All Custody and Estate discussion

He will be petitioning the court for a DNA test just cuz he wants to be on the news. I hope MJ haunts him in his sleep..

My only issue with Debbie is that she needs to come out and tell Dr. Klein to STFU!!!!

lol. that reminds me of Michael's song, Threatened. Not just Klein but the entire murder team should feel THREATENED.

"I’m the floor when you fall, and when you scream it’s ‘cause of me
I’m the living dead, the dark thoughts in your head
I heard just what you said
That’s why you’ve got to be threatened by me

I’m not a ghost from Hell, but I’ve got a spell on you
Your worst nightmare, it's me, I'm everywhere
In one blink I’ll disappear, and then I’ll come back to haunt you"
*thriller laugh*
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Yeah, Debbie said that herself. She said she was the one who wanted them to wear the masks. So Firpo is right.
I think Londell McMillan (Mrs. Jacksons' lawyer) is doing a fabulous job! He seems focused, knowledgeable of the law and determined. Also he is smart to hit the LKL show after his day in court to make sure the accurate truth is out there. Not that it is anyone's business, but CNN has been ridiculously nosy, distorting information, reporting speculation and getting ratings from Michael Jackson (posthumously). The least the Jackson family can do is WORK the media to their advantage. CNN advertised that Jermaine Jackson is coming back on Friday evening this week to speak with Larry King; I will keep him (Jermaine) in prayer that he can control Larry and keep up the dignified appearance of the Jackson family.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but Londell McMillan should hire body guards to protect him until he completes the legal tasks he has to complete in the court of law for Mrs. Katherine Jackson.

Finally, I will keep praying that the Jackson family has a Plan B (guardian) lined up for Prince Micheal I, Paris and Prince Michael II in the event of Mrs. Katherine Jacksons' untimely demise (especially if the children are NOT 18 years of age). This is important so that people who are NOT members of the Jackson family (i.e. Mrs. Rowe and Dr. Klein, etc)do not try to interfere with these children again due to a technicality and regain custody.
McMillan, in an interview with CBS Thursday, estimated the Jackson estate was worth $2 billion, while the executors have estimated in court that its value is around $500 million.

The big issue is John Branca(CROOK)! They are trying ti steal 75% of Jackson's fortune. This is why he was killed.
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but Londell McMillan should hire body guards to protect him until he completes the legal tasks he has to complete in the court of law for Mrs. Katherine Jackson.

well, if something happens to McMillan that's just even more proof that Michael's death was not an accident.

it will all just be so obvious.

Yep, had someone giving me all that money when I was 18yrs old, omg, I would have closet full of nonsense, cars I can't drive, just bullshit..
They should all be given their share when they turn 25/30yrs old. Until then have someone be a trustee in the case of Mrs. Jackson's death. Maybe Rebbie, she seems to have a good head on her shoulders.

Even if they did get control of the money at 18, I don't think they will throw it all to waist. Michael was a good father and taught good values to his children. And if those children love their father so much they would respect him even in death and not waste the money their father worked so hard for. They would not waste the money that caused their father to be taken advantage of.

Now, I'm just hoping these children don't get played over their money like their father. THAT'S what I'm worried about. And if that would be the case, yes, they should definately get contol when they're more older.
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I am sure Ms Katherine would want to make sure these guys don't line their pockets unjustly and that they don't sell that catalogue. Also, she wants to make sure any deals they make with regards to Michael's music represents his legacy properly.

It's interesting you say this because most opinions I come across on this subject think The Jacksons would be the ones to sell MJ's assets and catalogue in a heartbeat if they were the ones running things.
It's interesting you say this because most opinions I come across on this subject think The Jacksons would be the ones to sell MJ's assets and catalogue in a heartbeat if they were the ones running things.

We don't know who would sell them. It's not like anyone else bought it in the first place anyways. That was Michael.

I just wish MJ was here and everything was a little more sane again. He'd be protecting the music like always. Music couldn't be in safer hands than his.
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instead of letting katherine have a seat at the table, allow her to appoint someone she trust and can communicate w/ at any time whenever she sees fit. sort of like a watch dog. checks and b alances like we do our gov't.

and it was deb who wanted them covered but i think mj realized y that was a good idea later in their lives and stuck to the assertion that when the kids didn't want to do it anymore, he would stop.

klien is a moron. always forgetting poor blanket. remember, he was w/ mj the last time he went to klien. and he was there at xmas when he came over so y not mention him?

he's playing games and it's not funny
instead of letting katherine have a seat at the table, allow her to appoint someone she trust and can communicate w/ at any time whenever she sees fit. sort of like a watch dog. checks and b alances like we do our gov't.

Well the judge said that she had the right to see everything and they have been sending her lawyers all their paperwork and telling her lawyer what they are doing. And if she does not like what she sees she can go to court to challenge any decision that branca makes.
Does anyone know exactly how many Lawyers(including spectators) were present at these proceedings yesterday?
Debbie's lawer
Mrs. Jackson's 2 lawyers: Londell - estate business, Diane Goodman- child custody lawyer
Dr. Klein's lawyer
AEG's lawyer
Branca/ that other guy's lawyer(s)
Wasn't the reason that Michael took a loan out against Neverland so he could use the cash to buy Branca's 5% share in the Sony/ATV catalogue?

Branca obvously well knew the value of that catalogue so the fact that he sold his share (though I'm surprised he did and wonder why he chose to sell) to Michael to me personally speaks volumes as to his motives in respect to it now.

Perhaps the estate is being deliberately undervalued for reasons to do with death duties/taxes? Far better any taxes are based on the much smaller net worth figure being bandied about than the figure of several billiion which is probably closer to the truth.
I agree with the taxing issue. But I am suprised Londell wouldn't have thought of that before he mentioned 2 billion value in his court filing. My first thought was that Branca and co. deliberately undervalued MJ's worth for tax purposes.
Regardless, the IRS will be looking to value MJ's assets so they can determine how much money to take.
It will be interesting how the IRS attempts to put a value on the Sony/ATV catalogue then won't it? The value of that catalogue has been such a source for speculation for years and I very much doubt Sony will lend them a helping hand either.