World Tour - More than a rumor this time?-Update post 159

Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

signature will be a suppot act, along with others... IF this is true
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

yeah i would think that signature would be pre concert entertainment IF it were true.
when i saw justin timberlake they had some unknown singer opening up for him to keep the crowd amused while we waited for justin.. altho i dont think anyone even cared she was onstage.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

OK, I've just got off the phone with Suleman five minutes ago. His first reaction was 'shock' that this has already been leaked out.

At current, he says he's not allowed to tell me anything on the matter, but apparently there is some truth in this.

I'm always sceptical with "Tour Rumours" so at current, I don't believe in it.

As soon as I hear anything, I'll keep yous posted. Remember, I'm just a messenger in all of this.....


OMG......................................! :wild:
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?


hopefully theres a new album to go along with that tour (which there's no doubt there will be :D LOL)
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Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

Wasnt there something mentioned about signature getting a phone call after the britains got talent final from katherine,tito and jackie and then they mentioned a phone call from michael to follow!
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

Wasnt there something mentioned about signature getting a phone call after the britains got talent final from katherine,tito and jackie and then they mentioned a phone call from michael to follow!

Yep!!! I hope for the 1st time the reporters got it right!!! I hope!!!
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

Wasnt there something mentioned about signature getting a phone call after the britains got talent final from katherine,tito and jackie and then they mentioned a phone call from michael to follow!

Yes. I remembered that when I first saw this and it is one of the reasons I think it might be true, at least in part. Of course the writer could have just built on that and created a fictional article around it too. Who knows.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

I cant imagine that signature would lie about things like this,especially being fans of mj themselves they know how much rumers can hurt!
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

I cant imagine that signature would lie about things like this,especially being fans of mj themselves they know how much rumers can hurt!
They have not lierd though, they simply said it is partly true. I don't believe they are opening for MJ. but they may be a part of what is going on in London, with the Jacksons, minus Michael. It will be interesting to see f MJ turns up in Devon tonight for the welcoming party, cause the party has MJ to attend as well.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

part true. i hate that phrase...but unfortunately so many people go that route. Look, MJ himself will have to hit me over the head with a sledgehammer about a tour before i believe it.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

part true. i hate that phrase...but unfortunately so many people go that route. Look, MJ himself will have to hit me over the head with a sledgehammer about a tour before i believe it.

lol i agree, i have to hear a definate from him
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

They have not lierd though, they simply said it is partly true. I don't believe they are opening for MJ. but they may be a part of what is going on in London, with the Jacksons, minus Michael. It will be interesting to see f MJ turns up in Devon tonight for the welcoming party, cause the party has MJ to attend as well.

They said MJ was invited, he will not go though. I would bet my mortgage on him not attending!
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

DONT get me exited!!!.......too late.
Joking, but I hope it is true, cause I'll be on the hunt for some tickets! Anyone wanna go with me???
(and thanks mo_rizwan for the info :yes: )

Actually, I wont fully believe it until someone announces it.....what other choice do I have?
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

I'm a realist, it's just not true and guess whose name is in that article: JERMAINE. Come on now...
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

:wild:OMG:wild: OMG:wild:OMG:wild:.....Ive been at work all day and just logged on and the first thing I see is 'World Tour' heart be its not working, Im so excited. I know nothing may come of this but I can't help but feel hopeful. Im just gonna :angel:and:angel: that this is will happen.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

Thanx you for posting the article .
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

*Body moving very slowly, breathing unusual.* I hope this news about tours is true, if so I may about to start saving my money at MJ dance pace lol.
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Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

part true. i hate that phrase...but unfortunately so many people go that route. Look, MJ himself will have to hit me over the head with a sledgehammer about a tour before i believe it.
It could also be a good publicity stunt. Afterall, many reputable people have used the MJ name so why not them.
If MJ attends this Jackson welcoming party tonight then I will believe it.
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Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

Oh, but i wanted to add, as soon as i read the words "JERMAINE" my belief in this went OUT the window 100%

Ha ha, basically. Although what this Suleman chap told mo_rizwan does sound intringuing. He could have just been hired for a Jackson family project that doesn't necessarily involve Michael.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

Concerts in London? That would be FANTASTIC! Hope to see him here again.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

Ha ha, basically. Although what this Suleman chap told mo_rizwan does sound intringuing. He could have just been hired for a Jackson family project that doesn't necessarily involve Michael.
That is what I am thinking as well. I think if MJ goes to the party tonight it will be a good sign, otherwise I wont believe it.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

*waits patiently 4 confirmation* lol....hopefully this is true..but jermaine isnt a reliable source lol...why does he always seem 2 speak on mjs behalf and most of the things he says turn out not 2be true lol
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

Jermaine doesn't even know the name of Michael's skin disorder, lol. He always runs out and starts talking about Michael whenver he get's the opportunity.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

That is what I am thinking as well. I think if MJ goes to the party tonight it will be a good sign, otherwise I wont believe it.

He won't, you can bet on it.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

*waits patiently 4 confirmation* lol....hopefully this is true..but jermaine isnt a reliable source lol...why does he always seem 2 speak on mjs behalf and most of the things he says turn out not 2be true lol
We haven't heard Jermaine though. The article is hearsay.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

Jermaine doesn't even know the name of Michael's skin disorder, lol. He always runs out and starts talking about Michael whenver he get's the opportunity.
Not very many people know the name of Mj skin disorder. I wouldn't even have known the name if I wasn't on the board. Not an easy name to remember off hand either. None of us heard Jermaine speak to the media. For all we know this could easily have been all made up or even taken out of context.
Re: World Tour - More than a rumor this time?

He's his brother... He should know, lol.

You could say that. He probably did know but he was speaking to the biggest dummy in the history of tv who told him that she is the 5th most important person in the whole world. He probably thought she couldn't handle such a big name. If you had seen and heard her you would understand why Jermaine would never had used that word to her.
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