World Tour - More than a rumor this time?-Update post 159

Well I am a new fan. I haven't been through this before so maybe you can tell me, in the past, how long before the tour was announced did word get out that it was in the works. To put it another way, how far can Michael get without a leak. As it is we are hearing more and more things that we may someday look back and say were the first leaks.

I find it amusing that all these 20-something year-old's my age are saying they're "new fans". :rofl:

I don't like to brag but I was bigging Mike's music and his videos since age 3. So I'm a 20, 21-year veteran. More casual and not fanatical but still, lol...
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Well, it shouldn't matter how you become a fan, as long as you do, lol. I think it's sweet, actually. And fans who got in to Michael during or after the trial I think did so because they saw this really nice guy being railroaded, it was obvious, and they hated what they saw. So they started to pay attention to him and bam, like anyone who pays attention to Michael and actually listens to him, you can't help but fall in love. Or just really admire him if you're a guy, lol. I really started to get in to Michael when I was in middle school. But I think a lot of people just don't pay attention to music and that kind of thing when they're kids. They're more care-free, lol.
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I find it amusing that all these 20-something year-old's my age are saying they're "new fans". :rofl:

I don't like to brag but I was bigging Mike's music and his videos since age 3. So I'm a 20, 21-year veteran. More casual and not fanatical but still, lol...

20 something huh? Batts eyes at Timmy.:cheeky:


Actually WBSS's description is right. 1984 slipped right past me because when I could finally afford a radio/stereo it was for my 3 sons who played the music THEY liked on it.. not like I had any free time to enjoy music anyway. I didn't even know who Michael Jackson was until the trial, as incredible as that seems.

So you just behave yourself youngin' or I'll put you over my knee. :ph34r:
20 something huh? Batts eyes at Timmy.:cheeky:


Actually WBSS's description is right. 1984 slipped right past me because when I could finally afford a radio/stereo it was for my 3 sons who played the music THEY liked on it.. not like I had any free time to enjoy music anyway. I didn't even know who Michael Jackson was until the trial, as incredible as that seems.

So you just behave yourself youngin' or I'll put you over my knee. :ph34r:

So who did you like? ;)
And I guess that destroys the assumption that Mike's "the most famous person alive" if one person admits they didn't know Mike like that. :giggle:

My friends couldn't believe it. They said that it was maybe me and two other people in the world who didn't know. So they told me about his music and dancing and I got his History video from the library and watched it the week the jury was out. I have been hooked ever since.

As to who I liked ... I wasn't paying attention to artist's names. I thought you could choose a genre and get music you liked and I liked classical and jazz and soul but then I would buy an album and be disappointed because it wasn't consistantly good. I think any music can be good (except for country western :puke: ) if you have a great talent doing it. This is what I have come to learn.
My friends couldn't believe it. They said that it was maybe me and two other people in the world who didn't know. So they told me about his music and dancing and I got his History video from the library and watched it the week the jury was out. I have been hooked ever since.

As to who I liked ... I wasn't paying attention to artist's names. I thought you could choose a genre and get music you liked and I liked classical and jazz and soul but then I would buy an album and be disappointed because it wasn't consistantly good. I think any music can be good (except for country western :puke: ) if you have a great talent doing it. This is what I have come to learn.

Oh OK, I gotcha now. :)
For real? You never even heard his name? Really? That's SO weird, lol. You'd have to be pretty cut off I would imagine if you'd never even heard his name. I knew who Michael was before I ever even showed any kind of interest in music or celebrities or anything like that.

Whatever Timmy, you know Mike's the most famous, lol. Ain't nobody known to more people then Michael. But there are 6 billion people in the world. Some people don't even know that there's a world outside their own. They just discoverd a tribe of people living in a forest in South America or something, and when a helicopter flew over their huts, they came out pointing bow and arrows at it, lol.
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For real? You never even heard his name? Really? That's SO weird, lol. You'd have to be pretty cut off I would imagine if you'd never even heard his name. I knew who Michael was before I ever even showed any kind of interest in music or celebrities or anything like that.

Whatever Timmy, you know Mike's the most famous, lol. Ain't nobody known to more people then Michael. But there are 6 billion people in the world. Some people don't even know that there's a world outside their own. They just discoverd a tribe of people living in a forest in South America or something, and when a helicopter flew over their huts, they came out pointing bow and arrows at it, lol.

Ha-ha, I was joking, Nikki. :lol:
i know a lot of folks from the trial were saying they were new ass fans....apparently lwmj did the opposite in what they intended b/c many became sympathetic to mj....whatever, a fan is a fan.
i know a lot of folks from the trial were saying they were new ass fans....apparently lwmj did the opposite in what they intended b/c many became sympathetic to mj....whatever, a fan is a fan.

I noticed new members joining the board after LWMJ aired in the U.S. :lol:
For real? You never even heard his name? Really? That's SO weird, lol. Whatever Timmy, you know Mike's the most famous, lol. But there are 6 billion people in the world. Some people don't even know that there's a world outside their own. They just discoverd a tribe of people living in a forest in South America or something, and when a helicopter flew over their huts, they came out pointing bow and arrows at it, lol.

I had never heard Thriller. I heard Ben and cried when I heard it but didn't know who sang it. People from other countries would refer to Michael and I wouldn't know who they were talking about. lol. They would think maybe we pronounced it diferent or something. Looking back I know it was Michael they were talking about even though I don't specifically remember the name they said. There was one person who played in a band and when I asked what kind of music it was Michael they referred to I am sure but I just looked at them blankly and confused the hell out of them. Another described Neverland so I would know who they were talking about but it did them no good. lol. I didn't have a radio in my car and had lousy radio reception here (still do). I would never pick up an artists name in time when I would catch something on the radio I liked. I think I saw the BOTDF video on tv one New Years Eve but since I didn't know who Michael was it seemed kind of bizare. All those weird dancers and the guy in red who was pretty interesting but puzzling that they had this 'video thing' focused around him. Anyway, I am making up for lost time.
I had never heard Thriller. I heard Ben and cried when I heard it but didn't know who sang it. People from other countries would refer to Michael and I wouldn't know who they were talking about. lol. They would think maybe we pronounced it diferent or something. Looking back I know it was Michael they were talking about even though I don't specifically remember the name they said. There was one person who played in a band and when I asked what kind of music it was Michael they referred to I am sure but I just looked at them blankly and confused the hell out of them. Another described Neverland so I would know who they were talking about but it did them no good. lol. I didn't have a radio in my car and had lousy radio reception here (still do). I would never pick up an artists name in time when I would catch something on the radio I liked. I think I saw the BOTDF video on tv one New Years Eve but since I didn't know who Michael was it seemed kind of bizare. All those weird dancers and the guy in red who was pretty interesting but puzzling that they had this 'video thing' focused around him. Anyway, I am making up for lost time.

Wow, that's interesting. So you'd heard of him, or seen him, but you didn't really know who he was. I can understand that happening. Well, here you are now. So it doesn't matter in the end, lol.
I'm readying to sing on his album, too, so anything can happen. I think. I hope. I imagine. I dream... In vain.
I didn't know Michael Jackson either. I didn't know he was the same Michael from the J5. I was not interested in his music and certainly not interested in him. I believed all the tabloid rumour that I heard at the time. I remember when Bad came out and I hated the song. I was more into Prince that time.
I watched LWMJ out ot curiousity. I was blown away. I was hooked. I watched his rebuttal video until I was sick of it. Thanks Bashire(not) lol
I didn't know Michael Jackson either. I didn't know he was the same Michael from the J5. I was not interested in his music and certainly not interested in him. I believed all the tabloid rumour that I heard at the time. I remember when Bad came out and I hated the song. I was more into Prince that time.
I watched LWMJ out ot curiousity. I was blown away. I was hooked. I watched his rebuttal video until I was sick of it. Thanks Bashire(not) lol
WOW!! How old are you, if you dont mind me asking? You didnt know Michael?
What in LWMJ made you a fan?
I dont understand how all those music videos in the past could not make you a fan but LWMJ succeded?
This is so amazing really. I grew up in Sri Lanka (South Asia) for most of my life and I was convinced everyone there and in that region knew who Michael Jackosn mnay had MJ T shirts and woah! when the Dangerous Tour came to Asia -- all hell broke loose...seemed like everyone was into MJ. MJ played afew Indian cities so he was HUGE. and folks in America wasn't familiar with MJ?!!! anyways Im glad new or old fan you are all fans! ;)
Bongani, I didn't know Michael either before I became a fan and that was when I was 16 years old :cheeky:

Wait a minute.. what was this thread about :scratch:

*checks the title*

Ooh, about his Tour rumours.. Ok, better get your butts on topic again :D

*goes to dream about seeing Michael on stage again* :girl_sigh:
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20 something huh? Batts eyes at Timmy.:cheeky:

it.. not like I had any free time to enjoy music anyway. I didn't even know who Michael Jackson was until the trial, as incredible as that seems.

. :ph34r:

You're joking right? You didnt know who he was?? Dint your friends talk about him, everyone has something to say about MJ, whether positive or negative, especially with the vitialigo. People whether fans or not are fascinated with the guy.'
So you had never ever seen a pale good looking man with long hair who apperantly has moonwalking abilities?