18 Jun08.............Vegas..Vegas..Vegas.. the media is obsessed

I don't think Robin knows what he's talking about. He was claiming a couple of weeks ago MJ will be releasing a new single this month :lol:
Well, I guess anything is possible. Judging from past experiences though, I think I won't get my hopes up just yet - I'll wait and see what happens.

I do have a feeling something will be happening soon though.
To be honest i wouldn't be surprised if it happens, just think about it he wouldn't have to up route his kids. He wouldn't have to do an American tour, fans from America Canada would come and see him and it wouldn't be difficult to do.

He may do that for a while then come to europe. I bet there would be a jacksons reuniion too.

It does make sense
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Okay, I have a question.

How does it usually work, when an artist is about to release a single? Does the single just appear on the radio one day or does the artist make an announcement that a single will be released on a particular day?
I don't think Robin knows what he's talking about. He was claiming a couple of weeks ago MJ will be releasing a new single this month :lol:

He is actually releasing a new single this month. WBBS with Akon was released in Great Britain this week.
Well the record company usually gets in touch with the radio station, and they are given the single and told when they can play it. the dj will usually say we have the new single by such and such and we will
be playing it on whatever day and time
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is that true that Mj is release a new single next month is that true

so what is release date for MJ new single?
If WBSS really is the single then that ain't a new song at all. :lol: It's "something" but it's not what we probably expected, lol. :giggle:

Would that make 3 total off of Thriller 25 then? It isn't August yet. I expect REAL new music in August.
the coreys weren't even supposed to do a second season..btw, it's a fake reality show b/c it was scripted...but they actually got real towards the end and haim almost hit feldman's creepy groupie wife....notice, their son zen is nowhere to be ofund and not mentioned at all....

but haim is charting dangerous waters cuz feldman's always been adamant that mj didn't molest him....as for the std book....he claims bashir trickede him just like he tricked mj...what a loser
I thnk its all about to go off very soon!!!

Michael wants this to go off like a bomb!! and thats what he is producing!! A MUSIC EXPLOSION!! that will rival and overtake the bad tour!!

Carnt wait to see and hear him on hd bluray in lossless sound omg!!


Somehow I don't think Robin Leach was talking about that

yeah lol most fans in the uk dont even know its available on download let alone leach knowing about it lol

when theres announcements about being with a label and things (releases) are actually announced then ill get excited because everything esle has already been rumoured 20 times b4 and nothing happens lol
:smilerolleyes:lost cultural relevance, cleveland reporter, on mister lonely?

talk about delusional....

it's ironic that akon recorded that song.
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Elusive, you say about labels,

I think you will find he is and will be with Sony BMG!! no one else is going to be big enuff to promote him and enable his plans to come to fruitation, however i think that this wil be from distribuction only and Michael will then hold FULL artistic control.

Its amazing to think that 3 years ago we was just all thanking our lucky stars that Michael had been vindicated and that part of his life could be erased!

Now we knew it would take a long time for michael to come back to the music world in full strength but i feel it is very soon now.

^ Ya the way I see it is MJ is purposly creating the album under NO label so he would have 100% creative control, and he plans promotional deals etc.. Then presents the budget and plans to SONY. Saying this is what I want to do, and this is what I need.. Sign here...

That way MJ would not have any suprizes like last time when it comes to promoting the album...
I think you will find he is and will be with Sony BMG!!

yeah well thats ppl personal opinions.ppl have talked about whether he we stick with sony or go to someone else for years.given the state of the industry i doubt no major labels want to spend like the ole days. im talking about hearing a statement released by any label announcing a album/single etc.not what fans might think and what has been discussed since 05. until announcements are made and press releases put out there im not gonna hold my breath because until that happens theres still many stages to go through
Also, creating the album without a label helps in NOT getting thing leaked.. There is not going to be an employee that would take a track and spread it, no1 to leave the track somewhere that could get leaked.. U know that music is LITTERALLY locked up with HIM..
i think it was haim alluding that mj did something untoward to feldman and he said 'admit what ur buddy did to u' and used the 'r' word..but im deaf so somoene confirm please

This is what Haim said to Feldman:

"You let me get f***** around in my life man
r**** so to speak when I was 14 and a half man
and I am saying by a guy you so f***** hang out with
and tell me I'm 14 and a half take responsibility
You know exactly what I am talking about"
He did not mention any names and I hope
they are not referring to MJ

Mods if you wish to remove video, feel free to do s0/ I am only trying to confirm for soso def
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This is what Haim said to Feldman:

"You let me get f***** around in my life man
r**** so to speak when I was 14 and a half man
and I am saying by a guy you so f***** hang out with
and tell me I'm 14 and a half take responsibility
You know exactly what I am talking about"
He did not mention any names and I hope
they are not referring to MJ

Mods if you wish to remove video, feel free to do s0/ I am only trying to confirm for soso def

Hmmm. But 'f***** around' is not the same as f**** . And 'r**** so to speak' not the same as r**** so who knows what the heck he is talking about.
This is what Haim said to Feldman:

"You let me get f***** around in my life man
r**** so to speak when I was 14 and a half man
and I am saying by a guy you so f***** hang out with
and tell me I'm 14 and a half take responsibility
You know exactly what I am talking about"
He did not mention any names and I hope
they are not referring to MJ

Mods if you wish to remove video, feel free to do s0/ I am only trying to confirm for soso def

it's interesting that this is all on camera. is this a reality show or..reality?

sorry..but i take this stuff with a grain of salt.
Who ever they are talking about, this is not a good time for this.. This show comes out in July.. a new reality show 'Both Corey's".. U know the media will make this into a Michael Jackson thing..

I think Michael should be made aware of this before it comes out.. Give time for sometype of preperation..

If 'Living With MJ' and that moment MJ was with Gavin would start up all that it did.. Corey Feldman talking about being molested at 14.. The same year he met Michael Jackson is NOT GOOD..

NOT NOW while the album is being prepared, finished, and released...

Not saying this would start another trial... But bad rumors YES!!
