YT, sony have uploaded clips from this is it bonus features on the DVD's

he's eating
i'm crying
he looked beautiful
the beginning of the video must of been the day he got his curls back
omg :cry:
i was happy at first but now.. im upset again. God he... I can't explain it :cry:
makes my stomach churn when i see this sort of thing. None of this makes sense! Why... just why.
I only watched one...I can't bear it. :no: COME BACK MICHAEL!!!!! So beautiful and amazing...
wow soo many videos! wow! wow! he looks soo good, better each time i see him -cant wait for the blue ray now!!
Why did this happened to that angel? I'm just not able to find an answer that would justify it :(
Thanks, TSCM, for the embeds. :wub:

Michael Jackson still has so much more to teach us.