Will Obama release a statement?

HELLO PEOPLE?!! Obama's a very busy man with a pretty full schedule. There is crisis happening all around the world right now, particularly in Iran.

Oh, that's right. I forgot that Obama's got his plate full destroying Middle Eastern countries, slaughtering their residents, and establishing an empire of military bases around the world, all in the name of "democracy".

Michael was against the death of innocent people. Michael hated violence. Michael loved freedom and peace. Michael transcends the ugly world of politics. He was loved by people all over the world. Therefore, unless they're going to praise him totally, politicians should just keep their deceptive mouths shut. Michael transcends them all.

If only Michael had been a politician, maybe then we would have seen true steps towards world peace, like nuclear disarmament and a non-aggressive foreign policy. But then, Michael could never be a politician. His role required no decorum. He simply was the greatest, and he will always be the greatest. It's tragic and sad that someone so innocent and beautiful has left a world which, in all honesty, didn't deserve him at all.
Obama has time...he and Michelle went out for an extravagant dinner and often walk around with their children ...just hanging out

he can definitely find time to address a legend's passing
I have NO respect for Obama anymore and never will. If it weren't for Michael Jackson, he would NOT be where he is today.
Cause people NEED to make a statement? While Michael's death is tragic, there are more important things in the world.
1 minute out of his time for a historic moment in history wouldn't hurt Obama ok.
I think Michael's death is just as important as any other world event, because he did what the politicians say they'll do but never do - Michael changed the world for the better, and for that reason there is not a damn thing "more important" than Michael's death at the present time.
Well, he gave a message to the Jacksons. So there, he released a statement.

No mystic, he DIDN'T. I don't know and I don't care what he transmitted to the Jacksons. I am not a Jackson, I am just one of Barak's fellow citizens in grief, and want to hear from him reflecting our pain right now in this historic moment, IN PUBLIC.
Nothing less, and no excuse for him.

Keep emailing him at:
all of you who defend Obama saying he is busy etc... there is absolutely no excuse for him not making a statement about this. So there you go, he is an asshole for not doing it, and stop making him a God.
No mystic, he DIDN'T. I don't know and I don't care what he transmitted to the Jacksons. I am not a Jackson, I am just one of Barak's fellow citizens in grief, and want to hear from him reflecting our pain right now in this historic moment, IN PUBLIC.
Nothing less, and no excuse for him.

Keep emailing him at:

why would i email him? he didn't care enough to bring it up on his own.
No mystic, he DIDN'T. I don't know and I don't care what he transmitted to the Jacksons. I am not a Jackson, I am just one of Barak's fellow citizens in grief, and want to hear from him reflecting our pain right now in this historic moment, IN PUBLIC.
Nothing less, and no excuse for him.

Keep emailing him at:
I sent there a little comment.
Though Obama should speak because he wants to - not because all the fans urge him.
Guys, forget about emailing him to make a statement. If he's not big enough to do it himself, then that's that. It means nothing if he ends up making a statement due to fans begging or telling him off...not that I think he'll give in anyway.
Just take this situation as an observation of the man Obama is.
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I have NO respect for Obama anymore and never will. If it weren't for Michael Jackson, he would NOT be where he is today.

Thank God people are finally waking up to see this Demon for what he truly is.

Mark my words --- when it comes to this SOB -- You really ain't seen nothin' yet. You will see that just like the Prince of Darkness before him, he is nothing but more of the same.

I have no respect for him. NONE. And I am ashamed to say that since so many people gave their lives for civil rights so that he could one day turn around and hold office and become a puppet to corporate greed and evil.

He is the ANTI-Thesis to what Michael Jackson is/was.
To those questioning why we should press by sending emails, I will only again remind you of the the precedent with Diana's death in the UK. There, as we all remember the palace had undermined initially the importance of the event and the public sorrow that had followed, and the Queen refused to address the nation in public. Immense pressure was exercised for a whole week by the people and the media, and she finally gave in and made her public address.

Once again guys, it's not about how Obama faced or felt about Jackson. I don't give a damn about his personal views or feelings on him. He is the head of the NATION that lost its most emblematic figure worldwide for the last forty years. He must come out and SPEAK in public about that. Not because of who he is as a person, but because of the position he holds. And because the occassion is the loss that has put the world and his own society in unprecedented grief.

There's a point about leaders expressing the grief of their societies, and Obama must fit the shoe if he wants to wear it.
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He has sent a written to Jackson family,It was announced yesterday and Clinton also spoke to Joe and Katherin Jackson .I have seen this news yesterday on CNN.
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Good for them -the Jackson family-; however NOT good enough for us. He addressed their pain, but not of the whole society which he heads.
He must come out and speak, THAT'S WHAT A LEADER SHOULD DO!!!

Otherwise it's just cowardly -of both him and the Clintons, who were supposedly friends with MJ once upon a time- to shy behing excuses..

then you must have seen that that's not what I said. I didn't say it doesn't matter that Obama sent to the Jacksons a personal letter. I said that this does not address the nation about the loss it has suffered. these are two different things.
Cause people NEED to make a statement? While Michael's death is tragic, there are more important things in the world.

Also, he sholdn't be forced to say something when he dosen't want to. We haven't heard from Chiris Tucker, or Macaulay Culkin eighter.
then you must have seen that that's not what I said. I didn't say it doesn't matter that Obama sent to the Jacksons a personal letter. I said that this does not address the nation about the loss it has suffered. these are two different things.

And Obama saying "He was a good person and made great music" will help people how? What can Obama say that none of the other 1000 celebrities and CLOSE FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF MICHAEL have said?
And Obama saying "He was a good person and made great music" will help people how? What can Obama say that none of the other 1000 celebrities and CLOSE FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF MICHAEL have said?
Don't you get the point of this?
The public DON'T listen to Michael's close friends and family, like they never have. But they WILL listen to Obama.
That's THE difference here.
I don't see how Obama saying something will make MJ's fans feel better. Likewise, Obama saying something isn't gonna make haters like him. So what difference will Obama's statement make?
Guys, what some are doing here is not nice. Please understand, we're not turning against Obama. I like him, supported him passionately throughout the whole of last year, voted for him, and probably will do so again next time. But we should make him take the step forward and pay MJ the tribute he deserves in public, as the president of the United States ought to do at this historic moment. All that we've been saying in these threads is please help so that we get him to do that. Send emails to tell him why, unite your voice with ours. Even if you don't think it necessary and don't want to contribute, it's not productive right now to boycot the whole effort as if you were Foxnews MJ-haters.. At the very same time that we're trying to get some public figure to act in a specific way to honour Michael, you don't have to go all the way to explain why he shouldn't. Can't you see it's a bad timing for this..? We can have this discussion after the funeral. Now it's time to press that Michael is given all the official state-recognition he deserves. Even if you don't see the need for that, just leave it alone for a while..
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I think it would make a huge difference if Obama released a statement to the public. Obama is a huge figure with a lot of supporters ... People might actually listen to Obama if he released a statement.