Will Obama release a statement?

White House: Obama saw Jackson as music icon with tragedy-tinged life

Associated Press
Last update: June 26, 2009 - 1:49 PM

WASHINGTON - White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says President Barack Obama saw pop star Michael Jackson as a spectacular performer and music icon whose life nonetheless had sad and tragic aspects.

Gibbs said Friday that Obama sends his condolences to the late singer's family and fans.

The White House did not issue a statement following Jackson's death on Thursday. Gibbs did not mention Jackson until asked about him at Friday's regular White House briefing.

It would be nice....but he's not to him like Clinton was to him. A friend....although it's kinda baffling how Clinton's hasn't made a statement yet.

Its barely been a day since he passed. Give it time. Many other people like Diana Ross, Lionel and Nicole Richie, Stephanie Mills, etc. haven't said anything yet. At least, not that I know of yet.
Email him everybody! Let's bomb his private office with messages of complain! This is so emotionally-stingy of him! so disgraceful! What can we learn to expect from a president who is afraid to respond to the pulse of his nation because he fears possible eventual critics..? This is disrespectful to the people that mourn, to Americans of all generations of four decades who feel they lost some part of them, to the African-american community as a whole..
We have to force president Obama to rise worthy of the circumstances.. Just like the Bristish public made their queen after Diana's death. He can do it, pay tribute to Michael's influence to our culture and society while avoiding all the 'grey lines' he is probably afraid of..
There's no excuse if he doesn't do it. Absolutely none
Back in 1997, it was the public’s anger, felt through the web, through the media and the newspapers that made the Queen revise her stance and get out and address the nation’s feelings about Diana's death.
We must do the same with our president now.
It’s up to us
Send emails to the white house people: we don't want a written word of sympathy from the president that we elected to speak for our hearts as a nation.. We want to HEAR him express his understanding for the grief that the whole nation and the whole world feels today. Anything less will be so ungenerous of a president who came with the promise to speak without hesitation for what matters to us..

Yes, MJJC has to impact the White House to release the statement!!!

Join our forces!!!!

Gary should organize that!!!

Shame on you Barak Obama, shame on the White House.
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Like I have said before: F*** the false Prophet and the FALSE Hope.



PLease, for the love of Michael, DELETE this thread. Michael does not need any words from this man.

He is a FRAUD.
vsstreet, in all respect, you're wrong in this one. It doesn't matter to me who obama really is, how he feels on this etc. I don't give a damn. I want the president of this nation that feels in every corner of the country today this loss, to come out and talk about it. It is the duty of the head of state to express his people and society when such universal feelings of sorrow overwhelm the whole country. Period.

I would have the same expectation if it was Bush, Clinton, or whoever..

The President is elected for and must respect US, the people, who today feel this way. As for his personal opinions for MJ -or anyone- he can keep them for his family.
The House of Representatives already did it.
It's the President does it as well.

RESPECT for the people of this country and their feelings..
Shame on the "so called" President of all American citizens!

Michael was/is one of the most famous and influential person on the planet, and the Obaraka ignores that?
Shame on the "so called" President of all American citizens!

Michael was/is one of the most famous and influential person on the planet, and the Obaraka ignores that?

I have a friend at the EPA and with all this environment vote stuff going on, Prez is busy. She says her bosses said he was very sad about it.

He good give Gibby the ok to say something. Sad.

I can't eat. Guys.
I think that the immense pain that we all -and so many others- feel today is still in the phase of schock. We have not realized neither what happened, nor what is to be done.
We all have a pain today, throughout America, but what is still missing is for someone to give us the direction of how to express it, coming together in one.. Where are the mass vigils, the gatherings in the streets? Like people did when Lenon died (of course it was different there because he was assassinated..)

My cousin who is in Paris was telling me that many thousands gathered today at 7pm outside the Notre-Damme for a candle-light vigil; participation was immense, and more is to come. Where is all that here?

Wake up America, and let your sorrow outpoor!
And DEMAND this to start from your leaders..

Email the White House now!
Any news on a possible evening message by the big absent..?
I for one emailed him..
Second night goes by..
shame on you barack obama! that's all i can say
If he DOES end up making a statement, I will be extremely pissed off if he merely mentions that Michael was a music legend.
What MJ did for African-Americans in general was incredible. I hope Obama himself is aware and thankful for that.
But when would he intend to make it? after the funeral? in the year anniversary..? when..?
Let's see if he chooses to come out and speak today.. Or he goes golfing at the weekend..
u know what? I honestly don't give a F#CK what Obama does. no politician, no person even comes close to Michael. Michael was the greatest and no one will ever touch that.
Like Michael himself has said, music can bring people together - something even politicians can't do. And he has done that.

I don't even care about whether Obama releases anything anymore. F*** it.
He gotta do it. for us, not for him. He is our leader, supposed to reflect society's feelings in his speech. And all we got so far was a half-hearted statement from one of his spokesmen.. It's so small of him..
I hope he compensates us over the weekend
seriously, politicians are poor reflections of people... they're so overrated. Michael was a reflection of the people. not of just americans either. Michael represented so many people, africans, europeans, japanese, australian... he touched the world and next to that, politician = absolutely NOTHING.

I can't even figure out how to go on at the moment.
He no doubt will mention it but he has to wait some time given his role.
Remember the Queen did not speak of Diana for some time as well.
This is like, MJ's moment. Obama has nothing to do with. He will def. say something, but just not now. Its good to be patient sometimes...
I am not sure if he will, but I think he ought to do so

Michael Jackson honored USA

I would expect some release or announcement from him in the funeral