Album Re-Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

When this re-release is being done, KOP was almost a year ago... But KOP has some unreleased small new things.

Rock With You (Original Mix)
Carousel (Longer version than on T2001)
Thriller Megamix (Short)
Thriller Megamix (Long)

I thought there was another one on teh French release...
? ...To be honest I myself not delighted about getting yet an other best of...BUT...I wouldn't have tought 2 months ago that I will have the chance to see MJ performing again..
As far as I am concerned, he has done everything he "had to" he might as well put his feet up and go into retirement..dont mind...will I buy this best of? of course..will I listen to it ? unlikely (know all of the songs by heart..)...

Nevertheless, I would not anticipate MJ to prepare for 50shows in 2months and get a brand new studioalbum ready at the same time as well...why? ...My guess is that it is going to come once the shows are over - 2010...which is fair enough I think...

On the other hand....I am 20years younger than MJ so there is a good chance I will be still around when someone opens his vault where all the new recordings are buried :) and twisted as it might sound...I will be last smiling then :))))
God! How can people saying such cruel and mean things here? He's Michael Jackson....are you really fans who have always told that you love him most? He doesn't want to release it now, it's up to him, he must have the reason to do it and we can have it in the future, he always wants to wait to the right time and drop the album out, the tour is too great enough. Give him a break, please
And also - with the rubbish sales of the last greatest hits albums, haven't they got the message yet that nobody wants it!!

Its not bad sales for MJ and Sony as the amount of money the spend on a re-realease is comparably less than money injected into a new album. Its a good investment, much to the fans' peril. This is beyond sad..
People who buy this shit are only encouraging Michael and Sony to continue re-releasing more "best of" compilations in the future. It's degrading.

Good on you.
...will I buy this best of? of course..will I listen to it ? unlikely (know all of the songs by heart..)...

This is exactly what's wrong. Sony execs have the impression that MJ fans are gullible and stupid enough to buy anything Mike releases. Why prove them right and line their pockets? why buy something that you have no intention of listening to?

...My guess is that it is going to come once the shows are over - 2010...which is fair enough I think...

Not if the rumours of the show going to other countries are true! Some dancers said they were asked if they had 2 years free in their calendar. Are you happy to wait until atleast 2011 / 2012?? Keep in mind that anything Mike has recorded until now will be too old/out-dated to release by then and he'd have to record new material, so I guess the new album release (if it ever happens) will not be until later. Perhaps 2013/2014.

People who buy this shit are only encouraging Michael and Sony to continue re-releasing more "best of" compilations in the future. It's degrading.

Good on you.

100% agreed.
it is not Sony always being the "bad guy."...

I am grateful for what I get and I am prepared to "put up" with an other Best doesnt matter...
we get 50 shows!!! that is what matters..

I would rather see MJ take his time, mind his wellbeing and have an opportunity to enjoy these 50shows he is doing, rather then to be under pressure and stress to put together a new album which has to live up such enormous expectations (noone can match!)....

In my humble opion, MJ has done enough for the music industry and his fans (you can say he paid his dues many many times) so I dont care if there is new material or not...anything he gives makes me happy cos I know the price he is paying to give.....
it is not Sony always being the "bad guy."...

I am grateful for what I get and I am prepared to "put up" with an other Best doesnt matter...
we get 50 shows!!! that is what matters..

I would rather see MJ take his time, mind his wellbeing and have an opportunity to enjoy these 50shows he is doing, rather then to be under pressure and stress to put together a new album which has to live up such enormous expectations (noone can match!)....

In my humble opion, MJ has done enough for the music industry and his fans (you can say he paid his dues many many times) so I dont care if there is new material or not...anything he gives makes me happy cos I know the price he is paying to give.....

That's beautiful :flowers:
I still have the hope MJ will bring out a new single before the first date.

I doubt MJ would let/approve Randy stating otherwise without there being some sort of basis to ground this news on. Here's to hoping!
:) Ta for the kind words...

I am really not having a go at those who are disappointed...Am I for not getting brand new stuff? of course...but I am going to diss MJ or Sony for that? Nah....

It is a mesure of his amazing success that his Best Of version X+1 still sell like crazy....try to keep positive :)
it is not Sony always being the "bad guy."...

I am grateful for what I get and I am prepared to "put up" with an other Best doesnt matter...
we get 50 shows!!! that is what matters..

I would rather see MJ take his time, mind his wellbeing and have an opportunity to enjoy these 50shows he is doing, rather then to be under pressure and stress to put together a new album which has to live up such enormous expectations (noone can match!)....

In my humble opion, MJ has done enough for the music industry and his fans (you can say he paid his dues many many times) so I dont care if there is new material or not...anything he gives makes me happy cos I know the price he is paying to give.....

The best answer my friend! Congrats!
I still have the hope MJ will bring out a new single before the first date.

Me too. IMO it would be absolutely stupid not to release NEW material some time during the concert run (or just before) when he has an audience of nearly 20,000 seeing him every couple of nights. Singles don't need that many sales to reach #1 any more and a song that is even half decent could reach the top spot on the back of the concerts. Of course, it would ideally need a video and I don't think Mike has made one.

I doubt MJ would let/approve Randy stating otherwise without there being some sort of basis to ground this news on. Here's to hoping!

I agree, but you know Mike's reputation for being fickle. It's possible that the plans fell through since Randy said it.
if anyone thought there wouldnt be new re/releases to coincide with the tour then your are daft. what sort of record company wouldnt put a new album out there to cash in the crazyness of the shows. you would be negligent not to.
Do they really expect people to buy the same album over and over again just cause they changed the title!? Seriously... :doh:
Argh, same old Greatest hits thing again.. But we will see a new album, right? With new songs, he said it himself! Right???
this is now getting a bit boring, how many times can he release a greatest hits collection. I wont be buying this one... yawns lol
o they really expect people to buy the same album over and over again just cause they changed the title!? Seriously...
no they are expecting the 100,000's of ppl who hardly have any mj albums if any at all who will be going to the shows to buy it
Why not give the fans a reasons to buy it also by adding a an unreleased song?
Then its a win win situation for all

Atleast that would have shown some effort on Sony and Mike's part, and made it more attractive to the fans who will be at the concerts in their hundreds of thousand and already own all this stuff.

Madonna's releasing a new hits album with new material, so why can't Mike?
Madonna seems to make all the right moves while Mike walks around with a shotgun, shooting himself in the foot with every step.
Why not give the fans a reasons to buy it also by adding a an unreleased song?
Then its a win win situation for all
well i wont spend £13 for one song i doubt many others would. u would just download it.the release is to make money off the tour. if they didnt do this u would have ppl moaning that why arent they taking the oppotunity to make some money off the shows.its a G hits tour do ppl really think there wont be new G.Hits releases to go along with it. whatsort of rubbish business sense would that be.

Madonna seems to make all the right moves while Mike walks around with a shotgun, shooting himself in the foot with every step.
well 50 sold out show in a time that madonna can only dream off is hardly shooting yourself in the foot.
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

Not really, I mean it's still your choice that you are such a hardcore collector. :) If you're the kind of fan that sees all the tracks that they have already, but still buys the disc because it's a different release, or because it looks different, well then that's your own choice.

Yeah it is choice, but an expensive one. If you want all releases it will mean multiples of the same thing
i made a prediction here a couple weeks ago that a new album wouldnt come till 2011. looks like ill be right. pretty sad actually. jumping off the tour with a new album (or at least a single or 2) should be the way to go if he's doing this "for the fans."
i really dont understand why half of whats been said has been said in this thread.

surely you're all out to support mj, right? of course more things like this will be released, money will always be made out of compilation cds, and as people have said its a marketing tool for the o2 concerts. and who is to say he wont release a new album before or after the concerts? it's all just a tease, and to be honest a great way of mj making money.

if you dont wanna buy it, dont. but many people will be glad to add further to their mj collections and to support him.
well 50 sold out show in a time that madonna can only dream off is hardly shooting yourself in the foot.

Madonna has toured the world regularly over the past few years and she sells millions of tickets.

The reason this concert series is so big is:

A) they're his first performances in years
b) he basically gave people the impression this would be the last chance to see him
c) people from all over the world, not just from England, bought tickets in case the show didn't make it to their country (there was no reason to think it would tour)

Considering Madonna's fan base is still very much strong and active, and even though I dislike Madonna, if she announced shows in the UK under those circumstances I would expect her to have similar success.

The same could be said for other large acts such as U2.

What Mike achieved was a great feat considering all that went on over the years, but let's not pretend nobody else could do it.