Wil.i.am talks about the Michael Jackson Collaboration

Well, I wouldn't go as far as saying RedOne is a better producer than will.i.am. I don't think I've ever liked anything RedOne's ever touched. Whereas, I could name a few joints that I liked that have will.i.am's name written all over it.
However, I now agree with you guys about this one thing: IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. Initially, I didn't wanna believe it because it's not in my nature to think the worst about anyone. But this shit is as clear as day. Will.i.am appears to be a selfish bastard who thinks MJ's music belongs hidden in a vault for his own liking OR sold to the highest bidder. I'm guessing Sony and the estate just don't have any interest playing games with him at the moment. I mean c'mon, name one frickin record producer on Earth who goes on and on about how "awesome" some music they were working on sounds and then never releases it?

I just reckon he would have a better chemistry in the studio with MJ and they would make better material than Will. Although really this is just a guess. Will has a huge ego and is getting way too ahead of himself, the fans keep saying that he's a fan, but he isn't a fan an our level and that im sure of. He would have been respectfull before he got famous, but now he's in for the cash and trying to dominate the industry with his monopoly of worth. MJ seemed much more exited to be working with Redone, and supposedly expressed and interest in meeting up with him in London when this is is was on to work on the new album, i don't recall anything about him planning to return to will, so im betting the tracks arn't as good as he claims, and is just trying to sell them to the highest bidder.
I am sorry but this guy is full of himself. He thinks he is the greatest ever and he says their band is the biggest ever. Has he ever heard of the words humble and modesty? Michael would never say he was the greatest or anything like that. Ofcourse he was but he was humble and modest. I find the people that are great are the ones that don't have to tell people they are great. If that makes sense. If he doesn't want to release them then I say whatever. Michael worked with others as well.
Wow. I spent like 3 years waiting for these new songs to finally come out. Well, looks like one dream was shattered. Unless someone in the camp decides to get hold of the file themselves and leak it.....which is always a possibility in todays industry.
Why do people say Will is only caring about money? He'd make a crap ton selling the songs to Sony/the Estate to use, plus from sales. He doesn't make anything by keeping them to himself.
i think a lot of people are saying some mean things about Will, due to impatience. i remember this same attitude expressed about Michael, when he seem to take a while to release music. i still see remnants of it, now, when people say that MJ's greatest work was destiny through thriller, cus they feel he came up with it real fast. you don't see that the entire industry has fed you to believe everything needs to be here and now. they have all fed your need for here and now, and you have expressed, for the most part, total disgust with the rest of the industry's music. MJ was ALWAYS the only one that made us wait. and he is the only one that came up with the mountaintop of material. patience is still a virtue. impatience is not.
i think a lot of people are saying some mean things about Will, due to impatience. i remember this same attitude expressed about Michael, when he seem to take a while to release music. i still see remnants of it, now, when people say that MJ's greatest work was destiny through thriller, cus they feel he came up with it real fast. you don't see that the entire industry has fed you to believe everything needs to be here and now. they have all fed your need for here and now, and you have expressed, for the most part, total disgust with the rest of the industry's music. MJ was ALWAYS the only one that made us wait. and he is the only one that came up with the mountaintop of material. patience is still a virtue. impatience is not.

so true.
this made me remember the good od days, when I was just a little girl and I thought Michael was actually recording songs every other month, since for me all his songs were "brand new" and the was always on the radio/TV and all his songs sound fresh. Always.
ok, I was some 6 years old then hahahahaha!! :smilerolleyes:
Why do people say Will is only caring about money? He'd make a crap ton selling the songs to Sony/the Estate to use, plus from sales. He doesn't make anything by keeping them to himself.

Actually he could make 10x more money if he waits and lets the value of unreleased Michael Jacksons songs grow. Then when Sony runs out of unreleased material he sells it to the highest bidder. I'm not saying he will be doing this but he could be. It's far to early to tell at this point.

i think a lot of people are saying some mean things about Will, due to impatience. i remember this same attitude expressed about Michael, when he seem to take a while to release music. i still see remnants of it, now, when people say that MJ's greatest work was destiny through thriller, cus they feel he came up with it real fast. you don't see that the entire industry has fed you to believe everything needs to be here and now. they have all fed your need for here and now, and you have expressed, for the most part, total disgust with the rest of the industry's music. MJ was ALWAYS the only one that made us wait. and he is the only one that came up with the mountaintop of material. patience is still a virtue. impatience is not.

Didn't Will.I.AM say he "never" was going to release them? I can understand if they aren't completed, that's fine if he doesn't want to release those. . Completed Michael Jackson songs don't belong in a vault for an eternity. I think that's why people are saying mean thing about Will

Having said that, I think Will is trying to simply create buzz about it, I think he will be releasing them sometime in the future.
Actually he could make 10x more money if he waits and lets the value of unreleased Michael Jacksons songs grow. Then when Sony runs out of unreleased material he sells it to the highest bidder. I'm not saying he will be doing this but he could be. It's far to early to tell at this point.

Didn't Will.I.AM say he "never" was going to release them? I can understand if they aren't completed, that's fine if he doesn't want to release those. . Completed Michael Jackson songs don't belong in a vault for an eternity. I think that's why people are saying mean thing about Will

Having said that, I think Will is trying to simply create buzz about it, I think he will be releasing them sometime in the future.
nobody said anything about an eternity for the finished material. it only seems like an eternity, if there is impatience. even for the stuff in the vault.
nobody said anything about an eternity for the finished material. it only seems like an eternity, if there is impatience. even for the stuff in the vault.

Ah I see..Well I agree with your point that some people are simply being impatient about the whole thing. I also agree with your point that the industry has fed this belief of getting things quickly. In a world of getting things quickly I suppose it's fed into that belief..
He is right and I'm so happy that he won't release them.please respect his decision.
Wow. I spent like 3 years waiting for these new songs to finally come out. Well, looks like one dream was shattered.

I know a lot of us have been waiting 8 years for new music. Checking the forum every week, getting excited by rumor after rumor. Michael Jackson fans know how to live with disappointment.
i've never been disappointed, as a fan, by the sounds of Michael's finished products. or the demos HE released, while alive.
Well then someone needs to tell will.i.am to SHUT THE FUCK UP when asked about the songs. You can't just go, "yeah, the songs are awesome, and really groundbreaking" and then follow it up with, "but I don't think I'll ever release them."
You're not doing anything but intensifying already intense fans. Will knows MJ has a legion of die-hard fans who've been waiting forever and a day for new music. He's being a tease. I know MJ and Will formed a friendship, but I'm still not buying into the whole "Will.i.am is sad he lost his friend, give him time to heal and maybe one day we'll hear the music" bullcrap. You don't see Rodney Jerkins or the Cascio dude trippin over that stuff. They know MJ's music was intended for MJ's fans.

That's what makes me crazy. Why be so cruel and keep bringing up these songs and how great they are and then not wanting to release them. If he is grieving and maybe doesn't know what he wants to do right now- just say that. He knows the fans are going crazy wanting to hear new music from MJ and he keeps going on and on interview after interview about this so called amazing material. That is the epitome of selfishness and cruelty- no other way to put it.

It's as if he is marketing this material and making us wanted more. If he is trying to be respecful to Michael then maybe if he knew Michael he would know how he cherished his fans, and Will is certainly being very disrespectful and insensitive to his legions of fans that are also grieving. He should think about what we are feeling too. But who are we anyway.

I'm hoping I'm wrong about this guy, but right now I don't have any respect for him.
will.i.am -what a silly name -- talked about it so many times. Just release it or don't. Stop waffling.
That's exactly what he's doing too. Waffling his ass off.
Apparently, Will doesn't think Michael Jackson fans watch tv, listen to the radio, or use the internet. Therefore he can talk all day long, to anybody who will listen, about how "awesome" the songs are and the fans won't know about it. I swear to god, before working with him, MJ should've had will.i.am sign a legal contract prohibiting him from talking about the music...EVER. Had he done that, we would'nt be subjected to this bullshit.
He's respecting MJ. He feels to release something that MJ specifically decided not to release would be a betrayal to him. And God know he had enough of betrayal in his life.
I want to hear them, too, but I totally get Wil's. stand.

Just put it on a personal level which it is for Wil. MJ specifically asks you not to do something in life, and you do it after he dies.

I'm sure MJ was counting on most if not all of his unreleased material being released after he died. He just doesn't want to let ideas out of the box if they aren't ready in case he might want to use a beat or melody from one unreleased song to create another song at a later date.

It's like a director not wanting movie goers to know how the movie ends before they watch it. They want to spoil the finished product that you will get in the future. Well Mj is not here anymore. This is the finished product.
As I've stated before, I'm torn on this subject.

On one hand I totally respect Will's decision to hold on to the songs. If they weren't finished, Mike might not have wanted us to hear them.

On the other hand, the new album would benefit significantly from the inclusion of at least on MJ/Will.i.am collaboration. He is a popular producer right now and a true MJ fan. Having his name on the album and having him promoting it would be awesome from a marketing point of view. It would also gain interest from the younger generation who may not yet be MJ fans - they'll take an interest if Will is involved. Gaining younger fans is an important objective of the estate for MJ's longevity. elvis and the Beatles have only remained so big all these years because they manage to appeal to new generations.
Perhaps if MJ could speak to Will from the afterlife he might give his blessing for Will to finish the song and release it. I know if Mike knew they were going to release a posthumous album, he would want it to be the biggest posthumous album EVER! By witholding these songs Will.i.am is handycapping the album. Not that it NEEDS Will.i.am, but because it would definitely be an advantage to have his name on the cover.

I totally agree with that. It's best to hear the finished product