18 Jun08.............Vegas..Vegas..Vegas.. the media is obsessed

but haim is charting dangerous waters cuz feldman's always been adamant that mj didn't molest him....as for the std book....he claims bashir trickede him just like he tricked mj...what a loser

Oh yes, he did say that about Bashir. I remember all of it now. What a loser indeed.

I am with DM regarding this mess. Let me tell you something - the last time MJ even hung out with this loser was 2001 when he and his wife was kicked out of the van that the Jackson were in when they were leaving NYC after the 9/11 horror. Michael's sister in law, Victoria (Jackie's wife) was on Access Hollywood telling the story on why Corey's clown ass was kicked off. (She did this after Corey came forward and started saying that the Jacksons left him and his wife off to fend for themselves during the after math of 9/11) She basically said that the fool was a pest and annoying. He even was bothering Katherine. They had it with him and he and his wife was kicked off. Ever since then, Corey has been bitter about the whole thing. I do not know if you guys reemember when that fool was on the "Surreal Life" and was clowning MJ when they were at a campfire. Just pathetic.

During the trial, he said what you guys have posted and he has not really spoken about MJ since. The stuff that he is saying now - whatever it is - it is bull. The truth is on our side and I am not going to sweat this at all. This man and his friend are wash up "actors" that lost their careers when they started using crack and any kind of addictive drugs that you can think of. Drugs can do some crazy things to you. No one takes neither of them seriously. They are pathetic and have no credibility. If he even tries to go there with MJ, he will publically say that nothing happened. These clowns are trying to promote their shitty show. That is all they are doing.
Well, KOPV, you are the one who posted the "warning" in the thread. Why are yall talking about this as if it is bound to happen? Yall need to remember that the media read these boards. I would like to suggest that the Youtube clip and the "warnings" be removed from the thread. Let's not start this and then blame it on the media later.

Well actually the original post wasn't hers but it might not be a bad idea to remove it. I dunno.
it may NOT be about mj but that's what the media will ASSume (haha) and hella hype, just like et did...y play that blurb? no one cares about the coreys anymore....and feldman ALWAYS brings up mj...i watched his show, he has a friggin mj room in his 'house'....he's so obsessed that he made sure to bring mj mem. to the fake stage house the show is being filmed in.

it sounds like both men were sexually abused and feldman did nothing whenhe knew it was happening to haim and haim talked to feldman about hisabuse (feldman's) yet did nothing....i swear, it sounds like a bad movie plot and woh better to star in it than the two coreys.

corey did the same thing lmp did...ran his mouth during the pre-trial hearings just enough to get media attention but cowered back and retracted it or proclaimed he was misunderstood once sneddon went to investigate more on it.

kopv is right in that the media will hype this...i bet that part isn't even in the show or it comes on the last episode....makes fans watch so they know what to expectin the media blitz that may ormay not come and makes haters watch so they can find out just what the hell to exploit the next day.
and feldman ALWAYS brings up mj...i watched his show, he has a friggin mj room in his 'house'....he's so obsessed that he made sure to bring mj mem. to the fake stage house the show is being filmed in.

The guys is pathetic. LOL. Anyway, I am not gonna sweat this. They are clowns with no careers. LOL.
The context in which Haim says it though doesn't make it sound like it has anything to do with Michael. Not if you know your stuff. The media may run with it, or, like a lot of these things, it may just die without anyone bating an eyelash. You can see the entire clip on the youtube video someone posted on I think page 10, and Haim is simply saying that someone who Feldman is STILL friends with (not Michael) molested him when he was 14 and a half. So I don't see how that's connected at all to Michael. Does Michael even know Corey Haim?
i havnt even watched or followed what the heck some of you are on about. talk about mountain out of a mole hill. the whole thing should disapear b4 it ends up in the media
He talked about abuse years ago. Way before 2003. It had nothing to do with Michael. Actually it someone around his family if I am not mistaken. But hey he tells so many stories it is hard to know.

Please stop with the drama. It's getting ridiculous.
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I just have things being twisted before.. so when I say delete it.. It's basically just preventing to reaching out to more and more people that COULD twist it..

Have it be MJ haters making fake interviews with Feldman, making fun of MJ or WHATEVER.. Something more serious..

Jokes even get into peoples mind you know.. SNL, MAD TV, Stand up comedians and other things in that nature have a large roll in the image ppl think of MJ...

They helped create it

I'm not saying anything will definatly happen.. But why should we not take percaution??? That is silly to me, just to see something that COULD POSSIBY go wrong and just watch it happen.. (if it does)
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KOPV i'm not listening to all the bad news about MJ lalalalalallalalalala i got my fingure in my ears lalalalalalalalala cause bad news about MJ i hate i don't know :yes:
KOPV i'm not listening to all the bad news about MJ lalalalalallalalalala i got my fingure in my ears lalalalalalalalala cause bad news about MJ i hate i don't know :yes:


Two washed-up child stars does NOT require 13 pages of discussion. THE F**K? :lol:

I'm way more down with Macaulay than I am with Feldman in this matter. F**K the Coreys. :D
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The hell with all of them. Who cares what the media says? MJ is the legend, not the Coreys. No one in the right mind would take these fools seriously. They have so many fables it is hard to keep up with them. I wished MJ never even met ANY of these people. He helped these people and all they do is spit at his face. That is not right. I am just happy that MJ is not in any of these people's lives anymore. They lost their careers. They lost themselves. MJ is still the same great guy. These people are the losers that they chose to become. Let's not even sweat these fools. Let's put our sweat on Mickey. :)
i didn't post the info just so people could freak while the others blew it off...just know about it, hope nothing gets blown up on monday, and that the show gets quickly cancelled or they both try to roll each other up and smoke each other