Will Obama release a statement?

Obama has started the withdrawal out of Iraq, handed over control to the Iraqi government, and some of you guys are calling him a bad President because you don't like the way he handled the death of Michael Jackson. Just take a minute to contemplate the insanity of it all, lol.

I mean, I wish he would say something about MJ too, but hot damn.
Obama has started the withdrawal out of Iraq, handed over control to the Iraqi government, and some of you guys are calling him a bad President because you don't like the way he handled the death of Michael Jackson. Just take a minute to contemplate the insanity of it all, lol.

I mean, I wish he would say something about MJ too, but hot damn.

This isn't about Obama's politics. People would be making the same demand regardless of the president in office.
From what I read, he sent a letter to the family

And when the news reported that, his detractors were up in arms about it.

Good for them -the Jackson family-; however NOT good enough for us. He addressed their pain, but not of the whole society which he heads.
He must come out and speak, THAT'S WHAT A LEADER SHOULD DO!!!

He is the leader of the United States of America. He is not obligated to make a statement if he feels it should be kept private, or he has other issues to deal with (you know, like the war in Iraq :mello:?). I am saddened that this many fans still think the world revolves around Michael.

Otherwise it's just cowardly -of both him and the Clintons, who were supposedly friends with MJ once upon a time- to shy behing excuses..
So because they haven't said anything means they are cowardly?

I think people here are too much in a vulnerable state that they don't know what they're talking about anymore. Completely illogical.
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Obama has started the withdrawal out of Iraq, handed over control to the Iraqi government, and some of you guys are calling him a bad President because you don't like the way he handled the death of Michael Jackson. Just take a minute to contemplate the insanity of it all, lol.

I mean, I wish he would say something about MJ too, but hot damn.

Grand master, we are not in disagreement, for as I said in my last post, the proposal of this thread does NOT target Obama politically. Some people perceive it so but they're wrong. Please understand, we're not turning against Obama. I repeat, I like him, supported him passionately throughout the whole of last year, voted for him, and probably will do so again next time. But we should make him take the step forward and pay MJ the tribute he deserves in public, as the president of the United States ought to do at this historic moment. And you yourself say that you too would wish that he'd do it. That's what we're trying to get him do here.

Even if you don't think it necessary and don't want to contribute, it's not productive right now to boycot the whole effort as if you were MJ-haters.. At the very same time that we're trying to get some public figure to act in a specific way to honour Michael, you don't have to go all the way to explain why he shouldn't. Can't you see it's a bad timing for this..? We can have this discussion after the funeral. Now it's time to press that Michael is given all the official state-recognition he deserves. Even if you don't see the need for that, just leave it alone for a while..
Sway from MTV read a statement from Obama on a show about Michael Jackson, I forgot what he said though, I'll try to find it. But he DID make one.
I'm not gonna hold nothing against Obama just becuase of this, its insane and pointless to. People want Obama to break down and cry, did anyone ever think that Obama may not be as passionate about Michael as we are? We should stop this childish stuff. And how did he shy away?, it is what it is, he said what he said, should he have a press confrence about it? He said just as much as any other celeb, why should he be any different?
I'm not gonna hold nothing against Obama just becuase of this, its insane and pointless to. People want Obama to break down and cry, did anyone ever think that Obama may not be as passionate about Michael as we are? We should stop this childish stuff. And how did he shy away, it is what it is, he said what he siad, should he have a press confrence about it? He said just as much as any other celeb, why should he be any different?

This is NOT what we said. You're giving it another meaning and content than what it has so as to devaluate our effort. Read my post above. This is not turning against Obama in anyway. And nobody asks him "to break down in tears" over Michael's death. All we say is that the president -whoever is the president- should speak out about the nation's loss and grief. As it happens everytime a great one dies (Elvis, Sinatra, even James Brown during the Bush presidency).
That much the president can do. It's nothing of his time, and doesn't have to do with his personal feelings or even who he is.
And the hope of most of us here is that that much the president WILL eventually do.
Keep emailing..
This is NOT what we said. You're giving it another meaning and content than what it has so as to devaluate our effort. Read my post above. This is not turning against Obama in anyway. And nobody asks him "to break down in tears" over Michael's death. All we say is that the president -whoever is the president- should speak out about the nation's loss and grief. As it happens everytime a great one dies (Elvis, Sinatra, even James Brown during the Bush presidency).
That much the president can do. It's nothing of his time, and doesn't have to do with his personal feelings or even who he is.
And the hope of most of us here is that that much the president WILL eventually do.
Keep emailing..

Exactly. Was Jimmy Carter as passionate about Elvis as Elvis fans or GWB about James Brown as James Brown fans? Probably not in both cases and yet these past presidents had the sense to release meaningful statements regarding the contributions both of these entertainers made. For Obama to not release a proper statement and speak it himself is entirely inappropriate considering Michael's numerous contributions both inside and outside the world of music. Add to that that Michael opened the door for many African Americans to achieve something greater and he united people from disparate backgrounds. This is something to be acknowledged by the holder of the highest office of the land. We know many other prominent figures in the world of politics have already PUBLICLY acknowledged Michael's contributions. Exactly why Obama abstains from following their example is truly an enigma.
Wow I didnt even know about that other stuff, I really am sorry if I came off as a jerk.
I get what your saying, I just misunderstood, sorry.

ok,that's the point of this discussion. to explain things well and what we're trying to do here.
take care
This is NOT what we said. You're giving it another meaning and content than what it has so as to devaluate our effort. Read my post above. This is not turning against Obama in anyway. And nobody asks him "to break down in tears" over Michael's death. All we say is that the president -whoever is the president- should speak out about the nation's loss and grief. As it happens everytime a great one dies (Elvis, Sinatra, even James Brown during the Bush presidency).
That much the president can do. It's nothing of his time, and doesn't have to do with his personal feelings or even who he is.
And the hope of most of us here is that that much the president WILL eventually do.
Keep emailing..

You can sound a million letters begging him to publicly speak about Michael Jackson, it isn't going to do anything. This is why so many people think MJ fans tend to be a nuisance.

Iraq violence may endure as US troops pull back
Contrary to what some people may think, Mr. Obama can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time. And it's not even about Michael's death taking priority over anything else. A quick statement delivered publicly and personally, not unlike the statements given by former presidents regarding the deaths of exceptional individuals, is all that is required.
Ok guys, it seems he's leaving for Russia on Monday to stay there till Wendsday, which means he's NOT gonna be in the country the funeral-day. I fear that this means he might escape from making the long-awaited statement we hope to hear from him.
My hope is that he will do it this weekend before he leaves. After a week of shock and disbelief in the whole country. He can come out and express that, talk about the loss for the country and the pain that has accumulated all week.

Let's keep pressing. Email at:
Whine whine whine. That's all you people are starting to do.

Email him a million times if you want.
Ok guys, it seems he's leaving for Russia on Monday to stay there till Wendsday, which means he's NOT gonna be in the country the funeral-day. I fear that this means he might escape from making the long-awaited statement we hope to hear from him.
My hope is that he will do it this weekend before he leaves. After a week of shock and disbelief in the whole country. He can come out and express that, talk about the loss for the country and the pain that has accumulated all week.

Let's keep pressing. Email at:

Did I really just read that?
I heard that The House in Washington bow they heads and said a pray. I saw it on MSNBC last Firday...