Will Obama release a statement?

Exchanges between reporters and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Michael Jackson, June 26, 2009:

QUESTION: OK, I will ask. The president has talked a lot about his love of music. He hosted Stevie Wonder here. He has talked a great deal about what's on his iPod to Rolling Stone magazine. Well, what's his reaction to the death of Michael Jackson?

GIBBS: I talked to him about it this morning. Look, he said to me that obviously Michael Jackson was a spectacular performer, a music icon. I think everybody remembers hearing his songs, watching him "moonwalk" on television during Motown's 25th anniversary.

But the president also said, look, he had -- aspects of his life were sad and tragic. And his condolences went out to the Jackson family and to fans that mourned his loss.

Q: Why not a written statement, then?

GIBBS: Because I just said it.

Q: And you say he did send condolences to the family. Did he call the family personally?

GIBBS: Not that I know of. . . .

Q: Robert, I wondered if you knew if the president had ever met Michael Jackson in person, or if Mrs. Obama had ever met Michael Jackson?

GIBBS: He did not -- he did not tell me that he had. I can certainly check. I do not believe -- I do not believe they have. . . .

Q: Robert, back on Michael Jackson. Understanding that many people viewed him as a complicated mix, you still had other world leaders come out with written statements on Michael Jackson -- to include a leader here in the United States, Arnold Schwarzenegger, written statement; Nelson Mandela, others.

Why not issue a written statement for a man who has come to this White House, visited other presidents, been honored by other presidents for his humanitarian efforts? He also worked with the Democratic Party, which this president is the head of, helped fund-raise. Why not a written statement?

GIBBS: I thought I did a pretty good job.

-LA Times

All my opposition of Obama over the years is finally being vindicated here rofl
I guess his teleprompter is not working. Am so dissappointed in him. Thats not the change l can believe in.
Obama is fake.
Just image.
Come on, everyone in the world said something, only the USA president doesn't!
Like I have said before: F*** the false Prophet and the FALSE Hope.



PLease, for the love of Michael, DELETE this thread. Michael does not need any words from this man.

He is a FRAUD.

Are you flipping insane?

I expected more from the first black President

Obama said all that he has to say. He acknowledged Michael's greatness and offered condolences to his family.

I'm sure he has much more important issues to deal with. I mean HELLO PEOPLE?!! He's a very busy man with a pretty full schedule. There is crisis happening all around the world right now, particularly in Iran.

He has his own family, his own children, his own wife, to deal with and worry about. Yes he may have listened to Michael's music, but just because Obama doesn't come out weeping on the floor in tears expressing anguish and grief over Michael's sudden death like some of you here, doesn't mean that he's some evil man.

And all this nonsense about him being African American like Michael...what in the bloody hell does that have to do with ANYTHING?! Whether he's African-American or not, he's the president and has other priorities right now. I understand you're all in pain from his death, but it's not Obama's job to even say ANYTHING about Michael...but in actuality, he DID mention Michael and offered empathy to his family. What more do you people WANT? Do you want Obama to break out in dance and do the moonwalk or something? Sheesh!!
Are you flipping insane?
Obama said all that he has to say. He acknowledged Michael's greatness and offered condolences to his family.

He hasn't say a word. The press secretary said something and I think he said what he/ not Obama/ thinks was acceptable.
Oh that's ridiculous, really... We didn't ask him to leave his 'other priorities' aside, all we said is that he can come out and make a statement in his own words.. His spokesman just told us that he won't do it, not because he's busy or anything, but because he doesn't want to.
how cowardly, how little of him..
Shame on you Barack Obama! As if you're more of a role-model than Nelson Mandela or Gordon Brown..
You're just TOO LITTLE!!!!

Email him everybody to tell him so..
Calm down people! Maybe he found this was the proper way to respond. He offered condolences to the family. Maybe he felt it was too hectic and fresh now to personally comment on it, and maybe he will at some later stage. For christ's sake, let's not jump on every person that doesn't take this loss as personally as us.
How many times do we have to say that it's NOT about how personally he takes it -or not.. It is about him coming out and speaking for a nation that mourns the person that was identified with America more than anyother throughout the world in all history..
Why do you people keep coming up with excuses for him?

Email him instead
Here's where:

Are you flipping insane?

Obama said all that he has to say. He acknowledged Michael's greatness and offered condolences to his family.

I'm sure he has much more important issues to deal with. I mean HELLO PEOPLE?!! He's a very busy man with a pretty full schedule. There is crisis happening all around the world right now, particularly in Iran.

He has his own family, his own children, his own wife, to deal with and worry about. Yes he may have listened to Michael's music, but just because Obama doesn't come out weeping on the floor in tears expressing anguish and grief over Michael's sudden death like some of you here, doesn't mean that he's some evil man.

And all this nonsense about him being African American like Michael...what in the bloody hell does that have to do with ANYTHING?! Whether he's African-American or not, he's the president and has other priorities right now. I understand you're all in pain from his death, but it's not Obama's job to even say ANYTHING about Michael...but in actuality, he DID mention Michael and offered empathy to his family. What more do you people WANT? Do you want Obama to break out in dance and do the moonwalk or something? Sheesh!!

Fans would like "the messiah" to issue just a formal statement -- no one here has asked for weeping, a moonwalk, dancing -- so you're making up wild fabrications. Yes other events are happening in the world, but considering he has staff writers, it's just a matter of one of a writer doing it. Even though then if it's 'just a writer then' issuing the statement, nonetheless a statement from the 'leader of the free world'/White House is classy, respectful, and shows a connection with the people and his country's culture.

Very disappointing that such an incredible American who pioneered so much, inspired so many through his music and humanitarianism, doesn't even warrant a statement from the President of the United States; especially considering that Michael Jackson entertained us since 1968-69 and impacted culture on the level that only two other Americans ever have, Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley. Maybe if Michael had sang "God Damn America" and praised unrepentant terrorists, Barrack would have erected a monument of him in Washington.

Though disappointed I'm really not surprised that Barrack would issue such a wishy-washy non-statement through a Q&A session with Robert Gibbs. The man has no balls; he likes to sit on the fence and release diplomatic statements until it's 'safe' to pick one side. He's also turned out to be a liar -- 'no pork spending' and then 'stimulus' bills filled with pork like researching streams in urban areas -- yeah, that's really going to generate jobs. Now he's thinking of taxing healthcare, something he blasted McCain for, and therefore also breaking his promise of not raising taxes on those who makes less than 250,000. "The Messiah" of change wool over everyone's eyes and America's slowly realizing it as he amasses debt and unemployment rises. Thank god he'll be gone in 2012. If the country continues its current path even the Democrats may challenge Obama in a primary.

And what does being the first African American president have to do w/ it? Didn't you hear Al Sharpton's speech about Michael being the first African American to crossover into mainstream America like no one before him, which paved the way for Oprah, [also Michael Jordan], Tiger Woods, and Obama! Michael broke down barriers, the same barriers that even up until election day made the world wonder if there would still be a "Bradley effect" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradley_effect) which there was not (gee why do you think).

Back to topic, comparatively, Frank Sinatra received a statement from Bill Clinton when Sinatra died, and similary, Sinatra had "controversy" in his life for associating w/ the mafia through the early 1960s, and legal situations with violent run-ins with paparazzi. Further, when Elvis died, Jimmy Carter released a statement even though Elvis died of drug abuse.

Here's what Bill Clinton released in 1998 when icon Frank Sinatra passed away. Something Obama could learn from, but again he has no spine, no balls, and zero class:

Clinton Reacts To Frank Sinatra's Death

BIRMINGHAM, England (AllPolitics, May 15) -- The following is the text of a written statement by President Bill Clinton, in Europe for the Group of Eight summit, on the death of singer Frank Sinatra:

"Hillary and I were deeply saddened to hear of the death of a musical legend and an American icon, Frank Sinatra. Early in his long career, fans dubbed him 'The Voice.' And that was the first thing America noticed about Frank Sinatra: that miraculous voice, strong and subtle, wisecracking and wistful, streetwise but defiantly sweet. In time he became so much more. Sinatra was a spellbinding performer, on stage or on screen, in musicals, comedies and dramas. He built one of the world's most important record companies. He won countless awards, from the Grammy -- nine times -- to the Academy Award, to the Presidential Medal of Freedom. And he dedicated himself to humanitarian causes.

"When I became president, I had never met Frank Sinatra, although I was an enormous admirer of his. I had the opportunity after I became president to get to know him a little, to have dinner with him, to appreciate on a personal level what fans around the world, including me, appreciated from afar.

"Frank Sinatra will be missed profoundly by millions around the world. But his music and movies will ensure that 'Ol' Blue Eyes' is never forgotten. Today, I think every American would have to smile and say he really did do it his way.

"Hillary and I would like to offer our condolences to Frank's wife, Barbara, and to his children, Nancy, Frank Jr., and Tina. Our hearts are with them today."
two examples -Elvis and Sinatra in the presidencies of Carter and Clinton.

Our guy today is unfortunately inferior to both..
I think we've learned a lot about the type of man Obama is in the way he has handled this. Ask yourselves this question: if the phony allegations of abuse had never occurred and Michael Jackson's name had never been dragged through the mud, would Obama's response to Michael's untimely death be just a little different? If the answer is yes, we can come to appreciate that we now have a US president who has no respect for or confidence in the legal system. Michael Jackson was exonerated but apparently that is not enough for Obama. To Obama, an accusation is more important than the words "not guilty".

I may be totally wrong about this but Obama's actions speak louder than words.

Our guy today is unfortunately inferior to both..

To people who value false accusations over truth and hard facts perhaps.
It disgusts me that Obama won't put out a statement himself. Shame on you, Obama.
I sent a message. I think it's disappointing that there was no proper statement. That mess of a "statement" by Robert Gibbs was just wrong, it hurt how badly that was done. Imo Michael deserves better no matter who the president is. He was a great person and a great American who did so much for the world. They can at least mention him as a cultural force and entertainment giant if they don't want to talk about his contributions to race relations or charity.
Forgot to add: I really appreciated the statements from other leaders, especially the ones by Arnold Schwarzenegger (who remembered to mention the fans too) and Nelson Mandela.
You're right hardcastle, but even so, he could address the nation with his own statement and avoid the 'grey zones' he feels uncomfortable with. Everybody in the past two days speaks about his talent and contribution to our culture and presence worldwide, this was "the only thing proven" as Larry King said..
He could come out, speak, and acknowledge that. And our sorrow. And say nothing else. And that would be enough for me..

Keep emailing him:
still nothing, as day 4 goes by..
Bravo, Mr.President!


President Barack Obama
has written a note to Michael Jackson's family, a top White House adviser said today.

David Axelrod says Obama expressed his condolences to the Jacksons. He said Obama saw the pop star as a spectacular performer whose life had sad and tragic aspects.

The Prez did not issue a statement following Jackson's death.
Sarkozy issued a statement as well. that he was a great artist and he will be missed.
All these leaders come out and speak about him although he's NOT from their country, and the leader from whose country he comes from snubs him..
disgraceful, really. can't find other words
obama ain't nothing more than a political puppet! I ain't surprised he aint done an official statement, he don't want to get cuaght up. COWARD!
oK, guys, don't gang up on Barak. He's my guy. You know, it has been clear that he was not a fan, and that's ok. He was never disrespectful. I think his statemtent was ok, so just let it go. Bill Clinton was close to Michael, and has actually talked with the family. Isn't that good enough?

Anyway, who cares at this point? He's not hurting Michael's feelings, just ours. We should just accept that not everyone on Earth loved him as much as we do. He was our hero. Fuck everyone else.
It's really a shame.... Pres Bush issued a statement when James Brown died...

Obama should say something about Michael's passing....he really should
Michael paved the road for many African American. He's a symbol of the contribution. I'm a little bit annoyed Obama doesn't say anything in public officially.