out, why can't she be the third executor? She is his mother. Londell says Michael trusted his mother over anyone else and that his wishes in 02 or different from his wishes in 06, 07 and 08. He says they will prove that Michael was already entrusting his mother to a lot of his estate dealings. So I would not be surprised if she does get that third seat. If she does, it is obvious that Londell will be representing her interest. That is all she needs...a voice at the table.

That seemed to be Londells question as well???

I found what Londell said about how they have information that they will share with the administrators about Michaels wishes and are gathering evidence to present at the next hearing in 60 days VERY interesting. I like him ALOT, and I think he really wants to take care of Mrs. Jackson. He promised Michael he would, and it's nice to see some people in this world still know how to keep their promises. Great interview with both attorneys.
So what!!! klein says he is the father??
im confused!!

He didn't say yes, he didn't say no. The man's a freaking nutjob basically, up in court causing unnecessary stress talking about he's looking out for his good friend MJ's interests and the interests of the kids. His ass got kicked outta that courtroom. Plz.
The reason they don't want her on as a trustee is because they are interested in pocketing MJs money for themselves under the table and don't want to have to consult with Mrs, Jackson every time they make a decision regarding the estate. I'm sure they feel they know what they are doing and she does not. Too freaking bad if you ask me. Deal with it. That's his mother! Besides I'm CONVINCED that there is another will somewhere... I just don't know why no one's stepping forward with it.. unless MJ redid the will with Branca n dem at some point between 02 and his passing and they just chose to use the 02 will instead of the more recent one.. Just my random thinking...
Well i know my opinion is in the minority but I feel if he had wanted his mother there he would have put her there. I think it is very clear that all michael wanted her to be was a beneficiary. As for the one of the trustees resigning michael makes it very clear in the will that as executors leave or die they do not need to be replaced. So he covered that as well. I mean the judge already gave Katherine the right to have all papers and decisions forwarded to her attorney and if she does not like something they do she can go to court and challenge it. Also, I think Katherine would try and sell the beatles to get money now for her other children because Branca has said they will not be sold and I read that wall street firms have approached the jacksons about selling them. I just feel that some other people are behind this situation with Katherine.

I understand what you're saying but I don't see anything wrong with giving her a seat at the table so she is in the know with what B&M approve as well as what they don't approve, either way it'll be 2:1, also again, we still have to realize that this will was from '02, that it is VERY shady that Branca was fired and hired on a week before MJ passed and now he has some sayso over MJ's entire estate, if it was anyone else or someone more recent who has shown themselves faithful to MJ and his well-being then I probably wouldn't be as concerned about them being completely over it. I also know that Michael probably didn't name his moms as sole executor because he knew how his fam would go through her to get to him for money so I feel he was protecting his kid's and his mom's well-being in that aspect. Kat needs a seat so she will be in the know and also so the children will be informed in some aspect when they come of age. This is all just my opinion of course, and yours was duly noted.
I'm glad the guardianship issue has been resolved and Michael's wishes were honored. May his soul rest in a whole lotta peace tonight.

On another note, Klein needs to sit down and stfu once and for all. Leave those kids in peace. If they want to see or visit their "Uncle Artie", I don't doubt they know how to pick up a phone and call him...same as they've been in touch with Mark Lester. Soon they'll be old enuf to go and visit him on their own if that's what they really want to do. Kids never forget the ppl who were special to them growing up. So if he truly were that important to them and them to him, they will find their way back to him someday to include him in their lives. Until then, he just needs to butt out. ugh!

You know, I am watching Londell and the kid's lawyer on LKL and I tend to agree with him about Ms. Katherine. Since the third executor backed out, why can't she be the third executor? She is his mother. Londell says Michael trusted his mother over anyone else and that his wishes in 02 or different from his wishes in 06, 07 and 08. He says they will prove that Michael was already entrusting his mother to a lot of his estate dealings. So I would not be surprised if she does get that third seat. If she does, it is obvious that Londell will be representing her interest. That is all she needs...a voice at the table.

No outside people handle Elvis' estate. No outside people handled John Lennon's estate. Why can't Michael's mom had a say in his estate? I think it would be a good thing.

I just pray that Ms Katherine doesn't die before Prince reaches the age of 18.

Well said. She should definitely be a third trustee for this exact reason. I hope Londell fights the issue on that point...that Michael's Mother was trusted in many other business matters so it can be soundly presumed that he'd be okay with her being a third executor. It's not like she will have unyielding power as she will be only 1/3 of the vote. However, she should be allowed to have some say as not only his mother but the guardian of his children. I agree with Londell's question of "Why not?". Considering how much Michael trusted her in recent times, it's not farfetched to believe had he updated his will, he would have put her in a similar capacity. He MAY HAVE DONE THIS in a more recent Will....which might be the motive for why some folk(s) may want to to suppress it...imo.
And yes, Katherine needs to get a Will drawn up for herself pronto if she hasn't already. It's a morbid thing to think about, but it needs to be done for her sake and that of her family. I'm sure she doesn't want the money-grubbing outsiders to be able to take control of her 40%. She needs to control it herself by drawing up a Will.

As for the AEG contract, I have a hunch we will find out what we want to know sooner or later. *starts the clock*

All in all, good day legal-wise. God bless that family.

Thanks to everyone for the updates. :flowers:
^^^^^ HELLO!! I HOPE that McMillan has already drawn up a will for her, he's a smart guy so I'm pretty sure he has... She ain't no spring chicken and the way things are going lately they gonna run that poor woman into the ground shes dealing with so much.
That seemed to be Londells question as well???

I found what Londell said about how they have information that they will share with the administrators about Michaels wishes and are gathering evidence to present at the next hearing in 60 days VERY interesting. I like him ALOT, and I think he really wants to take care of Mrs. Jackson. He promised Michael he would, and it's nice to see some people in this world still know how to keep their promises. Great interview with both attorneys.

Yes, that was an interesting tidbit. Should be interesting to see where that goes and if it will ultimately help with getting her a seat at the table. I pray it does.
You know, I am watching Londell and the kid's lawyer on LKL and I tend to agree with him about Ms. Katherine. Since the third executor backed out, why can't she be the third executor? She is his mother. Londell says Michael trusted his mother over anyone else and that his wishes in 02 or different from his wishes in 06, 07 and 08. He says they will prove that Michael was already entrusting his mother to a lot of his estate dealings. So I would not be surprised if she does get that third seat. If she does, it is obvious that Londell will be representing her interest. That is all she needs...a voice at the table.

No outside people handle Elvis' estate. No outside people handled John Lennon's estate. Why can't Michael's mom had a say in his estate? I think it would be a good thing.

I just pray that Ms Katherine doesn't die before Prince reaches the age of 18.
OH snaps Londell is on LKL;D. I might have to catch the late night/morning re-run to see lundon:D.

Now.. I agree his mother should be the third. I also strongly feel like this isn't michael most recent will. And chile im praying too that katherine lives to see princes 18th birthday.

The lawyers made sure to state that no money was involve and that the money Debbie is receiving now has to do with the agreement her and MJ made during their divorce proceedings. LK is a jackass at times.. ughhhhhhhhhhh...
Oh ok good (I was wondering myself earlier today) to know because michael put her on blast in that will so she don't need to be getting anymore pennies then promised! And as usual LK is being the butt with thick glasses that I alway knew he could be. :smilerolleyes:
So I just saw on LKL that Howard Wietzman is representing John Branca..... Wietzman also represented Michael Jackson in 1993 and I'm sure he had something to do with the settlement that was made back in 1993. And I bet you Wietzman also has the interest of Sony Music so does Branca. Yep I hope Katherine Jackson gets a say so as the third executor... Maybe Londell should be the 3rd executor...
Oh snap how could I forget to blast that fool and a half klein. That sneaky slimmy nasty no good dirty rusty crust fool. How dare he send a lawyer. ARE you kidding me, is he kidding me, are yall kidding me, im I kidding me:mello:? That just let me baffled and bewildered with what he did today. He showed his stAnkin behind with that mess he tried to pull today. That's like michael umbrella man sending his lawyer to object to joe being around the kids. ARE U KIDDING ME that's so stupid. He just up and went and created another definition for the word stupid! Fa' real. I official am disgusted by that blob named klien! ugh*squared*!
:doh: The straight up NERVE!
I hope Londell makes Mrs. Jackson's will AIR TIGHT!!!! Prince has 6yrs until he turns 18yrs old.

*sidenote* Turn to HLN and watch the Nancy Grace show..
The family friend just got into Gloria Alred's ass.. Thank god..

Ok back to what I was saying. I hope the kids get control of MJ's estate when they are around 25/30yrs of age, just like LMP didn't get control until she was good n' grown. I mean taking on MJ's estate @18yrs old or hell 21yrs of age is a big task.. MJ owns alot of shi*t.. and the amt of money his estate generates is crazy...

I think Mrs. Jackson would bring a different aspect to the table if she was a part of the group with Branca and the other dude (4got his name).. She knew MJ better than anybody else, hell he came from her, so I would think so... She knew what MJ may have wanted his name associated with on put on.. She knows how much her son was a perfectionist and how much he loved charities..
Branca and ol' boy know MJ from a business aspect, no matter how long they knew him, they were still EMPLOYEES of MJ, meaning they got a check.. I bet you they didn't do pro-bono work for MJ..

OK on NG show, they are showing the home video that Splash news obtained of him interacting with his kids and Paris's bday party.. Well Gloria decided to open up her trap and say, "The video looks staged, and why would he be video taping the kids singing a song about, Don't take my daddy away?"
Well the family friend Frapo said, "if you look at the video it was meant to be private and no for public consumption, there are no other celebrities there, nor are there other children there, so this was a private video to be looked at by MJ and his kids. So no the video was not stage".. Well Gloria couldn't say shit after that cuz then everyone else was like, Paris said the same thing at the funeral, and we all know that wasn't staged.. Frapo came back and said " MJ can't come back from the dead and stage Paris saying that her dad was the best dad in the whole world"..
Lets just say Gloria started eating her plate of crow.. I luv it.. Old big headed heffa.
Dr.Klein tore my nerves when he went on LKL and did that dumb shit. he wants some attention, he is gonna get some alright, he is going to get the attention from the L.A county DA and DEA. He was an enabler as well. He only gets credit for explaining to the ppl that MJ did have vitiligo and lupus.. all that extra stuff was not necessary.

@Heartbreak, he will get a fried bologna sandwich to the face if he goes to trial as well. He will get the mustard special..
Dr.Klein tore my nerves when he went on LKL and did that dumb shit. he wants some attention, he is gonna get some alright, he is going to get the attention from the L.A county DA and DEA. He was an enabler as well. He only gets credit for explaining to the ppl that MJ did have vitiligo and lupus.. all that extra stuff was not necessary.

@Heartbreak, he will get a fried bologna sandwich to the face if he goes to trial as well. He will get the mustard special..

Okay!!! WTF Klein! Why do you have your nose all UP in business that ain't yours? If you da daddy then say so, otherwise STFU sit in a corner somewhere and eat this bologna sandwich. And PS get your ass OUTTA the courtroom!

Nancy can get one to the face too for all I care. She got a hard on for MJ so bad she acting like she dated him and he dumped her, like a scorned girlfriend. He didn't want you boo boo. You can stop talking about him now..

And yes Ima need them to NOT get control of anything until they are at least in their 20s... LATE 20's at the least. U don't know nuthin about nuthing at no 18 let alone having control of an estate as massive as MJs.

Oh. I'm having one of those "I can't believe he's really gone" moments. Time to get me a glass of wine. :(
oh snap how could i forget to blast that fool and a half klein. That sneaky slimmy nasty no good dirty rusty crust fool. How dare he send a lawyer. Are you kidding me, is he kidding me, are yall kidding me, im i kidding me:mello:? That just let me baffled and bewildered with what he did today. He showed his stankin behind with that mess he tried to pull today. That's like michael umbrella man sending his lawyer to object to joe being around the kids. Are u kidding me that's so stupid. He just up and went and created another definition for the word stupid! Fa' real. I official am disgusted by that blob named klien! Ugh*squared*!
:doh: The straight up nerve!

Dr.Klein tore my nerves when he went on LKL and did that dumb shit. he wants some attention, he is gonna get some alright, he is going to get the attention from the L.A county DA and DEA. He was an enabler as well. He only gets credit for explaining to the ppl that MJ did have vitiligo and lupus.. all that extra stuff was not necessary.

Couldn't agree with you more. Klein really wants some attention. I am sure he is feeling left out. POOR GUY. Can we get the LAPD and DEA to give some real public attention towards Klein's way???? I am help the guy out. We know he really DESERVES some attention from authorities.
Okay!!! WTF Klein! Why do you have your nose all UP in business that ain't yours? If you da daddy then say so, otherwise STFU sit in a corner somewhere and eat this bologna sandwich. And PS get your ass OUTTA the courtroom!

Nancy can get one to the face too for all I care. She got a hard on for MJ so bad she acting like she dated him and he dumped her, like a scorned girlfriend. He didn't want you boo boo. You can stop talking about him now..

And yes Ima need them to NOT get control of anything until they are at least in their 20s... LATE 20's at the least. U don't know nuthin about nuthing at no 18 let alone having control of an estate as massive as MJs.

Oh. I'm having one of those "I can't believe he's really gone" moments. Time to get me a glass of wine. :(

Its O.K., everyone KNOWS Klein is NOT THE DADDY. This is everyone Get In where You can and get Paid and get a Piece of this ACTION, "Its Michael Jackson is DEAD Celebration Time, They've Killed the King and All is Good in EVIL-LAND".
Okay!!! WTF Klein! Why do you have your nose all UP in business that ain't yours? If you da daddy then say so, otherwise STFU sit in a corner somewhere and eat this bologna sandwich. And PS get your ass OUTTA the courtroom!

Nancy can get one to the face too for all I care. She got a hard on for MJ so bad she acting like she dated him and he dumped her, like a scorned girlfriend. He didn't want you boo boo. You can stop talking about him now..

And yes Ima need them to NOT get control of anything until they are at least in their 20s... LATE 20's at the least. U don't know nuthin about nuthing at no 18 let alone having control of an estate as massive as MJs.

Oh. I'm having one of those "I can't believe he's really gone" moments. Time to get me a glass of wine. :(

Yep, had someone giving me all that money when I was 18yrs old, omg, I would have closet full of nonsense, cars I can't drive, just bullshit..
They should all be given their share when they turn 25/30yrs old. Until then have someone be a trustee in the case of Mrs. Jackson's death. Maybe Rebbie, she seems to have a good head on her shoulders.

I still can't get over the antics of Dr. Klein today, I think everyone in the world including the media was like WTF is he opening his mouth for.. I be you he is gonna pull some "Lets take a DNA test" sh*t.. I swear he is on some ho' type sh*t... He calls himself a friend of MJ's but he is just like all the rest, seeking the limelight or either he is looking for a new boyfriend..

He will be petitioning the court for a DNA test just cuz he wants to be on the news. I hope MJ haunts him in his sleep..

My only issue with Debbie is that she needs to come out and tell Dr. Klein to STFU!!!!
Guys.. do you remember the first hearing.

Didnt the judge give Katherine "some rights"? That she need to give permission or something to the executors before they strike a deal or something like that? Can someone fill me in? Ive forgot on what "rights" were given to her... I have a vague memory of something like this..or am I delusional? Lol
I will ask again, in what capacity was Branca fired from MJ's employ???? Because we keep forgetting even if he was fired as a lawyer or whatever, doesn't mean he didn't maintain his position as co-executor. I mean Mj was dealing with him re getting his share of the catalogue in recent years.

And in what capacity was Branca rehired in?

Thanks Kasaum for the info re family members. And thank God the children stayed with their family.
Debbie needs to just keep doing what she is doing and not waste her time with people on Michael Jackson's Murder Team, she knows Michael was Murdered thats why she did what she did and as for Klein just another Pawn-Distractor and not a Good one at that. LOL
Oh snap how could I forget to blast that fool and a half klein. That sneaky slimmy nasty no good dirty rusty crust fool. How dare he send a lawyer. ARE you kidding me, is he kidding me, are yall kidding me, im I kidding me:mello:? That just let me baffled and bewildered with what he did today. He showed his stAnkin behind with that mess he tried to pull today. That's like michael umbrella man sending his lawyer to object to joe being around the kids. ARE U KIDDING ME that's so stupid. He just up and went and created another definition for the word stupid! Fa' real. I official am disgusted by that blob named klien! ugh*squared*!
:doh: The straight up NERVE!

Hey Ms. Lady, I applied for that job.. lmaooo:cheeky:
I hope Londell makes Mrs. Jackson's will AIR TIGHT!!!! Prince has 6yrs until he turns 18yrs old.

*sidenote* Turn to HLN and watch the Nancy Grace show..
The family friend just got into Gloria Alred's ass.. Thank god..

Ok back to what I was saying. I hope the kids get control of MJ's estate when they are around 25/30yrs of age, just like LMP didn't get control until she was good n' grown. I mean taking on MJ's estate @18yrs old or hell 21yrs of age is a big task.. MJ owns alot of shi*t.. and the amt of money his estate generates is crazy...

I think Mrs. Jackson would bring a different aspect to the table if she was a part of the group with Branca and the other dude (4got his name).. She knew MJ better than anybody else, hell he came from her, so I would think so... She knew what MJ may have wanted his name associated with on put on.. She knows how much her son was a perfectionist anhow much he loved charities..
Branca and ol' boy know MJ from a business aspect, no matter how long they knew him, they were still EMPLOYEES of MJ, meaning they got a check.. I bet you they didn't do pro-bono work for MJ..

OK on NG show, they are showing the home video that Splash news obtained of him interacting with his kids and Paris's bday party.. Well Gloria decided to open up her trap and say, "The video looks staged, and why would he be video taping the kids singing a song about, Don't take my daddy away?"
Well the family friend Frapo said, "if you look at the video it was meant to be private and no for public consumption, there are no other celebrities there, nor are there other children there, so this was a private video to be looked at by MJ and his kids. So no the video was not stage".. Well Gloria couldn't say shit after that cuz then everyone else was like, Paris said the same thing at the funeral, and we all know that wasn't staged.. Frapo came back and said " MJ can't come back from the dead and stage Paris saying that her dad was the best dad in the whole world"..
Lets just say Gloria started eating her plate of crow.. I luv it.. Old big headed heffa.

I agree Thanks for the updates
That cock-eyed fool is just making an ass out of himself! First he went on Larry King and heightened this 'baby daddy' speculation and now this foolishness. I swear, MJ had some shady-assed people around him, I look at Klien and Shaffel, Uri and Shmuley and they ALL look like the same damn sinister character!

And I wonder what documentation Londell was alluding to in regards to 'what Michael wanted in 2002 is not what Michael wanted in 2009.....'
So I just saw on LKL that Howard Wietzman is representing John Branca..... Wietzman also represented Michael Jackson in 1993 and I'm sure he had something to do with the settlement that was made back in 1993. And I bet you Wietzman also has the interest of Sony Music so does Branca. Yep I hope Katherine Jackson gets a say so as the third executor... Maybe Londell should be the 3rd executor...

If Katherine awarded that third seat by the judge, she won't be the one doing all the legal talking . Londell will be speaking on her behalf. He will be the lawyer at the table representing Ms. Katherine. Londell will know what Ms. Katherine's wishes are. He will meet with the other two execs and make sure whatever they are doing is ok with Ms. Katherine. He will give her a voice.

I am sure Ms Katherine would want to make sure these guys don't line their pockets unjustly and that they don't sell that catalogue. Also, she wants to make sure any deals they make with regards to Michael's music represents his legacy properly.
That lawyer certainly doesn't seem gullible. I like him. Those executors won't be able to fool him, hopefully.

Did anyone else think it ridiculous when that detective Firpo Carr made it known to the public that it was not Michael who wanted to mask the children but DEBBIE ROWE and then later on some person, I forgot who, was asking how does Carr even know that and where he got that info from. That person basically said that Carr was just saying crap, lies. And that person never even met Michael!!!!

It makes me soo angry how these people who aren't even a fan in the first place are disputing the truths made known by those who've actually met Michael.
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