18 Jun08.............Vegas..Vegas..Vegas.. the media is obsessed

and that's y i detest feldman. b/c he claims he wasn't that upset w/ the std book and that bashir tricked him....

and haim is just insane cuz in a small interview they had w/ us mag he mentions he doesn't know y feldman was so enamored w/ mj and what really happed or something stupid insinuating sinister things....

haim's still doing drugs, failed comeback, so pathetic he even took an ad out in the paper saying he wanted to work and pretty muchbegging for the industry to give him another chance

and this reality s how labels feldman as a WORKING ACTOR....yet he's driving a car that isn't his and living in a house that ain't his....his son is nowhere to be found and his wife was his groupie....it's a fake show that got too real towards the end of filming the last season...i don't know y they are bringing it back and i know haim's trying to stir up drama so people can watch it.

feldman is so obsessed w/ mj he has a spare room that's the mj room...they put all the stuff in the closet but haim's so messy it was open and u couldsee old vintage mj stuff....let it go...he doesn't like u anymore.

and after watching that....i've realized that tori spelling has more talent in her pinkie than the two coreys puttogether....that's y u don't do drugs
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Who ever they are talking about, this is not a good time for this.. This show comes out in July.. a new reality show 'Both Corey's"..

This shit is about to begin it's second season. It starts on Sunday.
Why are you all making this about MJ?
His name isn't mentioned, so why is this talked about on here? Or talked about at all actually?
Oh crap.. JUNE 22nd.. I read july 22nd..

It's about to break off... NOT IN A GOOD WAY..

get ready to get your defence on fans..

don't take it with a grain of salt, otherwise you'll be taken by suprize...

First off, do NOT share this to anyone.. NO MYSPACE, no other MJ thread or site..

It WILL get into more peoples hands..

just delete the damn thing and take cover.. Take ur armor and bullets with you cuz it's about to rain..

HOW HARD is the question.. Hopefully it will be minimal, but I aint taking chances..
Oh crap.. JUNE 22nd.. I read july 22nd..

It's about to break off... NOT IN A GOOD WAY..

get ready to get your defence on fans..

don't take it with a grain of salt, otherwise you'll be taken by suprize...

First off, do NOT share this to anyone.. NO MYSPACE, no other MJ thread or site..

It WILL get into more peoples hands..

just delete the damn thing and take cover.. Take ur armor and bullets with you cuz it's about to rain..

HOW HARD is the question.. Hopefully it will be minimal, but I aint taking chances..
Again, why the need to say all of that? Where is MJ's name? What makes you so sure they are talking about him?
There's absolutely no need for this.
We're making this about Michael because the MEDIA will... We know what they are going to do before they do it..

I'm just saying take cover... just in case..

Feldman is always connected to Michael...
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Until they bring up Michael, I don't think there's need to talk about it on here.
Nobody has mentioned his name, just some of you on here.
So again, YOU are making it about him when it isn't.
all i said was take cover.....

i dont wait to see the smoke for a bomb to start taking cover.. If I'm in dangerous terrortory, I'm going for shelter.

dont want to talk about it.. i said dont spread it, delete it... the end...
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My goodness gracious Ladies & Gents...
People have no idea what is about to happen...please be patient...Mr.Jackson won't allow "ANYONE" to disrespect...nor will not let us down...

When one (s) have "GOD" and the "TRUTH" by our side...There's is NO stopping us..!

Keep The Faith...Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
Why are ya'll freaking out? Haim could be referring to something that has zero to do with Michael. And that translation doesn't sound anything like what was said on the video.
Oh crap.. JUNE 22nd.. I read july 22nd..

It's about to break off... NOT IN A GOOD WAY..

get ready to get your defence on fans..

don't take it with a grain of salt, otherwise you'll be taken by suprize...

First off, do NOT share this to anyone.. NO MYSPACE, no other MJ thread or site..

It WILL get into more peoples hands..

just delete the damn thing and take cover.. Take ur armor and bullets with you cuz it's about to rain..

HOW HARD is the question.. Hopefully it will be minimal, but I aint taking chances..

WHAT?! :lol:
You know what, Haim says that HE (as in Haim) was being molseted or something like that by someone Feldman still hangs out with. He can't be talking about Michael due to those details, one because Feldman hasn't hung out with Michael since 2001 and two, Haim is referring to himself being assaulted, not Feldman.
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Who ever they are talking about, this is not a good time for this.. This show comes out in July.. a new reality show 'Both Corey's".. U know the media will make this into a Michael Jackson thing..

I think Michael should be made aware of this before it comes out.. Give time for sometype of preperation..

If 'Living With MJ' and that moment MJ was with Gavin would start up all that it did.. Corey Feldman talking about being molested at 14.. The same year he met Michael Jackson is NOT GOOD..

NOT NOW while the album is being prepared, finished, and released...

Not saying this would start another trial... But bad rumors YES!!


oh please. if truth is on your side, you don't have to lift a finger.
so is this true that MJ is release new single out

when is date release?

is this for real that he is release new single i never hear anything about in the sideo? (sorry about my spell)
i found this is this o.k to post it

here it is


Michael Jackson - New Album (Pre-Release 2008) Exclusivo

1. Michael Jackson - Gangsta (No Friend of Mine) (3:18)
2. Michael Jackson - Xcape (5:53)
3. Michael Jackson - Why - with 3T (5:25)
4. Michael Jackson - What more can I give (5:12)
5. Michael Jackson - Todo para ti (What more can I (4:41)
6. Michael Jackson - What more can I give/Todo par (5:01)
7. Michael Jackson - Let me let go (3:41)
8. Michael Jackson - Someone put your hand out (5:27)
9. Michael Jackson - I need you - with 3T (3:59)
10. Michael Jackson - Ride with me - with Rodney 'D (3:01)
11. Michael Jackson - Biggerman (4:25)
12. Michael Jackson - Get out of my mind (4:37)
13. Michael Jackson - Mamacita - with Santana (4:01)

here anything one news i found

here it is

Jackson to Release 4 New Singles?!

An on-going feud between Michael Jackson's long-time rep, Raymone Bain, and Fox News reporter Roger Friedman has forced Bain to reveal details of the pop superstar's comeback. In yet another of his weekly 'Jackson Bashings', Friedman alledged the singer fabricated claims of a new CD and is, indeed, ill -with an addiction to pain-killers. Along with denying the allegations, Bain outlined Jackson's immediate plans for the future. Speaking to MJStar, Bain said 'He [Michael] is going to release several singles prior to the album being released. He’s finishing up the first 3-4 now', later adding that the singles will be released before the end of this year. Contributors to the album are set to include Will.I.Am, Rodney 'Darkchild' Jerkins and Ne-Yo.

I'm hoping Michael releases his new CD this year; it's been too long. It'll be interesting to see how he plans on dropping up to four singles prior to the album coming out. With the rumored release date being in November, his new material should start surfacing soon.

Can Michael silence his critics by making a big comeback?
Labels: Michael Jackson
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Rockstar hello! This exclusive so called new album that you posted is not true as it has been posted before and with investigation from members and knowledge of how Michael releases his album information is known that this so called exclusive is not real.
You know what, Haim says that HE (as in Haim) was being molseted or something like that by someone Feldman still hangs out with. He can't be talking about Michael due to those details, one because Feldman hasn't hung out with Michael since 2001 and two, Haim is referring to himself being assaulted, not Feldman.

Oh. Are people not catching it isn't about Feldman. My only concern was the reference to 'your friend' that you still hang out with. I didn't know if he could be referencing MJ or not. It actually sounds like it has more to do with some business deal anyway and the term was used figuratively.
I watched that video and my heart just stopped beating....PLEASE dont let this be about Michael. That is the last thing he needs right now. I just hope they are talking about somebody else and nothing will be mentioned. Like if the media gets going on about this...the chance of a comeback is royally screwed. I just have to pray that they arent referring to MJ in anyway!!
I watched that video and my heart just stopped beating....PLEASE dont let this be about Michael. That is the last thing he needs right now. I just hope they are talking about somebody else and nothing will be mentioned. Like if the media gets going on about this...the chance of a comeback is royally screwed. I just have to pray that they arent referring to MJ in anyway!!

Will you calm down for crying out loud? this all would have been flushed out during his 2003 trial move on and let it go!
Alright...I have put myself at ease. This is from the time around the 2005 trial:

Feldman stops short of accusing Jackson of molesting him, saying that he was never touched: "He never harmed me. And he never harmed any children in front of me."

The actor, however, previously told investigators in December 1993, when Jackson was first investigated on charges of child molestation, that someone — though not Jackson — had molested him. According to tapes obtained by the TV show "Celebrity Justice," Feldman is heard saying in those police interviews, "I myself was molested, so I know what it's like to go through those feelings, and believe me, the person who molested me, if this was him that did that to me, this would be a different story because I would be out there, up front, doing something immediately to have this man given what was due to him."

Jackson, however, "never did anything out of line," Feldman told police detectives. "I mean, the closest he ever came to touching me was maybe slapping me on the leg once to talk about that I had lost weight."

Feldman told "20/20" that he's defended Jackson "up and down" with both the public and the police. "I did what I believed was right as a friend," he said. " 'No, he's not gay. No, he's not a weirdo.' You don't understand the toll that it takes, having to be friends with somebody like Michael Jackson, because you spend your whole life defending [him]."


Phew...I was startin to get worried. Everybody has no reason to worry, it wasn't Michael who molested him as a kid. I figured it wasn't so its all good:)
The only thing that matters is Mr. Jackson is free and living his life with his children and living toward the future. That is what we should be talking about and not worrying about what happened back in 2003 or before that. Let's look forward to Michael's new album and future projects that he has. :yes:
Well of course Mike didn't do it, that's just stupid. Can't nobody do anything to MJ no more, not the media, not no law enforcement, no one! So this little 'blowout' with the Coreys is nothin.
Alright...I have put myself at ease. This is from the time around the 2005 trial:

Feldman stops short of accusing Jackson of molesting him, saying that he was never touched: "He never harmed me. And he never harmed any children in front of me."

The actor, however, previously told investigators in December 1993, when Jackson was first investigated on charges of child molestation, that someone — though not Jackson — had molested him. According to tapes obtained by the TV show "Celebrity Justice," Feldman is heard saying in those police interviews, "I myself was molested, so I know what it's like to go through those feelings, and believe me, the person who molested me, if this was him that did that to me, this would be a different story because I would be out there, up front, doing something immediately to have this man given what was due to him."

Jackson, however, "never did anything out of line," Feldman told police detectives. "I mean, the closest he ever came to touching me was maybe slapping me on the leg once to talk about that I had lost weight."

Feldman told "20/20" that he's defended Jackson "up and down" with both the public and the police. "I did what I believed was right as a friend," he said. " 'No, he's not gay. No, he's not a weirdo.' You don't understand the toll that it takes, having to be friends with somebody like Michael Jackson, because you spend your whole life defending [him]."


Phew...I was startin to get worried. Everybody has no reason to worry, it wasn't Michael who molested him as a kid. I figured it wasn't so its all good:)

Not only that but for your information (and anyone else who doesn't know) Corey tried to tell Sneddon about the person who did molest him and Sneddon wasn't interested. That tells you a lot about motives.
Man people, don't trip. It gets boring. And there's nothing to trip about. Haim insn't even referring to Feldman being assaulted, he's referring to himself.
Oh crap.. JUNE 22nd.. I read july 22nd..

It's about to break off... NOT IN A GOOD WAY..

get ready to get your defence on fans..

don't take it with a grain of salt, otherwise you'll be taken by suprize...

First off, do NOT share this to anyone.. NO MYSPACE, no other MJ thread or site..

It WILL get into more peoples hands..

just delete the damn thing and take cover.. Take ur armor and bullets with you cuz it's about to rain..

HOW HARD is the question.. Hopefully it will be minimal, but I aint taking chances..

Well, KOPV, you are the one who posted the "warning" in the thread. Why are yall talking about this as if it is bound to happen? Yall need to remember that the media read these boards. I would like to suggest that the Youtube clip and the "warnings" be removed from the thread. Let's not start this and then blame it on the media later.