Album Re-Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

I don't really give a rats arse about this release but I would be dissapointed if Michael doesn't take advantage of his situation and release a single before the first concert.
I don't see why people think it's OK for Sony to blatantly re-package old already-released stuff in exactly the same format and call it a new release. So it's OK to scam someone if they allow themselves to be? Sounds wrong to me.
Yes, there are no victims; only volunteers, but it's still cynical and explotative to keep releasing the same things under the pretext of being a new release.
People are saying it's good for Mike and an honest way to make money.
But it's detrimental to the music. The more you release it, over exploit it and squeeze every penny you can from it, you inevitably de-value it.
It's cheap and makes MJ looks like he lacks any artistic integrity - pursuing profits before anything else.
The only artists that release that many greatest hits albums are dead or disbanded (i.e. Elvis & Abba) and they do so becuase there's nothing else to release. It makes it look like Mike has nothing else to give.
I don't see the problem? I doubt this is aimed at fans, that would be ridiculous, we already own these songs however many times over. This is just another release to attract non-fans who have gained interest in him since his huge media coverage recently and make a quick buck out of it. That's business sense. Surely its a good thing? It's not as if you HAVE to buy it.
^ i think it is aimed at fans and michael
Its like they are saying michael is kaput...i mean like that properly what sony thinks :angry:
Ok, I've had to clean a bit out of this thread. If you have personal issues with someones opinion take it to pm. If you don't like the thread or the direction it's in offer something better or simply go find a thread that is more to your liking. Face the facts - people will do what people want to do and you can't change that.

You don't need to announce you are leaving a thread - just go. Ya'll got attitude issues on a Friday morning - straighten up it's FRIDAY! Go find a topic you can enjoy.
yeah i dont see any point in buying this personally but im sure that collectors will do so. i dont think anyone expects this to sell too many copies anyway.
I don't see why people think it's OK for Sony to blatantly re-package old already-released stuff in exactly the same format and call it a new release. So it's OK to scam someone if they allow themselves to be? Sounds wrong to me.
Yes, there are no victims; only volunteers, but it's still cynical and explotative to keep releasing the same things under the pretext of being a new release.
People are saying it's good for Mike and an honest way to make money.
But it's detrimental to the music. The more you release it, over exploit it and squeeze every penny you can from it, you inevitably de-value it.
It's cheap and makes MJ looks like he lacks any artistic integrity - pursuing profits before anything else.
The only artists that release that many greatest hits albums are dead or disbanded (i.e. Elvis & Abba) and they do so becuase there's nothing else to release. It makes it look like Mike has nothing else to give.

sings *..and you took the words right outta my mouthh*
^ i think it is aimed at fans and michael
Its like they are saying michael is kaput...i mean like that properly what sony thinks :angry:

Jesus...why do people think MJ is separate from these projects!!! MJ IS ON these projects!!! he is using this to exploit the fans, he is a business man afterwards....
You guys are going to hate me for what I'm about to reveal (well maybe not me, but Sony and MJ).. but:

Sony have a "3 year plan" to re-release as many Michael Jackson compilations as they can.

The worst thing about this is, I'm not joking. It's a 3 YEAR plan, beginning with "The Collection". Following this, all his other albums are going to be re-released atleast once more each over the next 3 years.

If you think I'm trying to rile you up, think again.

To quote Rod Sterling:

"What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying
Nightmare. It isnt.. Its the beginning"
You guys are going to hate me for what I'm about to reveal (well maybe not me, but Sony and MJ).. but:

Sony have a "3 year plan" to re-release as many Michael Jackson compilations as they can.

The worst thing about this is, I'm not joking. It's a 3 YEAR plan, beginning with "The Collection". Following this, all his other albums are going to be re-released atleast once more each over the next 3 years.

If you think I'm trying to rile you up, think again.

To quote Rod Sterling:

"What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying
Nightmare. It isnt.. Its the beginning"

I'm a 21 year old man, and I honestly would like to cry right now!
No one can exploit me cuz I won't be exploited. If they were to put out yet another GH album, with no new songs, I just wouldn't buy it. If they chose to put out a GH album with one or a couple of new songs, then I would only buy those new songs from iTunes. Easy as that.

So Sony can go ahead and release just as many greatest hits albums as they wish, I couldn't care any less. I just hope there will also be a new album in the future. If it takes a year or two, so be it.

If it so happens that Michael for some reason is done with creating new music, then I will just thank him for all the beautiful songs he has already given us. Michael has had such a positive impact in my life, that I'm in no position to demand anything more. Michael, I bow out to you :bow:
What Mike achieved was a great feat considering all that went on over the years, but let's not pretend nobody else could do it.
well let me know when someone does. why ppl have to put mjs acheivements down by bringing madonna or others into it i dont know. other artist wish they could put out a 25 year old release and sit there and do nothing yet sell almost the same amount of copies that another artist new release did after single releases and touring

Sony have a "3 year plan" to re-release as many Michael Jackson compilations as they can.

The worst thing about this is, I'm not joking. It's a 3 YEAR plan, beginning with "The Collection". Following this, all his other albums are going to be re-released atleast once more each over the next 3 years.

If you think I'm trying to rile you up, think again.
well considering theres supposedly a 3-4 year plan with mj and AEG if mj agrees then why wouldnt sony take advantage of that.when u have the best back cat in your posession you are gonna use it to your advantage. its not called the record business for nothing. its about making money for the label and artist. who cares if sony re release music. makes no difference to me. if ppl are gulible enought to go out and buy billie jean for the 20th time cause they must have it for their collection well thats their choice and money. for pl to act shocked that a lable may use 50 sold out shows to sell a few more records and take advantage of that well shock horror what exactly do u expect
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i doubt most buy them anyway, this is to cash in the 100'' of K of ppl who wouldnt really call themselves fans who are going to the concerts
^^If that is the case, sony should just promote KOP since it's doing badly in chart. Why the need to repackage the same thing and claim it's new release?
I dont mind that. Just as long as we get some new stuff as well :|
All I want is new material.
Why is that so hard to get?
He is really devaluing his songs by re-releasing like this. It is horrible.
Surely, now is the best time to release a new album. The concerts would be continuous promo for the CD.
Im sure that if he just released a single on itunes it would go straight to number 1. What the heck is he waiting for?

And those fans that are saying Michaels done enough blablabla, fair enough. But its been 8 years....8 YEARS (!!!!) since his last new release, and 4 years since the trial. 4 years is quite easily enough time to make, what, 15 new songs. Come on!
Maybe they're going for another Guinness Book World Record of having the most best-selling Greatest Hits albums or something. When you think about it, lots of Michael's Greatest Hits packages have done really well...especially since the trial (go figure). It would have to be a record for an artist to have so many Greatest Hits packages out there which have done so well. MJ isn't the only artist to flood the market with GH material as there have been many before him who have done this but I doubt those artists, save a few, have had each of those GH packages do so well...especially if released relatively close to each other. I wonder if there is an artist who does hold this record as far as GH albums. Hmmm....

i doubt most buy them anyway, this is to cash in the 100'' of K of ppl who wouldnt really call themselves fans who are going to the concerts

Agree. It gives new fans a variety of choices to pick from when first exploring an artist they're casually familiar with.

^^If that is the case, sony should just promote KOP since it's doing badly in chart. Why the need to repackage the same thing and claim it's new release?

Good point. Maybe they consider that a fan-based project becuz the fans created the tracklistings for those CDs...yet it also serves as another choice for newbies who are exploring.

I think it would be awesome if during these concerts, we see at least 5 different GH CD's at the top of the Catalog charts. We know certain ones automatically rise when MJ is in the news a lot but during the concerts I can imagine quite a few of these things will be selling like hotcakes.
Sad that an artist like MJ is relying on the past with all these best off cd's.
Like the good times of his music were in the past.
Oh geez, not ANOTHER one... :doh:

Good news for the MJ collectors and fans who like to throw money away, I guess. :p
And how about that cover, huh?


Wow. How long do you it takes to make a cover like that? Probably one minute, max. :mello:

And the saddest thing is that this is essentially a re-release of an album that was released in 2005... and then re-released once already, at least in the US, in 2008.

:( I really want a new studio album.. not another GH

but going to see him live is all good enough
It's just an attempt to cash in on the o2 shows. NOTHING MORE

Do people honestly think Sony execs are sitting in the office saying "Hmm....what way can exploit Michael and his gullible and loyal fanbase? Let's re-release a greatest hits album. They'll HAVE to buy it. they'll have no choice. BWAHAHAHA!"

It's not like that. They're a record label and right now, record labels are scrambling at whatever resources they have right now

Since the master recordings will probably revert back to Michael in a couple of years, they're probably trying to get the most out his catalog now. Alot of artists have loads of greatest hits. Motown was notorious for literally throwing out greatest hits albums

This isn't an attempt to destroy Michael's legacy or insult and degrade Michael's fans. They're trying to cash in on Michael's recent successes, not to mention if Michael doesn't sign off on the release, it's not getting released

and who knows if it's going to stay on the charts? It's probably be on the shelves for awhile then will just go out of print, like Greatest Hits Vol.1 did

Here in the states, the Sony compilations you can find are Number Ones, The Essential, and The Ultimate Collection, but Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, and Invincible are constantly in stock

Is it lousy? of course! Are the execs dumb? yes because they've forgotten what the public wants a long time ago

but are they evil? no