YT, sony have uploaded clips from this is it bonus features on the DVD's

There is a distinct lack of new footage though.

I'm going to be annoyed if the featurettes consist mainly of this stuff - footage we've already seen with people pointing out inane and obvious things like, 'Michael looked happy on the cherrypicker.'

We know. We've seen it. So rather than showing us stuff we've already seen and telling us stuff we already know, why not put that extra disc space to good use by including the unseen performances etc?
What was he eating? lol. It doesn't matter but it looked like a snack. Sometimes I still think he is going pop up somewhere but I know that won't happen. It's hard to be really happy when you see these things. Makes you miss him more.
There is a distinct lack of new footage though.

I'm going to be annoyed if the featurettes consist mainly of this stuff - footage we've already seen with people pointing out inane and obvious things like, 'Michael looked happy on the cherrypicker.'

We know. We've seen it. So rather than showing us stuff we've already seen and telling us stuff we already know, why not put that extra disc space to good use by including the unseen performances etc?

I agree, and they should release it on regular DVD too! Not just blueray! I'm pissed that more extras are on blueray as oppose to the regular DVD. I can't affored to buy a bluray player.

I heard there was over 200 hours of footage. Where is it?


I love this scene. Michael is totally relaxed and into it. All of those people bad mouthing Kenny and saying he wasn't really friends with Michael are wrong. Michael looks as comfortable in this clip as he was sitting around with friends at home. This is proof enough to me that he was comfortable with and trusted Kenny. Love the extra footage of Michael.

Another point. I can't believe how young he looks in the black and white Smooth Criminal photo. If I hadn't known it was new, I really would have thought it was an old photo.

Even though it makes me kind of sad to see footage of Michael, I really want to see the rest.
That black and white Smooth Criminal photo is old. It's from the original video shoot. No idea what it's doing in the trailer.

If you watch carefully, there's also a very quick shot from the Bucharest DVD - MJ performing Smooth Criminal with the yellow leotard underneath his jacket!
I agree, and they should release it on regular DVD too! Not just blueray! I'm pissed that more extras are on blueray as oppose to the regular DVD. I can't affored to buy a bluray player.

I heard there was over 200 hours of footage. Where is it?

I agree. If there's so much footage, why aren't they showing it to us?

Makes me wonder if they're trying to hide something.
What was he eating? lol. It doesn't matter but it looked like a snack. Sometimes I still think he is going pop up somewhere but I know that won't happen. It's hard to be really happy when you see these things. Makes you miss him more.

I agree, that is true!
i dunno what he was eating lol but yes he looked happy and i miss him 2

chew that gum baby
wow soo many videos! wow! wow! he looks soo good, better each time i see him -cant wait for the blue ray now!!

I think that might be the reason to give us so many vids: making sure most of us get the BR... and that some of those who don't have the BR player, buy one. I will. But I will buy one from Phillips.
Oh goodness. That rollercoaster of emotions I felt during the TII release time everytime I saw a new clip of him from around June.... Watching those ^^^ it's back and just as strong as before. Man, It's been a couple months since I felt this nervousness mixed with excitedness and scaredness... just... pure anxiety. Here we go again. I'm excited for the DVD and all of the extras, but...ugh, man. The nausea in the pit of my stomach...I dunno if I'm ready to go through all of this again. :(
Thank you, though. :flowers:

Exactly my words.
Exactly my feelings.

I feel devaste now.
This broke my heart in a million pieces again and I was not expecting any new footage at all. I am ... I feel... in shock and empty. It's the pre TII feeling all over again.

I feel emotionally devasted, seriusly. I was just talking with my mother about Haiti and feeling helpless, thinking what MJ would feel and then... aawwwww :cry::cry::cry::cry:

I am sick of this feeling :cry:


Michael love french fries and that's what it looks like his eating with some ketchup on it? lol

Also looking at him here (which I can stare at for hrs :D) reminds me of him from the bad era! *SIGH* I can't believe I won't be able to get the blue ray version!:( I will have to settle for the regular DVD! Which means less MJ HOTTNESS for me to enjoy, nooo! :(
Aw, I miss him so much... every day I miss ... every single day... but today is really bad day... I still can't believe he's gone. I just can't... :weeping:


oooh just noticed he's wearing the clothes in this bit that we saw in the first pix of him with the curls. This footage must've been taken on that same day after he saw fans cuz he's wearing the jacket one of the pictured fans gave him. Should be interesting to see more footage from this day to see more of his mood and whatnot. :)

Yes, this is from May 29, 2009.

It was just confirmed by one of the fans who shared the pics of the day of "The curls are back". She explained they took the pics a bit latter of what we see on this new clip.

i cant get the video up :(

have sony took it down?
i love this man,what a beautiful man.i miss him so much,when is the release date for england?,i am confused between the american release and the british release.i think i,ll have to get the blu ray and i don,t have a blu ray player,can you play the blu ray on a laptop?
This is so wonderful yet so sad! Seeing michael in his element. doing what he loved, being just himself, and the amazing person he is. The world is so unfair I must say.

btw.. zaldys GLOVE?? you must be joking right..? it's was awful, the jacket was cool but the glove..? where were the swarovski stones?
I didn't want to click the first video but right when I did and I heard his laugh, I couldn't help but smile. I miss him. I really do. While watching the videos, I felt so happy and very excited then after watching the videos, I now have this heavy feeling in my heart.

I think he was eating french fries though.
*started crying again*

Why Michael why did you have to go?? :cry:

The whole concert was going to be nothing short of BRILLIANCE!!!

Mike was ready to blow the fans, the critics and naysayers out of the water! A documentary just showing rehearsals showed Michael was on top of his game. Imagine what the real concerts would have been like?? If only God had let him do ONE show before taking this beautiful man away from us!