A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality [Discussion]

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So they are paying tons and tons of money to a company that the US Government is paying for NASA restoration, and you expect it to be free? I don't understand.
I don't believe it is so expensive and didn't say that would be necessary at the YouTube release.
ps.: I have never was a convincing restoration of VHS. All the ones I saw were degradating fake masks

Not to be disrespectful but that is the wost idea Ive heard so far. Michael Jackson's VHS footage from Wembley is worth something. Its very precious to most his fans. So to cop it off as a free youtube video would be the greatest form of disrespect to Michael ever. Its has great value and the Estate is going to great expense to restore it .. They are also in the business of supporting MJs Estate not run in into bankruptsy by giving his most precious works away . Its like a picasso a Rembrant , Michael Angelo - No one would place an old faded rembrant into a flea market - they would go to the greatest expense to restore it to its former glory as best they could - Great art has Great value -

Michael was a Great Artist and all his work should be treated as such. It needs to be respected and treated as somethign that has great value not thrown up by his own Estate as a free Youtube video. It's more than just a product but it should be treated as something valuable and not just given away. Plus the fact that it was his personal VHS something he Cherished and kept all these years, that gives it sentimental value to his fans. Please do not miss the whole point of all this and what it means to many fans :cry: .. Yes we wil get Bluray products and other concerts coming, Im sure of it, but at this MOMENT the VHS is all we have and its as good as Gold to me. I'm more than willing to to pay for it. I want to own it, have it in my possession, becuase it has Great artistic and sentimental value to me .. I cant speak for others but I know many will agree.

:lol: I sure said Great and Value a lot
I'm still missing the rational reason. By the way, Michael, the only person who would be "disrespected", proved through the years he didn't feel like that by giving a lot of his work as gifts to everyone. YouTUBE isn't also a "throw away" tool... it's a STREAMING and promotion one.

This isn't true. Beat It was shot on film (...) Same with Thriller.
Please give some source. I think I've read the opposite about both

To all that read the word "masters" and get excited. the master of Japan they found is the Umatic tape. this is not the right source for blu-ray, just like beta-max and vhs aren't.
Umatic has a resolution of 486x280. Of course you can upscale, but whats the point it will be crap. Also umatic tape holds only 1 hour, so it s very possible that the second part of any other concert won't be found either.
Go_Flying explaned why "front of house" audio isn't useble.
Are you all that desperate, that you want Yokohama now, just because you read the word "master"? If they announced Yokohama from the begining on, the mutiny would have been huge.
I won't discuss DVD/BD issue until someone clarifies the Beat It issue. Anyway a DVD release of another concert would be much more worthy also. And I'm again not talking about Yokohama... I don't know where you read I wanted that released
about what Go_Flying said, I knew that but that can't be an automatic impeditive for all the 88 recorded concerts in different enviroments, which I'm sure he didn't hear.
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I don't believe it is so expensive and didn't say that would be necessary at the YouTube release.
ps.: I have never was a convincing restoration of VHS. All the ones I saw were degradating fake masks

I'm still missing the rational reason. By the way, Michael, the only person who would be "disrespected", proved through the years he didn't feel like that by giving a lot of his work as gifts to everyone. YouTUBE isn't also a "throw away" tool... it's a STREAMING and promotion one.

Please give some source. I think I've read the opposite about both

I won't discuss DVD/BD issue until someone clarifies the Beat It issue. Anyway a DVD release of another concert would be much more worthy also. And I'm again not talking about Yokohama... I don't know where you read I wanted that released
about what Go_Flying said, I knew that but that can't be an automatic impeditive for all the 88 recorded concerts in different enviroments, which I'm sure he didn't hear.

About Thriller and Beat It being shot on film: Thriller was indeed shot on film (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088263/technical). Just youtube the Making Of Thriller, thowards the end of the documentary you see them editing actual film reels into the complete short film. Can't really find any info about Giraldis Beat It thou, but if you check the short interviews with Mike on the set of the Beat It video you'll see huge film cameras shooting the thing so it's very possible that it was shot on 35mm too..
I must say i never heard of those Umatic tapes till now. the more I read the more it seams the aren't that good choice they made. they are old. i always thought betacam was broadcast standart, but umatic was also widely spread.

Well I think most of us did see/listened to umatic tapes.

I am referring to the leaked promo tapes from Rome 88 and Tokyo 88 that Lounis sourced. These are clearly from the projection on Jumbotrons, and I think duplicated from Umatic tapes seeing their video quality. And listening to WBSS from Rome 88, you will notice audio quality is merely ok.

I may be wrong but I do not think these were sourced from old VHS.
@lomkit: Regarding Umatic, that's not generally true... didn't you read the Wikipedia explanation in full? Umatic can have better than S-VHS solution, probably close or equal to DVD.
Betacam has better then umatic. when i said "wasn't good choice" i mean to archive them. but i don't know.
for dvd, umatic and betacam are ok.

I was thinking that if Sony decide one day to release blu-ray of his videos, that will be even harder then finding some concert. and thats problably the reason no blu-rays of old videos is avaible by any artist.

All michael and sony have is (sd) umatic master tapes for production releases on vhs or dvd.
they need to collect all the master reels/films, scan them at 2k or 4k and remaster them for future releases.
they need to start to digitalize all michaels videos and not just wait till something is planed for release.
the more they wait the extensive the restauration will be. for next generations this has to be done, else michael videos will be forgoten, cause no one is interested in dvds anymore and the dvd releases and tv stations have bad quality for todays standarts..
thriller videos were remastered digitaly, but i think old sd masters were used. they should stop using those old umatic, betas or whatever they have.
thats how i see it.

All videos are shot on film. you can see they have dirt, scratches, grain and all what's typical for film. especialy the 80s videos. the 90s look more clean, still there is some dirt here and there.
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It's a whole lot of a work to enhance each frame from a 25 years old vhs.. I'm curious about the result and i'll definitly buy it :)
It's a whole lot of a work to enhance each frame from a 25 years old vhs.. I'm curious about the result and i'll definitly buy it :)

me too, I'm sure it'll turn out great :)
I will be more than happy if we get anything in better quality than current Yokohama available.
This is a reasonable objective that should not be impossible to achieve....can't wait !!
I am choosing to get this dvd because I have wanted this for a long time and if all they have is Michael's vhs copy then I accept that too. It really feels like Michael's gift to us. If you don't want this then don't get it and wait for something else to come along. I am just not going to stress out about the quality to be honest. The estate made their decision on what to release and I still want it and hope for the best. If they had chosen the other one with the 2 bad songs only then I would get the cd and not the dvd.
I CANT WAIT for the DVD. Even though it is not going to be the most amazing quality ever it is still going to be very good, and the audio is going to be superb. This is the greatest tour in history and Wembley has been probably the number one fan requested release the past 5-10 years. Going to be AMAZING!!
We are so excited about all the events involving the celebration of 25 years the Bad album.

BUT... a part of me is so happy :woohoo: and the other part is so sad :( because I wanted Michael to be here with us... :cry: *big sigh*
They should upload one song or more to Youtube from the DVD. Then we could see the quality
They should upload one song or more to Youtube from the DVD. Then we could see the quality

disagreed, this is something we have never seen before so I am gomna wait for the DVD and I'm sure the quality will turn out good.
Zakk - you should make a Countdown thread! :lol:

With a clock counting down! :)
About Thriller and Beat It being shot on film: Thriller was indeed shot on film (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088263/technical). Just youtube the Making Of Thriller, thowards the end of the documentary you see them editing actual film reels into the complete short film. Can't really find any info about Giraldis Beat It thou, but if you check the short interviews with Mike on the set of the Beat It video you'll see huge film cameras shooting the thing so it's very possible that it was shot on 35mm too..
I couldn't find my source, so I would assume that is possible... the picture quality on these videos is so bad that is hard to believe in 35mm. Anyway, the Making Of Thriller cutting part could be a post-transfer event, as it was and is common to transfer tape content after the shot to 35mm to save money... I'm not saying that actually happened.
About Moonwalker, their source is irrelevant, because the special effects at the time required to transfer to a digital workstation. You can attest that all parts with effects, including the whole intro, are SD in the Blu-Ray, even coming from film
Thank you Ivy and the estate for clearing all this up. I do still wonder where the hell Amazon got their info about the show being 60 mins but from the sounds of it on the first page it does look to be the full thing.
can't wait for September 18th 103 days 2 hours and 30 minutes to go.
I couldn't find my source, so I would assume that is possible... the picture quality on these videos is so bad that is hard to believe in 35mm. Anyway, the Making Of Thriller cutting part could be a post-transfer event, as it was and is common to transfer tape content after the shot to 35mm to save money... I'm not saying that actually happened.
About Moonwalker, their source is irrelevant, because the special effects at the time required to transfer to a digital workstation. You can attest that all parts with effects, including the whole intro, are SD in the Blu-Ray, even coming from film

You are right. I can confirm this as i actually own the bluray. The intro itself is in full hd 1080p, including the BAD concert footage, but the smaller snippets used throughout the whole following montage(s) are sourced from SD, particularly noticable with the victory tour footage, which clearly doesn`t contain more detail, while the 'cubboard' (showing Michaels memorabilia) clearly has more detail.
I wish time would go faster their is still 102 days until we see the greatest concert ever performed. I'm so impatient. :woohoo:
I wish time would go faster their is still 102 days until we see the greatest concert ever performed. I'm so impatient. :woohoo:

I can't imagine how you are gonna be when theres only a week to release... - You wan't be able to sleep.. :lol:
is the case September 17th too? from myplaydirect.com

All of that stuff is being imported to UK and will probably get to you about a week after release, which is why I'm getting the 3CD+DVD from HMV for 25.00 and the case, but the case will probably arrive a while after release.
All of that stuff is being imported to UK and will probably get to you about a week after release, which is why I'm getting the 3CD+DVD from HMV for 25.00 and the case, but the case will probably arrive a while after release.

but I don't have enough for both.
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