A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality [Discussion]

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Re: A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality

I am much more optimistic about the quality after seing how much can be done with old footage.

I hope they are doing everything they can to restore it so we get great quality!
Re: A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality

106 days 3 hours and 34 minutes.
Zakk;3650996 said:
so which performance of the way you make me feel will be on the DVD? did he perform it in July 16th or is it being added as a bonus?

ivy said this

ivy;3650382 said:

UPDATE: We’ve just got word of another confirmed performance included on the Bad 25 DVD: The Way You Make Me Feel as part of the encore with Man in the Mirror.
Re: A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality

Not sure if it's legal to make a full cover with the logo's and all and don't know if this is the right place to put it :) but wanted to share it with you guys. If it's okay i'll post the full resolution version. Here is a preview.


Please post the full resolution! Love it! :) Also, what are the fonts you used? I've seen most of them and it bugs me that I don't know their names! :)

Honestly SONY should let a fan make the cover for DVD, and Live Cd!! So much love and effort is in it when it's made by a fan!
I never thought about how the police raiding Neverland could be the reason why so many things went missing and destroyed, which is depressing to think about. :no:
Re: A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality

Btw am i the only one noticing extra camera men below the stage?

No you re not ;)
Could it the 35mm filming ? Then it could be wembley and thus very promising for the upcoming release !
Re: A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality

No you re not ;)
Could it the 35mm filming ? Then it could be wembley and thus very promising for the upcoming release !

it probably was the 35mm filming but as stated, the masters have been misplaced and they couldn't find them in time for the release unfortunately.
I know 35mm films cannot be located.
I just meant it could be wembley and seeing the quality it is very promising for the DVD....I just hope the tape did not deteriorate too much since PHM.
I have the Caroll Burnet show in VHS and the quality is still very good...finger crossed !
yeah that man in the mirror clip I think is for sure michael's personal VHS of the July 16th performance, and they are restoring it with Lowry digital so that could mean that we are getting true DVD quality, fingers crossed.
That's a thought, when the police raided Neverland, they completely trashed it. Could it have meant that footage was lost/damaged?
That's a thought, when the police raided Neverland, they completely trashed it. Could it have meant that footage was lost/damaged?

also they removed a lot of things from the house, who knows? one of the things they removed from never land could have been the master tapes.
It is slightly off topic but there, an employee for Nocturne explains how she mixes cameras feeds onto the Jumbotrons

Start at 04:50.

It is slightly off topic but there, an employee for Nocturne explains how she mixes cameras feeds onto the Jumbotrons

Start at 04:50.

very informative, thank you. can't wait for the DVD.
Re: A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality

Please post the full resolution! Love it! :) Also, what are the fonts you used? I've seen most of them and it bugs me that I don't know their names! :)

Thanks, i will be posting it tomorrow or day after when i've fixed some small things. You can PM me if you want to know some font names so we can stay on topic :).
Re: A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality

Michael wasn't exactly the tidiest when it came to such things. Just a few days ago I watched the Mexico deposition and sometimes I just shook my head and laughed because he didn't know where he kept things. I guess it was the same with all the recoreded concerts. He was a bit chaotic. Sweet chaotic, but chaotic. :D God knows where the better records are and if they are where they should be. Many things that once were his are not where they are supposed to be.

Hmmm, but if people think that he is the type that does not remember where he puts things, they would have more incentive to steal his stuff, and he would not know that things are missing. We know that people stole from Michael for years, because he even mentions theft in his book.

Now we can look forward to Bad 25 and anticipate some exciting discoveries for the BAD 30th.
Re: A Message from the Estate Of Michael Jackson Re Wembley concert DVD Quality

for bad 50, when everything's gonna be in 4-d, they'll release the blu-ray from the enhanced copy of dvd.

I am looking forward to bad 100 though., i'll be around 111 years old, i hope i'll make it.


Sorry double post.
I can't understand you guys. Spent 20 days complaining and when John Branca makes a statement saying exactly what all we already knew, you decide to to change your mind. Nothing new was put in and you're all satisfied. It remindes me of those wives who get beaten all day and become happy when hear an "I love you"
It was obvious they didn't have the master source of the VHS nor any kind of film. All the criticism were about their incapacity to find that. So they make a statement which could be resumed as "I'm uncapable" and everyone forget everything... until the next beat
I can't understand you guys. Spent 20 days complaining and when John Branca makes a statement saying exactly what all we already knew, you decide to to change your mind. Nothing new was put in and you're all satisfied. It remindes me of those wives who get beaten all day and become happy when hear an "I love you"
It was obvious they didn't have the master source of the VHS nor any kind of film. All the criticism were about their incapacity to find that. So they make a statement which could be resumed as "I'm uncapable" and everyone forget everything... until the next beat

Damned if you do, damned if you don't...

I give up.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't...

I give up.

Just to be clear, I wasn't among the ones who were criticizing the incapability of find stuff. My criticism is about the decision to not release a concert whose master tape they assumably have with 2 channel audio. If I have the CD, I don't care about the audio of the DVD.
ps.: I believe they can have some concert in film but wouldn't also release because of the missing "great" compressed dolby digital 5.1
I can't understand you guys. Spent 20 days complaining and when John Branca makes a statement saying exactly what all we already knew, you decide to to change your mind. Nothing new was put in and you're all satisfied. It remindes me of those wives who get beaten all day and become happy when hear an "I love you"
It was obvious they didn't have the master source of the VHS nor any kind of film. All the criticism were about their incapacity to find that. So they make a statement which could be resumed as "I'm uncapable" and everyone forget everything... until the next beat

It was more like 11 days and besides The Estate's statement confirming what most of us suspected, they addressed the issue of "quality"! Once the situation was explained and understood, we excepted the reality and allow for a certain amount of empathy for the dilemma they were/are faced with. There's a very fine line between the words "complaining" and "concerned". There's a difference. What is it that you do not understand?
Can't be negative, can't be positive, can't be forgiving, can't be anything...

I'm just gonna sit back and wait for September and refrain from further comment.

See ya.
The estate are the best and this is an amazing comeback (from that not-so-good album)....

This is even more exciting stuff.........because it means that the estate have another 2nd leg bad tour concert with different audio and video quality plus the yokohama concert.

So they'll be more MJ live released to look forward to in the distant future......

It also makes me wonder about the dangerous and history tour footage............the possibilities!!!!
It was more like 11 days and besides The Estate's statement confirming what most of us suspected, they addressed the issue of "quality"! Once the situation was explained and understood, we excepted the reality and allow for a certain amount of empathy for the dilemma they were/are faced with. There's a very fine line between the words "complaining" and "concerned". There's a difference. What is it that you do not understand?

the first statement was already very clear about the audio quality being the problem
If Walt Disney Pictures was managed by MJ estate, we would never have had a DVD or Blu-Ray of Snow White, cause mono can't also "be used to create a high quality listening experience"
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