Xscape chart positions. (incl. singles)

^She's a pain in the ass overall. But once the media fed up with her, they'll put her down like they do with all once on the top. If Michael continued despite their efforts was because we were persistent and didn't let him.
I believe no one had to endure what Michael gone through, and I tend to believe no one ever will. It's true that the media does have the tendency to put celebrities down once they're fed up with them but when I see today's pop culture (I don't mean pop music only), it's so much easier to be "fed up" with some people. We're just getting overdosed constantly with some celebrities, like god forbid if they'll take a break that's longer than 3 months. It's all too much and too fast. They're getting unjustified crowns and tiaras. They do SO great in charts and then they just vanish. I am not threatened by their fame, I just find it ridiculous. Nothing is long term and yet the media still talks in long term words only to join the demolishing party some time later.

Personally I think Taylor Swift have some more time to enjoy her fame. But take Justin Bieber for example, for him it's the begining of the end in my opinion... and we're less than 2 years after Oprah shamelessly called him the new Michael Jackson (and compared his success to the "beatlemania") based mainly on TWITTER FOLLWOERS.
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^She's a pain in the ass overall. But once the media fed up with her, they'll put her down like they do with all once on the top.

They'll not do that to her. Like I said, powerful people in the music industry and elsewhere that controls the media love her because she is the ideal American girl. They want her to be the role model for young America. White, country... So if something doesn't change drastically (if she doesn't whore up like Rihanna or Miley) she'll always be America's sweetheart and media's darling - something MJ never was.
^ True but I think her success will fade away eventually as her fans will grow up, like most pop icons who have a very specific audience of certain age and demographics. BUT also, slip ups are inevitable. Especially if you're playing the "perfect" card. The main page of TMZ is full of celebrities who were once considered sweethears, from the Olsens and Lindsey to Britney (who's actually recovring her downfall). You can volunteer any other ex media sweetheart that comes to mind lol...

If we take Britney and Christina the perfect Mickey Mouse club sweethearts, they both suffered huge career dropdowns in the mid 2000's for various reasons but I think part of it was because the too sweet image has started to crumble and that their fans simply grew up and didn't care. Then you have Pink who was never labeled Ms. Perfect and who's sales weren't as great as them in the early 00's but managed to go through the decade without a massive dropdown and actually was one of the biggest sellers of 2012. So this perfect girl lable is a curse in my opinion and it doesn't last long. With men it's a bit different. Most of 00's male sweethearts managed to keep up so there has to be a bit of sexism to it too in addition to the racism that was mentioned here before (and can not be denied).
We have to take into account that MJ's numbers weren't updated for some weeks.
InvincibleTal;4056673 said:
They're getting unjustified crowns and tiaras..

Funny that you say that because Taylor Swift has been just compared to MJ by one of her producers:

Jack Antonoff Just Put Taylor Swift On Michael Jackson’s Level — For A Good Reason Jack also tells us how he and Tay celebrated.

by Emilee Lindner 11/6/2014
With reporting by James Lacsina
When Bleachers’ Jack Antonoff told GQ that friend Taylor Swift if the closest thing to Michael Jackson, people got in a bit of a “huff and puff.” But he’s sticking to his statement, telling MTV News that Taylor’s first-week album sales further prove she’s like the King of Pop.
“She’s proving that she’s that one person who stands above the rest,” Antonoff told us about Swift, who sold about 1.2 million copies of 1989 in its first seven days. “And it’s amazing when people buy art and buy music — I get really excited. And for her to be doing numbers that people were doing 20 years ago is incredible.”

And since Antonoff helped write and produce two songs off the record, how are they toasting to their successful tunes?
“We’ve been doing a lot of celebrating over text,” Antonoff told us backstage at his Los Angeles Bleachers show. “It’s just this exciting back and forth. I’m humbled by all of it. I feel humble to be a part of it. She always seemed humbled. It’s happening. It’s all wonderful.”


Just a day before Swift's new album was compared to Janet's Rhythm Nation 1814: http://www.mtv.com/news/1988032/taylor-swift-janet-jackson-1989-rhythm-nation-1814/

And today Drake was compared to MJ: http://www.vibe.com/article/drake-gets-compared-michael-jackson

I'm not even offended by these as they are just so ridiculously over-the-top comparations. It's like everyone and their mother gets the "new MJ" title these days. LOL. Maybe we should feel flattered about everyone wanting to be like MJ. Not that I understand the reason for these comparations. I mean Swift isn't even in the same genre, so it would be more appropriate to compare her to Elvis or something who had a lot more to do with the type of audience that Swift attracts. Not that comparing her to Elvis would not be similarly over the top, but at least it would be closer in genre and audience. And Rhythm Nation is a legendary album, while 1989 hardly even came out yet, so it's a bit premature to compare it to RN or any other legendary album.

When people so easily label someone "king", "queen", new this or new that such titles become shallow and meaningless and it's hard to take them seriously.
Hahah closest thing to MJ, lol. there will NEVER be anyone as close, simply because its different times and music changes so quickly and u have soo many artists that its simply impossible. everything has been done and noone stands out. thats it
They'll not do that to her. Like I said, powerful people in the music industry and elsewhere that controls the media love her because she is the ideal American girl. They want her to be the role model for young America. White, country... So if something doesn't change drastically (if she doesn't whore up like Rihanna or Miley) she'll always be America's sweetheart and media's darling - something MJ never was.
. I agree with these comparisons to Britney and Lindsey. The appeal is definitely to a certain age group. And maybe men can last a little longer but not much. It was just a couple of years ago that I saw Diane Sawyer comparing the Jonas bros to the Beatles and Oprah was comparing Justin b to Michael. .
Their demographic grew up and the media moved on. The press only wants the darling of the day.

And people forget that the Beatles were ripped up by the press constantly after the first 2 yrs bc they were just so powerful. That didn't really stop until John got killed. And dont forget that Elvis was called nothing but a drug addled fatso in his last ten years by the press until he suddenly died.

The press or tabloids or whatever will just do whatever to make money at the moment and move on. Record labels move on to the next great white hope.

Michael's deal was totally different. He was such a phenomenon that he no longer had a demographic. Motown 25 happened and the WORLD became his demographic.
He was a media darling for a few years and then he was attacked from millions of sides for a million different reasons seemingly at once.

On another note, just look at these numbers. #11 in 2014 that he had no hand in production and couldn't promote? Look where Streisand and Springsteen are on the list. I don't even see Warwick or Manilow or Smokey or other greats that had albums thus year.
He's still a phenomenon!!! I'm very proud.
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The main page of TMZ is full of celebrities who were once considered sweethears, from the Olsens and Lindsey to Britney (who's actually recovring her downfall). You can volunteer any other ex media sweetheart that comes to mind lol...

If we take Britney and Christina the perfect Mickey Mouse club sweethearts, they both suffered huge career dropdowns in the mid 2000's for various reasons.

I said, "So if something doesn't change drastically (if she doesn't whore up like Rihanna or Miley) she'll always be America's sweetheart and media's darling".

Something changing drastically would be "whoring up" like Rihanna or Miley.. or Britney and Christina. Good examples. But I doubt that will happen to her.
^^Also Taylor is, like I said, symbol of America (white American and country/pop) - which Christina Aguilera is not (Ecuadorian/Irish). Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus had that advantage of being white Americans and they were media and industry sweethearts for some period of time, but they weren't country, like Taylor is. So they didn't even had a chance to become adult media darlings (even if they didn't whore up).
Well if by country you mean both the genre and appealing to the white middle class I would say Miley definitely qualified there. Her father is country and her godmother is Dolly Parton. And you can't get more country than Miley with that accent.
And the media loved her in her Hannah Montana days.
But she got sleazy.

And lots of amazing singers have cracked up. Look at Whitney. Look at Mariah. Look at Judy Garland.These 3 had talents beyond compare and beauty to match. They weren't fly by night pop stars.

I don't think Taylor has longevity power like they did.
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Yeah, Christina isn't exactly that but I think the appearance worked for her. Also, sometimes the industry needs new faces and it was a good time for that, with the rise of latin stars in the early 2000's (J-LO, Shakira, Enrique, Ricky Martin, Etc), Christina was seen as a Britney's opponent than anyone else's.

As for Taylor, I too doubt she'll go through the nudity phase, but it's a world of temptations and the perfect image is too much for them to handle eventually. The restraint starts to fall apart around the same time their demographics are no longer their demographics (meaning their teenage fans are no longer teenagers). I can't think of one name of media sweetheart that managed to maintain it for too long (and actually lived to it). Male "symbols of America" are not included (JT is a media sweetheart since ever for example)
And lots of amazing singers have cracked up. Look at Whitney. Look at Mariah. Look at Judy Garland.
I don't think Taylor has longevity power like they did.

I think so too. Regardless of color and origins many artists had that "Ms. Perfect" image, an image that went down the toilet after a while. Whitney is a great example, she was such a sweetheart in every aspect of the word (not a media sweatheart) and then she was just lost.
Well if by country you mean both the genre and appealing to the white middle class I would say Miley definitely qualified there. Her father is country and her godmother is Dolly Parton. And you can't get more country than Miley with that accent.
And the media loved her in her Hannah Montana days.
But she got sleazy.

I agree. But her style/genre (music) was always pop, not country.

She didn't become just sleazy. She became a whore. She's always naked, showing her boobs and ass. I'm not talking about drugs. She replaced that kids Disney star (Hannah Montana) with completely new adult personality, just like Britney and Aguilera did, but times 10.

Taylor is acting like a lady (which is a good thing), she looks beautiful, dresses elegantly and stylish and she's always dressed - she's not showing her naked body to sell her music. And she's 25. Same age as Rihanna and 3 years older than Miley! She is adult and I don't think she'll change much.
OnirMJ;4056652 said:

1. "Frozen" OST - 6,256,000 released 2013 cannot explain this:)
2. "Ghost Stories" Coldplay - 2,808,000
3. "X" Ed Sheeran - 2,225,000
4. "Beyoncé" Beyoncé - 2,141,000 released 2013 went on tour
5. "In The Lonely Hour" Sam Smith - 1,792,000
6. "GIRL" Pharrell Williams - 1,771,000 toured to promote
7. "Pure Heroine" Lorde - 1,721,000 released 2013 and went on tour
8. "1989" Taylor Swift - 1,681,000
9. "Midnight Memories" One Direction - 1,621,000 released 2013 and went on tour
10. "Prism" Katy Perry - 1,518,000 released 2013 and went on tour

11. "Xscape" Michael Jackson - 1,478,000

I think Xscape did rather well, without promotional tour and no appearances on tv shows etc like others on the list.
IF Xxcape hadn't been one of the most illegally downloaded album (MJ fans?), I dare to say he would have been quite high on the list.

Black Keys only sold 810,000 and yet they snatched no 1 in US:(
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Taylor fan base is mostly (white) teen girls and mostly country music fans, so if she wants to keep selling she just have to keep a wholesome image.

BTW, her album will keep pushing others down the chart - she's expected to sell 400K next week in USA, so she'll likely finish in the top 3 by the end of the year.

If Sony are not planning any promo for the Holidays, they should at least discount Xscape for Black Friday and Xmas, giving it a sales boost.
Black Keys only sold 810,000 and yet they snatched no 1 in US:(

The U.S. number one was lost due to Estate/Sony's distribution of free Xscape copies to Cirque Immortal/ONE attendees.
well if "symbol of america" is what she will be remembered as, thats totally fine with me. I dont know any of her songs, she is extremely boring as an artist, uninfluential and uninspiring - just a girl next door. Im a woman but im in awe of Michael style, the dance and fashion. He was an artist with every inch of his body and soul. Something which generations from now will still appreciate and try to imitate. I dont see this happening with any of the artists nowadays and really comparing anyone to Michael is a disgrace to me.
Off topic a bit but Michael Jackson is number 2 trending search on iTunes UK at the moment.
I think it is at least a little bit good thing that people in music business compare their artists to MJ. Like reaching the same status as MJ is the top, cannot get any higher than that. These comparisons also keep's Michael's name out there for the generations to come and they could check out what is this hoopla about MJ. Any Taylor S, Justin B etc fans now knows about Michael + people talking about MJ in articles, interviews, tv shows etc means free publicity to MJ. They can say what ever they like about Taylor, Justin B, Justin T and many more that they are next MJ, but it will remain to see whether these guys made any kind of impact in the industry and will their music stand the test of time. MJ, Elvis and The Beatles left huge impact on music business, and made a difference, and brought something new on music scenes, but I'm yet to see anyone else to make that kind of impact. They usually fizzle out in a matter of 5 years.
I doubt there are many people (who are not teenagers fans or Oprah) who read Justin Bieber\Taylor Swift comparisons to MJ and thinks like "well that sounds right". "The new king of pop" is upsetting though.
France Top Albums:
N°122: The Essential MJ (+53)
N°124: Xscape (-32)

France Top Singles:
N°72: LNFSG feat Timberlake (-7)
N°152: Thriller (new)
Croatia ARC Top 100

Love Never Felt So Good OUT
A Place With No Name #63
There Must Be More To Life Than This #67

Chart run (LNFSG):
#51 - #15 - #2 - #1 - #1 - #1 - #1 - #1 - #2 - #1 - #2 - #5 - #4 - #7 - #10 - #8 - #6 - #18 - #24 - #50 - #47 - #62 - #66 - #75 - #76 - OUT

Chart run (APWNN):
#81 - #49 - #32 - #31 - #20 - #23 - #26 - #31 - #32 - #42 - #63

Chart run (TMBMTLTT):
#58 - #56 - #57 - #66 - #67


1. "Frozen" OST - 6,311,000
2. "Ghost Stories" Coldplay - 2,808,000
3. "X" Ed Sheeran - 2,314,000
4. "1989" Taylor Swift - 2,254,000
5. "Beyoncé" Beyoncé - 2,141,000
6. "In The Lonely Hour" Sam Smith - 1,859,000
7. "GIRL" Pharrell Williams - 1,771,000
8. "Pure Heroine" Lorde - 1,721,000
9. "Midnight Memories" One Direction - 1,621,000
10. "Prism" Katy Perry - 1,518,000

11. "Xscape" Michael Jackson - 1,489,000
12. "Night Visions" Imagine Dragons - 1,404,000
13. "The Marshall Matters LP 2" Eminem - 1,320,000
14. "Racine Carrée" Stromae - 1,280,000
15. "Unorthodox Jukebox" Bruno Mars - 1,122,000
16. "Ultraviolence" Lana Del Rey - 1,110,000
17. "5 Seconds of Summer" 5 Seconds of Summer - 1,107,000
18. "True" Avicii - 1,075,000
19. "AM" Arctic Monkeys - 1,061,000
20. "Tsugi No Ashiato" AKB 48 - 1,050,000

21. "Native" OneRepublic - 955,000
22. "Partners" Barbra Streisand - 943,000
23. "Farbenspiel" Helene Fischer - 916,000
24. "Bad Blood" Bastille - 907,000
25. "High Hopes" Bruce Springsteen - 900,000
26. "Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix vol.1" OST - 897,000
27. "The Hunting Party" Linkin Park - 834,000
28. "Turn Blue" The Black Keys - 810,000
29. "Love In the Future" John Legend - 810,000
30. "V" Maroon 5 - 806,000

31. "The Outsiders" Eric Church - 804,000
32. "Random Access Memories" Daft Punk - 795,000
33. "My Everything" Ariana Grande - 781,000
34. "If You Wait" London Grammar - 745,000
35. "The Digitalian" Arashi - 741,000
36. "Crash My Party" Luke Bryan - 705,000
37. "Shakira" Shakira - 698,000
38. "Swing Both Ways" Robbie Williams - 685,000
39. "Bangerz" Miley Cyrus - 680,000
40. "Caustic Love" Paolo Nutini - 653,000

Source: United World Chart
- Numbers indicate sales between 1.1.2014. and 11.13.2014.
- The numbers are solely based on presence of the albums on UWC weekly top 40.