A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality [Discussion]

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Also, note that this is same footage that the estate is about to release on DVD. Again when they are recording for television there is a lot of extra things they have to do including more lighting, audio equipment, camera's ect. This did not happen with concert we are getting on DVD. I'm just saying. And i'm sure I will love it despite this![/COLOR]

well they have the necessary audio equipment in this instance.
well they have the necessary audio equipment in this instance.

Yes. The audio quality is likely to be excellent as it was recorded to multi-tracks.

The fact that the video footage is just what was shown on the JumboTrons means this concert was never intended for commercial release at the time. Usually when a concert is filmed for a DVD/VHS release there are multiple cameras all around the stadium. The filming in this case was probably only extensive enough in order for the crowd to see Michael on the big screens. There will probably be limited shots of the crowd. I'm guessing 4 or 5 cameras filmed the concert, whereas 10-15 are usually used when a gig is intended for commercial release.
And hold on. About the estate looking for more concert on the U-matic tapes, what about Rome 88' and Tokyo 88' shows? Could that be possible that both those concerts maybe stolen years ago and someone achieve those and poof we got to see them on YouTube?
I think it will look like this at least:

Audio quality will be a lot better of course.

What if MTV has a copy of a master tape of Wembley concert in their possesion which they used to stream this Bad video? We cannot know if this was sourced from VHS as well.
I think it will look like this at least:

Audio quality will be a lot better of course.

It will look exactly like this.... I've watched Mike and Janet footage enough to know when they are using the footage from the Jumbo Trons. Often if they air a single performance or two from a concert simply for promo it's usuall from the jumbo tron. I always thought this footage is appropriate for a DVD release.

I read a concert Lighting book where the author was saying that if you are not going to provide proper lighting for the audience (because they are a apart of the show) you might as well do the filiming on a sound stage where the conditions are easly manipulated. (Prince did this for one of his concert DVD with no audience).

If you look at the Yokomah video there are way more cameras and some lighting for the audience because that show was meant to aired on Japan TV.

But like I said I just want to see a who 88 show so this will do!
Why is everyone expecting 1080p true HD quality? It's from 1988, not shot on film. I think we have got great quality compared to some of my 25 year old VHS'. It's far from unwatchable, and it will be great to finally see a 2nd leg Bad tour show in pro quality rather then an awful amateur.
Why is everyone expecting 1080p true HD quality? It's from 1988, not shot on film. I think we have got great quality compared to some of my 25 year old VHS'. It's far from unwatchable, and it will be great to finally see a 2nd leg Bad tour show in pro quality rather then an awful amateur.

I don't think the discussion now is the 1080 true hd... (even though people still want it) but rather the types of shots. The jumbo tron shots won't like provide more than 4-5 angles where as if they had planned to actually release on television there would have a been about 15-30 cameras with tons of angles to give the home viewing audience a better perspective of the actual show.
And hold on. About the estate looking for more concert on the U-matic tapes, what about Rome 88' and Tokyo 88' shows? Could that be possible that both those concerts maybe stolen years ago and someone achieve those and poof we got to see them on YouTube?

According to the statement they released, they DO have more shows on u-matic tapes, but they supposedly only have multi tracks from that one Wembley show and NOT the u-matic tape(s) from that wembley show.
According to the statement they released, they DO have more shows on u-matic tapes, but they supposedly only have multi tracks from that one Wembley show and NOT the u-matic tape(s) from that wembley show.

I know, that's why I'm curious about those other shows in U-matic tapes.
I'm sure the audio is decent, but in their eyes they don't want to release it because they can only master it but so much.

I hope they include The Way You Make Me Feel from another show as an extra.
Ideally MSG with Tatiana!
I'm sure the audio is decent, but in their eyes they don't want to release it because they can only master it but so much.

I hope they include The Way You Make Me Feel from another show as an extra.
Ideally MSG with Tatiana!
TWYMMF is included in the dvd but tatiana will not be in it.
Let's hope all these reports of both DD and TWYMMF being on the DVD are true. As amazing, I'm sure, as the concert will be, the bad show deserves to be seen in its entirety, the way Michael had planned it to be performed from the beginning. All songs, no withdrawals.
Re: A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality

Guys a quick question for the fans who know this information for a fact not gossip. If you do, please quote the source if you can

1. For those asking for a Japan Blue-ray release... Was the concert shot on film 35/16mm in the first place?
2. In addition to those two wembley concerts on film mentioned here, was LA shot on film?

Finally those fans who are having doubts about estates way of handling things, I am 100% with them as their doubts are justified in past 3 years since MJ passed they have done plenty wrong over and over to raise doubts in the minds of many fans especially when it comes to their ability to understand the importance of MJ live material.

But on the flip side of the coin, the poor quality of the video and the problems of storage have very little to do with Mj estate now but rather MJ himself. As incredible as a performer and businessman he was, it is remarkable how careless or carefree he was with his live material whether audio and video. Why was he like this with respect to his live stuff is nothing anybody can say for sure but only speculate.

Yes, true, some of that blame does fall on the estate for their inability to locate these 35/16mm films of BAD concerts but a great deal of this has to do with MJ personal handling of these affairs while he was alive :(

P.S. call me naive but why cannot someone from estate contact this person who helped assisting or directly recording BAD concerts on film, especially the London ones? At least getting help pointing in the right direction as to where these films could be... unless of course all of those were lost from that blasted storage facility.

P.P.S I guess if the estate already spoke with Patrick Kelly and still are clueless about video masters let alone 35/16mm film then there is hardly anything anybody else can point to in so far as bad tour video are concerned.

Yeah the only reason MJ even brought cameras to his concerts was just to let the people with the cheap seats get a better view. The footage was pretty much worthless at the time it was being recorded and MJ being a perfectionist was rarely happy with any complete full concert. He ordered VHS copies of concerts that he felt was important... like maybe the last shows of the DWT and his Wembley shows, he wanted to see himself performing at his very best and try practicing in areas he felt he was weak in... so that his next concert could be even better.

I say we are extremely lucky to be getting this DVD in September, even if it was in 240p. We the fans were never meant to own it, all of you who are complaining about quality should honestly stop. The people who are restoring the footage right now know what their doing, they are trained professionals lol i bet they have been doing this kind of stuff before most of you were even born!
awww i liked Tatiana more than Sheryl, her and MJ looked good together :(

Indeed :)

Re: A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality

The people who are restoring the footage right now know what their doing, they are trained professionals lol i bet they have been doing this kind of stuff before most of you were even born!

Obviously. I'm sure it is in good hands and will be restored as much as it is possible. But that's not the story, I think some fans here are just sad about VHS source thing. It is just bittersweet that VHS was used instead of film reels which exsist somewhere.
^^I wonder what Tatiana is thinking of all this, especially if her part is not in the show.
Is it for sure tatiana will not be in TWYMMF?

Tatiana was in MSG, this is Wembley so why should she be in? There will be Sheryl Crow.
If we're lucky enough maybe TWYMMF in MSG could be included in extras though..
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