Will Obama release a statement?

It would be nice....but he's not to him like Clinton was to him. A friend....although it's kinda baffling how Clinton's hasn't made a statement yet.
Who gives a d*mn about him. He has NOTHING to do with MJ.

Keep him out of it.
Ι had the same question since last night. The whole nation -and world- is in mourning, he MUST come out and say something. Least of all because he is also african-american; he must predominantly do it to prove that he has courage to feel the pulse of the society he heads.
Michael was the golden moment of the american dream -in its greatest global reach. No product of american culture has transcended borders and spoken so deeply to the hearts of so many throughout the world as he did. It's just a matter of decency that the president comes out and acknowledges it. there's not a single person today in america who is not shocked. he must pay his respects too
Spread that to as many sites and people you can:

"Michael Jackson is the most famous person among those ever lived according to a recent survey. 97% of the world's population know who Michael Jackson is and he also has the world's biggest selling album 'Thriller' under his name at 106 million copies sold to-date. They talked about it on British show 8 out of 10 cats. Michael Jackson still remains the most famous person of all time. So yes, it would be ridiculous if the president did not acknowledge that"
I really hope Obama releases a statement. This is not "just another famous person", this is Michael Jackson. That's all I can say.
He should. Michael Jackson is a world megastar; I don't think there's one person whom I know that doesn't know him.
if he is to, what time are usually these statements made in the White House?
He's not in the white house right now, he is meeting with delegates to handle this Iran situation.
He will hold in a while a press-conference with merkel. I expect from him -and rather belatedly- nothing less than Blair's words when Diana died: "we are today a nation in shock, and a nation in mourning".
C'meon, have the courage mister President, and honor your base as you must..!
I think he should, too.
Michael Jackson was after all.. hugely popular and remarkable for music industry.
i don't think he is gonna say anything. he's speaking about germany's merkel. totally different subject.
thanks for the heads up, I just changed to cnn. This is an entirely different subject and he's talking about Iran and Germany. But the whole world is in mourning. He should definitely say something-not necessecarily in this speech, but at a different time. This is Michael Jackson we are talking about-the most famous man.
I'm sure Obama grew up listening to his music as well
ok, so it's pretty clear it aint gonna be in this speech
I was glad that California's governor released a statement.
He would not start the press-conference with merkel talking about michael -we knew that. He could probably refer to him answering to a question by journalists once he finishes his speech.
If not, then a later statement could do. But NOT a written one; I wanna see him TALK about it... Anything less is shying away and disrespectful..
Send emails to the white house people: we don't want a written word of sympathy from the president that we elected to speak for our hearts as a nation.. We want to HEAR him express his understanding for the grief that the whole nation and the whole world feels today. Anything less will be so ungenerous of a president who came with the promise to speak without hesitation for what matters to us..
I was hoping that the media would ask him about it, lol. That's a little far fetched though. I agree with you hesiod, I want to see him speak about the state America is in after losing Michael.
from bbc:

A spokesman for Barack Obama said the US president saw Jackson as a "spectacular performer" and "music icon", and offered condolences to his family.