YT, sony have uploaded clips from this is it bonus features on the DVD's

Re: New Youtube Official TII Snippets from unreleased DVD/BluRay Jan 26 2010

Because they know they have a hot commodity & want to eke it out to us, as they always have.

every other movie out there gets released on dvd blu ray AND movie download at the same time. why is it that only this movie where the movie download part is being left out, and up in the air? why is sony doing this?
Re: New Youtube Official TII Snippets from unreleased DVD/BluRay Jan 26 2010

:( I haven't been able to see Bucherest again - at least not yet. Too much. I am taking very tiny baby steps. The pain is still very real.

Somedays are better than others. But for some reason today, on Dr. MLK, Jr.'s day, it's been very HARD for me. DR. MLK, JR. is a HERO and an inspiration to me - just like Michael. April 4th is when MLK, Jr. was shot. Today is his birthday (technically, it was Friday). Nonetheless - it's a mixed emotions sort of day.

Because just like MJ said in TDCAU,l "if Martine Luther were living, he would not let this be" - because MJ knew that the ideals and the laws he helped pass, were not being enforced, when they SHOULD HAVE.

I dunno. Just a bad day for me - mourning is an incurable disease. But somedays are better, and today is not one of those days.

I know how you feel about the burning jacket. I suddenly had awful flashbacks to 1984 and the Pepsi commercial. What I understood from it is, MJ would take it off, throw it on the ground - then it would burn.

As long as it wasn't near him when the flames came up - now that - I like!

I know what you mean Sirena. Its great to see him and yet it just reminds me that he won't be doing these concerts. I was just watching LIVE in Bucharest today.

I don't like the burning jacket. The rest was all great.
Thanks for the clips. I enjoyed them but it pisses me off.
It makes no sense that this man is gone. :boohoo:

Why are the extras only on Blu-ray? Not everybody owns one of those players.

Ah well. I'll take what I can get. :sigh: I'll have mine on the 26th regardless.
When he talks about the earth I think of Haiti he is very well missed i try not to cry i really loved and respect MJJ